CLC :: Volume #6

#553: Eastern emperor too one

Actually, Song Zhong to Immortal Daoist Lie Huo this type for disciple, does not hesitate very much to admire by a personality people who the loathsome appearance puts together with others. Adds on several flying boats again to Song Zhong , is really not anything, if can taking the opportunity and Immortal Daoist Lie Huo draws in the relations, that fully is also worth. 其实,宋钟烈火真君这种为了门下,不惜和别人以死相拼的性情中人还是很敬佩的。再加上几艘飞舟对宋钟来说,也实在不算什么如果能借机和烈火真君拉上关系的话,那也完全值得。 Therefore Song Zhong has pondered slightly, simply happy [say / way]: Ok, two and three tops fly, sur- 6 vigor zhang (3.33 m) large-scale flying boats, should be sufficient?. „ Not was only sufficient, has sufficed simply. Immortal Daoist Lie Huo immediately excited [say / way]: Many thanks. 所以宋钟稍稍沉思了一下,就索性痛快的道:“可以,两、三艘顶级飞有,外加6艘劲丈的大型飞舟,应该够用了吧?。“岂止是够用了,简直太够了”。烈火真君立刻兴奋的道:“多谢多谢啊”。 He He. Polite!” Song Zhong said with a smile afterward: „ Can't these things, deliver from above?. “呵呵。客气了!”宋钟随后笑道:“这些东西,是不是不能从上面送下去?。 Naturally cannot, if, I already didn't deliver?” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo helpless [say / way]: This relates to the peace of world of mortals after all, under we do not want to let have too many powerful force Immortal Tool, because of this thing many words, once hits, will frequently cause the extremely significant casualties. Therefore we closely are staring, anybody cannot bring Immortal Tool toward below at will. “当然不能,要是可以的话,我不早就送了吗?”烈火真君无奈的道:“这毕竟关系到下界的安静,我们也不想让下面有太多威力强大的仙器,因为这东西多的话,一旦打起来来,动辄就会造成极为重大的伤亡。所以我们都在紧紧盯着,没有任何人可以随意往下面带仙器”。 Right?. Song Zhong hear that, actually cannot bear the strange [say / way]: „ Can why Black Moon Religion person bring dozens Immortal Tool to give me?. “是吗?。宋钟闻言,却忍不住奇怪的道:“那为何玄阴教的人可以带下来几十件仙器给我呢?。 That is after above agreed that these things you must bring to come up in any case sooner or later.” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo said with a smile: Naturally. The main reason or Black Moon Daoist immortal song paid the enough big price. Otherwise cannot make an exception!” “那是经过上面同意的,反正那些东西你早晚还要带上来。”烈火真君笑道:“当然。最主要的原因还是玄阴真君悚出了足够大的代价。要不然也不能破例!” Originally is this!” Song Zhong then understands that he along with, even if said with a smile: This might also as well, my madame there also some flying boats, I wrote to them, making them deliver to Raging Fire Sect to be able. “原来是这样啊!”宋钟这才明白过来,他随即便笑道:“这也无妨,我夫人那里还有些飞舟,我给她们写一封信,让她们送到烈火道宗便可”。 Does not use, does not use, I called them to take. Laughing that Immortal Daoist Lie Huo gives birth for the first time said. “不用,不用,我叫他们自己去拿”。烈火真君开怀的大笑道。 He He. Also line. Song Zhong indifferent [say / way]. “呵呵。也行啊”。宋钟无所谓的道。 Actually, in the surface, Song Zhong told others, he has left behind the concave flying boat. May in fact. Song Zhong sold at a discount. In addition has for flying boat, was hidden by him in the Monster Spirit World headquarters underground. And performs the seal unless it is absolutely essential, these flying boats will not appear. 其实,表面上,宋钟告诉别人,他留下了凹艘飞舟。可实际上。宋钟是打了折扣的。另外还有为艘飞舟,被他藏在了妖灵界的总部地下。并加以封印不到万不得已,这些飞舟是不会出现的。 In these flying boats, has to move the top flying boat fully, includes has promoted Freezing Cold Ice Spirit Divine Boat this Divine Boat speed to be super. Moreover there is a stealth ability. 这些飞舟里,足有搬顶级飞舟,其中就包括升级过的寒凛冰煞神舟这艘神舟速度超级快。而且还有隐身能力。 Can be used to escape at crucial moments. This is also Song Zhong to sixth that dark chess own posterity leaves behind. 可以在关键时刻用来逃命。这也是宋钟给自己的后人留下的暗棋之六。 Therefore, even if delivers nine flying boat, the Song Zhong foundation will not vacillate. Instead is safer. Because these super sect will reduce further attaching great importance to Monster Spirit World. 所以,即便是送出去九艘飞丹,宋钟的根基也不会动摇。反而更加安全。因为那些超级宗门会进一步减少对妖灵界的重视。 The grid Can heart and heart rises suddenly shearing heart unconventional idea Shan heart to heart 栅叭灿心叭和心崛心心的割心仙心姗 Sees Song Zhong to comply, Immortal Daoist Lie Huo is delighted beyond measure. The hurriedness made one to bring writing-set Song Zhong not to decline, wields a brush writes a letter, then covered his unique magic power mark. In order to do to show. 见到宋钟答应下来,烈火真君喜不自胜。急忙就叫人拿来文房四宝宋钟也不推辞,挥毫就写下一封家书,然后盖上他特有的法力印记。以作证明。 In the letter, Song Zhong mentioned by name oneself and Immortal Daoist Lie Huo present relations, lets Shui Jing they, as far as possible draws Raging Fire Sect below. 在信上,宋钟点名了自己和烈火真君现在的关系,让水静她们,尽量的在下面拉烈火道宗一把。 Obviously, had this suggestion. By the Shui Jing intelligence and ability, definitely knows how should do. 显然,有了这个暗示。以水静的聪明才智,肯定会知道该怎么做的。 Monster Spirit World after Cultivation World offended these many people, almost did not have a nice ally, now Raging Fire Sect delivers, is a good opportunity of development ally. So long as helps Raging Fire Sect of meeting misfortune time enter the super sect ranks. Not only Monster Spirit World had of powerful support, becomes stabler, what is most important, Song Zhong above, has the Greater Gold Immortal of strength and influence with Immortal Daoist Lie Huo this, has drawn in the reliable relations. 恰好妖灵界修真界得罪了这么多人之后,几乎还没有一个像样的盟友,如今烈火道宗送上门来,正是一个发展盟友的好机会。只要帮着落难时刻的烈火道宗进入超级宗门的行列。不仅妖灵界有了强有力的支持,会变得更加稳固,最重要的是,宋钟在上面,和烈火真君这位有实力和势力的大罗金仙,也拉上了牢固的关系。 As being in charge of the immortal of God of Fire Heaven each attached world affairs, Song Zhong is equal to under the future definitely being probable have in others takes advantage of others Immortal Daoist Lie Huo. Therefore after this favour builds, to the help of Song Zhong affirmed that was big. 作为主管祝融天各个附属世界事务的仙人,宋钟就等于是在人家手下日后肯定少不了依仗人家烈火真君。所以这个人情搭上去之后对宋钟的帮助肯定大极了。 But regarding Immortal Daoist Lie Huo, is a rare big good deed. Not only has solved the following Dao problem, what is most essential, he also obtained a powerful ally. After all Song Zhong is one has the potential immortal extremely . Moreover the back also has the Chaos Titan Clan shadow. Which perspective regardless of, is worth winning over. 而对于烈火真君来说,也是一件难得的大好事。不仅解决了下面道统的问题,最关键的是,他也得到了一个强有力的盟友。毕竟宋钟是一位极有潜力的仙人,而且背后还有混沌巨灵族的影子。无论从哪一种角度来说,都是值得拉拢的。 Finished the letter in Song Zhong, after giving Immortal Daoist Lie Huo, this old fogy looked that the Song Zhong look changed. The smiling face on face has not broken. He even pats the thigh, extremely regrettable [say / way]: Was a pity that my this whole life is to keep bach, if I can have a good daughter, certainly marries you. 宋钟写完信,交给烈火真君之后,这老家伙看宋钟的眼神都变了。脸上的笑容更是从来没有断过。他甚至一拍大腿,极为遗憾的道:“可惜啊,我这辈子都是打光棍的,要是我能有个好女儿,一定嫁给你”。 This saying has made a big red painted-face Song Zhong immediately, does not know that said any was good. 这话顿时就把宋钟闹了一个大红脸,都不知道说什么好了。 Immortal Daoist Lie Huo sees the Song Zhong awkward appearance, dissoluter laughs, smiles to finish, he many brings a proper [say / way]: Was right, was the virtuous nephew, you World Lord by the minute to where? According to my impression, Imperial Court to keep in balance below. But extremely little gives the person to confer World Lord directly, most seals big places! How you actually come up, became World Lord?” 烈火真君宋钟的尴尬模样,更加放肆的大笑起来,笑毕,他才多少带点正经的道:“对了,贤侄,你到底被分到哪里去做界主了?根据我的印象,天庭为了制衡下面。可是极少给人直接册封界主的,最多就是封一大片地而已!怎么你却一上来,就成界主了呢?” I also feel strange this matter: Song Zhong pulls out from only decree hurriedly, the tears said to Immortal Daoist Lie Huo!, „ I was called Eastern Emperor World by Feng Zhibeng, I am not clear!, Is small “我也奇怪这事儿:宋钟急忙掏出自只的旨意,涕给烈火真君道!,“我被封制绷叫东皇界,我也不清楚是哪!,小 Eastern Emperor World?” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo hear that. The brow wrinkled immediately, took the Song Zhong decree to look hurriedly, then strange [say / way]:, How don't I have the impression?” 东皇界?”烈火真君闻言。眉头立刻就皱了起来,急忙拿过宋钟的旨意看了看,然后奇怪的道:,“我怎么没印象呢?” „Don't you as the manager, have the impression?” Song Zhong one hear, the facial expression on that face does not suit. “您作为主管,都没有印象?”宋钟一听,那脸上的神情就不对劲了。 Immortal Daoist Lie Huo hear that, is shameless immediately one red, then smiles bitterly saying: Under God of Fire Heaven has more than 134,800 attached world, most of them have the immortal, I record completely. Only this Eastern Emperor World, I did not have this impression, you wait / etc., I ask!” 烈火真君闻言,也顿时老脸一红,然后苦笑道:“祝融天下面有134800多附属世界,其中大多数都有仙人,我全部都记着呢。唯独这东皇界,我还真没有这印象,你等等,我去问问!” Then, Immortal Daoist Lie Huo stands up, flew away instantaneously. Song Zhong direct is speechless at the scene. 说完,烈火真君站起身来,瞬间就飞走了。宋钟直接无语在当场。 The heart I touch the heart heart to heart agreeing myo- heart immortal to shear to touch 心我触心心心谐肌心仙割触 Is good has not made Song Zhong wait because of Immortal Daoist Lie Huo, time he came back not greatly. Then a face forced smile said to Song Zhong: Oh, I said how I do not have the impression, is actually because changed the name. That place, only then the Imperial Court old person knows that also has a Eastern Emperor World such name, now, we call it Scrap World!” 好在烈火真君并没有让宋钟多等,时间不大他就回来了。然后一脸苦笑的对宋钟道:“哎呀呀,我说我怎么没印象呢,却原来是因为改了名字。那地方,也就只有天庭的老人才知道还有东皇界这么个名字,现在,我们都叫它废品界!” Scrap World?. Song Zhong listened, immediately on surprise is not good, cannot bear pursue asks:, „ Why can call this?” 废品界?。宋钟听了,顿时就诧异的不行,忍不住追问道:,“为何要叫这个啊?” That is because, here produces the scrap that creates, as well as various types of trash, threw there completely!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo somewhat awkward [say / way]: Several million years later, there is the world of scrap!” “那是因为,我们这里生产造成的废品,以及各种垃圾,全部都扔到那里了!”烈火真君有些尴尬的道:“几百万年下来,那里已经是废品的世界啦!” What?” Song Zhong one hear of what, could not bear stare the big eye saying that „ my world, is actually Garbage Dump?, Is small “什么?”宋钟一听就啥了,忍不住瞪着大眼睛道,“难道我的那个世界,其实就是垃圾场?,小 Perhaps is so!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo helpless [say / way]. “恐怕就是如此!”烈火真君无奈的道。 „!” Song Zhong one hear, immediately is depressed incomparable, he cannot bear scold: What matter did this call? I know these bastards who Mystical Sky sect in vain will not be cheap I!” “靠!”宋钟一听,顿时是郁闷无比,他忍不住骂道:“这叫什么事啊?我就知道玄天道宗的那些混蛋不会白白便宜我的!” Do not be angry. Immortal Daoist Lie Huo persuaded hurriedly: ” Although that does not have habitation, everywhere is Mountain of Garbage, is that Immortal Qi is abundant, even slightly is not worse than Upper Nine Heavens, if you clean up, can trade! ” “你也别生气”。烈火真君急忙劝说道:”虽然那一界没有人烟,到处都是垃圾山,可是那的仙气还算充沛,甚至不比上九天稍差,你要是清理一下,还是可以换的!” Em?” Song Zhong one hear of this saying, were shocked immediately, he cannot bear strange asking:, „, since there Immortal Qi is so abundant, why you do not send for living, instead toward inside but actually trash? Isn't this waste?” “恩?”宋钟一听这话,顿时就愣住了,他忍不住奇怪的问道:,“既然那里仙气如此充沛,那为何你们不去派人居住,反而往里面倒垃圾呢?这不是浪费吗?” This has certainly the reason. Immortal Daoist Lie Huo smiles to ask:, „ I asked you, you may know why this world does need to call Eastern Emperor World?. “这当然是有原因的”。烈火真君笑问道:,“我问你,你可知道,这个世界为何要叫东皇界吗?。 I am not certainly clear!” Song Zhong cannot bear ask: „ Also has what literary reference to be inadequate?. “我当然不清楚了!”宋钟忍不住问道:“难道还有什么典故不成?。 Right. Immortal Daoist Lie Huo said with a smile: ” I just inquired clearly, originally, before this, is one of the Upper Nine Heavens, is Celestial Emperor of antique time, the Eastern Emperor Tai Yi den. However afterward, after turned the war. The eastern emperor damages to fall, entire Eastern Emperor World was also hit scattered about, the entire space presented the non- steady state, everywhere is the huge space cracks. With space storm. Let alone was occupied by the person, was Greater Gold Immortal goes , must die in inside. Is because thisin Upper Nine Heavens removes it, there also henceforth became the restricted area “没错”。烈火真君笑道:”我刚刚已经打听清楚了,原来,这一界以前也是上九天之一,乃是太古时期的天帝,东皇太一的老巢。但是后来,经过了一翻大战后。东皇损落,整个东皇界也被打得七零八落,整个空间都呈现了不稳定的状态,到处都是巨大的空间裂缝。和空间风暴。别说住人了,就是大罗金仙进去,都说不定得死在里面。就是因为这个”上九天里就将其除名,那里也从此成为了禁地 Immortal Daoist Lie Huo spoke of this, has drunk tea, then continued saying that „ afterward, our God of Fire Heaven transformed the Imperial Court logistics department. The thing that because makes are too really many, therefore also followed has been giving birth to the huge volume trash. Piles up continuous several million li (0.5km) Mountain of Garbage, not only the flavor is not good, but also is really also in the way. Therefore at that time had an old immortal, has remembered Eastern Emperor World once more. Toward inside trash, the space storm does not matter in any case but actually. 烈火真君说到这,喝了一口茶,然后继续道,“后来,我们祝融天改造成天庭的后勤部门。由于制造的东西实在太多,所以也就伴随着生出了海量的垃圾。堆积起来连绵几百万里的垃圾山,不仅味道不好,而且也实在碍事。于是当时就有个老仙人,再次想起了东皇界。反正是往里面倒垃圾,空间风暴也无所谓。 Therefore, there has become Garbage Dump. Even links its original name, by my this successor forgetting! ” 于是,那里就成了垃圾场。甚至连它原来的名字,都被我这后来人给忘记了!” Since this, why that does confer me for there World Lord?” Song Zhong puzzled asking. “既然这样,那为何又把我册封为那里的界主呢?”宋钟不解的问道。 Why, I am not specifically clear, I only know. After several million years, the Eastern Emperor World space became extremely stable, Immortal Qi once more becomes abnormal is also abundant. Was only a pity that is polluted by these trash that we throw thoroughly, therefore turns into the place that a nobody has liked! Even if Loose Immortal, does not like living with Mountain of Garbage together. Immortal Daoist Lie Huo said:, What other being worth mentioning, although the immortal does not like, but there actually attracted some not good thing. “具体为何,我也不清楚,我只知道。经过数百万年时间之后,东皇界的空间已经变得极为稳定,仙气也再次变得异常充沛。只可惜被我们扔的那些垃圾给彻底污染了,所以变成了一个没人喜欢住的地方!哪怕就是散仙,也绝不喜欢和垃圾山住一起”。烈火真君道:,“另外值得一提的是,虽然仙人不喜欢,但是那里却吸引了一些不好的东西”。 „Not good thing?” Song Zhong one hear small pursues hurriedly asks, „ what not good thing?. “不好的东西?”宋钟一听小急忙追问道,“什么不好的东西?。 Asura World malicious ghost!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo light [say / way]. 阿修罗界的恶鬼!”烈火真君淡淡的道。 I depend!” Song Zhong one hear gawked slightly could not bear the strange [say / way]: „ Is here Middle Nine Heavens? Can its attached world, how collude with Asura World together? Did not say that Lower Nine Heavens certain world, can be connected with Demon World?.( To be continued “我靠!”宋钟一听就愣了小忍不住奇怪的道:“这里是中九天啊?它的附属世界,怎么会和阿修罗界勾连在一起?不是说下九天的某些世界,才会和魔界相连吗?。(未完待续
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