CLC :: Volume #6

#552: Raging fire Daoist immortal

Naturally, regarding Song Zhong, here Immortal Qi will only make him feel slightly some heat, not any illness. Even is a little comfortable, is much better in any case compared with the world of mortals. 当然,对于宋钟来说,这里的仙气只会让他感觉稍稍有些热而已,并没有任何的不适。甚至还有点舒服,反正比凡间要好的多。 Afterward Lan Qizi brings Song Zhong to walk outward, walks, while introduced: „ This Zhurong World, is the Fire Type big god of antique time wished the den of friendly, he afterward damaged to fall in this. 随后蓝其子就带着宋钟往外走,一边走,一边介绍道:“这祝融界,原本是太古时期的火系大神祝融氏的老巢,他后来损落于此。 During the speeches, Song Zhong and Lan Qizi arrive at outside transmission, besides seeing the thousands celestial troops and generals guard, in the Song Zhong eye only saw the brilliant red volcano, as well as several rock magma rivers. 说话间,宋钟蓝其子来到传送阵外面,除了见到数以万计的天兵天将把守之外,宋钟眼里就只看见了红艳艳的火山,以及数道岩浆河。 Lan Qizi brings Song Zhong then to fly afterward, they on the road, seeing to reach as high as several thousand zhang (3.33 m) furnace, is situated on the summit of volcano, millions yellow turbans people of great strength, laborious work. 蓝其子带着宋钟随后便飞起来,他们在路上,看见一座座高达数万丈的熔炉,坐落在火山的山顶上,数以百万计的黄巾力士,正在辛苦的工作着。 They grasp the giant ladle, pulls out in the collection from rock magma directly the black liquid, these are the high-grade fine steel, the impurity are the red rock magma. 他们手持巨大勺子,从岩浆里直接掏集里面黑色的液体,那些便是上等的精钢,杂质都是红色的岩浆。 After these people these molten steel scoop up, the control cloud flies on nearby furnace, goes in the molten steel but actually. 这些人将那些钢液舀出来之后,就驾驭云彩飞到附近的熔炉上,将钢液倒进去。 That several thousand zhang (3.33 m) blast furnace clearly is special refinement Magical Artifact. Molten steel that scoops up from the rock magma from above since later, in a series of special refinements after blast furnace, turned into pure Origin Steel , then the class from the furnace comes out, turns into neat steel locks in the mold. 那数万丈的高炉分明就是一种特殊炼制的法宝。从岩浆里舀出的钢液从上面进入之后,经过高炉内一系列特殊的炼制之后,就变成了精纯的钢母,然后便从熔炉下面流出来,在模具里变成一块块整齐的钢锁。 These steel people cool slightly, will move out by the people of great strength. The entire process appears methodical, efficiency very high. Song Zhong estimated that each blast furnace, can within one day, produce least 100,000 jin (0.5 kg) Origin Steel . 这些钢徒稍加冷却,就会被力士们搬走。整个过程都显得有条不紊,效率非常之高。宋钟估计,每一座高炉,都可以在一天之内,生产出最少100000斤的钢母 Must know that this is not the ordinary fine steel, but after is the high-grade good aluminium steel ten thousand to build up, Origin Steel that forms. In the world of mortals, this is can refine the spirit treasure good material. However in Immortal World, others can obviously the mass production. 要知道,这可不是普通的精钢,而是上等的好钢精钢万炼之后,才形成的钢母。在凡间,这可是能够炼制灵宝的好材料。但是在仙界,人家显然都是可以量产的。 But this also merely is only part that Song Zhong sees, in place that he cannot see, obviously has not known that has many such blast furnace and person of great strength. Even if has seen Song Zhong of many magnificent scene, after experience to others here breadths of spirit, is out of control to have one to sigh. 而这还仅仅只是宋钟看见的一部分,在他看不见的地方,显然还不知道有多少这样的高炉和力士。即便是见过不少大场面的宋钟,在见识到人家这里的气魄后,也禁不住生出一股感叹来。 Song Zhong cannot bear in whispers at heart secretly, and compared with Immortal World, oneself that family property, isn't really worth mentioning? This is the magnificent scene!, But Song Zhong simultaneously raised a question, therefore then asked that Lan Qizi said: „ These many blast furnaces, how much steel and iron can that produce? Immortal World uses?” 宋钟忍不住在心里暗自嘀咕道,“和仙界相比,自己那点家底,实在是不值得一提啊?这才是大场面!,不过宋钟同时又升起了一丝疑问,于是便问身边的蓝其子道:“这么多高炉,那得出产多少钢铁啊?仙界用的了吗?” Lan Qizi hear that, says with a smile immediately: „More than enough? You may know how many armies Immortal World does have?” 蓝其子闻言,立刻笑道:“怎么用不了?您可知道,仙界有多少部队?” This, I really am not clear!” Song Zhong immediately curious pursues asks: Some how many?” “这个,我还真不清楚!”宋钟立刻好奇的追问道:“到底有多少?” Many, that is everyone does not know specifically that in any case is innumerable!” Lan Qizi said with a smile: gives an example, in Jade Emperor Heaven. Two armies, light the Milky Way sailors have 8 million, grasps in Jade Emperor, in addition near by all means celestial troops and generals, that is the subordinate of grandmother empress. But another four big Celestial Emperor, the subordinate of everyone has almost this number, your conceivable, how many are that?” “具体多少,那是谁也不知道,反正是数不胜数!”蓝其子笑道:“举个例子来说吧,玉皇天里。就有两只部队,光天河水军就有8000000,掌握在玉帝手里,另外还有近千万天兵天将,那是王母娘娘的部属。而另外四大天帝,每个人的手下都差不多有这个数,你可以想象一下,那是多少啊?” Song Zhong hear that, calls out in alarm one immediately, could not bear hold breath a cold air/Qi 宋钟闻言,顿时惊呼一声,忍不住倒吸了一口冷气 He from Ling Xiaozi there inquired that wants to become celestial troops and generals too small, most at least if also Earth Immortal level! Merely one small Jade Emperor Heaven, has near mouth detains the soldier, how many Celestial Emperor that adds on other, to have wanted hundred million? This digit, is really makes one shock! 他可是从凌霄子那里打听过小想成为天兵天将,最起码也要是地仙的水平啊!仅仅一个小玉皇天,就有将近口扣兵将,那加上其他几个天帝,岂不是要过亿了?这数字,实在是令人震撼不已! However has not thought that Lan Qizi came one afterward, these soldiers are too few! Is always insufficient!” 但是没想到,蓝其子随后又来了一句,“这些兵将还是太少啊!总不够用的!” Song Zhong hears this saying, has almost not fallen down from the cloud top. He cannot bear the forced smile say: „Are these many armies insufficient? Does Immortal World have that many enemies?” 宋钟听闻这话,差点没从云头上掉下去。他忍不住苦笑道:“这么多部队还不够用?仙界有那么多敌人吗?” How to have?” Lan Qizi small sound track: Except Jade Emperor beside, other four Celestial Emperor, defends the imperial four directions, separately confrontation, outside territory Heavenly Demon armed forces, river of the netherworld blood god armed forces, Western day of Buddha armed forces, as well as endless into the sea tumultuous times evil spirit armed forces of! These fellows suffice restless, Immortal World also once for a while had the evil spirit to rebel, at that time must depend on the Jade Emperor suppression, simultaneously he must support the four directions. Oh, the Celestial Emperor day does not feel better!” “怎么没有啊?”蓝其子小声道:“除去玉皇大帝之外,其他四位天帝,守御四方,分别对阵,域外天魔军,冥河血神军,西方天佛军,以及无尽海里的乱世妖魔军!这些家伙就够闹腾的了,仙界内部还时不时有妖魔作乱,那时候就得靠玉帝镇压,同时他还要支援四方。唉,天帝的日子也不好过啊!” Oh!” After Song Zhong hear, cannot bear the surprised [say / way]: „, This isn't Immortal World peaceful?” “哎呀!”宋钟听后,忍不住吃惊的道:“如此说来,这仙界也不太平啊?” That is natural!” Lan Qizi said afterward: But, these matters are not one's turn us to worry but actually. In any case above some are the people of high skill. So far, Immortal World tranquil several million years, after having thought that also randomly!” “那是当然!”蓝其子随后道:“不过,这些事情倒也轮不到我们操心。反正上面有的是高人。到目前为止,仙界已经平静数百万年了,想必以后也乱不起来!” „, Such is good!” The Song Zhong heart has thought nod. “哦,那样就好!”宋钟心有所思的点点头。 But at this time, Lan Qizi actually drew Song Zhong downward to fly, said with a smile: Sir, we arrived, here is responsible for managing the God of Fire Heaven attached world the place, currently this belongs to the Immortal Daoist Lie Huo jurisdiction! You later must do with him!” 而就在这个时候,蓝其子却拉着宋钟往下飞去,同时笑道:“大人,咱们到了,这里就是负责管理祝融天附属世界的地方,目前这一块归属烈火真君管辖!您以后就要和他打交道!” Song Zhong hear that, hurriedly toward below discovery under is a piece of continuous 100,000 li (0.5km) architectural complex, all around is workshops, was mixing in this period also with the barracks. 宋钟闻言,急忙往下面发现下面是一片连绵100000里的建筑群,四周全是一个个的作坊,期间还夹杂着兵营。 The heart I touch am heart to heart extensive and heart divide the core 心我触心心恢和心分心线 Here obviously cannot fly in the space, therefore Lan Qizi and Song Zhong drop the cloud top, goes from the main entrance. In the main entrance place, Lan Qizi said goodbye to depart. But Song Zhong was led to walk toward inside by another first sergeant. 在这里显然不能在天上飞,故而蓝其子宋钟都落下云头,从正门进去。在正门处,蓝其子就告辞离去了。而宋钟则被另外一位军士长领着往里面走。 Although two people are the terrain flights, because here path is broad, spacious few people. Can quick of speed promotion, the trivial tens of thousands li (0.5km) road, but the less than half double-hour flew. 虽然两个人是贴地飞行,但是因为这里道路宽阔,空旷少人。可以将速度提升的很快,区区几万里路,不过小半个时辰就飞到了。 Afterward the after first sergeant of that Heavenly Immortal rank has referred to a several thousand growing magnificent palace to Song Zhong, then also said goodbye to depart. 随后那位天仙级别的军士长给宋钟指了一处数千长高的华丽宫殿之后,便也告辞离去。 Song Zhong arrives at the palace entrance, to guard there celestial soldier(s) explanation purpose in coming. After celestial soldier(s) examined the Song Zhong token, then goes to report. The time is not big, he comes out once more, said that Daoist immortal is invited!” 宋钟则自己来到宫殿门口,向守卫在那里的天兵说明来意。一位天兵查看了宋钟的令牌之后,便进去禀告。时间不大,他再次出来,说,“真君有请!” Song Zhong does not dare to neglect, under hurried reorganization the clothing, then walked. Finally first arrives at a yard in fine bringing back porch, although said is the yard, but has dozens li (0.5km) square as before. Inside is planting various types of spirit wood, Spiritual Herb(s), some Fire Type Immortal Beast plays. Song Zhong even also saw an immature hot Qilin to sway back and forth to play. 宋钟不敢怠慢,急忙整理下衣衫,然后就走了进去。结果首先来到一片精致的带回廊的小院,虽然说是小院,可是依旧有几十里见方。里面种植着各种灵木,灵草,还有一些火系仙兽在其中玩耍。宋钟甚至还看见了一只幼小的火麒麟在打滚嬉戏。 After the yard, then enters to the positive main hall, simultaneously Song Zhong sees the lord, Immortal Daoist Lie Huo. 穿过小院之后,便进入到正面的大殿,同时宋钟就见到正主,烈火真君 The rising suddenly heart touches the harmony to touch immortal to touch the cut-off 崛心触谐叭触仙触割线 Saw only Immortal Daoist Lie Huo is the dignified red robe old man, the personal appearance little said that five hundreds of zhang (333m) were also high, sat well on the giant chair, the front placed a hundred zhang (333m) to be high, 67 hundreds of zhang (333m) were long 只见烈火真君是个威严的红袍老者,身形少说也有五百丈高,端坐在巨大的椅子上,面前摆放着一张百丈高,67百丈长 Song Zhong has not thought that he is so big, immediately had a scare. Song Zhong that then for fear that is disrespectful, holds the fist in the other hand to say hurriedly: „Below Song Zhong, has seen the Daoist immortal senior!” 宋钟没想到他有这么大,顿时就被吓了一跳。然后生怕失礼的宋钟,急忙抱拳道:“在下宋钟,见过真君前辈!” Ha Ha!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo sees the Song Zhong somewhat distressed appearance, cannot bear laugh. “哈哈!”烈火真君见到宋钟有些狼狈的样子,忍不住哈哈大笑。 After smiling suffices, he then suddenly eliminates the Dharmakaya, turns into one and Song Zhong equally high ordinary taoist priest. Appears in front of Song Zhong. 笑够之后,他便忽然消去法身,变成一个和宋钟一样高的普通道士。出现在宋钟面前。 Gets up, gets up!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo supports by the arm Song Zhong, while said with a smile: This is the Immortal World custom, when receives the subordinate, must appear the law, shows dignifiedly. However you are not my subordinate, we pour cannot so!” “起来吧,起来吧!”烈火真君一边把宋钟搀扶起来,一边笑道:“这是仙界的规矩,在接见下属的时候,必须显出法相,以示威严。不过你并非我的下属,咱们倒也不需如此!” He He!” Song Zhong hear that cannot bear the forced smile say: Also really had a scare me!” “呵呵!”宋钟闻言忍不住苦笑道:“还真把我吓了一跳!” Ha Ha, my first time also frightens heavily, but also thinks that the boss has the problem!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo refreshed saying with a smile. “哈哈,我第一次也吓得不轻,还以为上司有毛病呢!”烈火真君跟着爽快的笑道。 He He!” Song Zhong smiles immediately. Also has put simultaneously down the heart at heart, the secret passage, „ this does Immortal Daoist Lie Huo seem like the person who is very good to speak?, “呵呵!”宋钟立刻跟着笑起来。同时心里也放下了心,暗道,“这位烈火真君看起来是个很好说话的人啊?, Afterward Immortal Daoist Lie Huo access road: Here is not speech place, you come along with me!” Saying, he guides in Song Zhong a side living room. Here had the furniture of normal size. 随后烈火真君便道:“此处不是说话的地方,你随我来!”说着,他就把宋钟引导侧面的一个客厅里。这里就有正常大小的家具了。 After Immortal Daoist Lie Huo entertains Song Zhong sits down, immediately has serving Apsara Fairy to serve tea. 烈火真君招待宋钟坐下之后,就马上有伺候的飞天仙女过来上茶。 Apsara Fairy is the special product in Immortal World, is much longer actually does not lose solemnly, clever and deft, inborn can free from the sky fly. This race it is said a female prostitute god is blessed by the antiquity creates world big gods, therefore everyone has seven color auspicious omen Divine Light, the life does not have the disease and disaster. 飞天仙女乃是仙界里的特产,长得妖娆却又不失端庄,心灵手巧,天生就能自由在空中飞行。这个种族据说被上古创世大神之一的女娼神祝福过,所以每个人都带有七彩的祥瑞神光,一生没有疾病和灾难。 Only then subordinates the Imperial Court high level immortal, will have Apsara Fairy to serve. Thus it can be seen, status of this Immortal Daoist Lie Huo in Immortal World is not low . Moreover the strength are least is also Greater Gold Immortal! 只有隶属天庭高级仙人,才会有飞天仙女伺候。由此可见,这烈火真君仙界里的地位不低,而且实力最少也是大罗金仙 After Apsara Fairy draws back, Immortal Daoist Lie Huo then said with a smile, tastes the Immortal World tea leaves, although did not have your Dao Comprehending Tea to be so mysterious, but the flavor was good!” 飞天仙女退下去之后,烈火真君便笑道,“来尝尝仙界的茶叶,虽然没有你那悟道茶那么神奇,不过味道还是不错的!” Song Zhong hear that stares immediately, along with, even if the forced smile said: Has not thought of my matter. Did you know?” Saying, he then carries bowl. Has drunk one gently. 宋钟闻言顿时就是一愣,随即便苦笑道:“没想到我的事情。您都知道了?”说着,他便端起茶碗。轻轻喝了一口。 This bowl of tea lusters are deep green, is the same just like a emerald, drinks in the mouth, the lips and teeth keeps the fragrance, all the limbs and bones is passing warm Immortal Qi, that taste, had no way to say simply, wonderful! 这碗茶水色泽碧绿,就宛如一块翡翠一样,喝在嘴里,唇齿留香,四肢百骸都透着一股暖洋洋的仙气,那滋味,简直就没法说了,妙不可言啊! Song Zhong cannot bear call out in alarm said: Good tea!” 宋钟忍不住惊呼道:“好茶!” He He, is not I boasts! Our green hot tea, in Zhurong World is also known. Every year also several jin (0.5 kg) producing, usual time, I do not hate to drink!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo afterward doing obeisance with a laugh “呵呵,不是我吹牛!咱这翠火茶,在祝融界也是小有名气。每年也不过几斤的出产,平时的时候,我自己都舍不得喝呀!”烈火真君随后笑呵呵的拜 Song Zhong one hear, felt immediately does not suit. The heart said that everybody first time meets, is he so why good to himself? The nose said own a little strength, was the foundation was still after all shallow . Moreover the strength was also inferior to him, he such treated himself. Has schemed? 宋钟一听,顿时就感觉不太对劲。心说,大家头一次见面,他为何对自己这么好啊?鼻说自己有点实力,可是毕竟根基尚浅,而且实力也远不如他,他这么对待自己。难道是有所图谋? When the Song Zhong doubts are puzzled, Immortal Daoist Lie Huo also as if saw the question of Song Zhong, therefore then grinning then said that „, although I do not hate to drink. However since you came, I must express at heart gratitude!” 就在宋钟疑惑不解的时候,烈火真君也似乎看出了宋钟的疑问,于是便笑嘻嘻的接着道,“虽然我舍不得喝。但是你既然来了,我怎么也得表示一下心里谢意啊!” Gratitude? ” Song Zhong one hear was shocked, cannot bear the forced smile say: „Did you make a mistake? I first time comes this, where can have what to make you express thanks place?” Ha Ha, mistakenly!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo laughs saying: Your Song Zhong reputation. Almost must spread over half Immortal World, how could I make a mistake! I thanked was you!” 谢意?”宋钟一听就愣住了,忍不住苦笑道:“您是不是搞错了?我可是才第一次来这一界,哪能有什么让您表示感谢的地方啊?”“哈哈,错不了!”烈火真君哈哈大笑道:“你宋钟的名头。几乎都要传遍半个仙界了,我又岂能搞错啊!我感谢的就是你啊!” This?” Song Zhong along with, even if the forced smile said: But does not know that you did thank me for what?” “这?”宋钟随即便苦笑道:“但不知您是为了何事谢我啊?” Is very simple, because you extinguished the Sky Splitting Sword sect!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo cannot bear the [say / way] that clenches jaws. “很简单,因为你灭了裂天剑宗!”烈火真君忍不住咬牙切齿的道。 Em?” After Song Zhong hear, was strangeer, cannot bear ask: „Do you and they have a grudge?” “恩?”宋钟听后,更奇怪了,忍不住问道:“难道您和他们有仇?” Not only has a grudge, simply is hatred deep as the ocean!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo along with, even if explained: You are not quite possibly clear, actually, I besides am an immortal, a status, is the Raging Fire Sect founder. Raging Fire Sect that my establishes, in the past in the world of mortals was also super formidable sect, should you also hear?” “岂止是有仇,简直是仇深似海啊!”烈火真君随即便解释道:“你可能不太清楚,其实,我除了是仙人之外,还有一个身份,便是烈火道宗的创始人。我一手创立的烈火道宗,当年在凡间也是超级强大的宗门,你也应该听说吧?” „, I understood!” Song Zhong is then suddenly enlighted saying: I had heard probably this story, it is reported that long ago, Raging Fire Sect and Sky Splitting Sword sects were super sect, but among them had the contradiction. Several thousand years ago, Raging Fire Sect sovereign because of something, but has in large quantities of the elite to send out, finally suffers heavy casualties. The influence damages greatly. At that time the Sky Splitting Sword sect was in the heyday, therefore they then while this opportunity, almost thoroughly destroy completely Raging Fire Sect, gave to ruin including the Raging Fire Sect headquarters. Although afterward the Sky Splitting Sword sect does not know why stopped to chasing down of Raging Fire Sect, but Raging Fire Sect as before is actually unable to recover. Even if today, merely is first-class sect, but is not a super sect!” “啊,我明白了!”宋钟这才恍然大悟道:“我好像听说过这个故事,据传,在很久以前,烈火道宗裂天剑宗都是超级宗门,但是他们之间却有矛盾。在数万年前,烈火道宗的宗主因为某件事情,而带着大批门内精英出动,结果损兵折将。势力大损。恰好那时候裂天剑宗正处于全盛时期,于是他们便趁着这个机会,几乎把烈火道宗给彻底灭掉,连烈火道宗的总部都给毁掉了。虽然后来裂天剑宗不知道为什么停止了对烈火道宗的追杀,可是烈火道宗却依旧是一蹶不振。哪怕是在今天,也仅仅是一流宗门,而并非超级宗派!” Oh!” After Raging Fire Sect listened to the Song Zhong words, cannot bear sigh a sound track: „ disciple is good-for-nothing, almost links my world Dao unable to preserve. I put out the stance that does not hesitate the shed fate to put together to Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist, compelling him to make disciple receive the hand. “唉!”烈火道宗听了宋钟的话后,忍不住叹息一声道:“门下不成器,差点连我的人间道统都保不住。要不是我对裂天真君拿出不惜舍命相拼的架势,逼着他让门下收手。 Perhaps fierce quirk nose really must exterminate! ” 恐怕烈火道鼻就真要灭绝了!” Is now good!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo actually laughs to say afterward: His Sky Splitting Sword sect also has by you are destroyed completely one day of headquarters, ha, is really is crisp I!” “不过现在好啦!”烈火真君随后却大笑道:“他裂天剑宗也有被你灭掉总部的一天,哈哈哈,真是爽死我也!” Song Zhong only knows that this Immortal Daoist Lie Huo so will be why good to oneself, actually originally for this matter. Had not predicted that he one massacres, not only killed to fear the enemy, instead also accidental obtained the gratitude of this Immortal Daoist Lie Huo, this may really have no interest to insert Liu Liu to create shade! 宋钟这才知道,为何这位烈火真君会对自己这么好,却原来是为了这事。没承想他一顿乱杀,不仅把敌人杀怕了,反而还意外的得到了这位烈火真君的感激,这可真是无心插柳柳成荫啊! Thinks of this, Song Zhong suddenly eye one bright, cannot bear the probe say: This Raging Fire Sect the strength also calculates now reluctantly well, has the master of DaSheng rank to assume personal command, what is only insufficient, without inheriting several hundred thousand years of den, moreover then does not have top flying boat Hushan! Den that is anxiously, but this top flying boat?” 想到这,宋钟忽然眼睛一亮,忍不住试探道:“这烈火道宗现在实力也算勉强不错,有大乘级别的高手坐镇,唯一不足的是,没有传承几十万年的老巢,另外便是没有顶级飞舟护山!老巢那是急不来的,但是这顶级飞舟么?” One hear of Song Zhong this saying, Immortal Daoist Lie Huo where hasn't known his what meaning? He immediately on pleasantly surprised [say / way]: I already heard your boy under big pile of top flying boats, how is it? How child several do play to my family?” 一听宋钟这话,烈火真君哪里还不知道他什么意思啊?他立刻就惊喜的道:“我早就听说你小子手下一大堆的顶级飞舟,怎么样?给我家孩子几艘玩玩如何?” Song Zhong wants to deliver one, is good the great person who will flatter this to need to do in the future frequently. Unexpectedly this fellow facial skin is actually ultra, opens mouth is several. 宋钟本来就想送一艘,也好讨好这位日后需要经常打交道的大人物。却不料这家伙脸皮超厚,一张嘴就是几艘。 Actually, small Song Zhong from the Immortal Daoist Lie Huo temperament can see that he is not that type likes occupying others cheap person. However, the matter relates to him in world Dao, for own these disciple, he was also obviously ready for any sacrifice this to be shameless. 其实,从烈火真君的脾气上小宋钟就能看出他并不是那种喜欢占别人便宜的人。不过,事情关系到他在人间的道统,为了自己的那些门下,他显然也豁出去这张老脸了。 . ..
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