CLC :: Volume #6

#551: Initially to wishing melts

In quenching outside immortal pond Lan Qizi sees this, had a scare at the scene, cannot bear call out in alarm said that `, this fellow unexpectedly formidable to this grade of situation? Looks at this height and build, little said that is also Gold Immortal! This grade of strength, but also does under? Perhaps he is anything f, Heavenly Tribulation do not ask him to trouble 在淬仙池外面的蓝其子看见这一幕,当场就被吓了一跳,忍不住惊呼道,‘哎呀,这家伙竟然都强大到这等地步了?看这身高和体型,少说也得是金仙啊!这等实力,还在下面干什么啊?恐怕他就是什么都不f,天劫都要找他麻烦啊” Although Lan Qizi does not do clearly, but he has not gone into seriously. Many years of experience told him, something, should better do not know, so as to avoid looked for trouble! 虽然蓝其子搞不明白,但是他也没有深究。多年的经历告诉他,有些事情,最好还是不要知道,免得招灾惹祸! Afterward, Lan Qizi saw that the Song Zhong strength is so strong, knows that he definitely does not care about inside that Primal Chaos astral wind. Evidently, Song Zhong a short time cannot go out, therefore he then turns around to leave, handled own matter. ~ 随后,蓝其子见到宋钟实力这么强,也知道他肯定不在乎里面的那点混沌罡风。看样子,宋钟一时半会儿走出不来了,于是他便转身离开,办自己的事情去了。~ And said that Song Zhong in quenching cuvette, felt comfortable must die, blurry, cannot bear sleep unexpectedly. After his sleep awakes, immediately feels all the limbs and bones, the comfort of not being able to say. With the law in regarding, examines hurriedly, discovers his strength, although does not have many promotion, but the physique indeed became more formidable, even height build also compared with before slightly big ling. 且说宋钟在淬小池里,感觉舒服的要死,迷迷糊糊的,竟然就忍不住睡了一觉。等他一觉睡醒之后,顿时就感觉四肢百骸,说不出的舒坦。急忙用内视之法,查看一下,发现他的实力虽然没有多少提升,但是筋骨的确变得更为强大了,甚至身高体型也比以前稍稍大了一囹。 Song Zhong knows that this quenches immortal pond to own advantage also these, will not be many. His estimated time was also up, therefore then simply shouts big brother, I must exit!” 宋钟知道,这淬仙池对自己的好处也就这些,不会再多。他估计时间也差不多了,于是便干脆喊道“大哥,我要出去!” The time is not big, quenches the front door of immortal pond slowly to open. The Song Zhong personal appearance reduces, an arrow step fled. In airborne, he abhors while you are at it ---- Has changed new clothes, has exempted nakedly ** awkwardness. 时间不大,淬仙池的大门就缓缓打开。宋钟身形缩小,一个箭步就窜了出去。在空中的时候,他就手疾----的换上了一身新衣服,免去了赤身**的尴尬。 After Song Zhong comes out, discovered that Lan Qizi is smiling to him. Hurried past polite [say / way]: Big brother!” No!” Lan Qizi hear that, actually immediately changed the complexion, hurries to prevent saying: Sir, before was I am innocent, your Sir did not count the villain to cross, do not take seriously?” Em? You, how were you?” Song Zhong by Lan Qizi was made stares. 宋钟出来之后,发现蓝其子正在对他笑呢。急忙过去客气道:“大哥!”“别!”蓝其子闻言,却马上变了脸色,赶紧阻止道:“大人,以前是我不懂事,您大人不计小人过,可不要当真啊?”“恩?你,你这是怎么了?”宋钟蓝其子弄得一愣。 Lan Qizi sees Song Zhong this expression, immediately knows he had not detected where is not right, therefore hurries to explain: I do not know that before your status, institute - to be thick the facial skin to manage you to call my worthy brother, but I afterward in quenching the immortal pond discovered that originally you became Gold Immortal, I am True Immortal, where dares to call your my worthy brother?” 蓝其子宋钟这表情,马上知道他还没有发觉出哪里不对,于是就赶紧解释道:“我以前不知道您的身份,所-以才厚着脸皮管你叫贤弟,可是我后来在淬仙池里发现,原来您都已经成为金仙了,我才不过是真仙而已,哪敢叫您贤弟啊?” Originally, the Immortal World immortal also has the strength division, immortal who generally speaking, flies upwards, is Earth Immortal, then according to increase of strength , in descending order , are Heavenly Immortal, True Immortal, Gold Immortal, big Luo Xianhe Immemorial Immortal! 原来,仙界的仙人也是有实力划分的,一般来说,才飞升上来的仙人,就是地仙,然后根据实力的增加,依次是天仙,真仙,金仙,大罗仙和混元仙 And, after 9 Tribulations Loose Immortal flies upwards, is the immortal of True Immortal rank. But Ling Xiaozi, merely is only Heavenly Immortal. 其中,九劫散仙飞升后,是真仙级别的仙人。而凌霄子,也仅仅只是天仙而已。 However Song Zhong this anomaly, actually after coincidences, suddenly becomes Gold Immortal. He perhaps is in history, first flies upwards becomes the Gold Immortal immortal. 但是宋钟这个变态,却在一次次巧合之后,一举成为了金仙。他恐怕是有史以来,第一位才飞升就成为金仙的仙人。 Reason that Lan Qizi dares to pull rank, calls a Song Zhong my worthy brother, is because before , immortal who flies upwards, no matter multi- Ox Tong, is True Immortal. Never has existence of Gold Immortal. Finally has made such a Wulong. 蓝其子之所以敢托大,叫宋钟一声贤弟,也是因为以前才飞升的仙人,不管多牛通,也不过是真仙而已。从来就没有金仙的存在。结果就闹出了这么一幕乌龙来。 But Song Zhong in Ling Xiaozi there, has known the division of immortal, but he has not seen after all, does not know difference, therefore he are any boundary does not know. 宋钟虽然在凌霄子那里,得知了仙人的划分,可是他毕竟没有见过,更不知道这其中的区别,所以他连自己是什么境界都不知道。 Song Zhong is in addition newly-arrived, anything not ripe son. Therefore, he saw freely this Lan Qizi strength is inferior to him, reads in a big way in the opposite party one share of age, has recognized such a big brother. 再加上宋钟初来乍到,什么都不熟崽。故而,他尽管看出这位蓝其子实力不如他,也看在对方一大把年纪的份上,认了这么一个大哥。 Now reveals the truth, facing somewhat shameful Lan Qizi, Song Zhong does not know whether to laugh or cry. He will certainly not blame others, but definitely cannot call the big brother again. Because Immortal World also has the Immortal World custom, all spoke by the strength, Gold Immortal and True Immortal were the relations are good, cannot be on intimate terms! 如今真相大白,面对有些无地自容的蓝其子,宋钟也是哭笑不得。他当然不会怪罪人家,不过也肯定不能再叫大哥了。因为仙界也有仙界的规矩,一切都是以实力说话,金仙真仙就是关系再好,也不能称兄道弟! Therefore the Song Zhong then racket his shoulder, said with a smile: Was I was extremely also special, unavoidably presented some misunderstanding. However the matter passed, you are not intentionally, my hand will not haggle over. We continue then to carry on the following procedure!” Well!” Lan Qizi sees Song Zhong to be so magnanimous, in heart also relaxed, hurried [say / way]: You come with me, now needs you to record to write down the name in the group immortal!” 于是宋钟便拍拍他的肩膀,笑道:“也是我太过特殊了,难免出现一些误会。不过事情都过去了,你也不是故意的,我是不会手计较。咱们还是继续接着进行下面的程序吧!”“好好!”蓝其子宋钟这么大度,心中也松了一口气,急忙道:“您跟我来,现在需要您在群仙录上写下名姓!” Saying, Lan Qizi was bringing Song Zhong, flew beyond several thousand li (0.5km), in another more magnificent palace. This main hall has several thousand zhang (3.33 m) fully, simply with a mountain. Song Zhong has not seen such grand construction, stands front somewhat is in a daze below, cannot bear startled asks: „Are your here constructions so how big?” 说着,蓝其子就带着宋钟,飞到数千里外,另外一处更为华丽的宫殿里。这座大殿足有数千丈,简直就和一座山的。宋钟从来没有见过这么雄伟的建筑,站在下面前有些发呆,忍不住惊问道:“你们这里的建筑怎么都这么大啊?” Does not have the means that our what person has, besides person clan, often has Demonic Beast to fly upwards, they come up time, often likes revealing that the main body, frequently over a thousand zhang (3.33 m) stature, does not construct to be bigger here, can't they come in?” Lan Qizi answered hurriedly. So that's how it is!” Song Zhong hear that, cannot bear the forced smile say: They do not know that transforms the person?” These fellows, overbearingly have passed through, in addition in their clan also often very much has the influence, does not like changing the human form, we do not have the means that can only on them.” Lan Qizi helpless [say / way]. “没办法,我们这里什么人都有,除了人族以外,也时常有妖兽飞升上来,他们上来的时候,往往喜欢显露出本体来,动辄上千丈的身材,不把这里修建大一些,他们进不来啊?”蓝其子急忙解释道。“原来如此!”宋钟闻言,忍不住苦笑道:“难道他们都不知道幻化人身吗?”“那些家伙,都霸道贯了,再加上他们族里也往往很有势力,不喜欢变化人形,我们也没有办法,只能将就他们。”蓝其子无奈的道。 It seems like, your this lesser official is also very a scapegoat?” Song Zhong cannot bear tease. “看来,你这小官还挺受气的啊?”宋钟忍不住调侃道。 Not?” Lan Qizi complained of hardship: The fellow who below these fly upwards, has the division commander or the members of the same family in Immortal World. This manpower comes, we must entertain well, makes well, not to by these Immortal World fellows be taught. Oh, we also painstakingly!” “可不是吗?”蓝其子跟着叫苦道:“下面那些飞升的家伙,很多都有师长或者亲族在仙界。这种人工来,我们就得好好招待,弄得不好,就得被那些仙界的家伙教训一顿。唉,我们也苦啊!” During the speeches, Song Zhong and Lan Qizi arrived between the main halls, there has a giant table, more than ten zhang is high, counts the hundred zhang (333m) to be long. After they fly on the table, sees among the tables to have a piece of more than ten zhang long jade piece, above is glittering seven color Divine Light, understood at a glance that is not every. 说话间,宋钟蓝其子就来到了大殿中间,那里有一座巨大的桌子,十几丈高,数百丈长。两人飞到桌子上之后,就看见桌子中间有一片十几丈长的玉片,上面闪烁着七彩神光,一看就知道不是凡品。 Blue it - sub- points at the jade piece saying: You drip into which a drop of blood, was equal to that records to complete. Later then officially becomes Immortal World!” 蓝其-子指着玉片道:“您把一滴鲜血滴入其中,就等于录名完成。以后便正式成为仙界的一员!” Song Zhong hear Lin, were not many speaks the idle talk, sprang drop of Blood Essence directly, dripped into. Finally that drops Blood Essence by the jade piece direct absorption, afterward above demonstrates a few words, ` Song Zhong, Chaos Titan Clan, Gold Immortal middle level 宋钟闻吝,也不多说废话,直接弹出一滴精血,滴入其中。结果那滴精血被玉片直接吸收,随后上面就显示出一段话,‘宋钟,混沌巨灵族,金仙中级 Oh!” Lan Qizi sees that cannot bear call out in alarm said: Has not thought that the senior your strength has not entered Gold Immortal, but is Gold Immortal middle level. This may too be really inconceivable!” This nothing!” Song Zhong light [say / way]: After all above also has Greater Gold Immortal and Primordial Stage Gold Immortal, I also fall far short to them!” “哎呀呀!”蓝其子见状,忍不住惊呼道:“没想到前辈您的实力还不是才进金仙,而是金仙中级。这可实在太不可思议了!”“这没什么!”宋钟淡淡的道:“毕竟上面还有大罗金仙混元金仙,我离他们还差得远呢!” Nothing?” Lan Qizi hears this word, endures not to stand and wait for a long time the forced smile saying: Sir, you said may be really dexterous! Do you know? I come Immortal World already hundreds of thousands years! Until now was also True Immortal high level! From Gold Immortal, but also takes tens of thousands years of Solo-Cultivation to be good!” He He, so long as you train hard industriously, has eventually successful a day!” Song Zhong safety, then said: Was right, do we then do?” “没什么?”蓝其子闻听此言,忍不伫苦笑道:“大人啊,你说的可真轻巧!您知道吗?我来仙界已经十几万年啦!到如今也不过是真仙高级而已!距离金仙,还要几万年苦修才行!”“呵呵,只要你勤加苦练,终究有成功的一天!”宋钟安危一句,然后道:“对了,我们接下来干嘛?” Sips the silk wadding! ” Lan Qizi then awakens, hurried [say / way]: According to the truth, should issue you now the status certificate, but I heard that your World Lord token and Jade Emperor decree to your hand, has been possible to have this matter?” Right, in my this!” Song Zhong nods to say. 呷纩!”蓝其子这才醒悟过来,急忙道:“按照道理来说,现在应该发给您身份凭证,可是我听说,您的界主令牌和玉帝旨意都已经到您手上了,可有此事?”“没错,都在我这了!”宋钟点点头道。 If so, then in my this nothing!” Lan Qizi said with a smile: Winds should go to God of Fire Heaven now, the official who looks for the responsible attached world, leading you to be your world!” God of Fire Heaven? Where is at? Don't I recognize? Moreover went, I do not know that whom looks for?” Song Zhong immediately awkward [say / way]: What to do can this?” He He, might as well!” Lan Qizi hurries to say with a smile: I am all right exactly, can lead you to go!” „, How does this feel all right?” Song Zhong polite [say / way]. “如果是这样的话,那在我这就没有什么事了!”蓝其子笑道:“络现在应该去祝融天,找主管附属世界的官员,带您去属于您的那个世界!”“祝融天?在哪?我不认得啊?而且去了,我也不知道找谁啊?”宋钟立刻为难的道:“这可怎么办?”“呵呵,无妨!”蓝其子赶紧笑道:“我恰好没事,可以带您去一趟!”“哦,这怎么好意思啊?”宋钟客气道。 Has not related!” Lan Qizi said with a smile here, as received specially comes the boundary of immortal newly, has various super transmission to now Heaven Beyond the Heaven, we can immediately! I come back also quickly, does not delay the time.” Saying, him was then bringing Song Zhong to fly. “没关系!”蓝其子笑道“我们这里,作为专门接待新来仙人的地界,有通往各今天外天的超级传送阵,咱们马上就能到!我回来也快,根本不耽误功夫的。”说着,他便带着宋钟飞起来。 That many thanks!” Song Zhong said with a smile, felt relieved that flew with him, while the secret passage, ` this boy was good, these things, have not given for nothing finally! “那就多谢了!”宋钟微笑道,同时放下心来,一边跟着他飞行,一边暗道,‘这小子还不错,那些东西,总算是没有白给! The time is not big, Song Zhong under the leadership of Lan Qizi, arrived at one to have several thousand zhang (3.33 m) high similarly, the construction of before several hundred thousand zhang (3.33 m) surrounding area. However, with front several quiet different, here actually left several hundred celestial troops and generals to guard. 时间不大,宋钟就在蓝其子的带领下,来到了一个同样有数万丈高,几十万丈方圆的建筑前。不过,和前面几处的清静不同,这里却多出了数百名天兵天将把守。 Lan Qizi is bringing Song Zhong, called the respective status certificate, was allowed to enter. The Song Zhong status certificate, naturally is his World Lord token. 蓝其子带着宋钟,叫上各自的身份凭证,才获准进入其中。宋钟的身份凭证,自然就是他的界主令牌。 Afterward they enter, inside is one complex, surrounding area several thousand zhang (3.33 m) transmission. Only looks at that dense and numerous line, with layer upon layer the overlapped mark, made Song Zhong dizzy. The heart said that ` such complex transmission, owes Immortal World to make really 随后两人就进入其中,里面是一座复杂至极,方圆数万丈的传送阵。光看那密密麻麻的线条,和层层重叠的符号,就让宋钟头昏眼花了。心说,‘这么复杂的传送阵,也真亏仙界能弄出来” In the Song Zhong unstated criticism sound, Lan Qizi started transmission, two people along with, even if changes to two blue light, vanishes does not see! ~~ 宋钟的腹诽声中,蓝其子启动了传送阵,两个人随即便化作两道青光,消失不见!~~ When Song Zhong opens the eye once more time, he went to another place. Here similarly is one transmission, but, sees, actually completely is the red. 等到宋钟再次睁开眼睛的时候,他已经来到了另外一处地方。这里同样是一座传送阵,不过,入目之间,却全部都是红色的。 The ground of under foot is red jade, surrounding wall even is the roof, includes the rich Fire Type immortal torr red stone material , is also evidently precious. 脚下的地面是红色的玉石,周围的墙壁甚至是屋顶,也都是含有浓郁火系仙乇的赤色石料,看样子也都非常珍贵。 But after Song Zhong shouted inspired, is felt that inhaled draw in a fire to be the same. This place Fire Type Immortal Qi rich degree, was in a make the blood boil situation simply. Said that if cultivator of world of mortals comes this, under the synthesis, definitely meets here rich Fire Type Immortal Qi to be burnt alive! Also can treat on DaSheng Cultivator reluctantly previous some time, may also certainly treat is not long!! 宋钟呼吸了一口气之后,更是感觉吸进来一口火一样。此地火系仙气的浓郁程度,简直到了一个令人发指的地步。这么说吧,如果是凡间的修士来此,合体之下,必然会这里浓郁的火系仙气被活活烧死!也就大乘修士可以勉强待上一段时间,可也绝对待不长!,!
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