CLC :: Volume #6

#550: Flying upwards paradise

In an instant, three years passed by, Song Zhong eldest son Song Wen has been able to travel. And inherited the reason of Song Zhong blood relationship, this boy entire is a small monster, was born time but actually also normal, but less than several days displayed his terror strength, several mother's married sisters gave his toy, grasped crushes. The quilt on bed, rips breaks to pieces. Forces the Sirs to him look for the valuable quilt to use. 转眼间,三年时间过去了,宋钟的大儿子宋文都已经能跑路了。或与是继承了宋钟血统的缘故,这小子整个就是一小怪兽,才出生的时候倒还正常,可是没过几天就表现出了他那恐怖的力量,几位姨娘给他的玩具,一抓就粉碎。床上的被子,一撕就碎。逼得大人们不得不给他找来宝被子用。 When he three -year-old time, had his mother to be high, the strength of kid was much bigger, runs around all day, Duel can hit 56 levels of Demonic Beast. 等他三岁的时候,个头都有他妈高了,小屁孩的力量更是大得惊人,整天到处乱跑,单挑都能打过56级的妖兽 It can be imagined, later is also existence of abnormal rank. 可想而知,以后也是一个变态级别的存在。 Besides him, Song Zhong also seized the chance to do in a big way several other wives' bellies , many daughters of two abnormal ranks. And also has the wives of three big bellies. A short time has not lived. 除了他之外,宋钟还趁机搞大了其他几位妻子的肚子,又多了两个变态级别的女儿。并且还有三大大肚子的夫人。只是一时半会儿还没有生下来。 However Song Zhong was unable to wait again, Imperial Court should be urged his several times, Xuan Jingzi is wishes one could to stay side him daily. Looks that he becomes the thin and pale shamelessness, Song Zhong somewhat was embarrassed! 但是宋钟已经不能再等了,天庭应经催促他好几次,玄静子更是恨不得天天呆在他身边。看着他都变得憔悴的老脸,宋钟都有些不好意思了! Thereupon, under the attentive hope of Xuan Jingzi, Song Zhong complied to fly upwards with him again finally together. 于是乎,再玄静子的殷勤期盼下,宋钟终于答应和他一起飞升了。 After a farewell of weeping bitterly, Song Zhong followed in Xuan Jingzi behind, to fly the sky depressed. Under receiving and instructing of Xuan Jingzi, passed through a special space node, went to a special place. 在经过了一番痛哭的告别后,宋钟跟在玄静子身后,闷闷不乐的飞上了天空。在玄静子的接引下,穿越了一道特殊的空间节点,来到了一个特殊的地方。 This is a spacious square, little said that also several thousand li (0.5km) surrounding areas, the ground puts out for the matter, in the surface has Qi Xishen fog shape Immortal Qi. Appears abnormal is simple and elegant. Arrives here, Song Zhong felt this rich Immortal Qi, appeared completely different from this world. Here, Song Zhong resembled the fish to enter in the water, not to mention was comfortable. He could not bear extends one to stretch comfortably. 这是一个空旷的广场,少说也有数万里方圆,地面是用于事扑救,表面上有齐膝深的雾状仙气。显得异常清雅。才一来到这里,宋钟就感受到了这一界浓郁的仙气,显得和凡尘里完全不一样。在这里,宋钟就好像鱼儿进入了水中,别提都舒服了。以至于他都忍不住舒服的伸了一个懒腰。 Xuan Jingzi sees Song Zhong to stop, cannot bear urge: Do not delay, others are waiting also for you 玄静子宋钟停下,忍不住催促道:“别耽搁了,人家都还等着你呢” Song Zhong hear Yanxian stares, afterward one looks toward the surroundings, this discovered that is standing several immortals in the square distant place, is looking here, obviously is waiting for the arrival of Song Zhong. 宋钟闻言先是一愣,随后往周围一望,这才发现,在广场远处站着几个仙人,正在看着这边,显然都是在等待宋钟的到来。 Sees this situation, the Song Zhong nature delays embarrassed, passed with Xuan Jingzi hurriedly. 见到这种情况,宋钟自然不好意思多耽搁,急忙跟着玄静子过去了。 The opposite is five immortals, puts on very officially, is the long gown of color brocade, Xuan Jingzi introduces completely to them: This is Song Zhong, Sir World Lord 对面是五个仙人,都穿着很正式,全部是彩锦的袍服,玄静子对他们介绍道:“这位就是宋钟,界主大人” Then Xuan Jingzi also said to Song Zhong: They are specially the entertainment messengers who Immortal World receives new person!” 然后玄静子又对宋钟道:“他们是仙界专门接待新人的招待使者!” Afterward Xuan Jingzi also in a low voice suggested that you to them good, Day however will have the advantage!” 随后玄静子又低声暗示道,“你对他们好一点,日然会有好处!” Song Zhong is not the idiot who does not pass current affairs, naturally listened to the meaning in Xuan Jingzi words. The so-called hadrosaurus cannot press the local bully, Song Zhong but actually not for a thing, conflicts to them. 宋钟也不是不通时务的白痴,自然听出了玄静子话中的意思。所谓强龙压不过地头蛇,宋钟倒也不会为了一点东西,就给他们冲突。 Therefore Song Zhong holds the fist in the other hand hurriedly, says with a smile: Has seen several Sirs, came from Immortal World below, has not brought any good thing, was really disrespectful!” 所以宋钟急忙一抱拳,笑道:“见过几位大人,在下才从仙界来,没有带什么好东西,真是失礼了!” During the speeches, Song Zhong quietly has then handed over several things, is the materials of best quality goods, can refine the Immortal Tool gadget. 说话间,宋钟便悄悄递过几件东西,都是极品的材料,可以炼制仙器的玩意。 After current of lead receives, looked, immediately on [say / way] of lighting up with pleasure: Oh, originally is famous Song Zhong World Lord! You may really be too polite! Below Lan Qizi, has seen Sir World Lord!” 领头的现任接过来以后,看了一下,顿时就喜笑颜开的道:“哎呀呀,原来是大名鼎鼎的宋钟界主啊!您可真是太客气了!在下蓝其子,见过界主大人!” Saying, he then cups one hand in the other across the chest to give Song Zhong very respectful saluting. Although in the status, Song Zhong this World Lord slightly is not worse than him, even also wants high, but the county magistrate is inferior to the ready money control! If Song Zhong does not put out the advantage, they will be also same will press Song Zhong. After all Song Zhong this World Lord, with them completely is two matters, whom can no one manage? 说着,他便拱手给宋钟很恭敬的施了一礼。虽然在地位上,宋钟这个界主不比他稍差,甚至还要高一点,但是县官不如现管!如果宋钟不拿出好处来,他们也一样会难为宋钟的。毕竟宋钟这个界主,跟他们完全是两码事,谁也管不到谁? Naturally, after receiving the thing, Lan Qizi intentionally will not feel embarrassed, even must according to the custom, add on some advantage to give Song Zhong additionally. The ritual that after all Song Zhong delivers is heavy, not only compares these ordinary immortal who comes up from below, is strong too many, even in his immortal of this level, can be considered as on is the good gadget. 当然,收了东西以后,蓝其子就不会故意为难了,甚至还要按照规矩,额外加上一些好处给宋钟。毕竟宋钟送的礼够重,不仅比那些才从下面上来的普通仙人,强得太多,甚至在他这个层次的仙人里,都能算得上是不错的玩意。 Therefore, understood he who custom, has decided that must entertain Song Zhong well. 故而,懂得规矩的他,已经打定主意,要好好招待宋钟 After both sides end politely, Lan Qizi waved to send Xuan Jingzi, this [say / way] with a laugh: Sir World Lord!” 双方客气完之后,蓝其子就挥手打发了玄静子,这才笑呵呵的道:“界主大人!” Song Zhong one hear, hurried polite [say / way]: Called me Song Zhong, or Fellow Daoist may, this Sir World Lord name, be possible really not to be at all ~ 宋钟一听,急忙客气道:“叫我宋钟,或者道友就可,这界主大人的称呼,可实在不敢当啊~” He He, I understood at a glance that you is a happy person!” Lan Qizi said immediately: Such being the case, I pull rank call you my worthy brother, whether?” “呵呵,我一看就知道你是一个痛快人!”蓝其子马上道:“既然如此,我就托大叫你一声贤弟,可否?” Oh, that may seek friendships!” Song Zhong holds the fist in the other hand to say hurriedly. “哎呀,那可高攀了!”宋钟急忙抱拳道。 No, no, I sought friendships actually!” Lan Qizi shows a faint smile, then said: My worthy brother, I speaks the custom of new person to you first.” “没有,没有,倒是我高攀了!”蓝其子微微一笑,然后道:“贤弟啊,我先给你讲讲新人的规矩。” Is this!” Lan Qizi then earnestly said afterward: Immortal who first, comes up first, must wash off the uncouthness of world of mortals, then can enter Immortal World.” “是这样!”蓝其子随后便认真道:“首先,先上来的仙人,要洗去凡间的俗气,然后才可以进入仙界。” Washes off uncouth?” Song Zhong hear that, cannot bear the curious [say / way]: How can this wash?” “洗去俗气?”宋钟闻言,忍不住好奇的道:“这要怎么洗?” He He, washed certainly in pond!” Lan Qizi explained afterward with a smile: Generally speaking, we have three pond, the first type, washes the dust pond, is this ~ “呵呵,当然是在池子里洗了!”蓝其子随后笑着解释道:“一般来说,我们有三种池子,第一种,涤尘池,就是这个~” Saying, him was bringing Song Zhong to walk in the future two steps, has referred to front number hundred zhang (333m) pond of square. 说着,他就带着宋钟往后走了两步,指了指前面一个数百丈的见方的池子 Song Zhong one looked toward inside that discovered inside Immortal Qi was richer, with outside and infinite big difference. 宋钟往里面一看,发现里面的仙气浓郁了一些,和外面的并无多大的区别。 Therefore then [say / way] of doubts: Stepped onto one in this inside on the line?” 于是便疑惑的道:“在这里面走上一圈就行了?” He He!” Lan Qizi said with a smile: Walks one actually to wash off uncouth, but, does not have other any advantage, the poor devil preparation that therefore, here is unappreciative to these, puts in my worthy brother you, naturally cannot wash here!, You have a look here!” “呵呵!”蓝其子笑道:“走一圈倒是可以洗去俗气,不过,却也没有什么其他好处,所以,这里就是给那些不识抬举的穷鬼准备的,置于贤弟你,当然不能在这里洗了!来来来,你看看这里!” Saying, Lan Qizi was bringing Song Zhong to fly beyond dozens li (0.5km), was pointing at several thousand zhang (3.33 m) constructing housing pond, says with a smile: This is second pond, washes the immortal pond! Inside is the essence of Immortal Qi, in words that this inside washes, not only uncouth completely disappears, the immortal body can also further strengthen, the strength can result in has the promotion!” 说着,蓝其子就带着宋钟飞到数十里之外,指着一处数万丈建房的池子,笑着道:“这就是第二种池子,洗仙池!里面全是仙气之精华,在这里面洗的话,不仅俗气尽消,就连仙体也可以进一步加强,力更是能够得带提升呢!” Song Zhong one looked toward below that really sees in that pond is the clear water, clearly liquefied Immortal Qi. To maintain these many liquid Immortal Qi, obviously needs a lot of resources, the advantage that also no wonder these fellows want, very much made the person come this. 宋钟往下面一看,果然就见到那池子里全是清水,分明就是液化了的仙气。想要维持这么多的液体仙气,显然需要很多的资源,也难怪这些家伙所要的好处,才很让人来这了。 After looking, Song Zhong then cannot bear say: This second pond so was fierce, that third will pond, be better?” 看完之后,宋钟便忍不住道:“这第二个池子就如此厉害了,那第三个池子,岂不是会更好?” He He, my worthy brother!” Lan Qizi said with a smile: If our relations, enough made you go to third pond. However I urged you, washed to consider as finished here, do not go to third pond!” “呵呵,贤弟啊!”蓝其子笑道:“如果说咱们的关系呢,足够让你去第三个池子了。不过我劝你,还是在这里洗洗算了,别去第三个池子了!” Em? Why is this?” Song Zhong immediately curious pursues asks. “恩?这是为何?”宋钟立刻好奇的追问道。 Because of third pond, called to quench the immortal pond! Inside directs from Heaven Beyond the Heaven, purest Primal Chaos astral wind, although was weakened several thousand times, is still fierce. That gadget, quenchings the mortal body to use to flying upwards Divine Beast, if the immortal uses, although the mortal body will be firmer, but possibly while still alive will also be blown!” Lan Qizi small sound track: Before had presented such matter, does not know that the good and evil repairs appropriately, after flying upwards, thinks how good x, depends in the Immortal World somewhat influence, must quench the immortal pond, finally, was blown the meat froth by the Primal Chaos astral wind while still alive! Therefore my worthy brother, considers as finished!” “因为第三个池子,叫淬仙池!里面是从天外天外部引下来的,最精纯的混沌罡风,虽然被消弱了数千倍,可是依然非常厉害。那玩意,就是给飞升的神兽淬炼肉身用的,要是仙人用,虽然肉身会更加坚固,但是也可能会被活活吹死!”蓝其子小声道:“以前就出现过这样的事情,一位不知道好歹得体修,飞升之后,自以为多么牛x,仗着在仙界有几分势力,非要去淬仙池,结果,被混沌罡风活活刮成了肉沫啊!所以贤弟,还是算了吧!” After Song Zhong listened, immediately eye one bright, said with a smile: May I ask the big brother, Divine Beast that usually flies upwards, what rank can in quenching the immortal pond exercises?” 宋钟听了之后,顿时眼睛一亮,笑道:“敢问大哥,平常飞升的神兽,什么等级的才能够在淬仙池里锻炼?” Is 11 levels, 10 levels also has to pass, but is somewhat dangerous!” Lan Qizi said that „? Does my worthy brother you also remember to try?” “怎么也得是11级的,10级的也有能过去的,不过有些危险!”蓝其子道,“怎么?难道贤弟你也想起试试?” Graciousness delivers the key nod saying: If 11 levels of Demonic Beast do not have the issue, I surely do not have the issue!” “恩”送重点点头道:“如果11级的妖兽没有问题的话,那我也肯定没有问题!” Em?” Lan Qizi hear that, immediately a brow wrinkle, immediately small sound track: Outside had the rumor saying that you were Chaos Titan Clan, was this real?” “恩?”蓝其子闻言,顿时眉头一皱,随即小声道:“外面有传言说,你是混沌巨灵族,难道这是真的?” " , But studies is { Primal Chaos Formula }, afterward body change hugeness of , is also very tyrannical, " Song Zhong explained: My main body is the person clan, should not be considered as that Chaos Titan Clan of pure blood?” "哦,只是修习的是{混沌诀},后来身体变化的很巨大,也很强横,"宋钟解释道:“不过我的本体是人族,应该不算是纯血的混沌巨灵族吧?” You can practice the boundary of flying upwards { Primal Chaos Formula }, perhaps was not Chaos Titan Clan was also similar, such being the case, you definitely had the use to quench the qualifications of immortal pond!” Lan Qizi holds the hand of Song Zhong then to fly afterward to another direction, with stylish: My worthy brother, the elder brother leads you to use to quench the immortal pond!” “你能把{混沌诀}练到飞升的境界,恐怕不是混沌巨灵族也差不多了,既然如此,那你就肯定有使用淬仙池的资格!”蓝其子随后拉着宋钟的手便飞向另一个方向,同时道:“贤弟,哥带你去用淬仙池!” The time is not big, before two people arrived at a number hundred zhang (333m) high main hall, this is a resplendence in gold and jade green, complete Bi Feng main hall. 时间不大,两个人就来到了一处数百丈高的大殿前,这是一座金碧辉煌,完全闭封的大殿。 Before Lan Qizi brings Song Zhong is arriving at the front door, to Song Zhong said: Here quenches immortal pond, after I help you open the door, you go, when wants to come out, notified me on the line, elder brother I outside, can see inside situation! What if there is not to suit, goes do not show off ability?” 蓝其子带着宋钟来到大门前,对宋钟说:“这里就是淬仙池,我帮你开门后,你自己进去,什么时候想出来,跟我打个招呼就行,哥哥我在外面,也可以看见里面的情况!如果有什么不对劲的,前往不要逞能啊?” Understood!” Delivers the key nod saying: Relax the big brother, I will not act foolishly!” “明白了!”送重点点头道:“放心吧大哥,我不会冒傻气的!” That is good!” Lan Qizi pats the front door afterward, slowly opens a seam dozens zhang (3.33 m) terrifying iron gate, inside hum blows out intense hurricane. Lan Qizi said to Song Zhong hurriedly: Goes in quickly!” “那就好!”蓝其子随后一拍大门,就将数十丈的恐怖铁门缓缓打开一条缝,里面呜呜的吹出一股强烈的飓风。蓝其子急忙对宋钟道:“快进去!” Song Zhong hear that, does not dare to hesitate, a lightning arrived at inside. 宋钟闻言,不敢迟疑,一个闪电就来到了里面。 Goes, Song Zhong clothes, was blown by the terror Primal Chaos astral wind crushes. However this Primal Chaos astral wind blows on Song Zhong, is abnormal is comfortable. After all Song Zhong within the body, is the Primal Chaos strength, with this Primal Chaos astral wind is the a common origin. Therefore after the Primal Chaos astral wind brings pure Immortal Qi is blowing the Song Zhong body, immediately by him is absorbed. 才一进去,宋钟身上的衣服就刺啦一声,被恐怖的混沌罡风吹得粉碎。不过这混沌罡风吹在宋钟身上,却是异常舒服。毕竟宋钟体内,也是混沌力,和这混沌罡风系出同源。所以混沌罡风带着精纯的仙气吹到宋钟身上后,就立刻被他吸收进去。 Song Zhong felt that a warm warm current walks randomly on the body, was comfortably anxious. Excited, Song Zhong whole body muscle skeleton creak suddenly Xiang, then he then offers own prototype, enough 180 zhang (3.33 m) high terrifying giant! 宋钟就感觉一股暖洋洋的暖流在身上游走,舒服急了。兴奋之下,宋钟浑身肌肉骨骼咯吱咯吱一声暴响,然后他便献出自己的原型,足足180丈高的恐怖巨人!
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