CGA :: Volume #1

#7: Royal Annie Ship 2

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Lucky, is dashing the flash of light screen, a prompt appears in his mind, is the voice of that unreasonable female hooligan, the language is fast, anxiously, is very very essential. Kid, your first duty survives for a half year when this Instant Sea, remember, opportunity that you altogether died 100 times, after each time death, you will return just to enter in Instant Sea the situation, can support until you smoothly for a half year, will complete the task. But if you cannot achieve, death achieved 100 times, Exceedingly High Chalice then thinks that your duty failure, you real destroy both body and soul, always can not be reincarnated!” 万幸,在撞破光幕的一瞬间,一个提示自行浮现在他脑海,还是那不讲道理的女流氓的声音,语速很快,很急,很关键。“小屁孩,你的第一个任务就是在这须臾海中生存半年,记住,你一共有一百次死亡的机会,每次死亡之后,你就会回到刚进入须臾海之中时的处境,直到你能顺利的撑过半年,就算是完成任务。可如果你始终做不到,死亡次数就达到一百次的话,通天圣杯便会认为你任务失败,那你就真的形神俱灭,永世不得超生了!” Obviously that female hooligan also knows oneself forgot to say the essential item, hurried to recover afterward. 显然那女流氓也知道自己忘了说关键事项,赶紧来了个事后补救。 The words of this woman, let Chen Guang remembered itself once to watch previously a movie, tomorrow's edge that Tom acted the leading role. 这女人的话,让陈光想起自己早先曾看过的一部电影,正是阿汤哥主演的明日边缘。 In the tomorrow's edge, after Tom had death each time, returns to yesterday's ability, and each time after resurrecting, can maintain the complete memory. 在明日边缘里面,阿汤哥就拥有每次死亡之后就回到昨天的能力,并且每次复活之后还能保持着完整的记忆。 Tom relies on this finally, if the body of not dying, and can know in advance to a certain extent the future ability, will overcome one difficulty after another in the battlefield of future world, expects the enemy airplane first, and smooth nearly invincible alien will defeat, saved the entire human race. 阿汤哥最终凭借这等若不死之身,并且又能在一定程度上预知未来的能力,在未来世界的战场中过关斩将,料敌机先,并顺利将近乎无敌的外星人击败,拯救了全人类。 After all, each his death, waited, if he remembered a dangerous node, in facing the crisis, can always make the correct choice for the second time. 毕竟,每一次他的死亡,都等若他记下了一个危险的节点,在第二次面对危机时,总能做出正确的选择。 Chen Guang smiles, this was right, although our natural talent was dull-witted, but this condition was also very liberal. 陈光嘿嘿一笑,这就对了嘛,虽然咱天资愚钝,但这条件也很优渥嘛。 Even if cannot catch up with Tom, but my condition is better! 哪怕赶不上阿汤哥,但我的条件更好嘛! The entire 100 opportunities, mix to eat to wait for death for a half year, who cannot! 整整一百次机会呢,混吃等死过半年而已,谁不会啊! Oh! 啊哈哈哈! Right, she had not said that completes the duty later advantage! 对了,她还没说完成任务之后的好处呢! Ok, since called Exceedingly High Chalice, the old man was Redeemer that what destiny selected, certainly compelled cannot treat unjustly me. 算了,既然叫通天圣杯,老夫又是什么天命选中的救赎者,绝逼的不能亏待我。 The small matter of this minor details, did not say that when I first mixed half year to say again. 这种细枝末节的小事情,不说也罢,等我先混过这半年再说。 Tom's initial duty is to save the entire human race, Chen Guang is actually so long as has mixed for a half year and that's the end, he thought that this was too relaxed and happy. 阿汤哥当初的任务是要拯救全人类,陈光却是只要混过半年就是了,他觉得这实在太轻松又愉快了。 Oneself must the thorough visualization shortly in this so-called Instant Sea, he starts self-satisfied and anticipates, thinks carefully, that anything Redeemer reputation, is resounding. 眼看着自己就要在这所谓的须臾海中彻底显形,他又开始得意和期待起来,仔细想想,那什么救赎者的名头,还是蛮响亮的嘛。 Wait! This is anything! The big blade, is really sharp, this work , Wang Mazi also pats the horse difficult and! 等等!这是什么!好大一把刀,真锋利,这做工,啧啧,王麻子也拍马难及啊! Waits, the situation is not probably right, this blade seemingly to my neck! 等一下,情况好像不对劲,这刀貌似是冲着我脖子来的! I scratch, does the wool! The eye hid just opened, must be stabbed, you made me see clearly the situation! 我擦嘞,搞毛啊!眼皮子刚睁开,就要挨刀了,你好歹让我看清楚情况啊! According to certain unscientific story hypotheses, I as the lead, my life should be very hardly very strong! 按照某些不科学的故事设定,我身为主角,我的命应该是很硬很坚挺的啊! ! 咔嚓! Neck! 脖子! Flew! 飞了! The first flash he also thought that this matter is relaxed and happy, the next second he felt and female hooligan from the deep evil intention of Exceedingly High Chalice immediately. 前一瞬间他还觉得这事情轻松又愉快,下一秒钟他立马就感受到了来自通天圣杯与女流氓的深深恶意。 Bewildered Exceedingly High Chalice, bewildered Instant Sea, the bewildered sudden death, all these made Chen Guang understand instantaneously, this Test of 3,000 Worlds, did not make absolutely is playing. 莫名其妙的通天圣杯,莫名其妙的须臾海,莫名其妙的突然死亡,这一切都让陈光瞬间明白了,这三千世界的考验,绝对不是闹着玩儿的。 He presents the first step in Instant Sea, unexpectedly from one soon beheaded captive. 他出现在须臾海里的第一步,竟是从一个即将被斩首的俘虏。 Here said soon, is not lining up in one side, waits to be cut the head, but is the knife is shaking on his neck, the next second must cut. 这里说的即将,不是排队等在一边,一个一个的等着被砍脑袋,而是刀子就在他的脖子上晃着,下一秒钟就要斩下来。 From all sides roughly wasted the opportunity that resurrected ten times in vain, Chen Guang forces from this named black wind number pirate ship to escape finally the birth day, threw into the into the sea|nautical mile, and by another Royal Annie Ship pirate ship rescuing. 前前后后约莫白白浪费了十次复活的机会,陈光才终于勉强从这艘名为黑风号的海盗船上逃出生天,一头扎进海里,并被另一艘皇家安妮号海盗船给救下来。 That entire were cut with the knife nine times in taste, but really does not crack a joke. 那整整九次被人用刀子斩在身上的滋味,可真不是开玩笑的。 As if must tear the soul pain time and time again, suffers him suffers extreme distress, good, died to live truly. 一次又一次仿佛要撕裂灵魂般的痛楚,将他折磨得死去活来,好吧,本来就是真正的死翘翘了又重新活过来。 Knows at heart can also resurrect, 要不是心里知道还能复活, Chen Guang feels, oneself is absolutely impossible to support. If heaven pities me, he is the young fellow who will not swim, to go on living, to no longer return to the black wind pirate ship was cut the head, he depended on dog-paddle to support in the water obstinately forcefully was very long, appeared until Royal Annie Ship. 陈光觉着,自己绝对不可能撑得住。天可怜见,他本来是个不会游泳的小伙,为了活下去,为了不再回到黑风海盗船上被砍脑袋,他愣是硬生生靠着狗刨式在水里撑了很久,直到皇家安妮号出现。 Lucky, the Royal Annie Ship black wind number enemy, pursues comes to here to exterminate the black wind pirate group, the Chen Guang decisive incarnation guides the party. 万幸,皇家安妮号正是黑风号的仇家,追来这里就是为了剿灭黑风海盗团,陈光果断化身带路党。 After that Chen Guang then stays on Royal Annie Ship for the time being, although is only on the ship a common unskilled laborer, but the good and evil seeks the foothold reluctantly. 此后,陈光便在皇家安妮号上暂且呆了下来,虽然只是船上一名丝毫不起眼的小工,但好歹勉强算是寻到个立足之地。 Afterward, Chen Guang tries to find out the Instant Sea true colors gradually. 随后,陈光渐渐摸索到须臾海的真面目。 In entire Instant Sea, does not have existence of land from the start. 整个须臾海中,压根就没有陆地的存在。 In the person heart in Instant Sea, absolutely does not have the concept of land, as if exists at the beginning of this world, this is endless sea. 须臾海里的人心中,完全就没有陆地的概念,仿佛从这世界存在伊始,这就是一片无尽的大海。 Naturally, in sea also many islands, even if all islands complete area add, perhaps also sea area 1/10000. 当然,海中也有不少岛屿,但即便所有岛屿全部的面积都加起来,或许还不到海洋面积的万分之一。 Has many years as for the time that Instant Sea has, always no one knows. 至于须臾海存在的时间有多少年,也从来没人知道。 In the Chen Guang brain has a feeling faintly, this so-called Instant Sea, from the start is water in that cup! 陈光脑子里隐隐有种感觉,这所谓的须臾海,压根就是自己那杯子里的水! Because, in the legend, Instant Sea has the end and boundary, just prevents the invisible wall that is unable to be broken in boundary, outside that invisible wall, the legend has one to be huger much the big hand, as if the deep sleep thousands of years, from the Instant Sea birthday had started, have existed eternal. 因为,在传说之中,须臾海是有尽头与边界的,只不过在边界处阻挡着一层根本无法被破开的无形之壁,在那无形之壁外面,传说有一个巨大得无边无际的大手,似乎已经沉睡了千万年,从须臾海诞生之日开始,就已经永恒存在。 In the past surveyed this, it is said was entire Instant Sea most powerhouse in history, after he investigated this fearful truth, less than two days then spat blood to perish, at the point of death before, this person had once said that that endless hand was perhaps huger than entire Instant Sea! 当年测绘出这手的,据说是整个须臾海有史以来的最强者,在他探查出这可怕的真相之后,没过两天便吐血而亡,临死前,这人曾说过,那无尽之手恐怕比整个须臾海还要庞大! Naturally, no matter in these legends said how mysteriously, Chen Guang actually knows, that anything invisible wall from the start is the glass steel cup cup wall, when what eternal hand, is lie is sleeping, is placed in cup nearby right hand! 当然,不管这些传说里面说得多么玄乎,陈光却知道,那什么无形之壁压根就是玻璃钢杯子的杯壁嘛,什么永恒之手,就是自己趴着睡觉时,摆在杯子旁边的右手嘛! From now on, health/guard Tianwang then approximately understands Exceedingly High Chalice constructs the 3,000 Worlds method, that then own the actual situation in consciousness and cup unifies mutually. 自此,卫天望便大约明白了通天圣杯构建三千世界的手段,那便是将自己的意识与杯子里的实际情况相互结合。 He looked at the Caribbean pirates 7 with Wen Wen a short time ago just in time together, over the two days went all out to learn English, World inside the Grail causes such in the world with Caribbean pirate to have 89 similar sea world. 正巧前不久他才和文雯一道去看了加勒比海盗七,这两天又拼命学英语,杯中界就弄出了这么一副和加勒比海盗中的世界有着八九分相似的大海世界来。 What a pity outside are flamboyant, is extraordinary, Chen Guang in Instant Sea are actually only a common small role. 可惜外面的自己再牛逼,再了不得,陈光自己在须臾海里却只是个不起眼的小角色。 After on Royal Annie Ship settles, Chen Guang is also step by step cautious, for fear that line of bad missteps. 皇家安妮号上安顿下来之后,陈光也是一步步小心翼翼,生怕行差踏错。 As the day passes by day-by-day, he as the modern people, after all the person compared with Instant Sea native place is many some cognition at many things, is the gold must shine eventually, he position on Royal Annie Ship also promotes day by day. 随着日子一天天过去,他身为现代人,毕竟在许多事情上比须臾海本土的人多出一些认知,是金子终究是要发光的,他在皇家安妮号上的地位也日益提升。 His crude person English in this environment, is progressive fast. 他的半吊子英语在这环境之中,更是进步飞快。 In addition, is on the pirate ship, always slaughters unavoidably, although Chen Guang is not what practicing martial art talent, but was compelled in this, does not go all out also to spell. 除此之外,身在海盗船上,总免不了与人厮杀,陈光虽然算不上什么习武天才,但都被逼到这份上了,不拼命也得拼。 In compared with locally born indigenous people with Instant Sea, he has a biggest advantage, after all he has that the opportunity of resurrecting, really did not play to take off/escape carefully, at the worst started over from the beginning. 须臾海中土生土长的原住民相比,他有个最大的优势,毕竟他有那么多次复活的机会,真不小心玩脱了,大不了又从头再来嘛。 Naturally, in big Instant Sea, always has the innumerable cidental factors, even the imperial Anne such powerful pirate group, still the enemy who may run into is unable to contend with variously, even whole army has been annihilated. 当然,在诺大的须臾海中,总有无数的偶然因素,就算是皇家安妮这样强大的海盗团,也有可能遇到各种各样无法抗衡的敌人,甚至全军覆灭。 Afterward Chen Guang died somewhat many times, person but who he can Full HP resurrect, and after each resurrecting, he discovered the ability that oneself previously exercised unexpectedly as before maintains on oneself. 随后陈光又是多多少少死了不少次,但他可是能够满血复活的人,并且每一次复活后,他发现自己先前锻炼出来的能耐竟然依旧保持在自己身上。 In strong body and preying skill on Royal Annie Ship exercising, making him roll from the black wind pirate in escapes becomes more and more easy, the experience that hangs time and time again, lets him at a time of body dead preying, is easier to enter the fearless actually absolutely calm fearful condition, at least in the situation of same strength, Chen Guang will select only will not lose to anybody. 皇家安妮号上锻炼出来的强壮身躯与搏杀技巧,让他从黑风海盗团手里逃生变得越来越容易,一次又一次挂掉的经历,让他在身死搏杀之际,更容易进入无所畏惧却又绝对冷静的可怕状态,起码在同等实力的情况下,陈光单挑不会输给任何人。 He does not want to acknowledge, Elder Brother, becoming the nerve big strip is quite well strong! 他自己都不想承认,哥,变得好神经大条好坚强啊! And is taking advantage on the understanding of people Royal Annie Ship, Chen Guang can on each time the smooth return ship, and wins people's trust , to continue to mingle among on this ship. 并且依仗着对皇家安妮号上众人的了解,每次陈光都能顺利的回到船上,并得到众人的信任,继续混迹在这条船上。 Afterward dozens gravity heads start, Chen Guang that every resurrects one time was fiercer than three points before, when until last time, he has even socialized with the opposite party on the black wind pirate ship, approached until Royal Annie Ship. 随后数十次重头开始,每一次复活的陈光都比之前更厉害三分,直到最后一次时,他甚至一直在黑风海盗船上与对方周旋,直到皇家安妮号靠近。 Vicious of Chen Guang, making him the position when Royal Annie Ship promote day by day, when works to a frazzle almost to insist entire a half year, he became on this pirate ship unexpectedly the pivotal character, solemn Royal Annie Ship two! 陈光的凶狠,让他在皇家安妮号上地位日益提升,等到累死累活差不多要坚持到整半年时,他竟是成了这海盗船上举足轻重的人物,堂堂皇家安妮号的二副! In big Instant Sea, the pirate rolls tens of millions ideas, Royal Annie Ship at least is also arranges advances 10,000 powerful pirate groups, Chen Guang can become two on this ship, even if takes a broad view at entire Instant Sea several billions people, his individual strength and position, that still leads 99% people. 在诺大的须臾海中,海盗团数千万计,皇家安妮号至少也是排得进前一万的强大海盗团,陈光能成为这艘船上的二副,即便放眼整个须臾海数十亿人,他的个人实力和地位,那也是领先百分之九十九的人了。 Let alone, since he appears on Royal Annie Ship, becomes two to him, in the surface time altogether is less than a half year, this almost can be pirate the legend. 更何况,从他出现在皇家安妮号上,到他成为二副,表面上拢共的时间都不到半年,这几乎算得上海盗界的传奇。 This matter mentioned with ease, but was really not actually easy, Chen Guang this non- talent different reported the person, did to each resurrecting, must start from the beginning, seemed like that only stayed in Instant Sea for a half year, but was counted resurrects each time is the time of death again, altogether in addition, was not really short. 这事情说来轻松,但其实还真不容易,陈光本非天赋异禀之人,奈何他每一次复活,都要从头开始,看似只在须臾海中呆了半年,但算上每次复活再到死亡的时间,拢共加起来,着实不短。 When he ultimately completes the task, he also only has five resurrecting opportunities, altogether 95 same place Full HP resurrecting, making him pass in Instant Sea were close for 20 years. 直到他最后完成任务时,他也只剩下五次复活机会,一共九十五次的原地满血复活,让他在须臾海中度过了接近二十年的时间。 Entire 20 years, dull-witted person, can realize a powerhouse, let alone his body age throughout maintains in the life most peak 20 years old. 整整二十年呐,再愚钝的人,也能给练成个强者,更何况他的身体年龄始终保持在一生中最巅峰的二十岁。 Chen Guang frames the achievement finally on two, actually has been able saying that he was very stupid, naturally, he himself will be will not acknowledge this point absolutely. 陈光将自身成就最终定格在二副上面,其实已经可以说他很蠢了,当然,他自己是绝对不会承认这一点的。 Finally, directed the pirate ship to transfer ruthlessly greatly curved, leading the entire ship person to be separated from the death big vortex, Chen Guang at heart silent calculation time, a half year, finally to! 终于,指挥着海盗船狠狠转了个大弯,带着全船人从死亡大漩涡中脱离开来,陈光在心里默算着时间,半年,终于到了! The father may be can go back! 老子可算是能回去了! Chen Guang almost wants to face upward the long and loud cry, in these twenty years, he indeed experienced too many were too many, the heart was clear first that in 3,000 Worlds test throughout this was just that urged the cup that makes unlucky, and once for a while same place Full HP resurrected one time, he almost really must forget the status of own modern people. 陈光几乎想仰天长啸,在这二十年里,他的确经历了太多太多,要不是心头始终清楚这只不过是那倒霉催的杯子弄出来的三千世界考验中的第一个,并且时不时原地满血复活一次,他几乎就真要忘记自己现代人的身份了。 However now, but was can go back. 但是现在,可算是能回去了。 Damn Exceedingly High Chalice! Damn Colored Glaze God Emperor, is waiting to me! 该死的通天圣杯!该死的琉璃神皇,给我等着! Welcome the general book friends to visit reading, latest, quickest and hottest serial publication performs in the mobile phone user welcome to reading. 欢迎广大书友光临阅读,最新、最快、最火的连载作品尽在手机用户请到阅读。
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