CGA :: Volume #1

#8: 1 night of drastic change

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A round of ray flashes through, stands suddenly feels lifted in Chen Guang of bow, the body drifts to go slowly upward spatially. Suddenly then, the people on Royal Annie Ship are looking at themselves by very vacant look. 一轮光芒闪过,站在船头的陈光顿觉身轻如燕,身子缓缓往上空飘移而去。猛然回头,皇家安妮号上的众人正以十分茫然的眼神看着自己。 He does not have the time and people explanation is too many, but waves, said: Everyone, I must walk, I do not know that also has the opportunity to say goodbye, in brief, on the day of wants to have.” 他没时间与众人解释太多,只是挥挥手,说道:“各位,我要走了,我也不知道还有没有机会再见,总之,希望能有那一天吧。” Stayed on this ship was too long, these companions of Chen Guang on to ship, had the extremely deep affection, if not oneself extremely special situation, there is outside family member and a friend as worrying, Chen Guang has not really given up the people. 在这船上呆了太久,陈光对船上这些同伴,也产生了极其深厚的感情,若非自己极其特殊的处境,又有外面的家人与朋友作为牵挂,陈光还真舍不得众人。 However, regardless of the person and matter in Instant Sea seem like again real, died time and time again later resurrecting, is reminding him, oneself eventually are here traveler, sooner or later must leave. 但是,无论须臾海中的人与事看起来再真实,一次又一次死亡之后的复活,也在提醒着他,自己终究是这里的过客,迟早也要离开。 When the ray diverges, Chen Guang returned to at that time in the light tunnel once again, in this tunnel shuttled back and forth, he to oneself pit the great Colored Glaze God Emperor hatred, gradually floats the heart. 当光芒散去,陈光又一次回到那时光隧道之中,在这隧道里穿梭之际,他对把自己坑得不浅的琉璃神皇的恨意,渐渐浮上心头。 He is clenching jaws secretly, after waiting, sees that woman, must skin her dismantles, ruthlessly hangs to straighten up. 他暗自咬牙切齿着,等回去之后,见到那女人,一定要将她剥皮拆骨,狠狠的吊起来拾掇一番。 The whole body shakes, Chen Guang passed through the space and time tunnel finally. 浑身一震,陈光终于穿越了时空隧道。 He thinks that will see that woman again, fierce catching up, planned that jumps to catch that woman, was actually thump one, the back of the head seemingly hit anything. 他本以为会再见到那女人,猛的发力,打算跳将起来将那女人擒住,却是咚的一声,后脑勺貌似撞到了什么东西。 Oh, oh, my chin! Sore!” “哎哟,哎哟哟,我的下巴!疼!” Chen Guang expression one stiff, this sharp voice, who is not Lady White Snake that fellow can be. 陈光表情一僵,这尖利的嗓音,不是白娘子那家伙又能是谁。 The movement of own this fierce setting out, just does not know why placed head following Lady White Snake to hit the chin ruthlessly. 自己这猛的起身的动作,刚好将不知道为什么把下巴放在自己脑袋后面的白娘子狠狠撞了一下。 Is a little strange, properly speaking oneself this/should are also very sore, at this time feels no feeling. 就是有点奇怪,照理说自己也该很疼,此时却觉得没什么感觉。 Tried to pinch the fist, felt a strength, Chen Guang discovered, in the strong body in Instant Sea exercising, retained unexpectedly completely! 试着捏了捏拳头,感受了一下自己身上的力气,陈光更发现,在须臾海中锻炼出来的强健身躯,竟完完整整的保留了下来! Strange, according to the legend in Instant Sea, that so-called eternal hand, is own right hand. 奇怪,根据须臾海中的传说,那所谓的永恒之手,就是自己的右手。 Then, oneself the wanderer in Instant Sea, should be similar to soul body general existence, after but why comes out now, did the genuine body actually turn experienced in Instant Sea to exercise the later condition? 那么,自己在须臾海中闯荡的,应该是类似于灵魂体一般的存在,可为什么现在出来之后,自己真正的身体却又变成了经历过须臾海中锻炼之后的状态呢? This asked him to be puzzling. 这叫他百思不得其解。 Cannot attend to responding Bai Fan that makes much ado about nothing behind, Chen Guang is turning head slightly, is seeing that named Exceedingly High Chalice, seeming like actually is just the gadget static swayed of tea leaves cup in the street booth can buy casually at the desk. 顾不得搭理在身后大惊小怪的白凡,陈光稍稍扭头,正看见那名为通天圣杯,看起来却只不过是个街边摊里能随便买到的茶叶杯的玩意儿静静的摆在书桌旁。 He somewhat surprised uncertain puts out a hand, wants to take up this cup to look, when has not been close, he actually received the hand. 他有些惊疑不定的伸出手去,想拿起这杯子看一下,但尚未接近之时,他却又将手收了回来。 Remembers that Instant Sea, he does not dare to move the cup. 想起那须臾海,他又不敢动杯子了。 My this takes conveniently, bringing inside water to sway, in Instant Sea only feared that is the earth-shaking difficult situation. 我这随手一拿,带着里面的水晃荡起来,须臾海中只怕就是翻天覆地的惊涛骇浪吧。 I said Brother Guang, you lay on the table rested such a in the evening, whole body not sore? I got out of bed you also to lie, was worried that you had/left what condition, your almost gave me hitting the chin!” Bai Fan is shouting in behind, but was can speak. “我说光哥,你趴在桌子上睡了这么一晚上,浑身都不酸痛的啊?我都起床了你还趴着,担心你是不是出了什么状况,你这差点就给我把下巴给撞掉了啊!”白凡在后面嚷嚷着,可算是能说话了。 Chen Guang has turned head, slightly vacant looks at Bai Fan, only passed one in the evening?” 陈光扭过头,略显茫然的看着白凡,“才只过去了一晚上?” As Chen Guang these turns head, Bai Fan did not pay attention to come a docking with his look, why did not know, Bai Fan by Chen Guang such optional looked, felt like unexpectedly some infant, probably staring to be the same by the wild animal, this time Chen Guang, one type was extremely of fierce, valiant and feeling cold blood. 随着陈光这一下回头,白凡不留神和他的眼神来了个对接,不知道为什么,白凡陈光这么随意的一看,心里竟觉得有些毛毛的,好像是被野兽给盯上了一样,此时的陈光,给人一种极其凶猛、彪悍和冷血的感觉。 Bai Fan subconscious drew back two steps toward behind, is pulling the sharp throat howling say/way: Oh WTF, Brother Guang, do you do? To eat me!” 白凡下意识的往后面退了两步,扯着尖利的嗓子嚎道:“哎哟卧槽,光哥,你做咩?想吃了我啊!” A Chen Guang god, this realized oneself just came out from Instant Sea, involuntary also has the Royal Annie Ship two that imposing manners, slaughtering were many, that rich murderous aura has not diverged, frightening. 陈光一愣神,这才意识到自己刚从须臾海里出来,身不由己的还带着皇家安妮号二副那股气势,厮杀得多了,那股浓郁的杀气还没散去,把人给吓到了。 At heart ruthlessly is calling, 在心里狠狠的吆喝着, Receive! Receives to me! At once, he squeezes a very irritable smile with great difficulty reluctantly, lay was too long, the whole body was much stiffer, do not fluster, I did not do the base.” 收!给我收!旋即,他好容易才勉强挤出一丝很是别扭的笑容,“趴太久了,浑身都僵得厉害,你别慌,我又不搞基。” Bai Fan then relaxes at heart slightly, although his some view doubt to Chen Guang, but after all was three years of brothers, he also felt oneself do not need to be overly suspicious and fearful, in turn comforted Chen Guang, Brother Guang, even if must test four levels, yourself do not make that the pressure was too big, looked at your, quick insanity.” 白凡心里这才稍微放松些,虽然他对陈光的说法有些狐疑,但毕竟是三年的兄弟了,他也觉得自己没必要太疑神疑鬼,反过来安慰陈光,“光哥,就算要考四级,你也别把自己弄得压力太大了,瞧你这样,都快疯魔了。” Un, is all right, do not think blindly. Right, did I really only rest for day?” By a Bai Fan such comfort, Chen Guang pulled out from two status oneself to actually gradually , to continue to ask. “嗯,没事没事,别瞎想。对了,我真只睡了一天?”被白凡这样一安慰,陈光倒是渐渐把自己从二副的身份里抽离出来,继续问道。 Otherwise? How long on the table do you also want to lie? Right, I must go to the cafeteria to have the breakfast, do you want me to help you bring the food not? Otherwise you and I go downstairs together, such nest one in the evening, most moved.” Bai Fan is showing the whites of the eyes, suggested that did not pay attention also to pinch orchid fingers, selected toward the Chen Guang forehead. “不然咧?你还想在桌子上趴多久?对了,我要去食堂吃早餐,你要我帮你带饭不?不然你和我一起下楼吧,这么窝了一晚上,最好多活动活动。”白凡翻着白眼,建议道,不留神还捏出了个兰花指,往陈光额头点来。 WTF! The dead mother artillery, opens......” Bai Fan this orchid fingers on the fierce combat compared with pirate ship to be simply fierce, called Chen Guang to have goosebumps immediately, the merriment was patting his hand palm of the hand. 卧槽!死娘炮,起开起开……”白凡这兰花指简直比海盗船上的刀光剑影还厉害,立马叫陈光起了一身鸡皮疙瘩,笑闹着将他的手一巴掌拍开了。 At once Chen Guang stands up, moves the body slightly, not only no sore feeling of stagnation, instead feels lifted. 旋即陈光站起身来,稍稍动了动身子,非但没有什么凝滞的酸痛感,反而觉着身轻如燕。 Has not ravelled the Exceedingly High Chalice condition, he does not dare to leave rashly, he still in these pirates on Royal Annie Ship for Instant Sea works in partnership the worry. 没弄明白通天圣杯的状况,他也不敢贸然离开,他还在替须臾海皇家安妮号上的那些海盗同伙担心呢。 In any event, must think of a way to make again that far-fetched Colored Glaze God Emperor, how at least needs to ascertain this to return beforehand. 无论如何,得把那个不靠谱的琉璃神皇想法子再弄出来,至少要问清楚这到底是怎么回事先。 Lady White Snake you helps me buy the breakfast, I take three steamed stuffed buns, one bowl of gruel, thanked. I read a while book again, does not get down.” “白娘子你帮我买早餐吧,我要三个包子,一碗稀饭,谢了。我再看一会儿书,不下去了。” Chen Guang found an excuse casually, does not plan to go downstairs. 陈光随便找了个借口,不打算下楼。 The Bai Fan eye turns white, I took you, changed study the tyrant suddenly, was what magic potion makes you read on the basis unable to stop!” 白凡眼睛一翻白,“我服了你了,突然之间变学霸了,到底是什么迷魂汤让你看起书来就根本停不下来啊!” Bai Fan this saying lets in the Chen Guang brain fierce remembers Wen Wen that to pledge, the complexion changes, this 20 years passed by, Lady White Snake raises slightly, oneself remember this matter, this is how fearful remnants reads! 白凡这话让陈光脑子里猛的想起文雯那个承诺来,面色微变,这都二十年过去了,白娘子稍微一提,自己就想起这事,这是多么可怕的残念啊! Wen Wen...... 文雯…… Also really let alone, Chen Guang really somewhat thinks at heart strangely her. 还真别说,陈光心里真有些怪想念她的。 Lived nearly 20 years old , the time that Chen Guang and Wen Wen knew was not definitely longest, but the friendship of person and person, was never looked that the duration decided deeply. 活了近二十岁,陈光文雯认识的时间肯定不是最长的,但人与人的交情,从来就不是看时间长短来定深厚。 That tortoise see the mung bean, even the primary acquaintance, looked at the cross-eye, same can take as the friend. 那王八眼看绿豆,就算是初次相识,看对眼了,一样能引为知己。 At least looks like in Chen Guang, oneself thoughts to the Wen Wen, really no men and women's hearts, he also knows that by two people status, oneself indeed cannot be joined to her. 起码在陈光看来,自己对文雯的心思,真没什么男女之心,他也知道以两人的身份,自己的确是配不上她。 However, if must ask that now who is at heart most important in Chen Guang, except for his parents, next was Wen Wen. 但是,如果要问现在谁在陈光心里最重要,除了他的父母,下一个就是文雯了。 Waited for roughly ten minutes, Bai Fan to raise a large package breakfast to return to the bedroom, lay down two people lived in Lin Jingwei and Xiong Jinke of bed upper garment deceased person instantaneously, jumping down the bed was one round wolfs down. 等了约莫十来分钟,白凡提着一大包早餐回了寝室,躺在床上装死人的林经纬熊进科两人瞬间活了过来,跳下床就是一轮狼吞虎咽。 Brother Guang, the morning class do you go on not? The environmental biology of wheat flour evil star only had three classes, does not know that this time can mention by name, heard that by the words that he caught red-handed, the usual performance of terminal examinations must reset directly!” Lin Jingwei is reminding carefully, he also knows that last night Chen Guang lay for night on the chair, thought that he might stay in the bedroom to have a long lazy sleep, deliberately reminded. 光哥,上午的课你去上不?白面煞星的环境生物学只剩下三堂课了,也不知道这次会不会点名,听说被他逮个正着的话,期末考试的平时成绩直接就得清零!”林经纬细心的提醒着,他也知道昨晚陈光在椅子上趴了一夜,心想他很可能会留在寝室睡懒觉,刻意提醒道。 Chen Guang shakes the head, I something, have not gone in the morning, if he mentioned by name, you can help me for answering should, checked strictly even, still all right.” 陈光摇头,“我上午还有些事情,就不去了,如果他点名的话,你们能帮我代答就应一下,查得严的话就算了,也没事。” Usual performance must reset!” Xiong Jinke startled say/way. “平时成绩要清零的啊!”熊进科惊道。 Chen Guang indifferent shaking the head, is all right, the reset resets, so long as the end of the period can test 60 points properly, usual performance not so- said.” 陈光无所谓的摇摇头,“没事,清零就清零,只要期末能正正经经的考个60,平时成绩也没所谓。” After all comes out from Instant Sea, the Chen Guang state of mind also immerses in the Royal Annie Ship two status for a short time, cannot adjust. 毕竟才从须臾海中出来,陈光的心绪一时半会还沉浸在皇家安妮号二副的身份上,没能调整得过来。 Naturally, he also knows, this real world is own basis, If nothing else, the family member friend may here. 当然,他也知道,这现实世界才是自己的根本,别的不说,家人朋友可都在这里呢。 Has had the breakfast, another three people hurry to the classroom building hurriedly, Chen Guang sit to writing desk in front, looks at Exceedingly High Chalice to be in a daze. 吃过早饭,另外三人急匆匆赶去教学楼,陈光则又坐到写字台前面,看着通天圣杯发起呆来。 Welcome the general book friends to visit reading, latest, quickest and hottest serial publication performs in the mobile phone user welcome to reading. 欢迎广大书友光临阅读,最新、最快、最火的连载作品尽在手机用户请到阅读。
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