Thiswomanwears an antiqueancient costumelong skirt, standsin front ofChen Guang, on the handsomefacehas the faint smileexpression, is glitteringlike the morning stareyepupilinbrightly the charmingray, a long skirtfluttersslightly, is graceful, severalsuch asexile the immortal born. Thisfaceseems likewithseal'sancient costumefemalesoncupwallis extremely similar, but the honorable personactuallygesticulatedattractivelylikelythousandtimes of ten thousandtimes.
The white teethred lipsandcloudRongyue the appearance and icemyo-beautiful white skin, peonyandbeautiful womancause the downfall of the nation, as long asisin the Chen Guangbrain1timecanthink the descriptionwomanbeautifulidiom, usesat the presenthisonfrontthiswoman, issuchbeing overshadowed.
The lifein the informationextremelydevelopedmodern society, usuallythrough the so-calledbeautiful woman who the television networksees, is not infrequentcertainly, hasWen Wenthisvegetarianfacenot to lose tobest friend of starto swayin the sidelet aloneevenall day long, Chen Guang should not be so rude.
生活在信息极度发达的现代社会,平时通过电视网络见到的所谓美女,绝不在少数,更何况还有文雯这个即便素颜也不输给明星的死党成天在身边晃荡,陈光本不该如此失态。Butat this timestandsbeforehimthisperson, besideshavingimpeccablebeautifulappearance, passes the stockto makeImmortal Qi that onefeels inferiorfrom top to bottom, butlooks atone, as ifcancleanse the mind of person, the deep placewantsfrom the bottom of the heartunusuallyrefined, is unearthly.
但此时站在他面前这人,除了拥有无可挑剔的绝美容颜之外,浑身上下更透着股叫人自惭形秽的仙气,只是看一眼,就仿佛能荡涤人的心灵,从心底深处要超凡脱俗,不食人间烟火。Immortal Qi that onthiswomangushes out, as ifmustmakeChen Guangalsofollowverticalto becomeGod, flies upwards.
这女人身上涌出的仙气,似乎要让陈光也跟着立地成神,就此飞升。„What does kidyoustupidlystareis making? The old ladiesandyouspoke! Takes a lookagain? Took a look atyoureyeballagaindigs!”
A resultwomanopens the mouth, her is floating the dust the makingsdestroyingcleanly.
结果这女人一张口,就将她那飘然出尘的气质给破坏得一干二净。Thisis not the female celestial, possiblyis not the female celestial, from the startis a femalehooligan!
这不是仙女,绝不可能是仙女,压根就是个女流氓啊!„HowthisFuckis a matter! Mywellreviewsin the bedroom, wasn't strandednappedslightly? What kind ofranhereto cometome! Wherethisis! Whoyouare! What do youwantto make? Deity? Monsters? Femalehooligan? Swindlers? Right, youcertainly is a swindler! Mypresentpenniless, even ifdeceivesme is still useless! Ido not have the mail to go to the post officeto take, inmy familydoes not have the planemoney owed, Ido not have the 10 centsoverallto needto cash in the majorbanks, Ihad not drawnrecently!” After Chen Guangrecovers, responded that is also extremelyquick, machine-gunsameis roaring, worthilyisdeeplyby the goodyouth who variouswonderfulrare and beautiful flowersflowermoderncheatingmethodsgradually influence.
“这尼玛到底是怎么一回事啊!我好好的在寝复习,不就是困了稍微打了个盹儿么?怎么的就给我跑这里来了!这到底是哪里!你是谁!你要做什么?神仙?妖怪?女流氓?骗子?没错,你一定是骗子!我现在身无分文,就算骗我也没用!我没有邮件要去邮局取的,我家里也没有座机欠费,我在各大银行没有一毛钱积分需要兑现,我最近更没抽过奖!”陈光回过神来之后,反应也是极快,连珠炮一样的吼着,不愧是深受各种奇奇葩葩现代诈骗手段熏陶出来的好青年。In the time that Chen Guangroaredcrazily, onthiswomanhad the accident, her whiteancientQun, seemedimmersessuddenlygenerally, hidin the eye of Chen Guangturned into the translucentshapelowly.
就在陈光疯狂咆哮的当儿,这女人身上又生变故,她那一袭白色古裙,好似突然浸水了一般,就在陈光的眼皮子低下变成了半透明状。Thismaybe serious, the Chen Guangeyestares the cow eyeto be big, is staring the opposite partystubbornly, perfectchestcan tolerate the personto graspsingle-handed, the peakpartly visibletwopointsbright red, on the slenderwaistdoes not bring the tiny bitflab, the sparsethick patch of grass that on the underquiet and beautifulcanyonthatsinksslightlysecretly, all theseall, are swallowing the Chen Guangmind.
这一下可不得了,陈光眼睛瞪得牛眼那么大,死死瞪着对方,完美的胸型堪堪禁得住人单手一握,顶端若隐若现两点嫣红,纤细的腰肢上不带一丝一毫赘肉,下方清幽深谷上那微微暗沉的稀疏草丛,这一切的一切,都在吞噬着陈光的心神。Thiswoman, poisonous!
这女人,有毒!Hedoes not knowcompletelythiswomanis sayinganythingat this time, onlythinking, thisswindleralsotoounderqualification, ifreallymustlook formetaking advantage of the thousandsons800, at the worstIborrowed.
他完全不知道这女人此时到底在说什么,只想着,这骗子也太下本钱了吧,如果真是要找我借个千儿八百,大不了我借好了。„Damn! Divine Powerlosttoofiercely, even/includingYingshang the feather robecould not maintain! Unexpectedlygaveyouthiskidto lookwentcheaply! Looksto hit!” The woman who thisgodgodtalked on endlesslyobviouslywas not the good naturelord, saw itselfto be exposed, brandished the fistto proceed.
“该死的!神力损耗得太厉害了,连莹裳羽衣都维持不住了!居然给你这小屁孩看了便宜去!找打!”这神神叨叨的女人显然不是个好脾气的主,见自己走光了,挥舞着拳头就往前走来。Chen Guangdoes not observefor a while, hitsto this womanfiston the face, thispain is also extremelyreal, furthernegativeoneselfinpossibility of having a dream, Idefinitelywas involved in the extraordinarymatter.陈光一时不察,给这女人一拳头打在脸上,这痛感也是极其真实,更进一步否定了自己是在做梦的可能,我肯定是被卷进了不得的事情了。„Waits for, Ihad the words to say that......”Chen Guangattemptmadehercalm down, the voicedeclinesfinally, hitto a fistruthlesslyon the cheeks.
“等一下,我有话要说……”陈光试图让她冷静下来,结果话音没落,又是给一拳头狠狠打在脸颊上。Hegot angry, „, even if you are a woman, do not go too far, Ihit backagainlike this!”
他怒了,“就算你是女人,也别太过分啊,再这样我还手了啊!”Replied that hisis an experience and skill, althoughmovementwoman, becauseshakes the fistis exposedmuch, butChen Guangmaynot be in no moodto look that the fists and feetadds the body, thismayreally be the pain.
回答他的又是一老拳,虽然因为挥拳的动作这女人走光不少,但陈光可没心情看啊,拳脚加身,这可真是痛。Chen Guangtriesto revolt, triesto hit back.陈光试图反抗,试图还手。
„ Yo? Alsodaresto hit back? FacingColored Glaze God Emperor, person but who alsodaresto revolt against,
The kidsyouare for 10 billionyearsfirst! Theninteresting, the old ladywas closedso manyyears, the good and evilcancome outto ventilate, ifyoua wee bitsoundsdo not have, thatmaybe boring, crisp! Reallycrisp! ” Butgreetshis, actually this womanexperience and skill of one by one.
The motheregg, the old manunexpectedlyis not an opponent!
妈蛋,老夫居然不是对手!Chen Guangis really indignant, thiswomanseems like the feeble constitutionto be slender, but the hands and feetresults inflexiblydoes not make sense, the strengthis heavy, the lefthookrighthook, to the meat, againstdoes not have to guardsincerely, evadesnot to be possibleto evade.陈光实在气愤,这女人看起来弱质纤纤,但偏偏手脚灵活得不像话,力道还不轻,左勾拳右勾拳,拳拳到肉,防无可防,避无可避。
The womenraise a rumpusat the same time, the mouthis also sayinganythingunceasingly.
The peopleunder the fist, have tolower the head, Chen Guangis not the masochism, heis the sinceritywantsto revolt, doing to the strength of enemy forcesis too strong.
人在拳头下,不得不低头,陈光不是受虐狂,他是真心的想反抗,奈何敌军实力太强。Hemayreally be the injusticeto the grandmotherfamily/home, completelywithoutdoing the clearcondition, rushes tothisplace, meetsto seem like the deity, in factfrom the starton a mental illness„capable woman”, a clarity, bysuddenly/violentlyto beat up, is not knownwhomwithout demurfinallyright in the faceincursto annoy.
他可真是冤到姥姥家了,完全没搞明白状况,就跑到这地方来,遇到个看起来像神仙,实际上压根就一神经病的“女强人”,二话没说个清楚,结果就被劈头盖脸暴揍一顿,都不知道招谁惹谁了。Alsodoes not know how longwas punched, thattalked on endlessly the woman who shoutsto call out in alarmone, „! Howto punchwas so long, ok, in any caseshouldsayalsosaidsimilarly, Exceedingly High ChalicefirstWorld inside the Grailmustopen, explainedwithout enough time!”
也不知道被揍了多久,那叨叨嚷嚷的女人惊叫一声,“呀!怎么都揍了这么久了,算了,反正该说的也说得差不多了,通天圣杯的第一次杯中界就要开启,来不及解释了!”At oncethiswomansearchesto act, holds the Chen Guangcollar, makes an effortto throwtoward the skyhim.
The Chen Guangmouthwas foul-mouthed, „nutjob! Imustconsideryoulose everything, your violenceis crazy!”陈光嘴里骂骂咧咧,“蛇精病啊!我一定要把你告得倾家荡产啊,你这个暴力狂!”Finishes barely the words, fluttersinin the airChen Guangthenfeltownsiderayhold, anythingdoes not see clearlygreatlysuddenly, transmits a fearfulsuctionfrom the back, seemingto have78husky fellowsto pull itselfto be the same, simplydoes not haveto revolt, hewas drawnonecompared withthisplacestrangerchannel.
话音未落,飘在空中的陈光便觉得自己身边光芒大盛,一时间什么都看不清楚,紧接着从背后传来一阵可怕的吸力,好似有七八个彪形大汉在拉扯自己一样,根本没得反抗,他就被拖进了一个比这地方更诡异的通道里面。„Thisanything! Timetunnel? ManyAdream?” The place that ownthis timeplaces, callingChen Guangnot to remember the animated cartoon that the childhoodwatchedvoluntarily, thisspecial effectis to give the perfect score?
The good and evilextricatesfrom the experience and skill of femalelunatic, Chen Guangdid not have the thoughtsto go to the managesagainso many, the words when the brainbutwent all outto deliberateto be punchedthatwomantalks overa moment ago.
好歹从女疯子的老拳下解脱过来,陈光也没心思再去管那么多了,而是在脑子里拼命推敲刚才被揍时那女人念念叨叨的话来。Althoughsomegodgodstalked on endlessly, talked incoherently, butChen Guangmanaged a clueslightly.
虽然有些神神叨叨,前言不搭后语,不过陈光还是稍稍理出了个头绪。Position that oneselfplaceat present, inpickinginthatcup!
The name of thiscup, namedExceedingly High Chalice!
这杯子的名字,名为通天圣杯!Shesaid that shecalledColored Glaze God Emperor, wasinwhatEndless Divine WorldmostChief GodPrimal Chaos Chief Goddaughter.
她说她叫琉璃神皇,是什么无尽神界之中最主神混沌主神的女儿。Becauseplotting of evildoer, was strandedinthisExceedingly High Chalice, needsto findRedeemer, helpinghercompleteinthisExceedingly High ChaliceTest of 3,000 Worlds, canhelpherretrieval the freedom, restores the main body.
我呸!Thismatteryoucompletelynotto the leeway that Idiscussed!
The ghostsknow that whathooligan your Test of 3,000 Worldsis, what to doif the difficulty coefficientdoes reach as high as9.0?
鬼知道你这三千世界的考验到底是什么野路子,万一难度系数高达9.0怎么办?What to doif the middleis in danger?
Such bigdecision, youalsogavemeto sayahead of time, makingmeassess the situation, metdoes not meet!
这么重大的决定,你好歹也给我提前说一下,让我自己来判断情况,到底接还是不接啊!Thatsealherbiggood persondoesinsufficientlythoroughly, thisfemalehooligan, but how is strandedin the cupenough, shouldmake into the flying ashthoroughly, always can not be reincarnated!
It is not right, probablyshesaid a Datong, whatcriticalmatterleft out?
不对劲,好像她说了一大通,漏掉了什么紧要的事情?Saw that thisso-calledtimetunnelmustcome to the end, front is anotherlight screen, Chen Guang the fierceresponse, thiswomanonlysaidwhatTest of 3,000 Worlds, buthas not told itselffrom the start, anythingis3,000 Worlds, howthistestis, withoutwas knowna wee bitnewsbyoneselfahead of time, whatmustmakeis the so-calledtestis qualified!
眼看着这所谓时光隧道就要走到尽头,前面便是另一层光幕,陈光才猛的反应过来,这女人只说什么三千世界的考验,但却压根就没告诉自己,什么是三千世界,这考验到底又是怎样的,更没让自己提前知晓一丁点讯息,到底要做成什么样才算是所谓的考验合格!In brief, Chen Guangistoall that oneselfthenmustface, has no idea!
坑爹呢!Actuallycompletelyauthenticity that hehas not suspectedthismatter. Even ifall theseseem likeagainabsurd, butunderColored Glaze God Emperor as sincere„preschool education”gradually influencesasprofound of meat, Chen Guanghas lived the strangewomanincupto have the extremelyprofound understanding of this.
他倒是完全没有怀疑这个事情的真实性。哪怕这一切看起来再荒谬,但在琉璃神皇拳拳到肉的深刻“学前教育”熏陶之下,陈光早已对这活在杯子里的诡异女人有了极其深刻的认识。He can also assuredreallynot have a dream.
他也可以笃定自己真的没有做梦。No matterwhatbecausethiswomansaidisreallyorfalse, was punched the whole bodyazuresorefeeling, a wee bitcannot dofalse.
因为甭管这女人说的是真还是假,那被揍得浑身青疼的感觉,一丁点儿做不得假。Fromwas involved in the cup, againtogivingsuddenly/violentlyto beat up, threw into the timetunnel, all theseall happen quickly are too too quick, unexpected, Chen Guangsimplydoes not have the timeto sense the life, realizedandsuspected that thiscomesexcessivelytoweringlifebig change.
从被卷进杯子里,再到给暴揍一顿,紧接着就被扔进了时光隧道,这一切的一切都发生得太快太快,叫人猝不及防,陈光也根本没有时间去感悟人生,去体会和怀疑这来得过分突兀的人生大变。Ifgiveshimagaintime, hedefinitelywelltowhatEndless Divine World that womansaida moment agooff and on, Primal Chaos God King, Colored Glaze God Emperor, Exceedingly High Chalice, Redeemerand3,000 Worldsthistypeis unscientific, is unreasonable, the far-fetchedmatter conducts a profoundcritique, andquestionitsrationalityandauthenticity of existenceruthlessly.
若是再多给他一点时间,他肯定会好好的对那女人刚才断断续续说的什么无尽神界,混沌神王,琉璃神皇,通天圣杯、救赎者、三千世界这种不科学,不合理,不靠谱的事情进行一番深刻的批判,并狠狠的质疑其存在的合理性和真实性。Afterwardmustponder that whosuch asIam, whereIcome, whereImusttogo, howthisdaywill fall the heavy responsibility the matterto fallto the bigphilosophy of ownhead.
随后就要思考诸如我是谁,我从哪里来,我要到哪里去,这种天降重任的事情又怎么会落到自己头上的大哲学。Thenat leastusesagain78days or severalmonths, comesto acceptthiscompletelyto violate the modern sciencelittle, from the startfar-fetchedstrangeevent.
然后至少再用个七八天或者几个月的时间,来一点点接受这完全违背现代科学,压根就不靠谱的灵异事件。Onlypitifully, does not have the timenow!
只可惜,现在没时间了啊!Did not believe must believe!
不信也得信了啊!Asoneselflight screen that hits the tunnelend, Chen Guangcannotunderstand the stance and acceptingcompletelybyoneself, appearedin a hethoroughstrangeplace!
随着自己一头撞进隧道尽头的光幕,陈光以自己完全不能理解与接受的姿态,出现在了一个他彻彻底底陌生的地方!Welcome the generalbookfriendsto visitreading, latest, quickest and hottestserial publicationperformsin the mobile phone userwelcometoreading.
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