CGA :: Volume #1

#5: Strange event that rests

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Opened the fog! Opened the fog! drawing who! Speech!” This sharp shout, from Bai Fan. Bai Fan this person, because is skinny, the speech voice is incisive, in addition he himself always some mother air/Qi, enter the school once for a while time had a nickname by the people, Jianghu was called Lady White Snake. “开雾了!开雾了!拉谁!说话!”这尖利的喊声,来自白凡白凡这人,因为个子瘦小,说话的嗓音尖锐刺耳,再加上他自己时不时总有些娘气,进校的时候就被众人起了个外号,江湖人称白娘子。 Naturally actually Bai Fan also had a bit of a motherly voice, the movement manner slightly reveals that anything, but the overall is very loyal. 当然其实白凡也就是声音娘一点,动作举止略显那啥,但总体还是挺讲义气的。 Waits for, I am still catching up! I glitter the dagger also in CD! Immediately, when the troops of old man jump in a big way!” Another rough big voice, is in the bedroom personal Bear Two Xiong Jinke, this is a standard solid northeastern guy, the speech is careless, the person is also tall. “等一下,我还在赶!我闪烁匕首还在CD!马上,等老夫的人马跳大!”另一个粗糙的大嗓门,则是寝室里人称熊二熊进科,这是个标准的东北大汉,说话大大咧咧,人也五大三粗。 According to him, when oneself are young is known as a northeast peony waterfront fierce tiger. 据他自己说,自己年轻时号称东北牡丹江边一猛虎。 The fact also indeed, often has anything, no matter also the condition makes clear not to have, this goods rush raise a rumpus. 事实也的确如此,往往有什么事情,也甭管状况到底搞清楚没有,这货冲上去就是动手动脚。 The principle that his everything pursues is, the truth or must say, but must first begin to be reasonable. 他凡事奉行的原则就是,道理还是要讲的,不过要先动手再讲道理。 In view of the fact that the bear temperament of this my dear friend, but also because often has not mastered the condition to make the joke, for example has in bedroom another young fellow Lin Jingwei cousin to come to see him a time, rubs his hair, passed by Xiong Jinke thinks that Lin Jingwei received mistreatment, the backhand advancing the ground sits the Lin Jingwei cousin. 鉴于这位仁兄的熊脾气,还时常因为没搞懂状况而闹出笑话,比如有一次寝室里另一个小伙林经纬的表哥来看他,揉他的头发,被路过的熊进科以为林经纬是受了欺负,反手就把林经纬的表哥给推到地上一屁股坐着。 Afterward the ravelling situation, knows own idiot, Xiong Jinke is also makes embarrassed, luckily the roommate who the Lin Jingwei cousin saw the younger male cousin to be loyal, not only without blaming him, instead asked big fellow to eat meal together, on the dining table the people the Bear Two nickname assigned. 后来弄明白情况,知道自己二逼了,熊进科也是弄得十分不好意思,幸好林经纬的表哥见表弟的室友这么讲义气,非但没怪他,反而请大家伙一起去吃饭,饭桌子上众人就把熊二的外号给定了下来。 As for was called Lin Jingwei of small grove by the people, at this time stuffy did not say a word to lie when the computer, the mouse moves to keep, is the Carry position that this buddy temper is quite calm, hits game plays, at this time he is controlling the enemy master to take up a collection wholly absorbed, matter that this intermediate stage fights, gives to play Bai Fan of bat knight and plays Xiong Jinke of centaur chief is quite good. 至于被众人称之为小林子的林经纬,这时候正闷不做声趴在电脑上,鼠标挪个不停,这哥们性子比较沉稳,打游戏时玩的也是Carry位,此时他正专心致志的操控着敌法师打钱,这种中期打架的事情,还是交给玩蝙蝠骑士的白凡和玩半人马酋长的熊进科比较好。 As for Chen Guang, without had what nickname actually, other three people commonly were called him Brother Guang. 至于陈光,倒是没被起什么外号,其他三人通常就叫他光哥 In bedroom four people, in the past on the family what was outwardly well-offest is Chen Guang, but Chen Guang always felt Lin Jingwei, although the surface seems like hangs the silk the appearance, but actually the convention appears some unusual place once for a while, asking the person to cause suspicion to his life experience. 寝室四人里面,过去明面上家境最好的是陈光,但陈光总觉得林经纬虽然表面看起来蛮吊丝的样子,但时不时却会展现出一些不寻常的地方,叫人对他的身世生疑。 However Chen Guang does not care about this matter very much, who has not selected own small secret. 不过陈光也不是很在意这种事情,谁没点自己的小秘密呢。 Pushes the door to enter, these three people are staring at front screen attentively, playing DOTA2 is this, will lose concentration slightly will lose the game. 推门而入,这三人正全神贯注的盯着面前的屏幕,玩DOTA2就是这样,稍一分神就会输掉游戏。 Ran the car(riage) of greater part of the night, Chen Guang was also very tired at this time, but he was unable to rest now, since Wen Wen gave that reward, even if this English four levels are year by year sad, but must put together this year! 跑了大半夜的车,陈光这时候也很累,但他现在还不能睡,既然文雯都给出了那种奖励,哪怕这英语四级是一年比一年难过,但今年总得要拼一下啊! For Wen Wen......, for diploma, even if again painstakingly again tired, even if the eyelid did not lift up, must sacrifice the life to strive for success furiously! 为了文雯的……呃,为了毕业证,哪怕再苦再累,哪怕眼皮都抬不动了,也要豁出性命去奋力拼搏! I am youngster who has the dream! 我是个有梦想的少年! Without and that three game youngster who gets sucked into the game to be inescapably involved in greets, Chen Guang sits on own chair, then pulls out four levels of review materials, to avoid by another three people of voice disturbances that plays the game, he also puts on the earphone, is engrossed in reading sacred books and oblivious to what happening in the world, wholeheartedly read-only saints and sages book. 没和那三个深陷游戏里不能自拔的游戏少年打招呼,陈光一屁股坐在自己的椅子上,便掏出四级复习资料来看,为了避免被另外三人玩游戏的语音干扰,他还将耳机戴上,两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读圣贤书。 It is not usually earnest, always once for a while was distracted, after waiting for that group of people to fire off this, will also drag Chen Guang to discuss this game's success and failure, flings the pot, Chen Guang can also with these person of merriment one. 平时也没那么认真,总是时不时就走神了,等那群人打完这一盘之后,还会拖着陈光讨论一下这一局里的得失,相互间甩甩锅,陈光也会与这些人笑闹一阵。 But today's Chen Guang may be different, he has lofty aspiration to and big will person, commitment of Wen Wen, if really makes Chen Guang easily display 200% conditions, when continuously 12 o'clock turn off the lights, in the bedroom another three domestic animals prepared to go to bed to rest, Chen Guang will also search the hand the front sufficient electric lamp to open, has not lifted. 但今天的陈光可不一样,他可是有“大志向”和“大毅力”的人,文雯的承诺,果真让陈光轻易发挥出百分之两百的状态,一直等到十二点钟熄灯,寝室里另外三口牲畜都准备上床睡了,陈光也只是探手将前面的充电灯打开,头都没有抬一下。 I said, today's Brother Guang is quite fearful, three years, I had not seen him to put out this condition to come, in the past before the college entrance examination, I cannot achieve his, “我说,今天的光哥好可怕啊,三年了,我还从来没见他拿出过这状态来,当年高考之前我都做不到他这样, Really was a god. ” Lady White Snake Bai Fan washes foot, while blinks the eye to say to the other two. By Lin Jingwei actually arriving Chen Guang softly, places the cup on table to carry Chen Guang, arrived at the drinking fountain in bedroom living room again but actually one cup of water, placed near the Chen Guang left hand is not bumped place but actually gently easily, set out to say to others: This was big three, the Brother Guang again four levels of words, really must affect him graduate, we let us not open lie to discuss met, let him, Bear Two you spoke the voice is also light.” 啧啧,真是神了。”白娘子白凡一边洗脚,一边对另外两人眨巴着眼睛说道。林经纬倒是轻手轻脚的走到陈光旁边,将陈光放在桌子上的杯子端起,再到寝室客厅里的饮水机倒了一杯水,轻轻放在陈光左手边不容易被碰倒的地方,起身对其他人说道:“这都大三了,光哥再不过四级的话,真要影响到他毕业,咱们还是别开卧谈会了,让他吧,熊二你说话嗓门也轻一点。” ...... rumble...... 呼……咕噜噜噜…… WTF, has this fallen asleep? The really mindless sleep is good!” Bai Fan and Lin Jingwei show the whites of the eyes, no longer spoke, went to bed to play the playing cell phone of cell phone directly, this/should sleeping of sleeping. 卧槽,这就已经睡着了?真是没心没肺睡眠好啊!”白凡林经纬一齐翻了个白眼,也不再说话,径直上床该玩手机的玩手机,该睡觉的睡觉。 Chen Guang has the earphone at this time, does not know that these three people were discussing themselves a moment ago. 陈光这时候戴着耳机,也不知道这三人刚才正在议论自己。 Until he feels somewhat thirstily, one touches when toward side conveniently, pinches a warm cup, turns the head to look, discovered in had been put. the water, does not need to want also to know that is Lin Jingwei helps itself but actually the cup 直到他觉得有些口渴,顺手往旁边一摸,捏到个温热的杯子时,才转头看去,发现里面已经被装了杯水,不用想也知道是林经纬帮自己倒的。 Chen Guang grins to smile, at heart warm. 陈光咧嘴笑笑,心里暖暖的。 In the bedroom among three people, Lady White Snake wicked idea are most, can call it the nerve patient mentality to be broad, although Bear Two two sickness, but the manner is very straightforward, meets anything association's first to the forefront, Lin Jingwei is special, the manner is steady and careful, during one's lifetime, can spend together four years of time with these people, calculates a big good fortune. 寝室里三个人中间,白娘子鬼点子最多,又可以称之为神经病人思路广,熊二虽然有些中二病,但为人十分耿直,遇到什么事情总会第一个冲在最前面,林经纬出身不凡,为人稳重又细致,人生在世,能和这些人一起共度四年时光,也算一大幸事。 Carried the cup to sip the saliva, Chen Guang returned the thoughts to the review material in again, does not know that was the psychological process, the water in this new cup drank especially to be probably fragrant. 端起杯子抿了口水,陈光再度将心思放回到复习资料上,也不知道是不是心理作用,这新杯子里的水喝起来好像格外香甜啊。 Unknowingly, the time actually has arrived 2 : 00 am, because the charge desk lamp the electric quantity is insufficient, the ray gradually becomes dim. 不知不觉,时间却是已经走到凌晨 2 点,充电台灯因为电量不足,光线渐渐变得昏暗起来。 During the daytime stayed one in the library all day the time, in the evening drove a night of car(riage), before returning to the bedroom, and Zheng He several people fought one, can support wholly absorbed has a liking for two hours of book, is the extraordinary display. 白天在图书馆呆了一整天时间,晚上又开了一夜的车,回寝室之前又和郑河几人打了一架,能强撑着专心致志的看上两个多小时的书,已经是超常发挥了。 But the energy of person is eventually limited, insisted for a long time, Chen Guang somewhat is drowsy, but he felt own present condition is good, in any case tomorrow morning class not so-called, the plan escaped first, lay on the table is not willing to get up, bites finally, the heart sleepy insect was getting more and more fierce, fled ruthlessly, swallowed his heart that will thoroughly. 但人的精力终究是有限的,坚持了许久,陈光还是有些昏昏欲睡,可他又觉得自己现在状态不错,反正明天上午的课也没所谓,就打算逃了先,恁是趴在桌子上不肯起来,咬终于,心底的瞌睡虫越来越凶猛,狠狠窜了出来,将他心头那点意志彻底吞噬。 Considers as finished, slightly is small stuffy sleepy on the lying table on, rests for a half hour to get up again. 算了算了,就趴桌子上稍微小闷一下瞌睡,睡半个小时再起来。 Chen Guang drinks water, then lay comfortably, he had not realized, on glass steel cup that the movement that as he lies, the right hand finger bumps into, is reappearing a continuously light glimmer. 陈光又是喝了口水,然后舒舒服服的趴了下去,他并没有意识到,随着他趴下去的动作,右手手指碰到的玻璃钢杯子上,正浮现出一缕缕淡淡的微光。 The source of this glimmer, actually on the cup wall the portrait of that ancient costume beautiful woman, this handsome decoration painting, moved slightly! 这微光的源头,却正是杯壁上那古装美女的画像,这唇红齿白的装饰画,微微动了一下! Kid! Hey! The kids, awake, awakes!” “小屁孩!喂!小屁孩,醒醒,醒醒!” Blurry within, whom he as if hears to speak with. 迷迷糊糊间,他仿佛又听到谁在与自己说话。 Moved the body, he impatient curling the lip, gets out of the way, should not be tired of me!” 挪了挪身子,他不耐烦的撇撇嘴,“走开走开,别烦我!” The voice falls, transmits tears the pain from the ear, seems some people to go all out to clutch own ear to be the same. 话音一落,从耳朵旁传来一阵撕扯般的痛,好似有人在拼命揪着自己的耳朵一样。 Chen Guang eats the pain to eat up, the fierce opening eye, both hands make an effort a brace, at once stands the body, angry glancing right and left, who is so lacking virtue! Also can sleep well!” 陈光吃痛吃下,猛的睁开眼睛,双手用力一撑,旋即站直了身子,怒气冲冲的左顾右盼,“谁这么缺德啊!还能不能让人好好睡觉了!” Is beyond control not hot he big, no matter what, when is stranded to want the immortal to want, wants to sleep is actually pulled up the show like this, that mood definitely only wants to punch the person. 由不得他不火大,任谁在困得欲仙欲死的时候,想睡个觉却被人这样撩骚,那心情肯定只想揍人。 ...... 呃…… This...... is this what situation? 这……这是个神马情况? The next flash, the angry Chen Guang whole body quickly grasps the meaning of something, heart that anger value resets instantaneously, the whole person compelled ignorant. 下一瞬间,怒气冲冲的陈光浑身一个激灵,心头那点怒气值瞬间清零,整个人都懵逼了。 WTF, I sleep in the bedroom obviously, but where his mother is! 卧槽,我明明在寝室里睡觉,可这他妈是哪里! Fantasy! 活见鬼啊! Chen Guang well-remembered looking far out in all directions, seeing to see is a white piece, entire is void, like television in the sea of clouds of Omei peak. 陈光茫茫然的纵目四望,入目所见都是白茫茫的一片,整个就是一片虚空,像极了电视里峨眉峰顶的云海。 But his stamping the feet ruthlessly, the under foot is actually the solid ground, bends down to trace, this is actually the icy cold touch of marble. 但他狠狠的跺跺脚,脚下却又是实实在在的地面,俯下身去摸一摸,这却是大理石的冰凉触感。 Is difficult to be inadequate, is my is having a dream?” Chen Guang muttered, pinched ruthlessly own cheeks, the pain was very obvious, he shook the head, was not right, has not had a dream, but was painful. But how this special is a matter! I do not understand!” “难不成,我这是在做梦?”陈光喃喃自语,狠狠捏了把自己的脸颊,痛楚十分明显,他又晃晃脑袋,“不对,没做梦,可痛了。但这到底特么是怎么一回事!我不懂啊!” Hey! Kids! Where you are looking at! Old ladies...... not, this miss here!” At this time, is slightly is together familiar, but actually stranger female voice resounds in the Chen Guang back. “喂!小屁孩!你在看哪里呢!老娘……哦不,本姑娘在这里!”就在这时候,又是一道略显熟悉,但却更加诡异的女子声音在陈光的背后响起。 Chen Guang first stares, the whole body is stiff, then finally responded came, the female sound of that doubtful illusion before this is not do meet Zheng He, hears? 陈光先是一愣,浑身僵硬,然后终于反应了过来了,这不是自己遇到郑河之前听到的那一声疑似幻觉的女子声音么? At that time thought is the illusion, now looks like, this compelled to be haunted certainly! 当时以为是幻觉,现在看来,这绝逼是闹鬼了啊! This is unscientific! 这不科学啊! Really is beyond control he is not unhurried, was one gradually influenced 15 years of new times good youth under the modern science education fully, unexpectedly came across this type might be called was haunted the strange event. 实在由不得他不慌,身为一名在现代化科学教育下整整熏陶了十五年的新时代好青年,居然遇到这种堪称闹鬼了的灵异事件。 Oneself lie slightly in the bedroom, a sleep/felt woke up arrived at this bewildered damned place, this was unreasonable! 自己不过在寝室里稍微趴一下,一觉醒来就到了这莫名其妙鬼地方,这根本就不合理嘛! This sound came from own back, the bonus was Chen Guang was usually brave, at this time unexpectedly some do not dare then to feel. 这声音来自自己的背后,饶是陈光素来胆大,此时竟有些不敢回头的感觉。 What does? Grinding chirp, this by Redeemer that Exceedingly High Chalice does select? Too disappointing!” Back that female is an anxious temperament, Chen Guang does not hate to turn around obviously, her oneself ran up to front of Chen Guang to come. “搞什么呢?磨磨唧唧的,这就是被通天圣杯选中的救赎者么?太差劲了吧!”背后那女子显然是个急脾气,陈光舍不得转身,她就自己跑到陈光面前来了。 Chen Guang catches the eye slightly, in brain that flurried will vanish shortly, he looks at the front this ancient costume female dull, the thought of whole person, was stopping unexpectedly in an instant, fragment. 陈光微微抬眼,脑子里的那点慌乱顷刻间消失殆尽,他呆呆看着前方这古装女子,整个人的思维,竟是在刹那间停顿了,断片儿了。 How possibly, how to possibly have such woman. 怎么可能,怎么可能会有这样的女人。 He has never thought that in the world really has the woman to be able beautifully to this situation, but glaring looked, then lets with who Wen Wen this vegetarian face School Beauty level beautiful woman tests, complete absent-minded! 他从未想过,天底下竟然有女人可以美丽到这种地步,只是晃眼一看,便让久经文雯这种素颜校花级美女考验的自己,完完全全的失神了!
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