CGA :: Volume #1

#4: Drops the blood

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After afternoon matter, Chen Guang knows that Zheng He will feel discontented to oneself surely, but never expected that his retaliation such quickly. However, if gives the opportunity that he chooses one time again, in the afternoon Chen Guang still that attitude. 经过下午的事情,陈光知道郑河必定会对自己心怀不满,但没想到他的报复来得这么快。但是,如果再给他一次选择的机会,下午陈光依然还是那副态度。 Chen Guang is not that classification person must hit left you face, but can also cheerful collects to give others the right face the fan the temper. 陈光不是那种别人要来打你左边脸,还能乐呵呵的把右边脸凑上去给别人扇的性子。 You do not give me the face, I will not certainly give your face. 你不给我面子,我当然也不会给你脸。 Even if stopped up now here, Chen Guang does not plan to admit defeat, regarding Zheng He this person, admitting defeat constantly will only make them intense. 哪怕现在被人堵在这里了,陈光也并不打算服软,对于郑河这种人,一味的服软只会让他们变本加厉。 Chen Guang stands is freezing, actually put in the hand the inside lining package of clothes in secret. 陈光站在原地不动,暗中却将手放到了衣服的内衬包里。 Goes out drives, such as walks Jianghu, might always meet some tricks, on Chen Guang is then stocking a fellow. 出门开车,就如行走江湖,总有可能会遇到些幺蛾子,陈光身上便常备着个家伙。 Also the convenience carries , the might astonishing fellow, naturally then flings the stick. 又方便携带,又威力惊人的家伙,自然便是甩棍了。 This thing, receives long one palm of the hand, after flinging, length roughly more than one meter, the sturdy construction, the coordinate peak aggravates the reinforcement specially that sphere, the attack strength is much bigger, a control is not good to knock on the person forehead, can deadly. 这东西,收起来长不过一巴掌,甩出来之后长度约莫一米多一点,结构坚固,配合顶端特别加重加固的那圆球,打击力道大得惊人,一个控制不好敲人脑门上,是能要人性命的。 Normally, Chen Guang easily will certainly not take, but are led entire five sports student to stop up by Zheng He now, this place is also desolate and uninhabited dark, really must leave to stage a rebellion, under these people the extreme methods have the possibility, therefore must play today horizontal. 正常情况下,陈光当然不会轻易拿出来,但现在自己被郑河带着整整五个体育生堵住,这地方又黑灯瞎火杳无人烟的,真要出起事来,这些人下死手也是有可能的,所以今天恐怕得玩点儿横的了。 Sees Chen Guang seemed like scared appearance, stood in same place motionless, the Zheng He heart was comfortable crazily looks like eats the iced watermelon to be the same in this dog days, proceeded to go out one step, almost must bump into on the Chen Guang forehead the forehead, wicked saying: „Didn't you entrain before very much? Didn't you scold me the domestic animal? Now I thought how you entrain! Did the boys, know fiercely not? I throw here the words today, if you are willing to kneel to beg for mercy to me, the facing set from my pants crotch in the past, drank to hug urine of these waiters again, I can consider only to make you enter one month of hospital a while, otherwise, the next generation do not want to drive, waits to get up in the wheelchair. To me, even if hit you disabled, still nothing but compensates a money, but your whole life may destroy.” 陈光好像是被吓呆了的样子,站在原地一动不动,郑河心头舒爽得就像是在这三伏天里狂吃冰镇西瓜一样,往前走出一步,几乎就要把额头碰到陈光脑门上,恶狠狠的说道:“你之前不是很拽么?你不是骂我畜生么?现在我看你怎么拽!小子,知道厉害了不?我今儿就把话撂这里了,如果你肯跪下来给我求饶,从我裤裆下面钻过去,再把这几个伙计的尿个喝个抱,我可以考虑考虑等会儿只让你进一个月医院,不然的话,下辈子你也别想开车了,就等着在轮椅上过吧。对于我来说,就算把你打残废了,无非也就是赔点钱而已,但你这辈子可就毁了。” Zheng He is very at heart self-satisfied, he said is also the truth, by his family circumstances, must cope with one to hang the silk poorly, really has nothing to care, these people who even if oneself called let slip to kill the opposite party, troubled slightly, but was still not the important matter. 郑河心里很得意,他说的也是实话,以他的家境,要对付一个穷吊丝,实在没什么好在意的,哪怕自己叫来的这些人将对方失手打死了,也不过是稍微麻烦一点而已,但依然不是什么大事。 Chen Guang has not said anything, but will draw back slightly in the future one step, oneself and between Zheng He spread out. 陈光并没有多说什么,而是稍稍往后退开一步,将自己与郑河之间拉开距离。 Zheng He thinks that he instigated, is self-satisfied, willful insolent, in brain already, in thinking a while this person according when the ground hits his slap in the face appearance, in the nose hmph hmph to make noise, Smelly hanging silk should have the consciousness of smelly hanging silk, is Wen Wen also you can approach? Also not urination photo oneself!” 郑河以为他是怂了,更加得意,恣意张狂,脑子里已经在想着等会儿将这人按在地上打他耳光时的样子,鼻子里哼哼出声,“臭吊丝就该有臭吊丝的自觉,文雯也是你能靠近的?也不撒泡尿照照自己!” In the darkness, Chen Guang still did not say a word, but fierce pulled out to fling the stick from the pocket, made an effort to wash one's hands of again, only listened to clang, the long flinging stick takes in his hand, one group of state-of-art that special counterweight, under the dim street light ray shone, seemed especially fierce, he drew back a moment ago that step, actually to look for best flinging stick striking distance. 黑暗中,陈光依然一言不发,只是猛的从衣兜里掏出甩棍来,再用力一抖手,只听锵的一声,长长的甩棍已经拿在他手上,尖端那特别配重的一团,在昏暗的路灯光芒照耀下,显得格外狰狞,他刚才退那一步,其实只是为了找个最好的甩棍攻击距离而已。 „Is Young Master Zheng, in his hand,...... flings the stick?” Has being able to judge the quality of goods sports student to watch the fishy, surprised uncertain asking. 郑少,他手里的,是……甩棍?”有识货的体育生看出来蹊跷,惊疑不定的问道。 Flings stick thing after all ominous outside, is seemingly common, but actually can also be the controlled item strictly speaking, in playing the person hand of life takes, the might perhaps is fiercer than three points the chopper. 甩棍这东西毕竟凶名在外,看起来不起眼,但严格说来却也算得上被管制的道具,在玩儿命的人手里拿着,威力或许比砍刀还更厉害三分。 Zheng He actually does not know that this thing fierce, only stares Chen Guang, how flings the stick? Difficult to be inadequate this boy also to revolt? Gives on me! Punches the inadequate human form him, punches the true domestic animal!” 郑河却不知道这东西的厉害,只一瞪陈光,“甩棍又怎么样?难不成这小子还想反抗?给我上!把他揍得不成人形,揍成真正的畜生!” The hand wields, Zheng He actually draws back toward behind, his body precious as gold, since the side has five with the goon who money bosses around, is not worthwhile goes forth to battle personally. 手一挥,郑河却又往后面退出去一点,他的身子金贵,既然身边有五个用金钱笼络来的打手,犯不着亲自上阵。 Although five sports student saw that flings the stick a little to hesitate, but since Zheng He let begin, 五名体育生虽然见到甩棍有点犹豫,但既然郑河都让动手了, They have to, oneself overwhelm with numerical strength after all, even if the opposite party in the hand has the fellow, should still take scary. This thing, hits on the forehead wants the deceased person, under the boy won't really dare the extreme methods? 他们也不得不上,毕竟自己这边人多势众,对方就算手里有家伙,应该也只是拿出来唬人的。这玩意,打在脑门上就要死人,那小子不会真敢下死手吧? Real his mother thinks that the father was the fruit cake?” Chen Guang sees the opposite party to proceed to throw, the heart also makes a determined effort, who dares to come up, who takes the life to withstand/top!” “真他妈以为老子是软柿子了?”陈光见对方往前扑来,心头也是发了狠,“谁敢上来,谁就拿命来顶!” Chen Guang has also been the person of second generation of rich, has seen the rash fellow pit father goods have, he can definitely understand the Zheng He this person this time mentality, do not look that now his mouth is saying must teach itself, if really does not revolt, really may be discarded while still alive. 陈光自己也是做过富二代的人,见过的二愣子坑爹货也不是没有,他完全能读懂郑河这种人此时的心态,别看现在他嘴里只是说着要教训自己,如果真不反抗的话,真有可能活活被废掉。 So-called horizontal crawling stares, fearing reckless, present Chen Guang, has been similar to Zheng He to say in any case, turned hung silk one poorly, did not put out the reckless imposing manner, must suffer a loss! 所谓横的爬愣的,愣的怕不要命的,如今的陈光,反正已经如同郑河所说,变成了穷吊丝一个,不拿出不要命的气势,就要吃大亏! The voice falls, facing besieging of five sports student, Chen Guang, not only the tiny step does not draw back, instead also proceeds one step, the hand flings the stick to raise, according to dead ahead that person of head knocks ruthlessly. 话音一落,面对五个体育生的围攻,陈光非但寸步不退,反而还往前一步,更将手中甩棍扬起,狠狠照着正前方那人的脑袋敲去。 Fuck! This goods come really!” These five sports student in the school are not the high-quality goods, bullies the weak small(this little one) matter to do much, but has not really seen a Chen Guang this word not at earliest convenience awfully. 我操!这货来真的!”这五个体育生在学校里也不是什么好货,欺负弱小的事情做得不少,但还真没见过陈光这种一言不合就要命的。 These people are scared immediately, aimed at that person to respond that by Chen Guang also calculates was quick enough, lifts the hand, keeps off on the head. 这些人顿时慌了神,被陈光瞄准那人反应也算够快了,堪堪将手抬起,挡在脑袋上面。 Then is one, flings the stick to knock on his arm, unexpectedly met is hit the bone fracture. 然后就是咔嚓一声,甩棍正正敲在他手臂上,居然见面就被打骨折了。 Another four people attack the enemy's rear in order to compel him to give up his own attack actually, three people are lifting dozen of fist on according to Chen Guang, another person actually turns head to look for ground available fellow toward side. 另外四人倒是围魏救赵,其中三人举着拳头照着陈光身上打来,另外一人却是扭头往旁边找地上可用的家伙。 The number of times that Chen Guang fights from infancy to maturity are not many, but also knows, in this one-to-many situation, wants to blow the opposite party, only has means. 陈光从小到大打架的次数并不多,但也知道,在这种一对多的情况下,想镇住对方,只有一个办法。 That is no matter how others hit you, your oneself simply do not have the thoughts and ability defend to dodge the offensive of others, recognized a person to hit, ruthlessly hit, making them know, even if killed oneself here, by oneself are staring at that person, must go to scapegoat! 那就是甭管别人怎么打你,你自己根本没心思和能耐去防御闪避其他人的攻势,就认准了一个人打,狠狠的往死里打,让他们知道,哪怕把自己打死在这里,被自己盯着的那个人,也必须去垫背 The back and waist were hit ruthlessly three experience and skill, the fists of these sports student are very indeed heavy, calling Chen Guang several to want spit blood to be uncomfortable, but he proceeds to pursue to go, flung the stick this time according to just to be broken small arm that person of temples to hit unexpectedly. 后背和腰肢都被人狠狠命中三下老拳,这些体育生的拳头的确很重,叫陈光几欲吐血般难受,但他还是往前追赶而去,甩棍这次竟是照着刚被打断小臂那人的太阳穴打去。 Wanted the deceased person! 要死人了! At a crucial moment, just now turns around on the ground finds fellow that person to appear finally promptly, both hands are joint holding the metal trash can of roadside, is keeping off in way that in flinging the stick raps. 千钧一发之际,方才掉头在地上找家伙那人终于及时出现,双手合抱着路边的金属垃圾桶,正挡在甩棍敲击的路径上。 Also is a loudly loud sound, the trash can that the thin iron sheet makes was hit unexpectedly thoroughly by Chen Guang this stick distorts, that person is also in the hand trembles, the trash can falls on the ground, probably was hit by the car(riage) was the same. 又是一声轰然巨响,薄铁皮做的垃圾桶竟被陈光这一棍子打得彻底变了形,那人也是手上发颤,垃圾桶掉在地上,像是被车撞了一样。 In the Chen Guang eye is flashing the blood light, how many desires like selects the wild animal that the person bites, mother, do not tidy up me? Come! His mother comes! Who instigated that who is a grandson! father died also towed your together scapegoat! One crowd of chop suey!” 陈光眼睛里闪着血光,如同几欲择人而噬的野兽,“妈的,不是要收拾我吗?来啊!都他妈来!谁怂谁是孙子!老子死了也拖你们一起垫背!一群杂碎!” Is saying, is the luck to the soul, he only felt behind own head hears sound air-splitting, without enough time then, only subconscious will also take the glass steel cup left hand to raise, keeps off in the flank, only listens to one that works as, blocked another sports student the steel pipe sneak attack that picks from the ground. 正说着,也是福至性灵,他只觉得自己脑袋后面传来破空之声,来不及回头,只下意识的将还拿着玻璃钢杯子的左手扬起,挡在侧方,只听当的一声,又挡住了另一个体育生从地上捡来的钢管偷袭。 As if the steel pipe of opposite party blew on the finger slightly rubs, Chen Guang pinched on the left hand of cup to transmit a tear pain, but the good and evil has not been called others these to hit the head. 似乎对方的钢管稍稍在手指上刮蹭了一下,陈光捏着杯子的左手上传来一阵撕裂般的痛楚,但好歹是没叫别人这一下打中自己脑袋。 Damn! You court death!” Eats under the pain, the adrenalin of Chen Guang whole person detonated, in the head the last reason vanishes in this moment, fierce turning around, the right hand flings the stick to wield horizontally, center takes steel pipe person of shoulder, that person of pain snort/hum, is hugging one's shoulders to shrink toward side. “操!你找死!”吃痛之下,陈光整个人的肾上腺激素都引爆了,脑袋里最后一丝理智在这一刻消失殆尽,猛的转身,右手甩棍横挥,正中拿钢管这人的肩膀,那人痛哼一声,就抱着肩膀往旁边缩去。 Damn! My hand! My hand! Broke! My hand broke!” At this time was hit by Chen Guang first person, slow the god has come from the severe pain, sat on the ground is being miserably howling. “该死!我的手!我的手!断了!我的手断了!”这时候被陈光第一个打中的人,才从剧痛之下缓过神来,一屁股坐在地上惨嚎着。 Mother, my shoulder is quite sore! Damn, probably bone split!” “妈的,我的肩膀好疼!操,好像是骨裂了!” All these is a long story, but actually also on the past several seconds, heard miserable of companion to shout, did not have injured three sports student like to cross the top of the head by a basin cold water pouring, simultaneous/uniform Qiwang retrocedes one step. 这一切说来话长,但其实也就过去了几秒钟时间而已,听到同伴的惨呼,还没受伤的三名体育生如同被一盆冷水浇过头顶,齐齐往后退出去一步。 The breath of Chen Guang is loud, in the chest cavity like the bellower same sound, again is wicked toward remaining three sports student treads, can ignore the finger head severe pain, proceeds to tread one step, unexpectedly frightens these three people retreats toward behind, will hide, in rear Zheng He let front. 陈光的呼吸粗重至极,胸腔里如同风箱一样响动,再是恶狠狠的往剩下三名体育生一蹬,顾不得手指头上的剧痛,往前踏出一步,居然又把这三人吓得往后面退去,甚至将藏在后方的郑河让到了前面来。 Good, compared with strong, any in these five sports student are much sturdier than Chen Guang, but fighting, really by having the victory and defeat comes, is actually all depending on the one breath potential! 不错,比强壮,这五个体育生中的任何一个都比陈光壮实得多,但打架斗殴,真论起胜负来,却是全凭一口气势! Zheng He looks to be dumbfounded, he has not thought from the start will turn into this, oneself has sports student that five can hit obviously, how in a flash, to turn into present this? 郑河看傻了眼,他压根就没想到会变成这样,明明自己这边有五个很能打的体育生,怎么一晃眼,就变成了现在这局面呢? Unreasonable! 没道理啊! Zheng He! You best want to understand, like your oneself said that you were a rich man, I also on inexpensive life one, can drag you dead together, I did not owe! Today even if you make these people kill me here, but I can guarantee, I at least need to draw three people and I die together! But you, Zheng He, surely is one of them!” 郑河!你最好想明白,就像你自己说的一样,你是有钱人,我也就贱命一条,能拖着你一起死,我不亏!今天就算你让这些人把我打死在这里,但我可以保证,我至少要拉三个人和我一起去死!而你,郑河,也必定是其中之一!” Chen Guang is saying, while will fling the stick straightly is pointing at the nose of Zheng He, said cold, in the words brings murderous aura densely, he is not chatting, but really plans to do that. 陈光一边说着,一边将甩棍笔直的指着郑河的鼻子,冷然说道,话语里带着森森杀气,他绝不是在说笑,而是真打算这么做。 Zheng He subconsciousness toward retroceding two steps, he feared, he has the person of net worth position, is really not worthwhile with Chen Guang this peasant unimportant person plays anything to perish together. 郑河下意识往后退出去两步,他怕了,他是有身家地位的人,实在犯不着和陈光这种泥腿子小人物玩什么同归于尽。 So-called barefoot does not fear to put on shoes, Young Master of Zheng He as Chairman Xinguang(New Ray) Group, the successor of big asset, put on is also not the same shoes, others not to mention are usually respectful to him, but does not dare to threaten his life like this flagrantly, Chen Guang this naked threat, really makes him be caught off guard. 所谓光脚的不怕穿鞋的,郑河身为新光芒集团董事长的公子,诺大资产的继承人,穿的还不是一般般的鞋,平时别人对他且不说毕恭毕敬,但绝不敢这样明目张胆的威胁他的性命,陈光这赤裸裸的威胁,实在让他措手不及。 Do not think that you breakneck I to take you not to have the means that I spend money also to be battered to death you!” Zheng He is somewhat saying outwardly fierce but inwardly faint-hearted, during the spoken languages should still actually be retreating in the future, he planned to run. “别以为你玩命我就拿你没办法,我用钱也能砸死你!”郑河有些色厉内荏的说着,言语间却还在往后退去,他打算跑了。 Chen Guang is unemotional, you spoke an idle talk again, I make you die now.” 陈光面无表情,“你再多说一句废话,我现在就让你死。” Walks!” Zheng He is not silly, knows own here person will had been seized, does not want to eat this to be unable to speak out about one's grievances, felt oneself are not worthwhile with a lunatic cannot pass, turns around walks. “走!”郑河也不傻,知道自己这边的人心志已经被夺,可不想吃这哑巴亏,觉得自己犯不着和一个疯子过不去,掉头就走。 Three also uninjured sports student hurry to support by the arm is not knowing that what kind of two companions injures to follow behind Zheng He to go far away, threatening comes, to walk actually so dingily, loses face. 三个还未受伤的体育生赶紧搀扶着也不知道伤成怎样的两个同伴跟在郑河后面远去,气势汹汹的来,走得却是如此的灰溜溜,着实丢人。 When Zheng He one group of walked away, Chen Guang is tying tight nerve suddenly loose. 郑河一行人走远了,陈光紧绷着的神经才猛然松了下来。 How to then retaliate itself as for Zheng He, Chen Guang has not fantasized now, he does not have the means to care, since already and this person tied the mountain ridge, that also can only be ready to cope with anything to resist by whatever means available. 至于回头郑河会怎样来报复自己,陈光现在没空想,他也没办法去在意,既然已经和这人结上了梁子,那也只能兵来将挡水来土掩。 Does peasant get what one deserves to the rich man rides on the face? 泥腿子就活该给有钱人骑在脸上? Noisy? 闹呢? Provoked anger, the father abandoned this leather bag even, must topple you. 惹急了,老子就算舍了这身皮囊,也得把你拉下马。 Chen Guang wicked is thinking, since the family/home had/left that matter, do not visit him usually is the laughing appearance, but his heart has been hiding the stock vicious tendencies, is Zheng He is hapless, the unfortunately belt/bring person blocks the road, his heart vicious tendencies annoying. 陈光恶狠狠的想着,自从家里出了那件事情,别看他平日里还是嘻嘻哈哈的样子,但他心头一直藏着股戾气,也算是郑河倒霉,好死不死带人来堵路,把他心头的戾气给惹了出来。 This person of temperament comes up, where also manages so many truth, where also has what scruples. 这人的脾气一上来,哪里还管得那么多道理,哪里还有什么顾忌。 The mood returns to normal, when Chen Guang will fling slowly the stick receives, remembers a moment ago the left hand by the steel pipe ruthlessly to be scratched, receives to fling in the process of stick to make an effort slightly, hurts the tooth to grin. 心情平复下来,陈光慢慢将甩棍收起来时,才想起刚才左手被钢管狠狠擦了一下,收甩棍的过程中稍稍用力,疼得咧牙咧嘴。 Stood looked under the street light carefully for a long time, the definite finger was abraded, had not been injured to the bone, he was more loose. 站在路灯下仔细瞧了许久,确定手指只是被擦伤了,没被伤到骨头,他心里才宽松些。 Is a little strange, at that time that steel pipe knocked surely in the glass steel cup child above, how this cup not only not broken, even don't the places of a wee bit breakage even have? 就是有点奇怪,当时那钢管必定是敲在了玻璃钢杯子上面,怎么这杯子不但没碎,甚至甚至一丁点破损的地方都没有呢? Ok, since this cup is the high-end goods, quite solid also very normal. 算了,既然这杯子是高档货,比较结实也很正常的嘛。 Tidies up the mood, Chen Guang then flinging the stick and cup puts in the pocket, rubs the finger to walk in the direction of bedroom. 收拾收拾心情,陈光便把甩棍和杯子都放到衣兜里,搓着手指往寝室的方向走去。 The wound on finger is not deep, only kept a blood to come out, did not need to be worried about the tetanus. 手指上的伤口并不深,也只留了一点血出来,倒不用担心破伤风。 However, Chen Guang also neglected a matter, at that time oneself were the hand takes the cup to be hit, on the finger also infiltrated the blood to come out, but in the cup the bloodstain does not have now slightly. 不过,陈光还忽略了一件事情,当时自己是手拿着杯子被打中,指头上也渗了血出来,可现在杯子上丝毫血迹也没有。 That blood, after moistening to cup above, was silent vanishes. 那一丝血,在沾到杯子上面后,却是无声无息间消失了。 Returns to the bedroom, distant is noisy on hearing inside three roommates, lives it up fiercely. 回到寝室,远远的就听到里面三个室友闹哄哄的,热闹得厉害。 Also this, let tired whole evening Chen Guang, realizing that but can also sober, oneself were a university student! 也就这一下,顿让累了一整晚的陈光,还能清醒的意识到,自己原来还是个大学生啊!
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