CGA :: Volume #1

#3: Strange passenger

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

Zheng He was air/Qi at this time belches smoke wants to jump from an upper story, Chen Guang and Wen Wen did not care completely, when two people have had the dinner together, Chen Guang prepared race car/taxi driver actually just seven o'clock. Looks that the Chen Guang car(riage) transfers the corner, Wen Wen has sighed slightly, turns head to walk toward the school , thought that in this year, although Chen Guang before oneself throughout is the appearance of that laughing not conformation, but happening in his change, how regardless of he covers, can actually hardly be removed. 郑河这时候是气得冒烟还是想跳楼,陈光文雯完全不在乎,两人一起吃过晚饭,陈光准备去跑车时倒是刚好七点钟。看着陈光的车转过街角,文雯微微叹了一口气,扭头往学校里走去,心想,这一年来,虽然陈光在自己面前始终都是那副嘻嘻哈哈没个正形的样子,但发生在他身上的变化,无论他怎么去掩盖,却都挥之不去。 That matter, making him not need to worry about food or clothing the young second generation of rich from one, turns into extraordinary not every day to run the race car/taxi driver clan that Internet Taxi Service makes money, is he also possible a point to touch does not have? 那件事,让他从一个衣食无忧的小富二代,变成了不得不每天跑网络呼车挣钱的跑车族,他又怎么可能一点触动都没有呢? In a Wujing city urban district small lane, silver modern Verna static by the roadside, the engine has extinguished, in the compartment only then phone screen in the control desk is exuding the glimmer. 五京市市区一条小巷子里,一辆银色现代瑞纳静静的靠在路边上,发动机已经熄灭,车厢里只有操作台上的手机屏幕泛着微光。 Received from the phone screen the vision, Chen Guang sighed, recently for these days the deducting a percentage reward of Internet Taxi Service was getting more and more low, from seven o'clock to the present altogether four hours, oneself had run six lists, the blotter that but above demonstrated actually was also less than 100 Yuan, is counted 1.4 times that lowered sends to refer to turn time of reward, the today's gross income also 100 Yuan, deduct the oil fee/spent again, ran laboriously four hours of car(riage), gained 50-60. 将目光从手机屏幕上收了回来,陈光叹了口气,最近这几天网络呼车的提成奖励越来越低了,从七点钟到现在一共四个小时,自己已经跑了六单,但上面显示的流水账却还不到一百元,算上低得发指的1.4倍翻倍奖励,今天的总收入也不过堪堪一百元,再扣掉油费,辛辛苦苦跑四个小时的车,也就赚个50-60块而已。 This way, light/only made by the race car/taxi driver living expenses insufficiently, let alone helped the father share the pressure! 再这样下去,光靠跑车就连生活费都挣不够了,更别说帮着父亲分担压力了啊! Pit father's the company of net, such decline reward system, this matter really soon could not do again! 坑爹的网的公司,再这样下调奖励制度,这事儿真快要干不下去了! The midsummer night, the space in car(riage) is that dry and hot, even if Chen Guang is opening the glass, insufflates in the car(riage) from outside actually still is still the hot blast. 盛夏的夜晚,车里的空间还是那么燥热,就算陈光开着车窗,从外面吹进车里的却也依然是热风。 On the Chen Guang forehead the sweat tick-tock tick-tock directing current, in the chest cavity is hot seems has one group of fires in the fever, but he has not given up the air conditioning. 陈光额头上汗水滴答滴答直流,胸腔里热得好似有一团火在烧,但他还是没舍得开空调。 Now are so difficult, can save a point is. 现在自己这么艰难,能省一点是一点吧。 Also does not know that actually today was how, usually ran a list, most ten minutes can have the next list, but have waited now the most hour, in the cell phone client side a wee bit sounds did not have. 也不知道今天究竟是怎么了,平常跑完一单,最多等个十来分钟就能有下一单,可现在已经等了大半个小时,手机客户端里却还是一丁点动静都没有。 Oh, ok, has a look at the time, 11 o'clock, almost should receive the car(riage). 唉,算了,看看时间,都十一点钟了,也差不多是该收车了。 When Chen Guang plans to click on the receiving car(riage) button on cell phone, the sound conveys, his eye one bright, yeah, came. 正当陈光打算点击手机上的收车按钮时,叮铃铃的声音传来,他眼睛一亮,哎,来了。 However he does not have the point to accept the order anxiously, but carefully looked under in the order details the embarking place and destination of opposite party. 不过他还是没急着点接受订单,而是仔仔细细的看了下订单详情里对方的出发地点与目的地。 This already 11 o'clock, Wujing university in city south, if the destination deviation of opposite party is too far, this does not meet only. 这都已经十一点钟了,五京大学是在城南方向,如果对方的目的地偏差太远,这一单就不接了。 „? Goes to Wenxing Town? This booing, on the way, is really thinking delivered the pillow sleepily, isn’t the school in Wenxing Town?” “哦?是去文兴镇的?这倒好,正顺路,真是想瞌睡了就送枕头,学校不就在那文兴镇上么?” Under point in high spirits accepts the order, changes to the user information contact surface, according to the convention, Chen Guang plans first to telephone with the customer to contact, finally he looked at the user interface of opposite party, discovered strange matter. 兴冲冲的点下接受订单,转到用户信息界面,按照惯例,陈光打算先打电话与客户联系一下,结果他看了眼对方的用户界面,发现怪事了。 Well, is this person a blank? Blamed, blank how round of order? Without the mobile number, absolutely , there would be no method registration account number!” Chen Guang toot toot is shouting, should not be this pit father's system will have problems? Plays me?” “咦,这人怎么是个空号?怪了,空号怎么发订单的?没有手机号,根本就没法子注册账号的啊!”陈光嘟嘟嚷着,“该不会是这坑爹的系统又出问题了吧?玩儿我呢?” While he planned when the point cancels the order, the copilot gate suddenly was actually opened, fierce sits a man, this person comes not to greet, then sits on the copilot directly sits in repose with eyes closed. 正当他打算点取消订单时,副驾驶门却突然被人打开了,猛的坐进来一个男子,这人进来也不打招呼,径直便坐在副驾驶上闭目养神起来。 Chen Guang is planning to ask when this person what's the matter, he actually says on own initiative: Goes to Wenxing Town.” 陈光正打算问这人怎么回事时,他却主动开口说道:“去文兴镇。” He spoke the eyelid has not opened, has not turned head to look at Chen Guang this direction. 他说话的时候就连眼皮也没睁开,更没扭头来瞧陈光这个方向。 race car/taxi driver ran for a long time, Chen Guang saw the strange guest is also many, but this sending the order also did not have the mobile number, after boarding, like the guest who the deity sat in repose with eyes closed, he also was really first meet. 跑车跑得久了,陈光见过奇奇怪怪的客人也是不少,但这种发了订单又没手机号,上车之后就像个神仙一样闭目养神的客人,他还真是第一次遇上。 Ok, on person 100, all forms, Chen Guang bragged that what great storms have seen, is disinclined to ask so many, since he recognized oneself car(riage), happen to must go to Wenxing Town, 算了,人上一百,形形色色,陈光自诩什么大风大浪都见过,也懒得问那么多,他既然认准了自己的车,正好又是要去文兴镇, The most of that round of order was he right. At once Chen Guang starts the vehicle loudly then. 那发订单的多半就是他没错了。旋即陈光轰然发动车子便出发了。 According to convention, on this day air/Qi, since is much sultrier, he can bear, the passenger actually cannot receive generally, Chen Guang planned that swings the glass, turns on the air conditioning again, only then on the vehicle is drawing the passenger, he can satisfied short enjoy the period of time air conditioning. 按照惯例,这天气既然闷热得厉害,他受得了,乘客却一般都受不住,陈光打算把车窗摇上,再把空调打开,也只有车上拉着乘客,他才能心安理得的短暂享受一阵子的空调。 Has not thought that playing tricks passenger was rare opens revered the mouth, do not turn off the window, stuffy.” 不曾想,那个装神弄鬼的乘客却难得又开了尊口,“别关窗户,闷。” This sentiment is good, unexpectedly really has such hot day not to want the air conditioning. 这感情好,居然真有这么热的天还不要空调的。 Chen Guang is glad to save fuel, un, is unambiguous, deferred to doing that he said. 陈光乐得省油,嗯了一声,也不含糊,就按照他说的做了。 Roughly the most hour passes by, according to the instruction of vehicle navigation, Chen Guang planted in a road fork of Wenxing Town suburb alley, then let this person of landing, was selects again under received the car(riage) that the hemp slid, he turned around in the direction of school expunges. 约莫大半个小时过去,依照车载导航的指示,陈光将人栽到了文兴镇郊一个小路的岔口上,便让这人下了车,再是麻溜儿的点了下收车,他就掉头往学校的方向开去。 This finally one only also good, from urban district to the Wenxing Town almost 20 kilometers, is 30 ocean incomes, today's net profit good and evil can break through 100. 这最后一单还不错,从市区到文兴镇差不多二十来公里,又是三十大洋进账,今天的纯利润好歹是能突破一百了。 Is blowing the whistling, while presses 12 points warning lines to advance in the school the car(riage), is giving back to the gate guard friend to send two cigarettes while convenient. 一边吹着口哨,一边压着十二点的警戒线把车开进学校里,顺带着还给门卫老兄发了两根烟。 Mentioning is also disgraced, in the school has student also not only his one of the car(riage), but others buy the car(riage) are bring acting cool picking up girls to use, like Chen Guang, the car(riage) is borrows, the use is to bring race car/taxi driver makes money, is alone one. 说来也是丢人,学校里有车的学生也不只他一个,但别人买车都是拿来装逼泡妞用的,像陈光这样,车是借来的,用处却是拿来跑车赚钱的,还是独一份。 Stops the car(riage) in the parking lot, while when the Chen Guang plan gets out, the corner of the eye split vision glance, actually discovered the kraft paper box under the copilot. 将车停在停车场里正当陈光打算下车时,眼角余光一瞥,却在副驾驶下面发现了个牛皮纸箱子。 Before that person boards, does not have this thing, is difficult to be inadequate this box is he falls? 那人上车之前,是没有这东西的,难不成这箱子是他落下的? In Chen Guang is slanting the body to take cardboard box, looks at outside packing not to know what in thinks is what gadget. 陈光斜着身子将纸箱子拿到手里,看外面的包装不知道里面装着的是什么玩意儿。 He starts to be worried, how can the thing be able to give back to that person the thing? 他开始苦恼起来,东西要怎么才能把东西还给那人呢? Drove such long car(riage), the guest forgets the property on the vehicle is not twice, but Chen Guang has not actually accepted bribes, does everything possible to contact with the opposite party as far as possible, thing. 开了这么久的车,客人把财物忘在车上也不是一次两次,但陈光却从没贪墨过,都是想方设法尽量联系到对方,把东西还了回去。 But this situation is also different, the opposite party does not have the mobile number from the start, finds the person unable to look. 但这次情况又不一样,对方压根就没有手机号,找人也无从找起。 First in has a look is anything, no matter is anything, I first take, can check my number through the company in any case, he himself wanted naturally to find me. 先看看里面到底是什么吧,甭管是啥,我先拿着,反正通过公司也能查到我的号码,他自己想要回去就自然能找到我。 Is thinking like this, Chen Guang while opened the box. 一边这样想着,陈光一边打开了盒子。 But also thinks that is anything, one glass steel cup! 嘁,还以为是什么呢,就一玻璃钢杯子啊! Brand-new glass steel cup static inlaying in paper carton child middle scoop channel, under the street light shines, the glittering and translucent carving glass steel cup wall is exuding slightly light/only, the appearance will also calculate on. 一个崭新的玻璃钢杯子正静静的嵌在纸盒子中间的凹槽里,在路灯照耀下,晶莹剔透的玻璃钢杯壁微微泛着光,卖相还算将就。 But this thing is attractive, is a cup, goods that type can buy in the street booth momentarily. 但这东西再漂亮,也不过是个杯子而已,还是那种在街边摊里随时都能买到的货色。 In this cup is printing female who wears the ancient costume, floating as immortal is a bit like the in the Dunhuang Murals flying goddess actually. 这杯子上印着个身穿古装的女子,飘飘似仙的倒是有点像敦煌壁画里的飞天女神。 Carefully looked at two, Chen Guang honk shouted, this portrait a little horizontal, printed the watercolor painting in cup obviously, but seemed like is also too real! Unexpectedly the picture is probably same! This small cheek, but also fresh-faced fair and healthy-looking? Fierce, is really fierce!” 仔细看了两眼,陈光嘟嚷道,“这画像有点水平啊,明明只是印在杯子上的水彩画,但看起来也太真实了吧!居然像是照片一样!啧啧,这小脸蛋儿,还粉嫩嫩白里透红呢?厉害,真是厉害!” Is saying, Chen Guang while cannot bear find out the finger to touch the cheek that the flying goddess paints a portrait, the finger bumps above, glass fiber reinforced plastic that icy cold touch, showed actually this portrait inlays in the glass fiber reinforced plastic inner layer. 一边说着,陈光一边忍不住探出手指去摸了摸飞天女神画像的脸蛋,手指碰在上面,倒是玻璃钢那冰凉凉的触感,说明这画像是嵌在玻璃钢内层的。 „The work of this cup also is really good, looked that paints a portrait is very attractive, supposes can at least a value hundred appearance, but also has nothing extraordinarily, I first take in any case, happen to lacks a cup, first brought back the bedroom to say again, when two days he did not have the sound, I first took was using, even if then he said wants the thing, at the worst compensated to select money good, mainly relation not on person! Also nothing extraordinary.” Chen Guang thought aloud, the satisfied plan appropriated to oneself this cup. “这杯子的做工还真是不错,看画像还挺漂亮的,估摸着至少能值个百来块的样子,但也没什么了不得的,反正我先拿着吧,正好缺个杯子,先拿回寝室再说,等两天他还没动静,我就先自己拿着用了,回头就算他说要东西,大不了赔点钱好了,主要还是联系不上人呐!也没什么了不得的。”陈光自言自语道,心安理得的打算把这杯子据为己有了。 Gets out, locks a door, the cup in the hand, Chen Guang is flinging the small ham, walks toward the bedroom along the parking lot edge alley. 下车,锁门,将杯子拿在手里,陈光甩着小火腿,沿着停车场边缘小路往寝室走去。 Hey! Hateful kid! Moves away your finger aunt paternal grandmother chest!” “喂!可恶的小屁孩!把你的手指头从姑奶奶胸口拿开!” Has not arrived two steps, a bewildered sound resounds from the Chen Guang heart, sounds the appearance of devils. 没走到两步,一个莫名其妙的声音从陈光心底响起,听起来十分凶神恶煞的样子。 Chen Guang fierce lives in the footsteps, left has a look right to have a look, in the big parking lot, absolutely does not have others except for oneself! 陈光猛的顿住脚步,左看看右看看,诺大的停车场里,除了自己根本就没有别人啊! The pale yellow street light according to his body, always draws in the ground his shadow is long, the night wind blows on both sides young tree, the tree leaf curls up the sand rustle the sound, once for a while emits two insect cries from the side thick patch of grass, all, appear that lonely. 昏黄的路灯照在他的身上,将他的影子在地面拉得老长,夜风吹在两旁的小树上,树叶子卷起沙沙沙的声音,时不时从旁边草丛里冒出两声虫鸣,一切,都显得是那么的寂寥。 WTF, was haunted difficultly inadequately! 卧槽,难不成闹鬼了! This does not compel others certainly! 这绝逼没有别人啊! Chen Guang suddenly feels absolutely terrified, hurries to fling the brain, do not crack a joke, this anything time, must believe the science, what demons and monsters where comes. 陈光顿觉毛骨悚然,赶紧甩甩脑子,别开玩笑了,这都什么时代了,要相信科学,哪里来的什么妖魔鬼怪。 Receives this far-fetched thought that Chen Guang hugs the cup in the bosom, proceeds to walk quickly, to going out of the parking lot, has not heard that strange woman voice again, middle again and again fierce looking at then, has not seen the person to follow behind oneself. 收起这不靠谱的念头,陈光将杯子抱在怀里,快步往前走去,一直到走出停车场,都没再听到那奇怪的女人声音,中间三番五次猛的回头打望,也没见人跟在自己背后。 His heart then relaxes, mused, was I was definitely exhausted recently, started to present the auditory hallucination, oh, I may really be the cruel fate! 他心头这才放松下来,暗想,肯定是我最近累坏了,都开始出现幻听了,唉,我可真是苦命啊! After responding, Chen Guang awakened, the voice of woman indeed did not spread from the ear a moment ago, from the start fled suddenly in own mind deep place! 反应过来之后,陈光才醒悟,刚才那女人的声音的确不是从耳朵里传出的,压根就是在自己脑海深处猛然窜出来的! Illusion illusion, certainly what this compels is the illusion, hurries to return to the bedroom to rest to be good to think! 幻觉幻觉,这绝逼的是幻觉,还是赶紧回寝室睡个好觉吧! Chen Guang, I may wait for you to be very long, a while I want to know that you are can also same entrain with this afternoon.” 陈光,我可等你很久了,等会儿我很想知道你是不是还能和今天下午一样拽。” In he just trod the parking lot front door, is the inopportune sound resounds together, this time is actually not that woman, but is a big form that wears the white suit kept off in his road ahead, in this person behind is also standing five build strong youth, clearly was the sports special recruitment of students in school. 就在他刚踏出停车场大门时,又是一道不合时宜的声音响起,这次却不是那女人,而是一个身穿白西装的高大身影挡在了他的前路上,在这人的身后还站着五个体型健硕的青年,分明就是学校里的体育特招生。 Zheng He! 郑河 This goods suffer a loss on the struggle of argument in the afternoon, in the evening unexpectedly leads the person to stop up Chen Guang! 这货下午在口舌之争上面吃了亏,晚上居然带着人来堵陈光 Welcome the general book friends to visit reading, latest, quickest and hottest serial publication performs in the mobile phone user welcome to reading. 欢迎广大书友光临阅读,最新、最快、最火的连载作品尽在手机用户请到阅读。
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