CGA :: Volume #1

#2: Toad and swan

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Indeed, he to Wen Wen never that aspect improper ambition, but that was also gets to know each other well the later matter. At first two people have not known well, must say that a Chen Guang such mortal, to Wen Wen appearance too many resistivities, that may not really be at that time confuses is not oneself. 诚然,他对文雯从来就没有那方面的非分之想,但那也是相熟之后的事情了。起初两人还不熟识,要说陈光这么一介凡人,对文雯的容貌也没太多抵抗力,当时那可真是被迷得神魂颠倒。 The time of but together fooling around together grew, the relational more and more iron, more and more winds ripe, Chen Guang really did not have a wee bit unnecessary ideas, had the suitable resistance to her charm. 但在一起厮混的时间长了,关系越来越铁,相互间越来越熟络,陈光还真就没了丁点多余的想法,对她的魅力也拥有了相当的抗性。 But now Wen Wen proposes the reward of such rare and beautiful flowers suddenly, hey, but also really let alone, Chen Guang really really moved the worldly desire! 但如今文雯突然提出这么个奇葩的奖励,嘿,还真别说,陈光真真是动了凡心! Although Wen Wen is a tomboy, but indeed in dark green teacher Teacher Ozawa compared with hard disk be much more attractive! 文雯虽然是个男人婆,但的确要比硬盘里的苍老师小泽老师漂亮得多啊! Most essential, this is the real goods, is not these stays the image in computer screen! 最关键的,她这还是真货色,不是那些停留在电脑屏幕里的影像! Cannot instigate! 不能怂! This, I met! 这茬,我接了! Old man spelled! Even if the death, I must pass deadly!” Chen Guang is saying with clenched jaws. “老夫拼了!哪怕死,我也要死过去!”陈光咬牙切齿的说着。 Wen Wen very satisfied smiles, racket Chen Guang shoulder, precisely. Brothers, for five minutes of natural luck, come on, I favors you well.” 文雯十分满意的一笑,拍拍陈光肩膀,“就是嘛。兄弟,为了五分钟的性福,好好加油吧,我看好你哟。” Shrivelled speech, hits after shrivelled instantly, Chen Guang had entered being engrossed in reading sacred books and oblivious to what happening in the world, wholeheartedly the condition of read-only saints and sages book. “瘪说话,瘪打刹那之后,陈光已经进入了两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读圣贤书的状态。 Wen Wen is taking a look at him who the one side smiles, in the look delimits has wiped the unusual appearance, but quick was hidden by her, when the brain actually recalled initially two people primary acquaintance picture. 文雯在一旁笑眯眯的打量着他,眼神里划过一抹异样的神彩,但很快又被她藏了下去,脑子里却不禁回想起当初两人初次相识时的画面。 At that time the university just began school, bedroom Broadband has not installed, Wen Wen went to outside the school Internet cafe to transfer, planned first to step on, who knows went out from the Internet cafe unexpectedly was entangled by several hooligan. 那时候大学才刚刚开学,寝室宽带还没装上,文雯去学校外面的网吧转了一圈,打算先踩踩点,谁知道从网吧出门时居然被几个小混混缠上了。 When she prepares to begin to straighten up these people, just in time Chen Guang that passed by from side, then to/clashes directly strongly over. 正当她准备动手拾掇这些人时,正巧从旁边路过的陈光,径直便冲出来强出头。 Chen Guang after all only then a person, rushes with a brain heat, finally did not have two rounds to be trigged by these hooligan. 陈光毕竟只有一人,也就是凭着一脑子热才冲了上去,结果没两回合就被这几个小混混制住了。 Said honestly, at that time Wen Wen felt Chen Guang a little stupidly cute stupidly cute, 坦白说,当时文雯觉得陈光有点蠢萌蠢萌的, Although by her appearance, when meeting to be troublesome some people to lend a hand is also very normal matter, but this Internet cafe entrance dark piece, what in surrounded girl in the end(finally) of alley entrance look good person also simply not possible on being able to see clearly is long, is that time he, what in the end(finally) thinking? 虽然以她的长相,在遇到麻烦时有人帮衬也是很正常的事情,但这网吧门口黑沉沉的一片,眼神再好的人也根本不可能在巷子口就看得清里面被围住的女孩子到底长什么样,那时候的他,到底在想什么呢? How did he directly clash? 他怎么就直接冲过来了呢? Your expression is quite strange, what are you thinking?” Nearby Chen Guang completes one set of reading comprehension, turns head to look, Wen Wen is holding the cheek to be in a daze, looks at itself intently, on face a faint smile sinister expression, appalling, he cannot bear ask. “你的表情好奇怪,你在想什么?”旁边陈光又是做完一套阅读理解,扭头一看,文雯正托着腮帮子发呆,直愣愣的看着自己,脸上一股似笑非笑的阴险表情,叫人毛骨悚然,他忍不住问道。 Wen Wen blinks, I am thinking how at that time you do dare to clash? Also, did you clash and useful?” 文雯眨眨眼,“我在想,那时候你怎么敢冲过来的?再说了,你冲过来又有什么用啊?” The Chen Guang face pulls out, he knows certainly that Wen Wen is saying anything, now thinks, then, were indeed silly! 陈光脸一抽,他当然知道文雯在说什么事情,现在想起来,当时的自己,的确是傻啊! After all just entered the university, in his brain has not made a turn, sees this matter, but also thinks when in the native place high school, in the county city this hooligan must sell his Brother Guang face somewhat, at that time he has not thought that directly on the past. 毕竟刚进到大学,他脑子里还没转过弯来,看到这种事情,还以为是在老家高中时呢,老家县城里这种小混混多多少少都得卖他光哥面子,当时他也没多想,径直就过去了。 He has not thought that what hero rescues beautiful, after all at that time he indeed had not seen clearly the Wen Wen appearance. 他也没想什么英雄救美,毕竟那时候他的确没看清文雯的长相。 What a pity here is the Wujing city, is not the county city. 可惜这里是五京市,不是老家县城。 hooligan does not show due respect for the feelings completely, at that time Chen Guang thinks oneself could be punched one by the pain. 小混混完全不给面子,当时陈光以为自己可能要被痛揍一顿了。 Finally? 结果呢? Seemed like also the pretty girl a moment ago, the next second changed the body to become the female tyrannosaurus, flushed suddenly, was thin crash-bang to punch to wail bitterly on the ground several hooligan, even punched starts the confiscation to stop, even his rescued beautiful hero also white Ai a fist, nearly gave to spit up the gastric juice. 刚才看起来还娇滴滴的小女子,下一秒钟就变身成了女暴龙,猛然冲了上来,稀里哗啦就把几个小混混揍到在地上哭天喊地,甚至揍得兴起没收住手,连他这个救美的“英雄”也白挨了一拳头,险些把胃酸都给吐光了。 Chen Guang put in great inconvenience, you can hit do not ship out a pretty appearance, didn't your annoy the person to misunderstand? 陈光委屈极了,你这么能打就别装出一副娇滴滴的样子啊,你这不是惹人误会吗? My this was not punched one in vain! 我这不是白白被揍了一顿吗! Afterward Wen Wen felt really embarrassed, 后来文雯觉得实在不好意思, Led him to go to the school medical office to inspect, finally came out is also scary. Internal injury! Almost wanted the internal hemorrhage! This fucking also injured accidentally a fist! 带他去学校医务室检查了一番,结果出来也是吓人。内伤!差点就要内出血了!这特么还只是误伤了一拳! Again is then, two people often bump into the school actually, accidentally chatted two, discovered that unexpectedly has much likes together, particularly two people like hitting DOTA, the time of mixing up were then much, became present such mindless best friend in the course of contacts. 再是接着,两人倒是又在学校里时常碰到,偶然多聊了两句,发现居然有不少共同爱好,尤其是两人都喜欢打DOTA,混在一起的时间便多了起来,一来二去就成了现在这样没心没肺的死党了。 However recently in this year Chen Guang and she hit the time of game to tail off together, actually not because of testing CET4(4th Level of College English Test), but was in the Chen Guang family/home had/left something, present he is short of money, has to borrow a used car from pal there of native place, every day must run at least 45 hours of Internet Taxi Service, made some money, helping in the family/home share a pressure. 不过最近这一年陈光和她一起打游戏的时间变少了,倒不是因为考四级,而是陈光自己家里出了些事情,现在的他十分缺钱,不得不从老家的铁哥们那里借来一台旧车,每天都得跑上至少四五个小时的网络呼车,赚一些钱,帮家里分担点压力。 Ok the line, I must know that at that time you are so flagitious, the wizard minds others' business. Do not do with the strange look!” Chen Guang fears her to bring up an old matter again, hurries to fling the book to come up the head. “行啦行啦,那时候我要知道你那么凶残,鬼才过来多管闲事呢。别用奇奇怪怪的眼神干啊!”陈光怕她旧事重提,赶紧又把脑袋甩到书上去。 This afternoon time, but also really let alone, Chen Guang discovered own learning efficiency is really is much higher, for short three hours, unexpectedly made two -and-a-half sets of examination paper, although the answer rate of accuracy lowers bitterly disappointing, but the time does not fear the person with high aspirations, so long as perseveres, can always kiss the chest, oh, always cannot to CET4(4th Level of College English Test)! 这一个下午的时间,还真别说,陈光发现自己学习效率真是高得令人发指,短短三个小时,居然做了两套半的卷子,虽然答题准确率还是低得让人寒心,但功夫不怕有心人,只要持之以恒,总能亲到胸,噢不,总能过到四级的! Read the entire afternoon book, Chen Guang is also tired some dizziness brain bulges, but after eating meal, must run Internet Taxi Service. 看了整整一下午的书,陈光也是累得有些头晕脑胀,但吃过饭之后还得去跑网络呼车 A while do you want to go to race car/taxi driver?” Two people goes through the electromagnetism gate of library in the vision of others difference, Wen Wen while spoke thoughtlessly to ask. “等会儿你就要去跑车了吧?”两人一边在旁人异样的目光中穿过图书馆的电磁门,文雯一边随口问道。 Chen Guang nods, en, the present is 6 : 30, will wait for almost seven o'clock to start race car/taxi driver, today should be able to receive the car(riage) before 12 : 00.” 陈光点点头,“恩,现在是六点半,等会差不多七点钟开始跑车,今天应该能在十二点前收车。” Wen Wen, I listened to others saying that how you did not say one in the chart with me, I also quite made one help you arrange a position in the attic peaceful mind hall. Person who you have the status, do not mix up with some unauthentic poor loser, referring to the uncertain certain people are attentive to you, you may result are guarding.” Just went out of the time of library in two people, remains neatly is assuming the bright side to the gloss separately, a attire white suit, is wearing the flower check tie, the figure slender charming sunlight youth pursued from behind quickly, walks side-by-side with Wen Wen, smiling said to her. 文雯,我听别人说你在图怎么都不和我说一声,我也好让人帮你在顶楼静心厅里安排个位置啊。你是有身份的人,不要和一些来路不明的穷吊丝混在一起,指不定某些人对你用心不轨,你可得防着点。”就在两人刚走出图书馆的当儿,一个留着齐整到油光呈亮的边分头,穿着一身白西装,打着花格子领带,身形修长的帅气阳光青年从后面快步追了上来,和文雯并肩而行,笑眯眯的对她说道。 He so straightens up himself the proper, in addition he indeed is the outstanding contour, pours really can be joined to put on airs title, the female students who once for a while passed by cannot bear with the look that very admires size up this person. 他把自己拾掇得如此周正,再加上他的确算是出众的外形,倒真配得上白马王子这个称号,时不时路过的女生都忍不住用十分艳羡的眼神打量这人。 This person Wujing university current student association chairman, Wen Wen classmate, Zheng He. 此人正是五京大学现任学生会主席,文雯的同班同学,郑河 Besides Wujing university student association chairman status, he is Dachuan(Big River) Province renown company Chairman Xinguang(New Ray) Group the Zheng Yunhao only son, he himself is also one of the Xinguang(New Ray) Group Board of Directors members. 除了五京大学学生会主席这个身份之外,他更是大川省知名公司新光芒集团董事长郑运好的独子,他自己也是新光芒集团董事会成员之一。 In brief, Zheng He is the celebrity in Wujing university, deducted three characters perfectly, high, rich, Graceful! 简而言之,郑河算是五京大学里的名人,完美演绎了三个字,高,富,帅! Step that Wen Wen proceeds, turned head to cast aside the eye desirably between Zheng He that oneself and Chen Guang pushed, was very sick shot a look at his one eyes, long time, only spat a character from the mouth, get lost! 文雯往前走的步伐一顿,扭头撇了眼正刻意往自己与陈光中间挤过来的郑河,十分厌烦的瞥了他一眼,半晌,只从嘴里吐出来一个字,“滚! Brief and to the point, pertinent, even made usually steady Zheng He unable to bear the complexion changes. 言简意赅,一针见血,甚至让素来稳重的郑河都忍不住面色一变。 Usually she will not give Zheng He to save face, after all is schoolmate on a class, raised the head does not see to lower the head to see, but this person when trying to be close to itself, spoke to slander that unexpectedly her pal Chen Guang, Wen Wen was then impolite with him. 平时她也不会这么不给郑河留面子,毕竟还是一个班上的同学,抬头不见低头见的,但这人在试图接近自己之时,竟出言诋毁她的铁哥们陈光,文雯便一点儿也不与他客气了。 To Wen Wen this indifferent response, nearby Chen Guang has seen is not strange, in the three years in similar scene does not know that has performed many times, Zheng He is just one of them nothing more. 文雯这种冷漠至极的反应,一旁的陈光早已见惯不怪,这三年里类似场景都不知道上演过多少次了,郑河只不过是其中之一而已 Oh, this person of looks is attractive , is really a sin. 唉,这人长得漂亮,也真是一种罪孽啊。 Everyone loves to be pretty, cannot block others to look that you are fascinated, always wants to provoke. 爱美之心人皆有之,怎么也挡不住别人看着你就入迷,总想来撩拨一番。 With these people, cannot be polite, to the sunlight, he can shine the land to you slightly. 和这些人呐,千万不能客气,稍微给点阳光,他就能给你普照大地。 Here Zheng He was flung cold face by Wen Wen, suddenly the air/Qi results in the adrenalin straight young tiger, nearly the hot blooded drift must get angry, but thinks Wen Wen that immeasurably deep family background background, he was basin cold water irrigates, worthily was the new ray senior director, the time that this cultivated vital energy was not a lid, shortly calm, forced to squeeze a smile from the corners of the mouth, Wen Wen you may really crack a joke.” 这边郑河文雯甩了冷脸,一时间气得肾上腺激素直彪,险些热血冲头就要发火,但一想到文雯那深不可测的家世背景,他心里又是一盆冷水浇了下来,不愧是新光芒的高级董事,这养气的功夫不是盖的,顷刻间就冷静了下来,勉强从嘴角挤出一丝笑容,“文雯你可真会开玩笑。” Has not joked with you, I make you roll.” Wen Wen said again. “没有和你开玩笑,我让你滚。”文雯再度说道。 You......” the Zheng He complexion becomes somewhat ugly/difficult to look at. “你……”郑河面色变得有些难看。 What's wrong? Do you also want to act crazy with me?” The Wen Wen surface like Han Shuang, coldly looks at Zheng He. “怎么?你还想和我发飙?”文雯面如寒霜,冷冷看着郑河 Was pressed by her imposing manner, Zheng He is turning suddenly embarrasedly the head one side, does not dare to talk too much. 被她的气势所压,郑河一时间讪讪着将脑袋扭到一边去,不敢多言。 Zheng He admits defeat Wen Wen here one after another, knew in the heart that cannot provoke her again, really annoyed her, may not have own good fruit to eat. 郑河文雯这里接连吃瘪,心知千万不能再招惹她了,真将她惹毛了,可没自己的好果子吃。 Furthermore, nearby person has noticed here clamoring, continued to fear this student association chairmen to have the embarrassing matter to in the school make in the presence of everyone, therefore he hurried to Wen Wen flattered to smile, will then actually target Chen Guang. 再者,附近的人已经注意到这边的喧哗,继续下去恐怕自己这学生会主席当众出糗的事情就要在学校里闹起来了,于是他赶紧冲着文雯讨好般的一笑,转而却将目标对准了陈光 Chen Guang, the matter in your family some of my many hearing, the person, was also valued in having self-knowledge. More words, I did not say that you should understand. The toad was good because of the relations of childhood and swan, when everyone grew up, the toad can only huddle together with the toad, the swan will also only marry the swan. The toad does not walk away earlier, perhaps by another seeking a mate swan not careful stamping.” In front of Chen Guang, Zheng He had the arrogance capital. 陈光,你家里的事情我多少也有些耳闻,人,贵在有自知之明。更多的话,我就不说了,你应该明白的。癞蛤蟆在小时候和天鹅的关系再好,等大家都长大了,癞蛤蟆还是只能和癞蛤蟆扎堆,天鹅也只会嫁给天鹅。癞蛤蟆不早点走远些,恐怕会被另一只求偶的天鹅不小心给踩死。”在陈光面前,郑河就有傲气的资本了。 He dares to speak with Chen Guang like this, did not fear that enrages Wen Wen again, actually also has his plan. 他敢这样与陈光说话,不怕再度激怒文雯,其实也有他的打算。 So long as is a man, attaches importance to face. 只要是男人,就都好面子。 If help/gang Chen Guang of Wen Wen from the spoken language raises one's head today here, seems like oneself leave smelly, however can actually make Chen Guang have an misconception, making him feel that his face also wants the woman to maintain, no matter like this facial skin of Chen Guang is thick, surely will leave behind together the fissure in him and Wen Wen relations. 如果今天在这里文雯从言语上帮陈光出头了,看似自己出糗,然而却能让陈光产生一种错觉,让他觉得他的面子还要女人去维护,这样不管陈光的脸皮再厚,也必定会在他与文雯的关系中留下一道裂痕。 Has not thought that nearby Wen Wen did not say a word actually, she has seen through calculation of Zheng He, she knows, with the Chen Guang temper, Zheng He this degree of provocation, purely was white reckless. 不曾想一旁的文雯倒是一言不发,她早已识破郑河的盘算,她更知道,以陈光的性子,郑河这种程度的挑衅,纯粹就是白瞎。 Chen Guang hears word, cracks into a smile, Zheng He Eldest Young Master, where do you know me and you biggest difference?” 陈光闻言,咧嘴一笑,“郑河大少爷,你知道我和你最大的区别在哪里么?” Zheng He sees Wen Wen not to speak, the interest is higher, nothing but is you are poor loser, although I do not want to show off my net worth all day long, but this matter, can the discerning people look?” 郑河文雯不说话,兴致更高,“无非就是你是个穷吊丝,我虽然不想成天炫耀自己的身家,但这种事情,明眼人都看得出来吧?” The matter that he thinks is very simple, puts together the family background, puts together the contour, puts together the makings, which my same explodes your eight streets, this is we biggest difference, I do not believe you also to say what flower. 他心里想的事情很简单,拼家世,拼外形,拼气质,我哪一样不完爆你八条街,这就是我们最大的区别,我就不信你还能说出什么花来。 Chen Guang a face board, draws Wen Wen to walk suddenly, I said you cannot understand! The tomboys, we walk quickly, the person and wild animal dull together time will grow may be infected with the bird flu.” 陈光突然把脸一板,拉着文雯就走,“我说了你也听不懂!男人婆,我们快走,人和野生动物呆一起的时间长了可能会染上禽流感。” Wen Wen cannot bear titter smiles, in turn builds the hand on the Chen Guang shoulder, laughing runs away fast together, you said well are reasonable, what to do if the wild white swan acted crazy bit! Ha, laughed to death I, acting cool of good idiot, compared to become the beast oneself, the brain lacked the root muscle.” 文雯忍不住噗嗤一笑,反过来把手搭在陈光肩膀上,嘻嘻哈哈的飞快一起跑掉,“你说得好有道理,万一野生白天鹅发飙了咬人怎么办!哈哈哈,笑死我了,好白痴的装逼,把自己比成禽兽,脑子缺根筋呢吧。” You......” here Zheng He have not responded for a short time, the complexion suddenly becomes pale. “你……”这边郑河一时半会都没反应过来,脸色一时间变得铁青。 Bastards! 混蛋! He has not thought from the start Chen Guang oneself words are ridiculing themselves unexpectedly in turn, the opportunity of even to oneself not counter-attacking, ran fast, like this, oneself also pursued, that really became quack remedy of low. 他压根没想到陈光居然就着自己的话反过来嘲笑自己,甚至都不给自己反击的机会,跑得飞快,都这样了,自己还追上去,那真就成了下三滥的狗皮膏药了。 At this time Zheng He that feeling, seemed like slapped bewilderedly ruthlessly, waited for the recovering opposite party actually to run up to about several hundred meters to go to be the same. 此时郑河那感觉,就像是莫名其妙被人狠狠打了一巴掌,等回过神来对方却已经跑到几百米开外去了一样。 The flame of anger suppresses in the heart, without the place sends! 无名火憋在心头,没处发啊! Chen Guang, you are waiting to me, sooner or later will have your suffering to eat, do not fall in my hands! 陈光,你给我等着,早晚有你的苦头吃,你别落在我手里!
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