„What! You...... I...... Iscratch! Are youspecialteasingme?”Suddenlycalling out in alarmsound that the Wujinguniversity librarycorner, transmits a male student, the attention of surroundings many were attracted the past, was looking that meetsto standfrom the chair that allows the delicateboyto leap.
The expression on hisfaceis very complex, amazed, flurriedandvacant, anticipation, but alsohasthatlittlesmallsmall(this little one)all kindsfeeling.
If notthesestudentspersonallysees, perhapstheycannotbelieve that on a face of personcanhave such complexexpressionunexpectedly.
The peoplenoticehissidealsoto sit a female student, at this timethisfemale studentis building the handon the table, is supporting the chin, is turning the head, looks atthismale studentwith the expression that a faceponders.
众人又注意到他身边还坐着个女生,此时这女生正将手搭在桌子上,撑着下巴,扭着脑袋,用一脸玩味的表情看着这男生。Suddenly, the outstanding students of Wujinguniversityreviewedwith single-hearted devotion, were shocked.
一时间,原本专心复习的五京大学的高材生们,都愣住了。Especially the male student, was the eyeballcannot pull outquickly.
The female studentputs onten pointsto reveal the stature the white shirt, althoughsits can only seeherupper part, butthatvividplentiful is still conspicuous, makingperson'sstaturetoherwhole personproduce the infiniteblindnessto think.
那女生穿着一件十分显身材的白衬衫,虽然坐着只能看到她的上半身,但那呼之欲出的丰满却依然显眼,让人对她整个人的身材产生无限的瞎想。Butis truly most appealing, ishercheek, like the snow, the fleshplays musical instruments to breakfairly, inpair of being obsequiousalmond eyesalsohas the stockheroic spirit, undertallvery/straight the outstandingnosesmallmouth of cherry redpositive curved a verysmart-aleckycurve.
The male studentsseethischeek, tosses aboutonly to be able to remember a wordat heart, perfect!
男生们看到这张脸蛋,心里翻来覆去只能想得起一个词来,完美!Evenwithfor the femalefemale student, will still sighinownheart,touchesowncheekagain, inenviesat heartsecretly, she why so attractive!
就算是同为女性的女生,也不禁会在自己心头感叹,再是摸一摸自己的脸蛋,不禁在心里暗自嫉妒起来,凭什么她就这么漂亮!Chen Guanghas not thoughtcompletelyownshouting loudlycapturedotherschoolmates'attention, cannot attend tothisplaceisneedsin the peacefullibrary, the words that Wen Wenspokea moment agoletChen Guang are really extremelysurprised, inhisbrainsomewhatshort-circuits.陈光完全没想到自己的大喊大叫吸引了其他同学的目光,也顾不得这地方是需要安静的图书馆里,刚才文雯说的话让陈光实在是太过惊讶,以至于他的脑子里有些短路。Hehas not expected, Wen Wenshe...... saidunexpectedlyunexpectedlylike this!
他万万没有料到,文雯她居然……居然这样说!„Youare standingagain, was supposing the manager in librarymustcometo askyouto leave.”Wen Wenblinks, „Isuggested that youbesthurryto sit. Did Isayyouas for? Frighteningthis, are you a man!”
“你再这么站着,估摸着图书馆的管理员要过来请你走人了。”文雯眨眨眼,“我建议你最好赶紧坐下来。我说你至于吗?给吓成这样,你是不是男人呀!”Chen Guanghas not managedher, firstwas disturbedto the surroundings the schoolmatethrows a regretlook, slowlysat, staredWen Wenoneill-humoredly, „addedme, your jokeopensa littlegreatly, my smallheart and livercannot withstand!”陈光没理她,先是向周围被打搅了的同学投去一个抱歉的眼神,慢慢坐了下来,没好气的瞪了文雯一眼,“还说我呢,你这玩笑开得有点大啊,我这小心肝承受不住啊!”„Whojokedwithyou, Isaidearnestly, Ireallywantto helpyou. Youthink,thiswas bigthree, yourEnglishfourlevelsalsooverflowed, nowalsodoes not have the English coursenormally, usuallyyouhad the free timealso to go torace car/taxi driverto make money, morewill only studyis worse. Ifwhilethisall at once, did not crossfourlevels of one breathsfinally, was difficultto be inadequateyoualso to wait forfourto crossin a big wayagain? By that time, close tograduating the matterwere more, by your condition, perhapsa wee bitprospectsdidn't have? Youalsoknow, fourlevels, butdoes not have the diploma!”Wen Wenis sayingvery muchearnestly.
“谁跟你开玩笑了,我说认真的,我是真想帮你。你想,这都大三了,你英语四级还没过,现在正常又没英语课,平常你有空闲了还得去跑车挣钱,只会越学越差而已。如果不趁着这最后一股气,把四级一口气过了,难不成你还想等大四了再过?到那时候,临近毕业了事情更多,以你这状态,恐怕一丁点指望都没有了吧?你也知道,过不了四级,可是没有毕业证的啊!”文雯很是认真的说着。„But...... but, thisalsotoo......”Chen Guangthought that was too inconceivable, althoughheknows that Wen Wentemperveryman, the tomboy, is very very valiant, buthas not really expectedherto be ablevaliantlytothissituation.
“可是……可是,这也太……”陈光还是觉得太不可思议了,虽然他知道文雯性子很爷们,很男人婆,很彪悍,但真没料到她能彪悍到这个地步。„Youlistened tome saying that the man, this, evenyouweremybest friend, youfirstwere a man! The society, whatmatter, cantrigger the fighting spirit of manmostsource! Withmedo not say that anythingvainly hopes, lifethesemajor principles, useless things. Trulyeffective, is the woman! Especiallytoyourboyoldvirgin, this beautiful woman of ladythislevel, thatdefinitelyhas the fatalattraction! Do not visitmewiththislook, Iwill not be shy, the personexpensive/noblehadself-knowledge, un, right, Ihadself-knowledgevery much! In order tostimulateyoubiggestpotential, toletyouescapes from the mire that cannot graduate, tosave a possibility, becausecannotgraduate the young offender who takes the evil ways, thisladysolemn promise, so long ashas testedfourlevels, cannot be away from the clothesto kisshere, what alsothere isnot?”Wen Wenis sayingat the same time,
“你听我说,男人呐,都这样嘛,就算你是我死党,你更先是一个男人啊!人世间,还有什么样的事情,可以触发男人最为本源的斗志!别和我说什么梦想啊、人生啊这些大道理,都白扯。真正管用的,就是女人!尤其是对你小子这种老处男来说,本淑女这种层次的美女,那绝对是有致命的吸引力的吧!别用这种眼神看我,我也不会害臊啊,人贵有自知之明,嗯,没错,我就很有自知之明!为了激发你最大的潜力,为了让你逃脱毕不了业的泥潭,为了拯救一个可能因为不能毕业而走上邪路的失足青年,本淑女郑重承诺,只要考过了四级,就能不隔着衣服亲这里,又有什么不可以?”文雯一边说着,At the same timewithfingercusp a 34 Ctall and straightpeak. Sees the mouthor the lookseldest child of Chen Guang, insidecan the stopper the nextgooseegg, Wen Wencontinue saying: „Althoughweare notthatanythinglover'srelations, butthisis unimportant, kissesnot losein any case, so long aswedid not say, the dayknowknowsyouto knowmeto know, does not haveso-called! Is the brothers, braves grave dangers and makes great sacrificesis a cinch, what is thisminor matter? Iwas regarded asby the mosquitostared on the line! Mythisiswholeheartedwantsto helpyou, was cheapyou, what kind of, wanted? Does thisrewardforis not powerful?”
一边用手指尖点了一下自己34C的挺拔峰顶。见陈光的嘴巴还是长得老大,里面都能塞得下一个鹅蛋,文雯继续说道:“虽然咱俩不是那什么恋人的关系,但这不重要嘛,反正亲一亲又不会掉块肉,只要我们都不说出去,天知地知你知我知,没所谓的嘛!做兄弟的,两肋插刀都不在话下,这点小事算什么?我就当做是被蚊子盯了一下就行了嘛!我这可是真心实意的想帮你,便宜你了,怎么样,想不想要?这奖励给不给力?”Right, letsSchoolmateChen Guang the panicmatter, isthis.
没错,让陈光同学惊慌失措的事情,就是这个。Ina moment ago, hisbest friendSchoolmateWen Wen, wasthiswas growing the causing the downfall of the nationbeautiful womanfemme fatalesameappearance, is actually hiding the tomboybigheart„goodbuddy”, to sayunexpectedly, so long as in hecanlaterEnglishfourlevelsonemonthtake a testpassedsmoothly, madehimnot be away from the clothesownchestentirefiveminutes!
就在刚才,他的死党文雯同学,就是这个长着倾国倾城红颜祸水一样容貌,却藏着颗男人婆大心脏的“好哥们”,居然说只要他能在一个月后的英语四级考试里顺利过关了,就让他不隔着衣服亲胸部整整五分钟!Following the finger of Wen Wen, the Chen Guangline of sightremovesagaingraduallydownward, is findingherhandis pointing at the place, in the brainimmediately a blank.
胸!Not separated by clothes!不隔着衣服!Kiss! For! Five! Minutes!亲!五!分!钟!„Aren't youreally teasingme?”Chen Guangsomeare not firm.
“你真的不是在逗我?”陈光有些不坚定了。Althoughhewants saying that your face and stature have the fatalattractiontome, but must tradingwas goodinsidesoul, otherwiseIin the three yearsearlybyyouattracting.
他虽然想说,你这张脸和身材是对我有致命的吸引力,但也得把里面的灵魂给换了才行啊,不然我这三年早被你给吸死了。Butregardlessallunnecessaryfactors, Wen Wen can indeed be the goddess, at leastChen Guangknows,hervegetarianface, will not lose to any beautiful womanstar who on televisiontheseput on make-upcarefullyeven.
但抛开一切多余的因素来看,文雯的的确确算得上女神,起码陈光知道,她就算是素颜,也不会输给那些精心化妆出来的电视上的什么玉女明星。Sheisthattype, clear(ly)knows that sheputs on the intestinestoxicant, butwill also makeone unable to bearwantto pouch the evildoer/monstrous talent that in the bellygoes toher.
她就是属于那种,明知道她是穿肠毒药,但也会叫人忍不住想将她吞进肚子里去的妖孽。So long asshewants, shecanturn intoonegroup of firesoneself, canlet the innumerablemothsnotawfullysamethrows, andlooked that periphery are many are separatingwriting booksseamto take a look here male studentsecretly, canbelieve firmlythis.
只要她愿意,她就能把自己化成一团火,就能让无数飞蛾不要命一样的扑上来,且看周围不少正隔着书缝儿偷偷打量这边的男生,就能确信这点。„Ihave not teasedyou, thisladyis earnest.”Wen Wennodslayer on layer/heavily.
“我可没有逗你,本淑女是认真的。”文雯重重点头。Sees this, Chen Guangfeltownwhole personsoonis not good.
见她这样,陈光觉得自己整个人都快要不好了。Thissimplyis the attractivecrime!
这简直是诱人犯罪啊!Althoughknowsownthisbest friendalwaysnot bothers about trifles, butknows for threeyears, at bestoneselfaredoes not rubtoherononce for a whilecarefullyeats a smalltofu, that must be seized the earto spurt a stream of abusebyher, nowsheproposesthismatterunexpectedly!
虽然知道自己这死党向来不拘小节,但认识三年来,充其量自己也就是时不时不小心蹭到她身上吃点小豆腐,那还得被她揪住耳朵喷个狗血淋头,现在她自己居然主动提出这种事情来!Chen Guang is a little at heart hurried.陈光心里有点慌。„This...... is this is not quite a little good?”Chen Guangwantsto rejectthisreward, but his wordsexit|to speak, oneselffeel the toneto change flavor, thought, my tonesoundsis not from the start firm!
“这……这还是有点不太好吧?”陈光想拒绝这奖励,但他话一出口,自己都觉得口气变了味,心想,我这语气听起来压根就不坚定啊!Mythiseyeballprobablywas how uncontrolled, Chen Guangwas saying to be saying, among the looktotalunconsciousnessrovedin the Wen Wenchest.
The visiondriftsdownward, is looking atWen Wenthatpairtall and straightplentiful, even ifthere is a impediment of whitecoat, can still look at the grandness that comes outto be some scale.
目光往下飘移,正瞧着文雯那一对挺拔丰满,即使有白色外套的阻隔,也能看得出来颇具规模的雄伟。Sizing up of suchshort distance, whenWen Wenis only the breathmoveslightly, letsthispair of white rabbittremorcontinuous.
这样近距离的打量,哪怕文雯只是呼吸时稍微的动弹,也让这一对白兔颤动不休。Blurrywithin, as ifhas a warmfragranceto flutterfromthere, the nosewas crisp.
迷迷糊糊间,似乎有股暖暖的香味从那里飘出来,鼻子都要酥了。Hediscovered,oneselfunexpectedly was really the heart movement, evenin the brainhas startedto fantasize that hadthatpicture.
他发现,自己居然真是心动了,甚至脑子里已经开始幻想起那个画面来。She with her upper body naked stood in front of onself, oneselfare stopping up the liplittlecollects......她光着上身站在自己面前,自己堵着嘴唇一点点的凑上去……Tongue......
嚓,收!Cannotthink, cannotthinkagain!
The Chen Guangwhole bodytrembles, wantsto get downagain, thisbookhad no wayto look!陈光浑身一颤,再想下去,这书就没法看了!Thisreallycannotblamehimnot to have the strength in meditation, whomchangesto meetthiscondition, something has been done deliberatelyobjectorWen Wenthisheartthrob, calmcannot!
这真不能怪他没定力,换谁遇到这种状况,偏生对象还是文雯这种万人迷,都淡定不能啊!Good, Chen Guangstartsto regretat heart,oneselfshould notsmalltalk, what to doifWen Wendid take advantage of the situation to back down without losing facereallywithdrew an order?
好吧,陈光又开始在心里后悔起来,自己是不是不该客套这一下,万一文雯顺坡下驴真收回成命了怎么办?Wen Wensmilesnot to speak, smiles, onlyto size up the Chen Guangmoment, thatlook, seemed saying,little guy, Ihaven't understoodyou? These when reallythisladyfoundinyourlaptop„solid stuff”is the swayedcomes to see?文雯笑而不语,嘿嘿一笑,只上上下下打量陈光片刻,那眼神,仿佛就是在说,小样儿,我还不了解你么?真当本淑女在你笔记本电脑里找到的那些“干货”是摆来看的啊?Yourthissmalltailcurls upwards, Iknow that youare thinkinganything.
你这小尾巴一翘,我就知道你心里在想什么。„Resulted, mywordshave thrownherein any case, thismatter decided that thisladyspoke a salivanail. In brief, onemonthlater, so long asyoucanfourlevels, Inaturallymean what he says. But ifyouoverflowed, whenthismatterIhave not said that next semesterwill also be hopeless, the next generationis hopeless! Iremember that previoustimeyoumissedprobably for more than 100points, looks atyounowthislevel, hangs. Mythismatteralsoonereadthinks that the showyear, youthinkto be good, mustcome true, youalsohad heavy responsibilities!”
“得了,反正我话已经撂这里了,这事就这么定了,本淑女说话一口唾沫一个钉。总之,一个月后,只要你能过了四级,我当然说话算话。但是如果你没过,这事就当我从来没说过,下学期也没戏,下辈子都没戏!我记得上次你好像是差了一百多分吧,看你现在这水平,也还是悬。我这事也就一个念想而已,骚年,你想想就好了,要梦想成真,你还任重而道远啊!”Said that Wen Wenalsoglancesoneset of simulationvolume that Chen Guangjustcompletedwith the look, has not spoken irresponsiblyactually, Chen Guanghas not really hoodwinkedtoseveralproblems.
说完文雯还用眼神瞟了瞟陈光刚做完的一套模拟卷,倒是没乱说,陈光还真没蒙对几道题。Sees this, Chen Guangassuredshereallyhad not instead cracked a joke, oneselfalsoimmediatelylookoneentire, long time, onlyspitsthreecharactersfrom the mouthlayer on layer/heavily: „Goodbrothers!”
见她这样,陈光反而笃定了她真没开玩笑,自己也顿时神色一整,半晌,只从嘴里重重吐出来三个字:“好兄弟!”Welcome the generalbookfriendsto visitreading, latest, quickest and hottestserial publicationperformsin the mobile phone userwelcometoreading.
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