A Chen Guangwhole evening is very unhappy, althoughhewas loaffor serveral daysmuch, race car/taxi driveractuallyalsomany. Butduring one's lifetime, most importantchartis a moodis joyful.陈光一整晚都很不开心,虽然这些天他偷懒不少,跑车其实也不少。但人生在世,最重要图的就是个心情愉悦。Originallyrace car/taxi driverturned into an adjustmentmoodquiteto have the matter of affective tone, nowactuallydoesthismatterformoney.
The samematter, the differentmoods, thatmakespeople not comfortable!
同样的事情,不同的心情,那就让人不舒坦啊!Stands the nearbyinstadium, the Chen Guangat heartbitter, is really a littlehappy!
站在体育场的边上,陈光心里苦哈哈的,真是一点儿都开心不起来啊!Carries the cupto drink water, mouthwen a tea leaves, hedid not haveto spitanxiously, butpondered overseveralcarefully.
端起杯子喝了口水,嘴里呡了一片茶叶,他没急着吐掉,而是细细的琢磨了好几口。Inthis morningbedroomgatetime, Chen Guangveryquick-wittedbought the cupwrap/setsto the sales store, installsExceedingly High Chaliceininside, avoidedColored Glazethatthreeviewnotbikiniportraitexpositionsoutside.
今早上出寝室门的时候,陈光十分机智的到小卖部去买了个杯套,将通天圣杯装在里面,避免了琉璃那三观不正的比基尼画像暴露在外。Alsosavedownface, protected the Colored Glazespring scenery, reallykilled two birds with one stone.
又算是保住了自己的面子,同时也护住了琉璃的春光,真是一举两得。Has a smallissue, a cupset of thisthingwas uncommon, usuallyfewmale studentswill also buy, the inventory in sales storeare not many, even ifthere are, mostly is still the female studentuses.
就是有个小问题,杯套这东西本来就不常见,平时也没几个男生会买,小卖部里的存货不多,就算是有,大多也是女生用的。LikeChen Guanggoes to the time, insideonly hadthreefrom the start, but also was the sameforms, pinkkitty.
就像陈光去的时候,里面压根就只有三个了,还都是一样的格式,粉红色的哈喽kitty。Godgave the Chen Guangthreechoices, butthreechoicesareB.
The decision that oneselfmake, mustrecognizewith tears, Chen Guangis then duty-bound not to turn back the kittycupwrap/setsgavethiswith.
A puremantakes the pinkkittycatcupwrap/setsto standin the stadiumdrinks water, is what experience?
一个纯爷们儿拿着粉红色kitty猫杯套站在体育场里喝水,是一种什么样的体验呢?Canestimatewithlook of others simply, the peoplelook askance, thisismustpuncture the dogeyes of blindperson!
A Chen Guangfaceis calm, elder brother'smilitary might and charm, conceals, cannot keep, such being the case, smileswould ratherto the life, really the fiercegentleman, oftenmustlivein the vision of others difference.陈光一脸淡定,哥的威武与帅气,藏,是藏不住的,既然如此,倒不如笑对人生,真的猛士,往往都得活在旁人异样的目光中。Do not be infatuated withElder Brother, Elder Brotherwalksis not the commonroad!
你们不要迷恋哥,哥走的不是寻常路!Whatinstadiumcurrentis the track and field competition, Chen Guangcomesherereasonto be very simple, Sun XiaoxunandWen Wentwo peoplewill participate in a women's100metersdash, his ownswim meetmustgotoafternoon, looks atunusualsimply.
体育场里正在进行的是田径比赛,陈光来这里的原因很简单,孙小逊和文雯两人都会参加女子一百米短跑,他自己的游泳比赛要到下午去了,索性就过来看个稀奇。InhissidewasLady White Snakethisgoods, Lin JingweiandXiong Jinkeparticipatesto competeactuallyrespectively.
在他身边是白娘子这货,林经纬与熊进科倒是参加各自比赛去了。On the roadLady White Snakehad complained more than 50timesto the Chen Guangsmallpinkcupwrap/sets, thereforehison the mouthis entangling the adhesive tapenow.
路上白娘子已经对陈光的小粉红杯套吐槽了不下五十次了,所以现在他的嘴上缠着胶带。„Wúwú! Wúwú!”Lady White Snake is really the willtenaciousfellow, even if the mouthwere stained, unexpectedlycanexpressownmeaningto comethroughwū wū the sound, hewū wūis calling, strangelywhile a facesmilesis pointing at the Chen Guangcupwith the finger, heunderstands the truth that does not makedoes not die.
“唔唔!唔唔唔唔唔唔!”白娘子真的是个毅力顽强的家伙,就算嘴巴被沾上了,居然还是能通过呜呜声表达出自己的意思来,他一边呜呜叫着,一边一脸怪笑的用手指指着陈光的杯子,他深谙不作不死的道理。Brother Guang! Yoursheathis goodto sprout/moe!光哥!你的套子好萌!Chen Guangshows the whites of the eyes, „rollsthickly! AgainrubbishIalsoto blockyournose!”陈光翻个白眼,“滚粗!再废话我把你鼻子也堵上!”WTF! Even the nosealsostops up! Are you a person!卧槽!连鼻子也堵!你还是不是人啊!Lady White Snakestoppedfinally.
白娘子终于消停了。Another sidewomen'shundredmetersmatchhad been in the preparatory stage, Sun XiaoxunandWen Wenis makingwarming upin the differentplacesrespectively.
另一边女子百米赛已经进入了准备阶段,孙小逊与文雯在不同的地方各自做着热身。Sun XiaoxunactuallyknowsWen Wen, after allGreat School Beauty Wenis well knownin the school, has waited forChen Guangseveraltimesoutside the classroom.孙小逊其实认识文雯,毕竟文大校花在学校里名气不小,又在教室外等过陈光好几次。Todaythisdashcompetition, Great School Beauty Wenwearsverypersonalvest, the lower part of the bodyisonejustcovers the tensiondashtrousers of knee.
今天这短跑比赛,文大校花穿着非常贴身的运动背心,下身是一条刚好盖住膝盖的弹力短跑裤。Like thisputs on, althoughavoidedall the possibilities of being exposed, actually the slenderbeautifulfigureexposedherwith nothing left, evenshealreadydesirablywas low-key, butshebecame. onfocus
这样穿虽然避免了所有走光的可能,却又将她本就修长姣好的身形展露无遗,即便她已经刻意的低调了,但她还是成了场上的焦点。As foranother sideSun Xiaoxun, the dashequipment that shechoosesrelativelyis loose, the statureseems like not obvious, in additionher was also shorter, is submergedactuallyin the crowd, the person who was sharp-eyedindividuallyfound, will call out in alarmone, looked atthatgirlgoodpurefeelingquicklyand so on.
至于另一边的孙小逊,她选择的短跑装备却相对宽松,身材看起来并不明显,再加上她个子也矮一些,倒是被淹没在了人群里,只有个别眼尖的人瞧见了,才会惊呼一声,呀,快看那个女孩子好纯的感觉之类。To the Wen Wenability, Chen Guangis well aware, he100%affirmations, so long asthisEldest Misswantsto win the champion,
对文雯的能耐,陈光心知肚明,他百分之百的肯定,只要这位大小姐想拿冠军,Perhapsno oneisheropponent. ThereforeChen Guanga wee bitwas not worriedforGreat School Beauty Wen,cares about the Sun Xiaoxunsituationactually.
恐怕没人是她的对手。所以陈光一丁点都不替文大校花担心,倒是更在意孙小逊的情况。Last nightinheranesthetics, does not know that restoredto obtain the bottomtodayto the present, should when shenot run up tohalf to faint?
When looksSun Xiaoxunmakes the warming-up exercise, as ifactssomewhatis also stiff, asked the personparticularlyto worry.
The teacher who that sideis responsible forarranging the preliminary groupshas startedto shout the personwith the list, Chen Guangstartsto hold their palms togetherto pray.
那边负责安排预赛分组的老师已经开始拿着名单在喊人了,陈光开始双手合十祈祷起来。NearbyLady White Snake, finally the adhesive tape on facepulling, „Brother Guang, you were definitely praying that the class leaderandGreat School Beauty Wendon't divideto a preliminary contestgroup?”
旁边的白娘子刺啦一声,终于是把脸上的胶带给扯下来了,“光哥,你肯定在祈祷班长和文大校花别分到一个预赛小组吧?”Youhaveto read the plan!
你丫有读心术是吧!Chen Guangwas said the concernbyLady White Snake, but how thiscanacknowledge!陈光被白娘子说中心事,但这怎么能承认!„Do not be noisy, whatrelations do theydividetoonegroup have? Iandtheir two peopleare unstelled, although the elder brotheris charming, butyoualwaysdo not think that theirbothdo likeme?” A Chen Guangfaceis sayingcalm, hand that buthetremblesslightlyactually the disturbedexposition of innermost feelingswithout doubt.
“别闹,她们分到一组又有什么关系?我和她们两人都八字没一撇,虽然哥魅力十足,但你总不会认为她们两个都喜欢我吧?”陈光一脸淡定的说着,但他微微哆嗦的手却将内心的忐忑暴露无疑。„Class leaderhas not runmostly. HoweverGreat School Beauty Wenshouldnot likeyou, you tworadicallyare the buddies! The number of times that althoughIandGreat School Beauty Wenspokewere not many, butIcanlook, sheandIwere a kind of person!”Lady White Snakevowed solemnly that is saying.
“班长多半是没跑儿了。不过文大校花应该不喜欢你,你们两个根本就是哥们儿嘛!虽然我和文大校花说话的次数不多,但我可以看得出来,她和我是一类人!”白娘子信誓旦旦的说着。Hey! What is you are a kind of person! Youareeffeminate, Wen Wen is a tomboy!
啊喂!什么叫和你是一类人!你是个娘娘腔,文雯是个男人婆!Good, broadly, these two are really the different kind, isonekind the tomboydefinitelycannotlikeon the man, is not right, Iscratch the kind, as ifLady White Snakethisismustopenlyacknowledge that histendencyis not correct!
好吧,从广义上来说,这两人真都是异类呢,是一类的呢男人婆肯定是不能喜欢上男人了,不对劲,我擦类,似乎白娘子这是要公开承认他的性向不正确了啊!Hewas suggestingmyhedoes not like the woman, likes the man?
他是在暗示我他不喜欢女人,喜欢男人么?Why does hewantto suggesttome? Does hehave the ideatome?
The Chen Guangcell phonemade a sound, insidetransmitsLady White Snakehidden bitterness the sound, „IsaidBrother Guang, whyyoucanis thinking the matterat heart, moving that whilemaintains composureto about 50meters? Ilook atyouonly thensesame seedgrain of thatbigdot!”陈光的手机响了起来,里面传来白娘子幽怨的声音,“我说光哥,你为何能一边在心里想事情,一边不动声色的挪到五十米开外去的?我看你都只有芝麻粒那么大一个小点了!”„All right, here Istandseeclearly, cool, insightful.”Chen Guangstandsin the stadiumentrance, distantwavestoLady White Snake.
“没事,我站这边看得更清楚一点,凉爽,通透。”陈光站在体育馆大门口,遥遥的冲着白娘子挥了挥手。„Youwere suspectingIdo like the man? Ichoke to deathyou!”Lady White Snakerealizedfinallyis not right.
“你是在怀疑我喜欢男人么?我掐死你啊!”白娘子终于意识到不对劲了。„No, nomatter.”Chen Guanghas run up to the other aspect that the stadiumandLady White Snakeremotelook, „everyoneisbrotherssome, should not be excited, on the side ofour, justsurroundsallbeautiful women in entirestadium, comingto catch the whole lot in a dragnet.”
“干汝!”Chen GuangandLady White Snakeis cracking a joke, whileis paying attentioncarefullyfollowinggrouping, reallyfeared that anythingcomesanything, Wen WenandSun Xiaoxununexpectedlyreallyinonegroup!陈光一边和白娘子开着玩笑,一边细心留神着下面的分组,真是怕什么来什么,文雯和孙小逊居然真在一组!Whendoes not know, two peoplehave gatheredunexpectedlytogether, is cheerful and lively, does not know that theyare discussinganything!
不知道什么时候,两人居然就已经凑到一起了,相互间有说有笑,都不知道她们在谈什么!Suddenly the Chen Guangheartis hard to takeitchy, does not have the person who hears distant voiceshow, in the stadiummakes a racket, is away fromtwoto speakmustwith the roar, wherehecanhearclear.
一时间陈光心痒难耐,奈何没有顺风耳,体育馆里闹闹嚷嚷的,隔着两米说话都得用吼的,他哪能听得清。Whydoes not know, looksontwofacesis hangingrespectivelysweetsmile, Chen Guang is a little at heart hurried.
不知为何,看着两人脸上各自挂着的甜甜笑容,陈光心里有点慌。Welcome the generalbookfriendsto visitreading, latest, quickest and hottestserial publicationperformsin the mobile phone userwelcometoreading.
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