CGA :: Volume #1

#65: The old men are shameless

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No one knows that Wen Wen and Sun Xiaoxun said anything, how long two people have not actually chatted, that side dash competition soon started. The expression on Sun Xiaoxun face seems like some not indignation, obviously this time condition is not very good, after all last night she gave to prescribe medicine, but she is actually face firm standing before the runway starting point, the silver tooth bites secretly, the look is firm and resolute. 谁也不知道文雯孙小逊到底说了些什么,两人其实也没聊多久,那边短跑比赛很快就开始了。孙小逊脸上的表情看起来似乎有些不忿,明明她此时的状态不是很好,毕竟昨天夜里她才给下了药,但她却还是一脸坚定的站在跑道出发点前,银牙暗咬,眼神坚毅。 So the facial expression, appearing in should be on the water common Jiangnan daughter face, somewhat is really strange. 这般神情,出现在本该是水一般的江南女儿脸上,着实有些奇怪。 Another side, is away from the Wen Wen face of three runways to be actually calm with Sun Xiaoxun, is only a once for a while extension body, in the happy tender body will be hiding the explosive force exposes with nothing left. 另一边,和孙小逊隔着三个跑道的文雯倒是一脸淡定,只是时不时的伸展一下身躯,将自身美好娇躯里潜藏着的爆发力展露无遗。 Viewed from whichever angle, Wen Wen and Sun Xiaoxun this group of champions belong to Wen Wen, others cannot call it the threat. 无论从哪个角度看,文雯孙小逊这一组的冠军非文雯的莫属,其他人根本不能称之为威胁。 Chen Guang of concealed in crowd shrinks the neck, why does not know, he always thought that was separated by between Wen Wen and Sun Xiaoxun of three say/way, murderous intention numerous, the undercurrent is turbulent. 藏在人群中的陈光缩缩脖子,不知为何,他总觉得相隔了三条道的文雯孙小逊之间,杀机重重,暗流汹涌。 With the starter's pistol sound, the people send immediately dash fully. 随着发令枪响,众人立刻发足飞奔。 No suspense, Wen Wen had the absolute advantage from the beginning, pushes to the front. 没有任何悬念,文雯从一开始就占据了绝对的优势,一马当先。 The one who asked the person not to think, Sun Xiaoxun followed close on unexpectedly in Wen Wen is not far behind, steady is in the second position, her gymnastics also was really not white practice. 叫人没有想到的是,孙小逊居然紧跟在文雯身后不远,稳稳的占据着第二名的位置,她的体操还真不是白练的。 But Chen Guang always felt, this matter is not right, is not really right! 陈光总觉得,这事儿不对劲,真不对劲! Wen Wen runs with ease, Sun Xiaoxun actually even assigned/life to give to spell! 文雯跑得轻轻松松,孙小逊却是连命都给拼出来了! Finally, Wen Wen and Sun Xiaoxun two people crossed the finish line, Wen Wen decelerated slowly, Sun Xiaoxun actually posture ugly puts the ground all of a sudden, rolled one reluctant anchorage body. 终于,文雯孙小逊两人先后冲过了终点,文雯缓缓减速,孙小逊却姿势难看的一下子扑在地上,滚了一圈才勉强定住身子。 Chen Guang looks anxiously, wants to overrun the help, but that side Wen Wen holds Sun Xiaoxun. 陈光看得揪心,就想冲过去帮忙,但那边文雯却已经把孙小逊扶了起来。 The Sun Xiaoxun footsteps look very impractically, even was about unable to come to a stop, withstood/top the sequela of medicine to run this, she indeed with trying. 孙小逊的脚步看着很虚浮,甚至都快站不稳了,顶着药物的后遗症跑成这样,她的确用尽了全力。 Even so, she actually opens out the hand of Wen Wen, oneself move to side holds the railing, the big mouth is breathing heavily. 但即便如此,她却还是将文雯的手拨开,自己挪到旁边扶着围栏,大口喘着粗气。 Then, she turned the head to look at Wen Wen, the mouth said sentence anything. 然后,她转头看着文雯,嘴里说了句什么。 Chen Guang really separates too, he will also not read the lip language, looks worries. 陈光实在隔得太远,他又不会读唇语,看得干着急。 Another nearby Wen Wen hears word, on the face actually blooms the meaningful smile, does not know that she and Sun Xiaoxun also said anything, at once turns around to walk. 另一旁的文雯闻言,脸上却绽放出意味深长的笑容,也不知道她与孙小逊又说了什么,旋即转身就走。 Chen Guang the plan came up the help to hold Sun Xiaoxun, but another Gao Ya/elegant has come. 陈光本打算上去帮忙扶一下孙小逊的,不过另一头高雅已经过来了。 She supports Sun Xiaoxun, but also is not returning to the Wen Wen back that leaves to wield the fist, makes the demonstration shape. 她将孙小逊一把扶住,还对着正头也不回离开的文雯背影挥了挥拳头,做示威状。 The Chen Guang quick-witted decision first slips away, although oneself nothing to fear as things are done right, what matter has not done, but that thick smell of gunpowder, how wants and has somewhat selects the relations? 陈光机智的决定先溜掉,虽然自己身正不怕影子斜,什么事也没做,但那浓浓的火药味,怎么想都和自己多多少少的有那么点关系的吧? It is not the old man narcissism, this matter does not have the suspense from the start! 不是老夫自恋,这事就压根没悬念嘛! Otherwise, can the person who Sun Xiaoxun and Sun Xiaoxun liangs original eight bamboo poles cannot hit, how such get into dispute? 不然的话,孙小逊个本来八竿子打不着的人,怎么会就这么杠上嘛? Right! They definitely, for are rivals for sexual favor! The old men have this charm! 没错!她们肯定是在为了自己争风吃醋!老夫就有这个魅力! However, they a moment ago around what said? 但是,她们刚才前后到底说了些什么? Chen Guang expressed oneself really good to know. 陈光表示自己真的好想知道。 But in his subconscious, told itself, cannot ask, if did not ask, all can maintain the original design, but something, some words, cannot openly express. 但他潜意识里,却又告诉自己,不能去问,如果不问的话,一切都能维持原样,可有些事情,有些话,不能说开。 Ok, when I anything have not seen. 算了,我就当什么都没看到吧。 Hidden enters in the crowd quietly, Chen Guang slid outside the stadium. 悄悄隐入人群中,陈光溜到了体育场外。 That side Lady White Snake's telephone hit, he is howling in the telephone, fed! Brother Guang! Where did you run go? Class leader this collapsed! You help quickly!” 那边白娘子的电话打过来了,他在电话里嚎着,“喂!光哥!你跑哪儿去了呢?班长这都虚脱了呢!你快来帮忙啊!” Chen Guang hehe, you and Gao Ya/elegant not in? Me a little urgent matter, first walked.” 陈光嘿嘿一声,“你和高雅不是在吗?我这边有点急事,先走了。” Hey! How do I dare to hold the sister-in-law? Traded this matter to be soaked the pig cage in the ancient times!” Lady White Snake this goods really anxious to stir up trouble. “啊喂!我怎么敢扶嫂子啊?换古代这事是要被浸猪笼的!”白娘子这货真是唯恐天下不乱。 Chen Guang bah, „ rolled thickly! Who made you hold, had Gao Ya/elegant to hold not on the line? You only need to look at the same time, 陈光呸了一声,“滚粗!谁让你扶了,有高雅扶着不就行了吗?你只需要在一边看着, Has any emergency case to call me again and that's the end. Right, has under asking that the opportunity helps me make a veiled attack a moment ago Sun Xiaoxun and Wen Wen said anything. ” How did my saying say not right? 有什么紧急情况再给我打电话就是了。对了,有机会帮我旁敲侧击的问下刚才孙小逊文雯说了什么。”怎么我这话说得不对劲? Shouldn't I first refute his what sister-in-law's view? 我难道不应该先反驳他那个什么嫂子的说法吗? Another Lady White Snake is actually the appearance that a face understands, understood, I understood, Great School Beauty Wen.” 另一头的白娘子却是一脸心领神会的样子,“懂了,我都懂了,文大校花嘛。” You understood anything!” The Chen Guang heart did not call wonderfully. “你懂什么了!”陈光心叫不妙。 Lady White Snake hehe, Brother Guang, you let alone, the thoughts of man, I was understanding, you could rest assured that I fulfill their mission surely! You feel relieved!” 白娘子嘿嘿着,“光哥,你甭说了,男人的心思,我都懂的,你放心,我定不辱使命!你就放心吧!” What do I feel relieved? What is your mission?” Chen Guang hurries to ask. “我放心什么?你的使命是什么?”陈光赶紧问。 That side Lady White Snake hung up the phone, has called Chen Guang to feel, oneself makes Lady White Snake work as the scout, is a from head to tail mistake? 那边白娘子却已经掐了电话,顿叫陈光觉得,自己让白娘子去当探子,是不是个彻头彻尾的错误? Ok, things have gotten to this point, does not manage. 算了,事已至此,不管了。 The old men have no free time the acrobatics that now plays anything to achieve success one way or another, particularly one is true pal Wen Wen, our taste is not heavy, she is a tomboy! 老夫现在本来就没空玩什么左右逢源的把戏,尤其是其中一个还是真正的铁哥们文雯,咱的口味还没那么重,她可是个男人婆! The old men not wanted just! 老夫无欲则刚! Also really let alone, even if imagines slightly, oneself and Wen Wen are in love, if she exhibits among lovers to oneself the pretty appearance, is really the whole body has the goosebumps! 还真别说,哪怕只是稍稍想象,自己和文雯谈恋爱的话,她如果给自己摆出一副恋人之间娇滴滴的样子,真是浑身起鸡皮疙瘩! The old men most worry that now, is the money! 老夫现在最担心的,是钱! Very painstakingly Chen Guang compels pinched the bankcard in wallet, thinks it must undergo the downsizing surgery immediately, is at heart painful. 陈光十分苦逼的捏了捏钱包里的银行卡,一想到它马上就要给做瘦身手术了,心里痛哇。 Really feared that anything comes anything, at this time, his cell phone made a sound, takes up looks, is a strange number. 真是怕什么来什么,就在这时候,他的手机响了起来,拿起一看,是个陌生号码。 The sixth sense display function of man! 男人的第六感发挥作用了! Great, this definitely is Wu Tong! 没得说,这肯定是武彤 Yesterday registered the cell phone number, she hits now, was pursues the debt to come most likely! 昨天自己登记了手机号码的,她现在打来,十有八九是追债来了! Connection, sure enough. 接通,果不其然。 Hey, Chen Guang, you now in school? I am Wu Tong, I the school look for you now.” “喂,陈光,你现在在学校里吗?我是武彤,我现在来学校找你。” Sorry, the call that you engine off, have please dialed later.” “对不起,您拨打的电话已停机,请稍后再拨。” „Can we not be weak? Do you make it believable the line not? Behind your family's operator engine off dials later?” Wu Tong to him expressed that 10,000 despise. Chen Guang pinched under own thigh, said that what matter looks for my, I just kidnapped to make the scientific research to inspect to Divine Dragon(Shenlong) with my teacher, does Divine Dragon(Shenlong) put up you to know? Is that has the savage to howl all over, but the place, can see fierce tiger anything once for a while. I am very busy, what matter has I to come back not to talk into again?” “咱能不幼稚吗?你好歹装得像一点行不?你家的运营商停机后面是稍后再拨?”武彤对他表示一万个鄙视。陈光掐了下自己的大腿,“说吧,找我什么事,我刚和我的导师到神龙架去做科研考察了,神龙架你知道吧?就是那个漫山遍野都有野人呼啸而过的地方,时不时还能看到个猛虎什么的。我很忙呢,有什么事等我回来再说成不?” What matter? Did you forget you 11,000 fines not to hand over? Yesterday when I you went through the formalities, with own money helps you pay, can you give back to me? Can't you money of Officer even/including also dare to repudiate a debt?” “什么事?你忘了你还有一万一的罚金没交了吗?昨儿我给你办手续时,拿自己的钱帮你垫付了,你总得还给我吧?你总不能连警察的钱也敢赖账吧?” Right! Yesterday falling deeply in love Wu Tong, from the start not this matter, when accomplished, neat oneself disbursed money to give him to front. 没错!昨天“堕入爱河”的武彤,压根就没把这事当成事,干脆利落的就自己出钱给他垫下了。 Today she indeed wants to look for Chen Guang, happen to takes this matter as the reason. 今儿个她的确想来找陈光,正好以这事为理由。 Actually what she cares is not this money, she wants, to meet with Chen Guang with this excuse again, last night that matter was too strange, was hard to understand, no longer determined the situation, in her heart anxious. 其实她在意的并不是这个钱,她更想以此为借口,再和陈光见一次面,昨晚那事太诡异,太难以理解了,不再来确定一下情况,她心中不安。 She is unable to face such! 她无法面对那样的自己啊! Hehe ! Chen Guang was happy. 呵呵哒!陈光乐了。 Such being the case, do not blame the old man to do without sparing anyone's sensibilities! 既然如此,就不要怪老夫不讲情面了啊! The old men are shameless, are afraid! 老夫无耻起来,就连自己都害怕! Thanked the Glassy remnant wolf to enjoy with hitting of first elegy! The little brother discovers an issue, writes this style book, is more difficult than the imagination, needing be also happy, can always write the happy piece. The little brother started to feel the pressure, I must be maintained the happy mood by myself. In brief, asking everyone to give a recommendation ticket, many collections.】 【感谢Glassy残狼与一世挽歌的打赏啊!小弟发现一个问题,写这种风格的书,比想象中要难啊,必须要自己也高兴,才能始终写出开心的段子。小弟开始感到压力了,我得让自己保持开心的心情。总之,求大家多给一点推荐票,多多收藏。】 Welcome the general book friends to visit reading, latest, quickest and hottest serial publication performs in the mobile phone user welcome to reading. 欢迎广大书友光临阅读,最新、最快、最火的连载作品尽在手机用户请到阅读。
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