CGA :: Volume #1

#63: This is the sudden enlightenment

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This game only continued finally for 20 minutes, after Chen Guang assists Wen Wen to take the first two heads, he quickly raises four levels, the skill are more, the show gets up more unreasonable. Less than 20 minutes, his has not made amends from beginning to end an assistance earth cat of soldier, has treadonned the mystique shoes, the left hand holds to push the stick, the right hand twinkle dagger, the waist is also hanging the big demon bottle , genuine and fake eye respectively one group. 这场游戏最终只持续了二十分钟,在陈光协助文雯拿下前两个人头之后,他很快就提升到了四级,技能更多,秀起来更不讲道理。才二十分钟不到,他这个从头到尾没有补过一个兵的辅助土猫,已经脚踏秘法鞋,左手持推推杖,右手闪烁匕首,腰间还挂着个大魔瓶了,哦,还有真假眼各一组。 The opposite party field of vision was suppressed, the unlined quilt explodes, the high and low two groups respectively were been of fat various earth cat harassment whirlwind oil. 对方视野被压制,中单被完爆,上下两路分别被肥得飚油的土猫各种骚扰。 Three groups collapse, three groups kneel, the head/number of people compared with 0 : 18, the economical experience falls behind infinitely great, which arrives dies to be at where. 三路崩,三路跪,人头比零比十八,经济经验落后无限大,走到哪就死在哪。 Snatches the symbol to be drown to death in the river course, hits wildly, then loses everything. 抢符淹死于河道,打野则人财两空。 In brief, could not play. 简而言之,就是玩不下去了。 Finally some people start to notice that ID of opposite party, remembered again caused a stir in entire DOTA for serveral days that issue of TOP10 artistic collection. 终于有人开始留意到对方的ID,再想起这些天轰动整个DOTA界的那一期TOP10集锦。 The Chen Guang opponents recalled finally by this two person group blood oppressive fear, what stated differently in the artistic collection was been oppressive was others, what now was been oppressive was oneself. 陈光的对手们终于回忆起了被这个双人组血虐的恐惧,不同的是集锦里被虐的是别人,现在被虐的是自己。 If as expected, today these must enter the artistic collection. 如果不出意外的话,今天这一场又要进集锦了。 Although can on the television, but is really a little happy? 虽然可以上电视,但真是一点儿都开心不起来呢? Sad! Was hung to hit by the big god! 伤心啊!被大神吊起来打了啊! When the opposite makes GG at the same time, Wen Wen, Bai Fan, Lin Jingwei and Xiong Jinke are forming the gigantic question mark at heart. 当对面打出GG的同时,文雯白凡林经纬熊进科心里都打着硕大的问号。 Wen Wen first opens the mouth, to be honest, did you grasp to study to the alien? This is unreasonable! Previous time you said that is the god displays, what is this time?” 还是文雯先开口,“老实说,你是不是给外星人抓去研究过了?这不合理!上次你说是神发挥,这次是什么?” Chen Guang smiles, „, if I said that is also the god displays, you do believe?” 陈光嘿嘿一笑,“如果我说也是神发挥,你信不信?” Wen Wen bah, hehe .” 文雯呸了一声,“呵呵哒。” Look, said you do not believe. But how this matter I do not know explained, the real soul talk, I should see the light suddenly at that time. Sees the light suddenly you to understand? In the novel these military study experts, fights is hitting, all of a sudden beyond patrolling day, various earth-shaking martial arts sensibility blotting out the sky spontaneous appearances, keep off cannot block! After seeing the light suddenly, the whole person transformed immediately, the boundary rose sharply, the strength rose dramatically! I at that time was almost this, right, was I drinks water such five seconds of times, put me to see the light suddenly the cup!” Chen Guang spoke the truth! “看吧,说了你也不信。但这事我也不知道怎么解释,真心话,当时我应该是顿悟了。顿悟你懂的吧?就是小说里那些武学高手,和人打着打着,一下子就神游天外,各种惊天动地的武道感悟铺天盖地自发出现,挡都挡不住!顿悟完了之后,整个人立马蜕变,境界大涨,实力暴增!我当时差不多就是这样,没错,就是我喝水那么五秒钟的功夫,把杯子放下来我就顿悟了!”陈光说实话了! The real soul talk, the fact is such! 真心话,事实就是这样的嘛! Teaches as for that three months of hell especially, that is only the detail that some does not need to care about, summarizes from the representation, Chen Guang the vegetable/dish chicken changes the phoenix in five seconds, revival in the DOTA stars sea. 至于那三个月的地狱特训,那只是一些不需要在意的细节而已,从表象上来总结,陈光就是在五秒钟的时间里菜鸡变凤凰,在DOTA的星辰大海中涅槃重生了嘛。 Real? You are quite fierce! I underestimated you before! Unexpectedly can also see the light suddenly at this matter! Did I say the day of you what's the matter? Relax, all right, you indeed saw the light suddenly at that time instantly, then in a short time promoted is too many, the brain and body have not adapted, will therefore have the condition of disgusting gastric disorder. Today your should the situation be much better?” “真的啊?你好厉害!我以前小看你了!居然在这种事情上也能顿悟!我就说你那天是怎么回事呢?放心吧,没事的,你当时的确是刹那顿悟,然后短时间内提升太多了,大脑和身体没有适应,所以才会产生恶心反胃的状况。今天你的情况应该好多了吧?” Wen Wen letter/believed unexpectedly! 文雯居然就这么信了! She even also comforts Chen Guang in turn, to seeing the light suddenly this matter becomes accustomed to very experienced appearance! 她甚至还反过来安慰陈光,一副对顿悟这种事情习以为常很有经验的样子! Chen Guang was startled dull, how before I do not know that you are the young girl who such naive lovable moe chastely! 陈光惊了个呆,以前我怎么就不知道你是个这么天真可爱纯洁萌的少女! Sudden enlightenment that in the chivalric fiction novel can take, she unexpectedly such simple letter/believes! 武侠小说里才能拿出来的顿悟,她居然就这么简简单单的信了! Yeah feeds! Your spirit of science? So many years books your white read? You worthily to the status of own new times university student? 哎喂!你的科学精神呢?这么多年的书你都白读了咩?你就不愧对自己新时代大学生的身份咩? Ok, no matter what, Wen Wen such relaxed was passed by dupe/sway. 行吧,甭管怎么说,文雯就这么轻轻松松的被忽悠过去了。 Also was she chatted the period of time, Chen Guang got down the game, another three people also listened to him and Wen Wen words in one side 7788. 又是她闲聊了一阵子,陈光下了游戏,另外三人也在一旁将他与文雯的话听了个七七八八。 Chen Guang and Wen Wen the matter that overturned in the Internet cafe certainly said previous, another Lady White Snake had turned on the artistic collection lens of that competition, after two relativities, the people really believe firmly this was Chen Guang. 陈光又将上次自己与文雯在网吧里绝地翻盘的事情说了,另一头白娘子已经打开了那场比赛的集锦镜头,两相对比之后,众人才真确信了这就是陈光 WTF! Really has your!” Lin Jingwei pats the Chen Guang shoulder layer on layer/heavily, makes the paying homage to shape. 卧槽!真有你的!”林经纬重重一拍陈光肩膀,做膜拜状。 Elder Brother do you also accept the apprentice?” Lady White Snake has collected to acknowledge as teacher shameless, does not remember quite the same as also runs on a bank Chen Guang before 20 minutes with the quite virulent language. “哥你还收徒弟吗?”白娘子已经恬不知耻的凑上来想拜师了,浑然不记得就在二十分钟前自己还用相当恶毒的语言挤兑陈光 No wonder the Wen Wen goddess favors about you, she affirmed that has seen Brother Guang your potential! The goddess, worthily is the goddess!” fool of Xiong Jinke this brain muscle, always what good deed toward Wen Wen that side relates, Chen Guang changes fucking awesome now, unexpectedly also became the Wen Wen mental perception to know the bead the merit. “难怪文雯女神对你青睐有加,她肯定早就看到光哥你的潜力了!女神,就不愧是女神!”熊进科这个脑子一根筋的二货,总是把什么好事都往文雯那边联想,就连陈光现在变牛叉了,居然也成了文雯慧眼识珠的功劳。 In brief, later your several , in front of Elder Brother said the game, gives me to be overcautious in dealing with people honestly. The old man as the having god-given wisdom rare talent who ten thousand years meets, that dozen the face refuses to acknowledge family, the people on one's own side hit!” Chen Guang laughs, looks at this crowd of small trash that worships ashamed small look, that acid is at heart crisp. “总之,以后你们几个在哥面前说游戏的时候,都给我老老实实夹着尾巴做人。老夫身为万年一遇的天纵奇才,那打起脸来六亲不认的,就连自己人都打!”陈光哈哈大笑,看这群小渣渣那崇拜又惭愧的小眼神儿,心里那个酸爽。 „Does Brother Guang, come one again? Let Elder Brother several also good easy to learn study?” Lin Jingwei several people do not think that hit, eager saying. 光哥,再来一盘吧?让哥几个也好好学学?”林经纬几人也不想自己打了,眼巴巴的说道。 Chen Guang is straight, exempted! Wen Wen said a moment ago, if I dare to open second to hack to death me, I did not have exactly enough. Opens, I must go to a restroom.” 陈光直嘿嘿,“免了!刚才文雯说如果我敢开第二盘就砍死我,我还没活够。起开起开,我要去一趟厕所。” Shoves open frog in a well that several have not seen the world, Chen Guang sets out to directly soar the restroom to go. 将几个没见过世面的井底之蛙推开,陈光起身就直奔厕所而去。 As expected, good one round to retch, made that the stomach sends directly to pull out. 不出所料,好一轮干呕,弄得胃都直发抽。 Holds the wall to walk, Chen Guang is also resigned-looking, this sequela endurance compared with imagination also strong. 扶着墙走出来,陈光也是一脸无奈,这后遗症的持久力比想象的还强啊。 Heard that this year's International Invitational Tournament champion bonus has 1 million beautiful blades, if can take, family's debt was easily solved. 听说今年的国际邀请赛冠军奖金有百万美刀呢,如果可以拿下的话,家里的债务就迎刃而解了。 Oh, the old man has a mind is also powerful can kill the thief, does to the physical condition not to permit! 唉,老夫有心又有力可以杀贼,奈何身体状况不允许啊! Naturally wins the championship this matter, not individual strength goes against heaven's will can achieve, this is a team plays after all, wants to stand in the summit of the world, but must five teammates work as one, everyone puts out the best condition and strongest strength, can break through a tight encirclement at International Invitational Tournament that the outstanding heroes gather. 当然夺冠这事,并非个人实力逆天就能做到的,这毕竟是个团队游戏,想站在世界之巅,还得五个队友齐心协力,所有人都拿出最佳的状态和最强的实力,才能在群雄汇聚的国际邀请赛上杀出重围。 In addition, DOTA2 this plays the biggest charm, then in the final time, you never knows that who wins who loses, even if there is an absolute strength advantage, was still not necessarily able to win the competition. 除此之外,DOTA2这游戏最大的魅力,便在不到最后时刻,你永远也不知道谁胜谁负,就算是有绝对的实力优势,也未必能赢得比赛。 Chen Guang may not have that courage and guts, withstand/top the intense hell to teach the sequela to be any professional especially. 陈光可没有那个勇气和胆量,顶着强烈的地狱特训后遗症去当什么职业选手。 Thinks that money matter, he worries. 想到钱这事,他不禁又犯起难来。 Must give Wu Tong that 11,000, he did not plan that really repudiates a debt, by that overbearing Police Beauty disposition, the courage that he has not repudiated a debt, when referring to being uncertain she will look for herself next time can be a going crazy fierce tiger is a turnover the poisonous snake of snake wick. 要交给武彤的那一万一,他不打算真个赖账,以那个霸道女警花的脾性,他也没有赖账的勇气,指不定她下次来找自己时会是一头发狂的猛虎还是个吞吐着蛇信子的毒蛇呢。 Feels sorry for 50,000 oceans that I just succeeded in obtaining, first gave the father 40,000, in oneself capture also 10,000, this thinks all things to be worry-free, can on a moist easy life, start not to be loaf over the two days race car/taxi driver. 可怜我刚到手的五万大洋,先给了老爹四万,自己兜里还有一万,本以为万事无忧,可以过上好一阵的滋润小日子,这两天都开始偷懒不去跑车了。 Finally, but also without covering hot, this must hand over, same card is also barely managing to maintain a feeble existence thousand blocks , can only leave behind an odd change. 结果呢,还没捂热乎,这就又要交出去了,连带着同一张卡里还苟延残喘着的千把块,也只能给留下个零头来。 I swell such cruel fate! 我肿么就这么命苦啊! Then can go to race car/taxi driver? 岂不是回头就又得去跑车咯? Thanks politely hitting of your wife dot to enjoy at bay! Powerful! Also thanks in the rain whinny! Has your support I some courage to insist!】 【拜谢你妻负偶丶的打赏啊!给力啊!也谢谢雨中萧萧啊!有你们的支持我才有勇气坚持下去!】 Welcome the general book friends to visit reading, latest, quickest and hottest serial publication performs in the mobile phone user welcome to reading. 欢迎广大书友光临阅读,最新、最快、最火的连载作品尽在手机用户请到阅读。
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