Somedriverdoubtlooked atChen Guangone, the suspiciousness that from the police authoritiesafter all his flusteredruns the appearance that appearshassuchseveralto lose. Howeversits the back rowSun XiaoxunandGao Ya/eleganttwolookedwas the obedientfemale'spassengergave uphisanxiety, butlooked atChen Guangonecarefully, thenstarted the vehicle.
司机有些狐疑的看了陈光一眼,毕竟他这慌慌张张从警局跑出来的样子显得有那么几丢丢的可疑。不过坐后排的孙小逊与高雅两个一看就是乖乖女的乘客打消了他的疑虑,只是仔仔细细瞧了陈光一眼,便发动了车子。Heretaxijustwalked, thatWu Tonghas raised a giganticrubbernight stickto clash, the mouthis also roaring, is ugly-looking, has hair dishevelled, the imposing mannerlooks likeone to eat the fierce tiger of personto be fearful, the hairexploded.
这边出租车刚走,那头武彤就已经提着一根硕大的橡胶警棍冲了出来,嘴里还叽里呱啦的咆哮着,面目狰狞,披头散发,气势像一头要吃人的猛虎般可怕,头发都炸起来了。What a pityChen Guangseveralpeoplehave gone by carto slide, shecannotpursue the person.
可惜陈光几人已经坐车溜了,她没能追到人。Stamps the feetruthlessly, knocks the rubbernight stick in handlayer on layer/heavilyin the raised flower bedrailing, the Wu Tongeyestared the crackquickly.
狠狠一跺脚,将手中的橡胶警棍重重敲在花台围栏上,武彤眼睛都快瞪裂了。Butshedoes not havebad that Chen Guangis worried about, the good and evilnot to pull out the spear/gun, even ifhas not pursued the person, is still ventingtonearbypublic facilitieswith the stick.
但她并没有陈光担心的那么糟糕,好歹是没掏枪,就算没追到人,也只是拿棍子对着旁边的公共设施发泄。Shewill makewith the action that the stickchases down, becausepurelyashamed and resentfuldifficult to bear, is notreallymustgivesuddenly/violentlyto beat upChen Guang.
她会做出拿棍子追杀出来的举动,纯粹由于羞愤难当,也不是真要把陈光给暴揍一顿。Ventedruthlessly after a while, shecalmed downgradually, startedto considerthisstrangematter.
Did Icome under a spella moment agoor?
我怎么可能那样子啊!Have no reason!
没理由啊!In the matter of regarding the first halfhour, Wu Tongremembersclear, evenin the heartrecallsnow, can still realizefeeling that at that timethatlove the dry seas and crumbling rocksremembered with eternal gratitude.
对于之前半个小时里发生的事情,武彤记得一清二楚,甚至现在心中回想起来,依然能体会到当时那种爱得海枯石烂刻骨铭心的感觉。Shedid not understand why is, before the outbreak, does not have anyomen, oneselfsuchdeepfell in love withthatman.
她根本不理解到底是为什么,发作之前,没有任何预兆,自己就那样深深的爱上那个男人了。Suddenly, is fascinatedforhim, is bewitched, seems to be in a trance.
The matter in followinga halfhour, makingWu Tongrememberon the surfaceredheartbeat, awkward.
在接下来的半个小时里发生的事情,让武彤一想起就面红心跳,尴尬至极。Shefrom infancy to maturity, has never movedto the manfrom the start, howthesecomestimeall of a suddenthatviolently, thoughtcompletelycannot help but.
她从小到大,压根就从未对男人动过心,怎么这一次一下子就来得那么猛烈,以至于思维都完全不由自主了。LuckilythatboynamedChen Guangreluctantly is also an honorable gentleman, otherwiseoneselftodaydoes not know that mustsufferbig, trades a domestic animal that does not have the conscience, oneself was eatenin the detention cellmostlywipesdry/doesnet.
幸好那个叫陈光的小子勉强还算个正人君子,不然自己今天都不知道要吃多大的亏,换个没良心的畜生,自己在拘留室多半里就被吃干抹净了。This, butwhy didn't alsoabsolutelyhavethatfeelingsuddenly?
这也就罢了,可为什么突然间自己就又完全没了那感觉呢?Pouredreallydid not have, now the carefulrecollection, the heartbeatwill still accelerate.
倒也不是真全没了,现在细细回想,心跳依然会加速。Difficultto be inadequateChen Guangthatboyto meet the mesmeric?
难不成陈光那小子会催眠术?This have no reason!
An excellent graduateaspolice academy, Wu Tong is quite skilled to the criminal psychology, althoughher ownnothypnosis, but also is considered as the first halfpsychologist, have no reasonthateasilyby the hypnosis of nostruggling, thenChen Guanghad not been madeanyhypnosis the action.
身为一名警校的优秀毕业生,武彤对犯罪心理学相当精通,虽然她自己不会催眠,但也算得上半个心理专家,没理由那么轻易的就被毫无挣扎的催眠了,当时的陈光也没有做出任何催眠的举动。Only ifhecanuse the lookhypnosis, butthisfrom the startisfantasy story, the entire worldfiercesthypnosisGrandmastercannot achieve a lookhypnosiswell-trainedpolice officer.
除非他能用眼神催眠,但这压根就是天方夜谭,全世界最厉害的催眠大师也做不到眼神催眠一个训练有素的警员。Had the infinitedoubt, Wu Tongto return to the police authoritiesembarrasedly, Wang Longseveralpeoplehidin the hallcorner, sawherto come, hurriedtowardto twist open the headat the same time, buton the facethatwiped the strangesmileactuallyto be able hardly be removed.
带着无限的狐疑,武彤讪讪的回了警局,王龙几人藏在大厅角落,见她过来了,赶紧把脑袋往一边扭开,但脸上那抹怪异的笑容却挥之不去。„Whosmilesagain, this weekendpractices the free sparringwithme!”InWu Tongnosesnort/hum.
The Wang Longthreepeoplesit respectfullyimmediately, gets upfaceboardstubbornly.王龙三人立马正襟危坐,把脸死死的板起来。Cracks a joke, the Wu TongthisWenxingsub-bureauoverbearingPolice Beautyreputation, maynot onlybebecauseherlooksattractivetemperamentcomesirritable, more importantisshehas the astonishingfree sparringlevelas a female.
开玩笑呢,武彤这文兴分局霸道警花的名头,可不仅仅是因为她长得漂亮脾气火爆来的,更重要的就是她身为一介女子却拥有惊人的自由搏击水平。Even ifin the majorsub-bureaus of entireWujingcity, absolutely is also the level of rankfront row.
Are ourthesebean sproutsstalk, whoall rightto be willingwithherto practice the free sparring? Thatworks as the sandbagpurely!
咱这些豆芽秆,没事谁愿意和她一起练自由搏击?那纯粹就是当沙包!BecausehereWenxingsub-bureau the Wu Tongmatteris somewhat in chaotic situation, anotherChen Guangsituationwas bettera lot.
这边文兴分局因为武彤的事情有些鸡飞狗跳,另一头陈光的处境就要好得多了。AlthoughSun XiaoxunandGao Ya/eleganttwo peopletosomeChen Guangunusualactiondoubt, buttwogirlsalsoheard the fearfulscream that femalepolicesent outafterward,
虽然孙小逊与高雅两人对陈光异常的举动都有些狐疑,但后来两个女孩子也听到了那女警察发出的可怕尖叫,Looks that with own eyesshetook the stickto pursue. „Chen Guang, thatOfficer Wu......”on the vehicle, Sun Xiaoxunasked.
更亲眼看着她拿着棍子追了出来。“陈光,那个武警官……”在车上,孙小逊还是问了出来。Chen Guanghelplesscurling the lip, how„god knowsshewas. Perhapshas the mental illness, Ithoughta moment agosheis not right, butsheis also firmmustputmeto walk, Iam thinkingearliercomes outalsowell, thereforedrawsyouto hurryto run, isfeared that shereneges on a promise.”陈光无奈的撇撇嘴,“天知道她到底是怎么了。或许是有精神疾病,我刚才就是觉得她不对劲,但她又坚决要放我走,我想着早点出来也好,所以拉着你们赶紧跑,就是怕她反悔。”„.” The Chen Guanginsufficiently detailedexplanation, Sun Xiaoxuncompletely believed that the love not only can blind, nearbyGao Ya/elegantthought that Sun Xiaoxunwas completely blind.
“哦。”陈光语焉不详的解释,孙小逊全然信了,爱情不仅仅能让人盲目,一旁的高雅觉得孙小逊完全就是瞎了。Waits forthreepeopleto get out, Chen Guangthenplansfirstto return to the female studentbedroomtwo women/girls.
等三人下了车,陈光便打算先把两女送回女生寝室。Gets to the bedroomentrance, Sun XiaoxunfirstmakesGao Ya/elegantgo upstairs, some of heralsowordswantto askChen Guang.
走到寝室门口,孙小逊先让高雅自己上楼,她还有些话想问陈光。Gao Ya/elegantshows the whites of the eyes, innermost feelingsunstated criticismSun Xiaoxunpaying more attention to a lover than friends, butfirstcame up.高雅翻个白眼,内心腹诽孙小逊重色轻友,但还是自己先上去了。
The effect of anestheticshas gonesimilarlyto the present, Sun Xiaoxunslepta moment ago, at this time the spiritwas much better.
迷药的效果到现在已经去得差不多了,孙小逊刚才又睡了一觉,这时候精神好多了。„That, the Pan Jianginjuryyouknow? Veryserious.”Sun Xiaoxunlike the making mistakesyoung wife, is saying, whileanxiousrubbing hands, „Chen Guang, sorry. Ismymistake, Ishould notbelievehim. IfIdo not havethatfood, hewill not have the opportunity, you...... will not beIwill implicateyou.”
“那个,潘江的伤势你知道的吧?挺严重的呢。”孙小逊像个犯了错的小媳妇一样,一边说着,一边紧张的搓着手,“陈光,对不起。都是我的错,我不该相信他。如果我不去吃那顿饭,他就不会有机会,你也不会……是我拖累了你。”Chen Guangshakes the head, „thismaynot necessarily. Pan Jiangis not a good person, Ihave known. Eventhistimeyoudid not go, avoided the matter, butnexttime? Hid1 st, did not evade15. Hewill expose the true colorssooner or later, Ifeltactuallyvery well, giveto see through an affairhimlike thisearlier, youwill not be swindledagain. Words that if otherIin the school, you were not swindledtimeagain, thatcalledbad. Moreover, you have nothingto apologize, weare the schoolmates, is a friend, the friendhasdifficult, Ilend a handto assist should also be.”陈光摇头,“这可不见得。潘江不是个好人,我一直都知道。就算这次你不去,躲开了事情,但下一次呢?躲得了初一,躲不过十五。他迟早都会暴露真面目,我倒是觉得这样挺好,早点把他给拆穿了,你就不会再上当。万一等哪一次我不在学校的时候,你再上当的话,那才叫糟糕呢。另外,你也没什么好道歉的,我们是同学,也是朋友,朋友有难,我出手相助也是应该的。”Punishment that „right, howOfficer Wudecided? Beforeshedoes not wantto putyouto walk.”Sun Xiaoxunaskedagain, did not ravelthismatter, inherheartdifficultsecure.
“对了,武警官到底怎么定的处分?之前她都不想放你走的。”孙小逊再度问道,不弄明白这事,她心中难安。„It‘s nothing, pays1000finesat the worstprobably, mustgive the Pan Jiangmedical expenses, even iffinished up, probablystillonten thousandblocks.”On the Chen Guangfaceas far as possibleseemsindifferent, butactually the anxiety, rescued50,000 that Jin ShiyueandJiang Yagetwo peoplegainat heartin the past few days, oneselfhave not coveredhot, thismustallmalinger.
“没什么大不了的,大概也就是交一千块的罚款,还有就是得把潘江的医药费给出了就算完事了,大概也就万把块。”陈光脸上尽量显得无所谓,但其实心里还是挺肉疼的,前些天救下靳诗月和江雅歌两人赚到的五万块,自己还没捂热乎,这就要全泡汤了。Naturallywhatis bothersomestishethenremembers, previouslyoneselfwalkedfrom the police authoritiesfast, did not haveto pay the finewith enough time, will refer touncertainthenWu Tongthatterrifyingpolicewomanalsolooking forowntroubletaking advantage ofthisby.
当然最烦的是他这才想起,先前自己从警局走得飞快,也没来得及把罚款缴了,指不定回头武彤那个恐怖女警还会借着这个由头来找自己的麻烦。Although the detentiondon't worry, the people on one's own sidecame outafter all, the punishment decisioncannotsuddenly changecasually, catchesoneself.
拘留虽然不用担心,毕竟自己人都出来了,处罚决定也不能随随便便说改就改,又把自己抓回去。Does not know that what kind ofexpressionturns head to goto explodePolice Beautyfacing that continuesto perform inmyinferiorKorean drama, begs for mercyto askto let offtoher?
就是不知道回头自己应该怎样的表情去面对那个爆炸警花,继续演我的蹩脚韩剧呢,还是给她求饶求放过?Weare not really ableto faceherface, againattractivelyno matteralsouses, thatfemaleancestorswereWhite Bone Spiritare comingabsolutely!
咱真无法面对她那张脸啊,再漂亮也不管用,那女的上辈子绝对是白骨精来着!„? 10,000!”AnotherSun Xiaoxunwas actually givento have a scarebythisamount, butalsosaidimmediately: „Iwill find the wayto collect. Ithengivemy fatherto telephone.”
“啊?一万块啊!”另一头的孙小逊却被这金额给吓了一跳,但又马上说道:“我会想办法凑的。我回头给我爸爸打电话。”„YourDon't waste your breath, is not you person who beginsto hit, whyto makeyoucompensate? IsIhits, Icompensate, but alsowantsyourmoneyto beanything.”Chen Guangrejectedimmediately.
“你就省省吧,又不是你动手打的人,干嘛让你赔?是我打的,就我自己赔,还要你的钱算什么。”陈光当即拒绝了。„But aren't youshort of moneyvery much?”Sun Xiaoxuninsistedas before.
“可你不是很缺钱吗?”孙小逊依旧坚持。„Thisis not the issue that Iam short of money, but a matter of principleasman! The men, musthave the acting. Let aloneyou, yousaid that whatIcancompensate. Goodwas good, youcome up, I must return to the bedroomto rest.”Chen Guangwas sayingmustwalk.
“这不是我缺不缺钱的问题,而是身为一个爷们儿的原则问题!男人嘛,要有担当。你就别说了,你说什么我都会自己赔。行了行了,你上去吧,我也要回寝室休息去了。”陈光说着就要走。Sun Xiaoxunis helpless, mustno longerinsist,suddenlysees the cup in Chen Guangglaring, said: „Waits for, Iam a little thirsty, can Idrinkwater in yourcup?”孙小逊无奈,也只得不再坚持,突然晃眼看到陈光手里的杯子,说道:“等一下,我有点口渴,我能喝一口你杯子里的水吗?”
„ Takes away. Chen Guangdoes not want is too many, gaveSun Xiaoxun the cupdirectly.
“拿去。陈光没想太多,直接把杯子递给了孙小逊。Thisis the cup that hedrinks water, if after Iusesthiscupto drink water, heagaindrinks, iskissesindirectly?
这是他喝水的杯子呢,如果我用这杯子喝了水之后,他再喝的话,算不算间接接吻呢?God knowsat this timein the Sun Xiaoxunbrainwas thinkingthisunexpectedly.
After drinking water, outside the street lightraytaking advantage offemale studentbedroom, shesaw clearly the decoration painting on cupactually, turned into a bigred painted-facefiercely, the cuptoward a Chen Guangbosomstopper, said that will seetomorrow, thump thump thumpgoing upstairs.
她怎么了?Chen Guangfinds ita littlestrange, whatissue does the cuphave?陈光觉得有点奇怪,杯子有什么问题吗?Healsolooked atdecoration painting on the cup, then......
噗!Colored Glazefemalehooligan! Youareintentionally the pitmy!琉璃女流氓!你是故意坑我的吧!
Don't youput on the flyinggoddess of long skirt? Whyturned into the swim suitbigwaveyounger sister of wearbikinibikinitomesuddenly!
你不是穿长裙的飞天女神吗?为什么突然给我变成了个穿着三点式比基尼的泳装大波妹啊!Howyoumakemetakethiscupto go outgreet! Pitfather!
你让我怎么拿着这杯子出门和人打招呼啊!坑爹呢!„Old ladytocontrol the thought of thatattractivepolice, Divine Powerconsumesexcessively, could not maintain the sparkling stoneclothesfeather robethoroughly, cannotbe exposedtoyourboylooked at the small advantage, cansupportthiscotton material, is being ready for any sacrificelives and properties, do not care aboutthesedetails? Do youthink the old ladyto wantlike this?”
“老娘为了控制那个漂亮警察的思维,神力消耗过度,彻底维持不住莹裳羽衣了,总不能走光给你小子看了便宜,能撑住这点布料,已经是豁出去身家性命了,不要在意这些细节好吗?你以为老娘想这样么?”Colored Glaze God Emperorthismysteriously appearing and disappearingpitfatherGod Emperor, came outunexpectedly!琉璃神皇这个神出鬼没的坑爹神皇,居然又出来了!Well, whycansay?
咦,为什么要说又呢?A moment agoshewas not an tone that was more tiredmuch the prostration?
刚才她不是一副累得快虚脱的语气吗?Sentimentalgoodsare an attire?
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