CGA :: Volume #1

#61: Reversion promotion

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You seperately think a credible method actually! Does being probable to make her fall in love with me! Can't have the second choice?” Chen Guang to Colored Glaze God Emperor this irresponsible behavior, expressed despising extremely. Colored Glaze laughs at one, „, what does your kid understand? Now my Divine Power damages greatly, wants to help you escape from the disaster of imprisonment, besides this method, This Emperor really did not have other method.” “那你倒是另外想个靠谱的法子啊!干嘛非得让她爱上我啊!就不能有第二个选择?”陈光琉璃神皇这种不负责任的行为,表示一万分的鄙视。琉璃嗤笑一声,“得,你这小屁孩懂什么?如今我神力大损,想帮你逃脱牢狱之灾,除了这手段,本皇还真没别的法子。” You, since can make her like me loving earthly-shaking, cannot control her thought slightly, only makes her bleed off well me?” “你既然能让她爱我爱得感天动地,就不能只是稍稍控制住她的思维,只让她将我放走就好?” Colored Glaze bah, you understood a basket again, my to not help you relieves extra worries. You may know, what the world's most difficult to understand is most difficult to estimate is the will of the people. Now my Divine Power is mean, wants to make you, cannot give to blast this place directly, that then finds a reasonable fair excuse to you, then only then the mind to that attractive policewoman starts.” 琉璃再度呸了一声,“你懂个篮子,我这还不是为了帮你免除后顾之忧。你可知道,世上最难懂最难揣摩的是人心。如今我神力低微,想把你弄出去,又不能把这地方直接给炸掉,那便得给你找个合理合情的理由,便只有对那漂亮女警的心神下手。” „Don't you always need to make her fall in love with me?” “那你总不需要让她爱上我吧?” Non- not! Controls the mortal mind, two moves are easy-to-use. The one is Mind Control, approximately is that meaning that you anticipate , if your this world technique of hypnosis. Second, are the This Emperor special technique, the sentimental control! This technique reduces effort convenient, so long as makes her deeply fall in love with you, she is naturally willing under permission of her personhood principle, to do to your advantageous matter.” Where Colored Glaze can bear Chen Guang to own question, has no alternative, must maintain the God Emperor dignity before him. “非也非也!控制凡人心神,就两招最是好使。其一便是思维控制,大约便是你期待的那意思,也等若你这世界里的催眠之术。其二,就是本皇独门的手法,感情控制!这手法省事省力,只要让她深爱上你,她自然愿意在自身做人原则的允许下,做一些对你有利的事情。”琉璃哪能忍得了陈光对自己的质疑,没奈何,得在他面前保持神皇的威严啊。 Oh, oneself this Redeemer is quite weak, the temperament is also gruff enough, must explain clearly with him, otherwise this goods have sooner or later restless. 唉,自己这救赎者好弱,偏偏脾气又够倔的,得和他解释清楚,不然这货迟早有得闹腾。 Good high end that you said. But I thought that plan Mind Control is also good.” “你说的好高端。但我觉得方案一的思维控制也挺不错。” Good? I said with you like this. If I use Mind Control, she indeed in the situation that in oneself will know nothing about will let go you. Then? When she wakes, her colleague will tell her, she made anything a moment ago, but she actually discovered oneself are memoryless, in situation that purely in she knows nothing about, she took responsibility to put you! You said, then what happened?” “挺不错?我这样和你说吧。如果我只是使用思维控制,她的确会在自己都毫不知情的情况下将你放走。然后呢?等她醒过来,她的同事会告诉她,刚才她做了什么,可她却发现自己对此毫无记忆,纯粹是在她都毫不知情的情况下,她自己做主放了你!你说,接下来会发生什么事情?” Perhaps,.................. she may clash to catch probably me, and what did everything possible to ravel I to make to her?” “呃,可能……也许……大概……她会冲过来把我又抓回去,并且想尽办法弄明白我对她做了什么?” This was right! I can only say that such doing no end of trouble for the future, you most do not fear the future trouble? However, I used the plan two, displays the sentiment to control to her, does not need an explicit direction, but made her deeply fall in love with you, then she same will let go you. And, afterward she will remember each detail in entire process, clear knew her own then thought. Although she does not understand why oneself will fall in love with your stranger suddenly, taste that but she can actually deep remembering that love act boldly regardless of one's safety at that time. The love, does not need the reason, without excuse. Afterward, she will then only seek the reason from oneself body, but will not suspect on you. You will then not have any extra worries.” “这就对了!我只能说那样做的后患无穷,你不是最怕后患的吗?但是呢,我采用了方案二,对她施展感情控制,并不需要一个明确的方向,只是让她深爱上了你,接下来她一样会放走你。并且,事后她会记得整个过程中的每一个细节,也清晰的知道她自己当时的思维。虽然她根本就不明白自己为什么会突然爱上你这陌生人,但她却能深深的记住当时那爱得奋不顾身的滋味。爱,无需理由,没有借口。事后,她便只会从自己的身上去找原因,而不会怀疑到你身上来。你便不会有任何后顾之忧。” You said well are reasonable, I had nothing to say in reply unexpectedly.” Chen Guang is angry the eye to be dumbfounded, Colored Glaze this method is a little fierce, only continued pitifully for a half hour. “你说得好有道理,我竟无言以对。”陈光嗔目结舌,琉璃这手段是有点厉害呀,只可惜只持续了半个小时。 You also think that now my approach isn't right?” Colored Glaze God Emperor was self-satisfied, old lady the vigor that for you nursed continually caused, does not know that expressed gratitude my, your died not to have the conscience!” “你现在还认为我的做法不对吗?”琉璃神皇得意起来了,“老娘为了你都连吃奶的劲都使出来了,都不知道谢我一下,你个死没良心的!” Good good, in brief, many thanks. On the other hand, controls for a half hour, insufficient! At the endurance of old man, four hours are how good!” Chen Guang is cheerful, thought that Colored Glaze God Emperor this technique is quite good, later has the opportunity multipurpose to use. “好吧好吧,总之,多谢了。话说回来,才控制半个小时,不够啊!以老夫的持久力,怎么着也得四个小时才行!”陈光乐呵起来,心想琉璃神皇这手法相当不错,以后有机会可以多用用。 Don't waste your breath, I caused one time , to continue for a half hour, the sparkling stone clothes feather robe gave to play not to have. Also come? Being disinclined manages you! Said, This Emperor Divine Power is now mean, these is to pound so many, told you! Also overdrew! This time This Emperor is just willing to demonstrate fierce of great-aunt to you, is disinclined to help you! I said that is most difficult to estimate is the will of the people, even the heart of mortal, still is also unpredictable surreptitious. Controls a sentiment of person, 省省吧,我就使了一次,持续半个小时,就连莹裳羽衣都给玩没了。还来呢?懒得理你!都说了,本皇现在神力低微,这一下又是砸出去这么多,告诉你吧!又透支了!这次要不是本皇刚好愿意给你展示一下姑奶奶的厉害,根本都懒得出来帮你!我都说了,最难揣摩是人心,即使是凡人的心,也同样诡秘难测。操控一个人的感情, Extinguishing kills Divine Power that a Spiritual God needs to consume is not worse than! ” In Chen Guang heart fierce gushes out not a wonderful feeling, „...... and overdrew? You were said Divine Power that you used up a moment ago, can extinguish kills a Spiritual God?” 比灭杀一个神灵需要消耗的神力都不差!”陈光心中猛的涌出一股不妙的感觉,“又……又透支了?你是说你刚才用掉的神力,可以灭杀一个神灵?” This rhythm was once similar, Instant Sea is the thing that your woman wants to save face at all costs to make, then felt a mosaic pond, if this time overdrew...... 这个节奏似曾相似,须臾海就是你这女人死要面子弄出来的东西,接下来自己就感受了一次马赛克水塘,如果这次又透支了…… Hey! You are the moonlight swipe the card the clan! How more live more to be coming poorly! 喂喂喂!你丫是月光刷卡族啊!怎么越活越穷来着! Is such. Perhaps therefore...... your next World inside the Grail, must shrink. Cannot blame you, so far you complete two World inside the Grail most preliminary Spirit Appearing Heaven tests, the old lady is really the cruel fate, does not know when can restore past Divine Power.” “是这样的啊。所以……你下次的杯中界,恐怕还得缩水。还不都得怪你,到目前为止你才完成两个杯中界最低级的见灵天考验,老娘真是命苦,都不知道何年何月才能恢复昔日神力。” I was really the day the dog! We can happy, when Divine Artifact? Previous time you give me the mosaic pond, do this time you want to give me the nutrition cabin? Shouldn't the key of issue, be for the first time you installs to compel greatly to Instant Sea that I cause?” “我真是日了狗啊!咱能愉快的当神器吗?上次你给我个马赛克水塘,这次你是要给我个营养舱吗?问题的关键,不应该是你第一次装了个大逼给我弄出的须臾海吗?” „The past matter we do not raise. In any case the next test in your words, indeed is a mosaic nutrition cabin.” “过去的事情咱就不提了。反正下一次考验用你的话来说,的确是一个马赛克营养舱。” Nutrition cabin even! Also brings the mosaic! WTF! You are Endless Divine World send the pit my funny ratio! Did not need other to test, closed/pass mosaic nutrition cabin me is in history the most fearful confinement. Hey! You should not be earnest?” “营养舱就算了!还带马赛克的!卧槽!你是无尽神界派来坑我的逗比吧!不用别的考验了,把我关马赛克营养舱里本身就是史上最可怕的禁闭了。喂!你该不会是认真的吧?” Said. This time helps your consumption be so big, the This Emperor clothes gave to play to take off/escape, how can you also count on? Ok, restores to select Divine Power with great difficulty, came out to talk nonsense with you idly wasted many, I really must walk, next time will come out when again, when was you accepts the test, was mentally prepared! Youngster! We diligently, create together happily tomorrow!” Colored Glaze God Emperor said that this saying, really did not have the sound on biu one. “讲真。这次帮你的消耗真就有这么大,本皇衣服都给玩脱了,你还能指望怎样?行了,好不容易恢复点神力,出来和你闲扯淡又是浪费了好多,我真得走了,下次再出来时,就是你接受考验之时,做好心理准备吧!少年!我们一起努力,共创美好明天!”琉璃神皇说完这话,真就biu的一声没动静了。 Hey! You wait/etc! When you tell me to come out actually next time! How otherwise you make me prepare!” “喂!你等等啊!你倒是告诉我下次是什么时候出来!不然你让我怎么准备啊!” No sound, she indeed has disappeared. 没有任何声响,她的确已经消失了。 ! 噗! Chen Guang wished one could the cup to pound the hand, how the grandfathers of along others family/home were dazzle very hold in the mouth to explode the day, Divine Artifact of others family/home was divides minute one day to rise two-level, three days dominated the world, when this was one's turn the family/home, not only the promotion was hopeless, unexpectedly also more mixed more goes back, World inside the Grail getting smaller, was instead getting more and more rotten! 陈光恨不得把手里杯子砸了,怎么别人家的随身老爷爷都是炫酷叼炸天,别人家的神器都是分分钟一天升两级,三天称霸全球,这轮到自己家时,非但升级无望,居然还越混越回去,杯中界反而还越来越小,越来越烂了! The sentiment you are very the reversion promotion! 感情你丫挺是逆向升级的啊! Then, what next is of nutrition cabin? 那么,营养舱的下一步是什么? Only can install the half-length coffin? 只能装半身的棺材? Otherwise is a cinerary casket? 再不然是骨灰盒? He was looks to understand, the method of that plan two li (0.5 km) change sentiment was fierce, was easy-to-use, later cannot make Colored Glaze God Emperor easily use, this loss was too big, heavy! 他算是看明白了,那个方案二里的改变感情的手段再厉害,再好使,以后都不能让琉璃神皇轻易动用了,这损失太大了,遭重啊! Also, her method had the effectiveness, for short overdraws Divine Power refreshedly, making World inside the Grail more mix more goes back, the setting of this pit father he kills does not want to accept! 再说了,她那手段还是有时效的,为了短暂的爽快而透支神力,让杯中界越混越回去,这种坑爹的设定他打死也不想接受啊! Takes up the cup, looks at the above bikini Colored Glaze portrait, Chen Guang pokes the chest that the stamp painted a portrait with the finger ruthlessly, irritated, the stamp explodes you!” 拿起杯子,看着上面的比基尼琉璃画像,陈光用手指狠狠戳了戳画像的胸口,“气死了,戳爆你!” Thanked hitting of local bandit loose soil elder brother to enjoy again, I felt the spring general warmth.】 【再次感谢土贼虚土哥的打赏,我感受到了春天一般的温暖。】 Welcome the general book friends to visit reading, latest, quickest and hottest serial publication performs in the mobile phone user welcome to reading. 欢迎广大书友光临阅读,最新、最快、最火的连载作品尽在手机用户请到阅读。
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