CGA :: Volume #1

#59: Did not have the time to explain! Board!

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When she imagines many Chen Guang had been put the picture, even was worried that Chen Guang was maltreated in the interrogation chamber, at this time has been scarred. Therefore she must defend firmly here, is not willing to depart, is feared that Chen Guang suffers a loss. 她想象过很多次陈光被放出来时的画面,甚至担心陈光在审讯室里受到虐待,此时已经伤痕累累。所以她才坚决要在这里守着,不肯离去,就是怕陈光吃亏。 But she has a dream really has not expected, when Chen Guang comes out, Police Beauty that is attractive by some oneself envy will hang on the body of Chen Guang. 但她真是做梦也没料到,陈光出来时,那个漂亮得让自己都有些嫉妒的女警花会挂在陈光的身上。 Right, this hangs, climbs up with the monkey a posture on the tree. 没错,这就是挂,和猴子攀爬在树上一个姿势。 That Police Beauty as if entire heart put the body of Chen Guang, in her eye could not see others from the start, she is staring at the ear of Chen Guang with the staring look, like Mong Fu Shek! 那个女警花似乎整颗心都放陈光的身上了,她眼睛里压根就看不见别人,她就那么用直勾勾的眼神盯着陈光的耳朵,像望夫石一样! Sun Xiaoxun was scared, although oneself have thick feelings to Chen Guang, but will not think of his charm unexpectedly accomplishment this! 孙小逊傻眼了,虽然自己也对陈光有一层厚厚的情愫,但万万不会想到他的魅力居然大成这样啊! But these two know today! 这两人可是今天才认识的啊! Your that love dry seas and crumbling rocks expression and movement, how many meanings is also? 你那爱得海枯石烂的表情和动作,又是几个意思? This time Sun Xiaoxun seems most the beloved toy robbed child is ordinary, at heart that indignant difficult draw. 此时的孙小逊好似最心爱的玩具被抢走的孩子一般,心里那个气愤难平。 Worn out and aching weak feeling did not have all of a sudden, three and make the walks two steps to go forward, is looking at Chen Guang and Wu Tong two people. 一下子身上酸软无力的感觉也没了,三步并作两步走上前去,正看着陈光武彤两人。 At this time she discovered that is not right, the expression on Chen Guang face may a wee bit not enjoy, is not happily, instead a face forced smile. 这时候她又发现不对劲了,陈光脸上的表情可一丁点儿都不享受,算不上开心,反而一脸苦笑。 Saw Sun Xiaoxun to come, Chen Guang suspended to her fully is the helpless expression, shrugged difficultly, Officer Wu, troubled you to let go, my neck gave you to force quickly. Has not gasped for breath.” 孙小逊过来了,陈光冲着她摆了个满是无奈的表情,艰难耸肩,“武警官,麻烦你松手,我脖子快给你勒断了。喘不过气了。” What! My light! I unexpectedly......” “什么!我的光!我竟……” No! You leave this! Your I may really probably get angry again like this!” Chen Guang hurrying righteousness expression stopped her to continue the action of disgusting lines. “别!你别这样!你再这样我可真要翻脸了!”陈光赶紧义正言辞的制止了她继续说肉麻台词的举动。 Does not have others in the detention cell, he can also shake this with the similarly disgusting lines evildoer/monstrous talent, but the present to outside, in Sun Xiaoxun and class another female student in the front, Chen Guang really could not lag behind that facial skin to perform in the Korean drama. 在拘留室里没有旁人,他还能用同样肉麻的台词震一震这“妖孽”,但现在到了外面,孙小逊和班上另一个女生就在面前,陈光实在拉不下那个脸皮来演韩剧。 Good.” Wu Tong finally reluctant let loose him. “好吧。”武彤终于不情不愿的放开了他。 Chen Guang pushes to the front then walks toward the sub-bureau front door, then is also blames to Sun Xiaoxun: Looked appearance that your stand does not stand quickly, but also waits for me here? You not awfully! Hurries to return to the school with me together!” 陈光一马当先便往分局大门走去,回头对孙小逊也是责备道:“看你这站都快站不直的样子,还在这里等我?你不要命了啊!赶紧和我一起回学校去!” He a little hesitates, wants to hold Sun Xiaoxun to walk out, but feared that back Wu gunpowder Tong Zha, god knows the woman present jealousy is the legend level of epic level, he does not dare to act eventually. 他有点犹豫,想去扶着孙小逊往外走呢,但又怕背后的武氏火药彤炸了,天知道那女人现在的醋劲是史诗级的还是传说级的,他终究还是没敢出手。 Light! I to your sincerity, the world may reflect! Even if your not only my woman, I am also willing.” Wu Tong guessed correctly his idea unexpectedly! “光!我对你的真心,天地可鉴!哪怕你不只我一个女人,我也心甘情愿。”武彤居然猜到了他的想法! ! A Chen Guang old blood nearly gave to spurt, can you not speak these words in the presence of everyone, you had a look at my schoolmate, had a look at you to work together again, they gave you hemp dead quickly! 噗!陈光一口老血险些给喷了,你能不能别当众说这些话,你看看我同学,再看看你同事,他们都快给你麻死了! Said no matter how! I must return to the school! Officer Wu you don't with! You are busy at your own going! I said don't with, your again this! I pledged to never respond you again!” “不管怎么说!我要回学校去了!武警官你别跟过来!你忙你自己的去!我都说了别跟过来了,你再这样!我发誓永远都不会再搭理你了!” Chen Guang last unfeeling the aggressive statement finally Wu Tong controlling, her so holds the front door of sub-bureau, with the moving people to tears look looks that Chen Guang several people go far away. 陈光最后一句“绝情”的狠话终于把武彤给镇住了,她就这般扶着分局的大门,用催人泪下的眼神看着陈光几人远去。 Three people just went out of the sub-bureau roughly ten meter/rice fiercely, the Colored Glaze sound resounds in the Chen Guang heart, sounds very exhausted appearance, kid, my time are not many, forgot and you a moment ago says a matter, I change her will the magic arts only to maintain for a half hour.” 三人刚走出分局约莫十来米,琉璃的声音猛的在陈光心中响起,听起来十分疲惫的样子,“小屁孩,我的时间不多,刚才忘了和你说一件事了,我改变她心志的法术只能维持半个小时哟。” What? A half hour? At least over the past 20 minutes! You tell me only to maintain now for a half hour! Can you depend on a point spectrum slightly! Can other little method! Can not cause such trick to me the matter! Being probable to let my difficult office like this!” Chen Guang seized the opportunity finally, at heart hysteric is roaring. “啥?半个小时?至少都过去20分钟了!你现在才告诉我只能维持半个小时!你能不能稍微靠一点谱!能不能有点别的法子!能不能别给我弄出这么幺蛾子的事情来!非得要这样让我难办吗!”陈光终于逮住机会了,在心里歇斯底里的咆哮着。 ultimately useless, Colored Glaze God Emperor does not have the sound, obviously made up these words is she makes best effort. 然并卵,琉璃神皇早就没了声息,显然补上这一句话已经是她尽了最大的努力了。 Chen Guang that pull Liangba is at heart cool, mused, with that Officer Wu temperament, 陈光心里那个拔凉拔凉的,暗想,以那个武警官的脾气, When she returns to normal, recalled before , the matter that she and I have, will definitely draw a pistol to give to make into the hornet's nest me? Counted on the fingers, good do not consider as finished, looks at the watch, had five minutes! 等她恢复正常,回想起之前她自己和我发生的事情,肯定会拔枪把我给打成马蜂窝的吧?掐指一算,好吧甭算了,还是看表吧,只得五分钟了! Then looks again, loving lying on the front door, Wu Tong that towards oneself waves in the Chen Guang eye, will become soon will just like break the shell, but great antiquity beast of prey! 再是回头看去,正含情脉脉的趴在大门上,朝自己挥手的武彤陈光眼里,俨然成了即将破壳而出的洪荒猛兽! Chen Guang is completely assured, if cannot run away promptly...... 陈光完全笃定,如果不能及时跑掉的话…… Must die! 要死! 100% will die the dregs! 百分之百会死成渣! Nearby Sun Xiaoxun sees the Chen Guang complexion is not right, heavyhearted asking, how?” 旁边的孙小逊陈光面色不对劲,忧心忡忡的问道,“怎么了?” Chen Guang looked at her one eyes, has a look at another female student again, asked: „Can you run now? Can move?” 陈光看了她一眼,再看看另外一个女生,问道:“你们现在能跑吗?跑得动吗?” What's wrong?” “怎么了?” Sun Xiaoxun and that female students by Chen Guang this pale complexion frightening. 孙小逊和那女生都被陈光这惨白的脸色给吓到了。 Although the Sun Xiaoxun best friend does not know that Chen Guang is what meaning, then nods, I can move, but Xiaoxun now the step is very soft, perhaps is not good.” 孙小逊的闺蜜虽然也不知道陈光到底是什么意思,则是点点头,“我能跑得动,不过小逊现在步子还很软,恐怕不行。” Chen Guang shoulders oneself to conduct the back Sun Xiaoxun, both hands support her two pieces of outstanding buttocks, has no more to do with flush away toward front, Gao Ya/elegant! Follow! Runs!” 陈光一把将孙小逊扛到自己背上,双手托住她的两片翘臀,拔腿就往前面冲去,“高雅!跟上!跑起来!” Sun Xiaoxun shouted one slightly tenderly, but quick was red the cheek no longer to say a word, even happy is narrowing the eye, cheek by after Chen Guang conducted the back. 孙小逊微微娇呼一声,但很快便红着脸蛋不再言语,甚至幸福的眯缝着眼睛,把脸蛋靠在了陈光的后背上。 Nearby best friend Gao Ya/elegant looks at this, rolls the eyes secretly, Xiaoxun are you silly? 旁边的闺蜜高雅看着这一幕,暗翻白眼,小逊你是不是傻啊? A moment ago this man and that Police Beauty such, you are carried by him now like this, fierce exhibited a happy facial expression, you acted with constraint actually slightly! 刚才这男人和那个女警花都那样子了,你现在被他这样背着,又猛的摆出个甜蜜蜜的神情,你倒是稍微矜持一点啊! The time of Gao Ya/elegant this unstated criticism, Chen Guang has actually carried Sun Xiaoxun to run at least ten meter/rice, she hurries to have no more to do with pursue, you actually slowly! Waits for me!” 高雅这一腹诽的当儿,陈光却已经背着孙小逊跑出去至少十来米,她赶紧拔腿追去,“你倒是慢一点啊!等等我!” Has not thought that Chen Guang actually more runs is quicker, not only does not wait for her, from was also being pulled open unceasingly. 不曾想陈光却是越跑越快,非但不等她,距离还不断被拉开着。 Runs probably more than 200 meters, finally to the avenue near, front was emptying the hiring, Chen Guang hurried stopping by calling out the car(riage). 跑出去大概两百多米,终于到了大街边,前面正来了一辆空着的出租,陈光赶紧把车给叫住。 He first puts the back row Sun Xiaoxun, planned that boarded to ask the driver to hurry to drive. 他先是将孙小逊放到后排,紧接着就打算上车叫司机赶紧开车了。 Sun Xiaoxun also calculates a little conscience, urgently said: Chen Guang you and other! Gao Ya/elegant also in behind!” 孙小逊还算有点良心,急道:“陈光你等一下!高雅还在后面呢!” Chen Guang is helpless, must return, Gao Ya/elegant that some will have gasped for breath greatly holds on, drags in the hiring direction, walks quickly walks quickly!” 陈光无奈,只得又返回去,将已经有些大喘气的高雅一把拉住,往出租的方向拖,“快走快走!” Gao Ya/elegant was dragging away by Chen Guang, while toot toot is shouting, you make anything! Insane! Slowly doesn't walk good? What's wrong?” 高雅一边被陈光拖着走,一边嘟嘟嚷嚷着,“你到底做什么啊!疯了啊!慢慢走不行吗?怎么了啊?” Sun Xiaoxun in car(riage) also stares the big eye to look at Chen Guang, his manner was too unusual. 车里的孙小逊也瞪着大眼睛看着陈光,他的举止实在太反常了。 Chen Guang shakes the head, first advances the back row entrance Gao Ya/elegant, oneself seat the copilot, did not have the time to explain! Boards quickly!” 陈光摇头,先将高雅推到后排门口,自己一屁股坐进副驾驶,“没时间解释了!快上车!” „......! My God!......” “啊……啊!我的天啊!啊……” In the meantime, transmits one to must from more than 200 about meters Wenxing sub-bureau suddenly to cut the scream of horizon incisively, is Wu Tong! 就在此时,从大约两百多米开外的文兴分局里猛然传来一阵尖锐得要划破天际的尖叫,就是武彤 This overbearing Police Beauty not only manner is overbearing, the voice of soprano also rules by force equally awfully! 这位霸道警花不但举止霸道,就连女高音的嗓门儿也一样霸道得要命啊! Was away from more than 200 meters is so far, this demon sound filled the ear sounds unexpectedly is that fearful! 都隔着两百多米这么远了,她这魔音灌耳听起来居然还是那么可怕! My little darling! 我的个乖乖! Woke! 醒过来了! Runs! 跑啊! Chen Guang fishes out a red bank note from the pocket, in front of a racket toward the taxi driver, walks quickly! Quickly! Do not hit the table, this money is your!” 陈光从兜里摸出一张红票子,往出租司机面前一拍,“快走!快!别打表了,这钱都是你的!” Many thanks the Glassy remnant wolf and four stars in the bowl of the big dipper degenerate with side of light hitting enjoy! Moreover I also really need to recommend the ticket, everyone's recommendation ticket do not stop! Do not stop day of less than 100 tickets, this is unscientific!】 【多谢Glassy残狼、魁星堕落与光之侧面的打赏呀!另外我也很需要推荐票,大家的推荐票也不要停呀!不要停一天不到一百票了,这不科学呀!】 Welcome the general book friends to visit reading, latest, quickest and hottest serial publication performs in the mobile phone user welcome to reading. 欢迎广大书友光临阅读,最新、最快、最火的连载作品尽在手机用户请到阅读。
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