CGA :: Volume #1

#58: Dear light

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Dear, your procedure has only gotten through, we go home now together ?” Chen Guang is sitting in the detention cell uneasy is worrying, Wu Tong then from entrance slightly mischievous poking head, saying of smiling. “亲爱的光,你的手续已经办完了,我们现在就一起回家,好吗?”陈光正坐在拘留室里惴惴不安的忧心着,武彤便从门口略显调皮的探出头来,笑眯眯的说道。 Her face is in love the little girl appearance, stand hopping along in front of Chen Guang, was saying must put out a hand to hold the hand of Chen Guang. 她一脸热恋中的小女孩模样,一蹦一跳的站到陈光面前,说着就要伸手来牵陈光的手。 Chen Guang one hides toward side, goes home together? Don't crack a joke? So long as I return to the school! I see you today for the first time!” 陈光往旁边一躲,“一起回家?别开玩笑了好吗?我只要回学校!我今天才第一次见你!” But others to you are the sincerity! I am willing to pay all for you! Even if my life!” Wu Tong one threw, holds the hand of Chen Guang from side, pastes toward his chest the face. “可是人家对你是真心的!我愿意为你付出一切!哪怕是我的生命!”武彤一把扑了上来,从旁边挽住陈光的手,将脸往他胸口贴来。 This time, was done to attack by this woman suddenly, arm suddenly by her plentiful clip in inside, Chen Guang whole body muscle fierce stiff! 这一次,被这女人搞了个突然袭击,手臂猛然被她的丰腴夹在了里面,陈光浑身肌肉都猛的僵硬了起来! Indeed, Chen Guang always fished small tofu anything from Wen Wen for these years once for a while, but he and Wen Wen wound ripe miss cannot enter the same restroom. 诚然,陈光这几年总时不时从文雯身上捞点小豆腐什么的,但他和文雯相互间都熟络得就差不能进同一个厕所了。 Among the taboos to two people men and women, the quick custom to is numb. 对两人男女间的避讳,早就快习惯到麻木了。 But changes individual today fiercely, turned into just to know that less than half-day attractive policewoman, this taste is completely different. 可今天猛的换了个人,变成个刚认识不到半天的漂亮女警,这滋味就完全不一样了。 Plentiful of Wu Tong be taller and straighter than Wen Wen, when these two groups surround the arm of Chen Guang from the two sides respectively, almost entire buried. 武彤的丰满要比文雯更加挺拔一些,当这两团分别从两边分别包围陈光的手臂时,几乎整个儿埋了进去。 The astonishing elasticity raids, Chen Guang is similar to the charging to be the same from top to bottom, full is the goosebumps. 惊人的弹性袭来,陈光浑身上下如同过电一般,满是鸡皮疙瘩。 Is dying was dying! 要死了要死了! Obviously I am very repugnant she, wants her roaring! 明明我是很讨厌她,想把她给吼开的啊! But expression that my face enjoys, which type makes? 但我这一脸享受的表情,是闹哪样? Right! Even if the front does not have the mirror, Chen Guang also knows that now expression on the face most likely is the appearance of non-verbal communication. 没错!哪怕面前没有镜子,陈光也知道现在自己脸上的表情十有八九是色授魂与的模样。 Thinks that is really disgraced! 想想真是丢人呐! Can't I firmly? 我就不能更坚定一点吗? Chen Guang engages in introspection, then he found one to let he very awkward answer, cannot! 陈光扪心自问,然后他找到了一个让他十分尴尬的答案,不能! Felt the conscience saying that Wu Tong plentiful was quite really crisp, like the poppy shell, can become addicted simply instantaneously! 摸着良心说,武彤的丰腴实在好爽,简直像罂粟壳一样,能让人瞬间上瘾! You...... like this...... I should not be a proper person.” Finally defeated the small devil of heart sanely, Chen Guang almost exhausted one year of courage, is clenching teeth successfully extricated from the Wu Tong package clip the hand, side and with the firm and slow strength, advanced her slowly. “你……你不要这样……我是个正经人。”终于理智还是战胜了内心深处的小恶魔,陈光几乎用尽一年的勇气,才咬着牙成功的将手从武彤的包夹之中解脱出来,并用坚定又缓慢的力道,将她慢慢推到旁边去了。 If the matter is so simple, from now this named Wu Tong Police Beauty liked being dead set on about oneself, by Chen Guang this old hoodlum that was almost equal to that zero strength in meditation, was impossible so to resist seduced. 如果事情真有那么简单,从此以后这位名为武彤女警花对自己爱得死心塌地了的话,以陈光这种老光棍那几乎等于零蛋的定力,根本不可能抗拒得了如此诱惑。 Even if clear(ly) knows that this woman to oneself not true feelings, was only plotting of Colored Glaze, he can also enter the choice that looked back to put in the bag greatly cheaply this. 哪怕明知道这女人对自己并无真情,只是中了琉璃的暗算,他也会一入反顾的选择把这大便宜收入囊中。 Does, since the manager of this matter is Colored Glaze, the Chen Guang heart always has an unexplained vigilant feeling, by urogenous that woman works, is impossible is so credible, front definitely has the pit to wait for itself! 奈何,既然这事的经办人是琉璃,陈光心底始终有股说不清道不明的警惕感,以那女人做事的尿性,不可能那么靠谱,前面肯定有坑在等着自己! Therefore, even if clear(ly) knew at this moment, so long as moved slightly, fluttered look to Wu Tong in the past, tonight can finish the 20-year that anything life. 所以,哪怕明知道此时此刻的自己,只要稍稍动心,给武彤飘个眼神儿过去,今晚就能结束长达20年的那啥人生。 Even if in the heart this thought quickly roaring heavenshaking made a sound, he actually chose resolutely shoved open Wu Tong, to put it bluntly, he really did not dare! 哪怕心中这念头都快给吼得震天响了,他却毅然决然的选择了将武彤推开,说白了,他真是不敢啊! Before this Police Beauty violent temper him, comprehended, can withdraw with great difficulty, was really not worthwhile creates side issues. 女警花的火爆脾气他之前就领会到了,好不容易可以脱身,实在犯不着横生枝节。 Chen Guang mused, like this, if she tomorrow this condition, but also looks for me, my pushing the boat along this big white meat eating! 陈光暗想,这样,如果她明天还是这个状态,还来找我的话,我就顺水推舟的把这块大白肉给吃了! Today, first return to the school to wonderfully. 今天,还是先回学校为妙。 Here Wu Tong shoves open to Chen Guang, on the face hung up an expression that pours down to sob. 这边武彤陈光推开,脸上又是挂上了一副泫然欲泣的表情。 Chen Guang hurried to depend on the past, both hands held on to her shoulder, both eyes are looking straight ahead her eye, slow and saying of affection: „ If you really love me, do not make me difficult to do, your love comes too suddenly, is too violent, I acknowledged that I was hit to be caught off guard. 陈光赶紧靠过去,双手把住她的肩膀,双目直视着她的眼睛,缓慢而又深情的说道:“如果你真的那么爱我,就不要让我难做,你的爱来得太突然,太猛烈,我承认我被打了个措手不及。 At this time my innermost feelings, wants to spend together the remaining years of life with you, because actually the road ahead is boundless and is on nettles. I am a student, does not know, in the front waits for our two people destiny is being anything. Perhaps is the white hole, perhaps will be white tomorrow is waiting for us. Please allow me to calm down slowly that ebullition heart, making me carefully ponder, static clears off own train of thought. I can refer to the day pledging, does not disappoint your love, but now, making me temporarily leave? ” Chen Guang thought that own stomach is a little uncomfortable, was about to spit. 此时我的内心,既想与你共度余生,却又因前路茫茫而忐忑不安。我还是个学生,不知道在前方等待着我们两人的命运是什么。或许是白洞,或许是白色的明天在等待着我们。请你容我将那沸腾的心慢慢冷静下来,让我好好的思考,静静的理清自己的思绪。我可以指天发誓,绝不辜负你的爱,但是现在,让我暂时离开好吗?”陈光觉得自己的胃有点难受,快吐了。 His trying hard seems very sincere by own expression, does to his performing skill is the negative number, will be a normal person is basically deceived. 他努力让自己的表情显得很真诚,奈何他的演技是负数,基本是个正常人就不会被骗。 Present Wu Tong is not luckily normal. 幸好现在的武彤不正常。 Listens to his words, a Wu Tong pair of beautiful eye to visit him, that affection can melt the glacier, she nods layer on layer/heavily, dear light, I listen your, I am waiting for you!” 听完他的话,武彤一双美目看着他,那深情可以融化冰川,她重重点头,“亲爱的光,我听你的,我等着你!” Good, making me temporarily leave. Short distinction, to have a reunion joy! I walked!” Chen Guang opens the door of detention cell, took a step. “那好,让我暂时离开吧。短暂的分别,是为了重逢的喜悦!我走了!”陈光打开拘留室的门,迈步走了出去。 Wu Tong follows closely, but, blindly follows suit, is just like young wife who just got married. 武彤紧随而至,亦步亦趋,恰似刚出嫁的小媳妇。 Chen Guang more walks is quicker, he only wants to hurry to leave this fearful place. 陈光越走越快,他只想赶紧离开这可怕的地方。 Two people just went out, catches up to look that from the lounge situation Wang Long was all of a sudden scared. 两人刚出门,从休息室赶过来看情况王龙一下子傻眼了。 Wu Tong decided to release Chen Guang a moment ago suddenly, Wang Long from other colleague mouths of duty knows, thinks this violent Police Beauty annoyed thoroughly, planned first to let out quietly, then punched opposite party outside. 刚才武彤突然决定释放陈光,王龙还是从其他值班的同事嘴里知道的,以为这暴力女警花给彻底惹毛了,打算先悄然把人放出去,然后再在外面揍对方一顿。 Similar matter had had one time last month, the fellow who at that time that sexually harassed the girl punching the crying father shouted mother, now bandage has not opened. 类似的事情上个月已经发生过一次了,当时那个调戏女孩子的家伙给揍得哭爹喊娘,现在身上的绷带都还没拆完。 After this matter, steady Wang Long was sent side Wu Tong by Bureau Chief Ding, said asks the senior to assist the young, is actually prevents her to do similar matter again. 这事情之后,性格稳重的王龙才被丁局派到武彤身边,说是以老带新,其实就是阻止她再干类似的事情。 Finally? The Wang Long clothes have not put on hurriedly catches up, is looking at Wu Tong to look at the Chen Guang back with the attractive and charming vision. 结果呢?王龙衣服都没穿好急匆匆的赶过来,就正瞧着武彤用深情款款的目光看着陈光的背影。 This, that side Wu Tong seems like unable to endure shortly this separation. 这也就罢了,那边武彤似乎是无法忍受这短暂的“分离”。 There is a saying, in this world's largest missing, is I visits you face-to-face, is actually still thinking of you at heart. 有句话叫,这世上最大的思念,就是我面对面的看着你,心里却还在想念你。 To present Wu Tong, oneself and Chen Guang distance was half meter, then such as is separated by ten thousand li (0.5 km). 对现在的武彤来说,自己与陈光的距离达到了半米,便如相隔万里。 She threw from behind fiercely, grasps the back of Chen Guang. 她又从后面猛的扑了上去,抱住陈光的后背。 „...... Do not leave me...... my one second not to give up you!” Wu Tong is saying with the weeping voice. “不……不要离开我……我一秒钟都舍不得你!”武彤用哭腔说着。 Where Chen Guang dares to stay, even if bears the touch of transmitting to make him to explode crisply, step that but he leads the way as before firm like mountain. 陈光哪敢停留,哪怕背上传来的触感已经让他爽到要爆炸,但他前行的步伐依旧坚定如山。 Sees only him to conduct the back to hang Wu Tong, moves step by step to the hall, the mouth said: Like this, your colleague do not look. You know that I in the Wujing university studies, then you ask me to be good!” 只见他背上挂着武彤,一步一步挪向大厅,嘴里说道:“不要这样,你的同事都看着呢。你知道我就在五京大学读书的啊,回头你来找我就好啊!” Not only at this moment, is Wang Long, another two police officers but who are also on duty in the sub-bureau all look to be dumbfounded thoroughly. 此时此刻,不光是王龙,还在分局里值班的另外两个警员全都彻底看傻了眼。 Violent did Police Beauty change the beautiful pretty little girl? 暴力警花变美娇娘了? University student who object that just catches today? 对象还是那个今天刚抓回来的大学生? Was I the vertigo or take the wrong medicine to come? 我是眼花了还是吃错药了来着? How to see such a? 怎么会看到这样一幕的? However, most attacked actually is also not these police officers, but just the spooky awaking revolutions, heard the voice of Chen Guang speech to haunch the body from the bench hurriedly, sways Sun Xiaoxun that walks toward here. 但是,最受冲击的却还不是这些警员,而是刚幽幽醒转,听到陈光说话的声音急匆匆从长椅上撑起身子来,摇摇晃晃往这边走来的孙小逊 Stands in the corner, Sun Xiaoxun looks at this, the whole person was shocked. 站在墙角,孙小逊看着这一幕,整个人愣住了。 Welcome the general book friends to visit reading, latest, quickest and hottest serial publication performs in the mobile phone user welcome to reading. 欢迎广大书友光临阅读,最新、最快、最火的连载作品尽在手机用户请到阅读。
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