CGA :: Volume #1

#57: Loves deeply

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„Becoming! This great-aunt this time helps your. Really bothersome, the exploration to your Earth world has not completed, planned saves selects Divine Power to be used to access the net, then after planning to drag . Right, if then has QQ named Colored Glaze to add your good friend, remembers do not reject, that is I. You first open the eye to visit to front of you that very attractive female police, I must begin.” Colored Glaze took a deep breath, the figure in a flash, then vanishes from the Chen Guang heart. “成!本姑奶奶这次就帮你一把。真是烦,对你这地球世界的探索都还没完成,原本都打算积蓄点神力用来上网的,这下计划又得拖后了。对了,回头万一有个叫琉璃的QQ号加你好友,记得别拒绝,那是我。你先睁开眼睛看着你面前那个挺漂亮的女警察吧,我要开工了。”琉璃深吸一口气,身形一晃,便从陈光的心底消失。 Kid child you looked, the old lady must deliver energy!” Colored Glaze God Emperor only has the sound to resound in Chen Guang at heart. “小屁孩子你瞧好了,老娘要发功了!”琉璃神皇只剩下声音在陈光心里响起。 Chen Guang expressed an anticipation extremely, making me experience the God Emperor method! 陈光表示一万分的期待,让我见识见识神皇的手段吧! Does not know how she does want to do? 不知道她要怎么做呢? This sub-bureau erasing? 难道是把这分局给抹除掉? Do not frighten me! 别吓我啊! Chen Guang complexion somewhat panic-stricken opening eyes, is finding Wu Tong that pair of big beautiful eye. 陈光面色有些惊恐的睁眼,正瞧见武彤那一双大大的美目。 Originally because he feigns death, Wu Tong was a little worried, in her eyes, Chen Guang is symbolizing the motherland future small flowers, if this youngster will is so bad, because must be detained for 15 days to give entire collapsed, in oneself this conscience has a deficit was big, therefore hurried to approach wants to look at a situation, Chen Guang did not open eyes, she must begin to dig up to draw his eyelid. 原来因为他装死,武彤有点担心,在她眼里,陈光还是象征着祖国未来的小花朵,如果这少年心志真那么差,因为要被拘留十五天就给整崩溃了,自己这良心上亏欠的就大了,所以赶紧凑近了想看个情况,陈光再不睁眼,她就要动手扒拉他的眼皮了。 At this time, the big eye of Wu Tong is away from the pupil of Chen Guang, only then less than five centimeters distance. 此时,武彤的大眼睛距离陈光的瞳孔只有不到五公分的距离。 Flashes, is so bright like the star. 扑闪扑闪的,像星星那么亮。 Her eye is really attractive, in the Chen Guang brain jumps such. 她的眼睛真好看,陈光脑子里蹦出这么一句。 The next flash, his front Wu Tong blinks. 下一刹那,他面前的武彤眨了眨眼。 The Chen Guang heart thump, the matter is not right! 陈光心头咯噔一声,事儿不对! How this a blink, look all changed flavor! 怎么她这一眨眼,眼神儿就全变味了! This anything! 这什么啊! At this time Wu Tong looks at his vision, making in the Chen Guang brain recall oneself had watched until now most disgusting Korean drama, when the leading lady looks at actor look that will soon ascend to heaven. 此时武彤看他的目光,让陈光脑子里回想起了自己迄今为止看过的最肉麻的韩剧,女主角看着即将升天的男主角时的眼神儿。 That loving vision, that tears dim view, that wishes one could, eyeball that oneself entire attract! 那含情脉脉的目光,那泪光朦胧的眼帘,那恨不得,把自己整个吸进去的眼珠儿! Damn! Is impossible! 见鬼了!不可能! Boy, you felt relieved that this great-aunt acts, the case not empty sends. Now this young policewoman deep fell in love with you, even if at this time made her die for you, she did not bring to blink. You look that she must shed bitter tears immediately is crying the apology to you, said oneself should not try to detain you, you will not certainly be detained. This Emperor is a little tired, first went back to rest, the following matter your oneself handled.” “小子,你放心吧,本姑奶奶出手,例不虚发。现在这小女警已经深深的爱上你了,这时候就算让她为你去死,她都不带眨眼的。你看着吧,她马上就要痛哭流涕着向你哭着道歉,说自己不该试图拘留你了,你当然就不会被拘留咯。本皇有点累,先回去歇着了,接下来的事情你自己搞定吧。” The Colored Glaze that bad sound conveys badly, vanishes rapidly. 琉璃那坏坏的声音传来,迅速消失。 Hey! Does not bring to play like this! I with this Police Beauty first meeting, you make such a to come out to me today, I cannot enjoy! 啊喂!不带这样玩的啊!我和这女警花今儿个才第一次见面,你就给我弄这么一出来,我消受不起啊! Your like this, how making me enjoy the picking up girls pleasant sensation! 你这样子,让我怎么去享受泡妞的快感! Often makes others like me liking suffering extreme distress, your many gives me to select the psychology to prepare! 动不动就让别人爱我爱得死去活来,你多少给我点心理准备啊! This move of principle is what you says actually clearly to me! 这一招的原理是什么你倒是给我讲清楚啊! Wait! I want is not this! 等等!我要的不是这个! Good, this time Wu Tong, indeed deep fell in love in front of this man. 不错,此时的武彤,的的确确已经深深的爱上了她面前这个男人。 No reason! 没有任何理由! The love, does not need the reason! 爱,无需理由! Previous generation brushing past, traded a lot of times live same boat to spend together a time from now on, waits till next life reunion again. 前世千百次的擦肩而过,换来今生一次同船共度,又等到来生的再度重逢。 Said that falls in love is romantic, but Wu Tong felt, oneself this time love, falls in love more profound thousand times of ten thousand times compared with anything. 都说一见钟情最是浪漫,但武彤却觉得,自己此时的爱,比什么一见钟情更深刻千倍万倍。 Even if this man did not speak a few words, oneself look at his face, hears fabricated flavor that on him is transmitting, can ecstasy, likes the life and death not leaving, inspiring. 这男人哪怕不说一句话,自己只是看着他那一张脸,闻着他身上传来的莫须有的味道,也能心醉神迷,爱得生死不离,可歌可泣。 Day! What did I just make? 天呐!我刚刚做了什么? I try to shut in the house of detention I most beloved person unexpectedly! 我居然试图将我最心爱的人关进拘留所! How can I do that? How can think! 我怎么可以这么做?怎么可以这么想! For him, even if goes through fire or water, even if the day of piercing, steps on breaks to pieces this place, I am willing! 为了他,哪怕赴汤蹈火,哪怕捅破这天,踩碎这地,我都心甘情愿! My light! How I...... I can...... how be able injury such you! I am unfair to you! My heart, “我的光!我……我怎么可以……怎么可以那样的伤害你!我对不起你!我的心, Good pain! Is cut to pieces the general pain! I am quite uncomfortable! I am quite guilty! My quick pain results in the breath not to come! ” Wu Tong spoke, both hands fierce extends to hold the face of Chen Guang, aspirates such as orchid, lotus fragrance who in her mouth spits lightly puts on the face of Chen Guang, sneaks in the nose of Chen Guang. Her body more collects is nearer, wishes one could in a body that hits Chen Guang. 好痛!千刀万剐一般的痛!我好难受!我好愧疚!我快痛苦得呼吸不过来了!”武彤说话了,双手猛的伸上来捧住陈光的脸,吐气如兰,她口中轻吐的莲香扑在陈光的脸上,钻进陈光的鼻子里。她的身子越凑越近,恨不得一头撞进陈光的身子里。 As she said the words to come, her sound became sobs, that sad, then remorse, wished one could to commit suicide to thank the world. 随着她说出话来,她的声音变得哽咽,是那么的悲伤,那么的自责,恨不得自杀以谢天地。 Hey! You actually normally! The Korean drama does not have you is so disgusting! 喂!你倒是正常点啊!韩剧也没你这么肉麻啊! Chen Guang goes all out goes toward behind supinely, avoids the face of Wu Tong. 陈光拼命的往后面仰去,避开武彤的脸。 Finally, the chair lost the balance. 终于,椅子失去平衡了。 Chen Guang face upwards to drop down, the body pats on the ground, Wu Tong follows to press. 陈光仰天倒下,身子拍在地上,武彤跟着压上来。 Ended! I must by! Help! The trend of this plot is not right! 完了!我要被强了!救命呐!这剧情的走向不对啊! I! My light! How I can make you throw down! I...... my harms you again and again, I owe you, this life this life could not pay off!” Wu Tong continues to press toward Chen Guang on, but this time she actually extremely flurried is nudging the head of Chen Guang, probably this fell must be the same to the severe wound of falling being paralyzed Chen Guang! “我!我的光啊!我怎么可以让你摔倒!我……我这样一而再再而三的伤害你,我欠你的,今生今世都还不清了!”武彤继续往陈光身上压来,不过这一次她却极其慌乱的拨拉着陈光的脑袋,好像这一摔就要把陈光给摔成半身不遂的重伤了一样! She is saying, while layer on layer/heavily with hand ruthlessly is hammering own chest, her pain resulted in the heart to break to pieces. 她一边说着,一边重重用手狠狠的锤着自己的胸口,她痛苦得心都碎了。 Hey! You must detain me, do not send to the crematory me! Calculates the injury of wool! 喂!你只是要拘留我,没有要把我送去火葬场!算个毛的伤害啊! I am lying down horizontally the ground, does not push down ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) cliff to you! 我只是横着躺到地上,不是给你推下万丈悬崖啊! Do not make into the judgment day is so serious a petty minor matter actually! 你倒是别把一件鸡毛蒜皮的小事弄成世界末日那么严重啊! Chen Guang was understands before Colored Glaze vanished a moment ago, said that immediately must shed bitter tears the apology is being what flavor. 陈光算是明白了刚才琉璃消失之前说的,马上就要痛哭流涕着道歉是个什么味道了。 I am a little drunk, facing those images and scenes, the old man deserves to do? 我有点醉,面对此情此景,老夫该当如何是好? Saw him not to have the sound, Wu Tong was guiltier, unexpectedly lifted the hand to come to slap her own, I...... I was a despicable woman!” 见他没了动静,武彤更加愧疚了,居然抬起手来就要打她自己的耳光,“我……我是个卑劣的女人!” Hey! You noisily enough!” Chen Guang grabs her hand, noisy enough gave our province province! I do not want to be detained, I thought that I injures the Pan Jiang matter is not worth being detained! You put me to walk directly were good, can not put in order so many tricks to come out? You select us also to be the friend slightly normally.” “喂!你闹够了没有!”陈光一把将她的手抓住,“闹够了就给我省省!我只是不想被拘留,我觉得自己打伤潘江的事情也不值得被拘留!你直接放我走就行了,能别整这么多幺蛾子出来行吗?你稍微正常点咱还能做朋友。” Wu Tong smiles through tears, real? Can you really also forgive me? So long as can be the friend with you, I was well satisfied, I do not dare the extravagant demands more, even if hides in the crowd distant is staring at you, is I biggest happiness! Puts you, I put you immediately! Even if the sky collapses, I am also willing to help you conduct the shoulder to withstand/top.” 武彤破涕为笑,“真的吗?你真的还可以原谅我吗?只要能和你做朋友,我就心满意足了,我不敢奢求更多,哪怕只是藏在人群之中远远的凝望着你,就是我最大的幸福!放你,我马上放你!哪怕天塌下来,我也愿意帮你扛着顶着。” Yeah, my brain seed is quite sore. 哎,我的脑仁子好疼。 Chen Guang felt own liver exploded to the lane quickly. 陈光觉得自己肝都快给弄炸了。 Good and evil Wu Tong set out finally. 好歹武彤终于是起身了。 The following matter, really no suspense, Wu Tong only used for five minutes, submitted the detention punishment decision withdrawing, obviously she was to deceive Chen Guang before. 接下来的事情,实在没什么悬念,武彤只用了五分钟,就把本来提交上去了的拘留处罚决定给撤回了,显然她之前是骗陈光的。 However Chen Guang a little relaxed, Officer Wu stands to look at his small look, is simply fearful. 不过陈光一点儿都轻松不起来,武警官站在旁边看他那小眼神儿,简直可怕。 How I felt, if this condition has maintained, I compare am closed miserably for 15 days also! 我怎么觉得,这状况要是一直维持下去的话,我比被关十五天还惨啊! If we had known will make into this, I might as well squat for 15 days! 早知道会弄成这样,我还不如去蹲十五天啊! Who special takes a mental illness to entangle me like this! 谁特么要一个神经病这样缠着我啊! Welcome the general book friends to visit reading, latest, quickest and hottest serial publication performs in the mobile phone user welcome to reading. 欢迎广大书友光临阅读,最新、最快、最火的连载作品尽在手机用户请到阅读。
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