CGA :: Volume #1

#51: Legally illiterates

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Chen Guang sits in the light gloomy interrogation chamber, both hands are placed on the table, looks up the front policewoman slightly, on the face the expression is actually very calm, not, because her gets angry to present any expression to fluctuate suddenly. Stands the policewoman in his front, height roughly one meter seven appearance, in the woman was a tall person, the build was slender, was not delicate, appeared the heroic bearing to be particularly tall and straight because of the long-term exercise. 陈光坐在灯光阴暗的审讯室里,双手摆在桌子上,微微抬头看着前面的女警,脸上表情倒是十分淡定,没有因为她的突然发怒而出现任何表情波动。站在他前方的这女警,身高约莫一米七的样子,在女人中算是高个子了,体型修长,却并不纤弱,因为长期的锻炼而显得分外英姿挺拔。 She is making the neat short hair braid, seems very capable. 她扎着个清爽的短发辫子,显得十分干练。 As she gets angry, the rapid breath lets her plentiful high and low fluctuating, in the side shines under the light that comes to be especially striking. 随着她发怒,急促的呼吸让她的丰满上下起伏,在侧面照射而来的灯光下格外醒目。 Chen Guang looks slightly absent-minded, the subconsciousness discussed at heart, good valiant Police Beauty! 陈光看得略微失神,心里下意识念道,好一朵英姿飒爽的警花 Brat! Where you look at! Asked your words! Gives me to put straight the attitude!” Attractive Police Beauty is numerous racket tables, she is enraged by the frivolous vision that among the Chen Guang unconsciousness revealed. “臭小子!你看哪里呢!问你话呢!给我把态度放端正点!”漂亮警花又是重重一拍桌子,她被陈光无意识间露出的轻佻目光激怒了。 About before a half hour, this policewoman and another male police officer arrive at Elegant Pavilion together. 大约半个小时前,这位女警和另一名男警员一道来到清雅轩 Chen Guang very hoodlum returned to the police authorities with these two, accepts the interrogation. 陈光十分光棍的跟这两人回了警局,接受审讯。 Pan Jiang lay down on the ground pitiful for roughly 20 minutes, waits till the ambulance finally, was taken to the hospital. 潘江在地上可怜兮兮的躺了约莫二十分钟,也终于等到救护车,被送往医院。 Before starting to interrogate, spreads the news from the hospital, determined probably Pan Jiang injury, the internal hemorrhage in addition whole body many soft tissue bruises are the minor matters, what is most serious is trampled by Chen Guang the pants crotch, perhaps will not discard, but must undergo the surgery, was supposing at least takes several months to be restored to health completely. 在开始审讯之前,从医院那边传来消息,大概是确定了潘江的伤势,内出血外加全身多处软组织挫伤都是小事,最严重的是被陈光踹中的裤裆,或许不会就此废掉,但得做手术,估摸着至少要好几个月才能完全康复。 In brief, was the similar egg cracks, must cultivate/repair. 简而言之,就是差不多蛋裂了,得修。 Comrade Police Beauty feels, Chen Guang this person, is a youth, starts not to know the weight slightly young. 警花同志就觉着,陈光这种人,就是个愣头青,下手不知道轻重的小年轻。 Most makes her agitated was this innocent small was young, often hot blooded drift, looking for trouble, minor matter was big, the important matter awfully, gave their even Baizhao a lot of work, all day long was busy handling these disputes to fight, she did not have the time to participate in these true major cases. 最让她烦躁的就是这种不懂事的小年轻了,动不动就热血冲头,没事找事,小事化大,大事要命,给他们平白找了不少工作,成天就忙着处理这些纠纷斗殴了,她都没时间去参与那些真正的大案要案。 Let alone Chen Guang starts to be indeed ruthless enough, according to the hospital, began hit the person definitely is expert in the expert, incurred the move not to leave the strategic point, that called one steadily ruthless. 更何况陈光下手的确够狠,据医院说,动手打人的肯定是个老手中的老手,招招不离要害,那叫一个稳准狠。 Now the Chen Guang attitude has not been the coordination, unexpectedly said that the opposite party should hit must hit, Comrade Police Beauty the mood nearly loses control. 如今陈光的态度还算不上配合,居然说对方该打就要打,警花同志情绪才险些失控。 Sits hurries to cough in her nearby colleague layer on layer/heavily, hints her calmly, do not make into a violence to extort evidence, although this matter she has also really done, but the opposite party after all is a student, matter noisy big was not good to end. 坐在她旁边的同事赶紧重重咳嗽,示意她冷静点,别弄成个暴力逼供了,虽然这事她还真干过,但对方毕竟是学生,事情闹大了不好收场。 Wang Long you are all right to cough anything to cough, the throat is uncomfortable to take a drug!” Although Police Beauty on the mouth is saying, but represses the temper to pull positively the chair, sat. 王龙你没事咳什么嗽,嗓子不舒服就吃药去!”女警花虽然嘴上这么说着,但还是按捺住性子将椅子扳正,又坐了下来。 Asked your words! Why Chen Guang do you want to hit the person?” Then male police for fear that violent temper Police Beauty of named Wang Long acts crazy, hurried to receive the manual labor of question, is saying while also hand in recorded this/Ben to Police Beauty in front, hint made her make the record. “问你话呢!陈光你为什么要打人?”那名叫王龙的男警察生怕暴脾气的女警花又发飙,赶紧接过问话的活计来,一边说着一边还把手里的笔录本塞到女警花面前,示意让她来做笔录。 Chen Guang shows the whites of the eyes, „haven't I said? What means don't you believe me also to have?” 陈光翻个白眼,“我不都已经说过了吗?你们不信我又有什么办法?” Your this reason is insufficiently convincing! The law is to speak the evidence! Evidence that we see, is you make into the severe wound, as for you said that the victim intention confuses * deceitfully, this is your statement of only one of the parties, is untenable!” Police Beauty clearly has very deep prejudice to Chen Guang, coldly in the one side said. “你这个理由不足以让人信服!法律是要讲证据的!我们看到的证据,就是你把人打成重伤,至于你说受害者意图迷*奸,这是你的一面之词,并不成立!”女警花陈光显然有很深的成见,在一旁冷冷说道。 Chen Guang two one, now you are making the record to me, is not torture, you asked your, I also all replied truthfully. What I said is really false, collects the evidence and so on matter, is you are responsible, is not I am responsible. Even if you asked again 1000, 10,000, I was this view.” 陈光两手一摊,“现在你们是在对我做笔录,不是刑讯逼供,你们问你们的,我也全都如实回答。我所说的是真是假,搜集证据之类的事情,是你们负责的,不是我负责的。你们就算再问一千遍,一万遍,我还是这个说法。” You! Do you believe me to pick a quarrel stir up trouble to initiate the appeal to you! Little said that also closes your several months!” Police Beauty pounds on the table, must act crazy. “你!你信不信我以寻衅滋事对你发起公诉!少说也关你几个月!”女警花一拍桌子,又是要发飙了。 Police comrade, if ill, recuperation two days handle a case well again, I understood that the woman comrade has such several days of moods to be not quite good every month, but you also leave are always foaming with rage to me, “警察同志,如果身体不适,就好好休整两天再来办案,我理解女同志每个月都有那么几天心情不太好,但你也别老对着我吹胡子瞪眼, Does not have the meaning, good citizen who I observe law and discipline. Even if I injured Pan Jiang, fighting in that general sense, is still far picks a quarrel stirs up trouble? This law, I understand. Also, that suffering injury female schoolmate also in stupor, she also in hospital, when she wakes, why do you no longer ask her? When the time comes you can understand, my is behaves righteously! ” Although this Police Beauty is really attractive, but her attitude makes Chen Guang particularly uncomfortable, was disinclined to respond her again, she has clarified in any case must to the appearance that oneself determined guilt, the Chen Guang manner not make the matter that weighs on the conscience, midnight did not fear the ghost to knock on a door, is simply unyielding with her. What! You!” This Police Beauty wanted the violent to walk. 没意思的,我可是遵纪守法的好公民。得,就算是我把潘江打伤了,那也只是一般意义上的打架斗殴,谈不上寻衅滋事吧?这点法律,我还是懂的。再说了,那个受害的女同学还在昏迷中,她也在医院,等她醒过来,你们为什么不再去问问她?到时候你们就能明白,我这是见义勇为!”虽然这女警花着实漂亮,但她的态度却让陈光分外不爽,也懒得再搭理她了,反正她已经一副摆明了要给自己定罪的样子,陈光为人不做亏心事,夜半不怕鬼敲门,索性也和她硬气着。“什么!你!”这女警花又要暴走了。 Wu Tong, you little said two. Has the mood to handle a case is not indeed good, then makes me ask.” Wang Long is really unable to continue watching, approves to the Chen Guang words at heart actually secretly, two days Wu Tong indeed resulted in irritably does not want, the usual her violent temper, aggravates the situation very much today. 武彤,你少说两句吧。带着情绪办案的确不行,接下来就让我来问吧。”王龙实在看不下去,心里倒是对陈光的话暗自赞同,这两天的武彤的确火爆得不要不要的,平时的她就很暴脾气了,今天更是火上浇油。 Wu Tong and Chen Guang get angry mutually are staring, who refuses to accept anyone, although she is hot-tempered, but is not really is completely unreasonable, in the nose is only groaning, really did not speak. 武彤陈光相互怒瞪着,谁也不服谁,她虽然脾气大,但也不是真完全不讲道理,鼻子里只哼哼着,真不说话了。 This irritable Police Beauty stopped finally, without spent how much time actually again, Chen Guang this record completed, but he was unable to leave, before the matter thoroughly clarified, perhaps he must be detained. 这火爆警花终于消停了,倒是没再花费多少时间,陈光这笔录就做完了,但他还不能离开,在事情彻底弄清楚之前,他恐怕还得被拘留着。 Wu Tong and Wang Long two people, since is responsible for this case, after completing the record of Chen Guang, hurries to the Wujing city hospital immediately, Pan Jiang and Sun Xiaoxun now in that hospital. 武彤王龙两人既然负责这件案子,做完陈光的笔录后又立马赶去五京市医院,潘江孙小逊现在都在那医院里。 Waited for difference the hour, matter had/left the change. 等了差不过个把小时,事情又出了变化。 Pan Jiang that side family member has caught up, is restless, is looking around the relations, seems like planned that makes Chen Guang have the firm food. 潘江那边的家人已经赶了过来,闹腾起来,正在四处找关系,似乎是打算让陈光吃牢饭。 Tang Ying, you said that female student really did get down the anesthetics?” In corner outside Pan Jiang hospital ward, Wu Tong is drawing the white coat female doctor to ask. 唐影,你说那女生真被人下了迷药?”在潘江病房外的角落处,武彤正拉着个白大褂女医生问道。 If Chen Guang here, can definitely recognize this female doctor on that day the alcoholic intoxication beautiful woman who his good intention treats as the evil intent. 如果陈光在这里,肯定一眼就能认出来这女医生正是那天把他的好心当做驴肝肺的醉酒美女。 Tang Ying somewhat seemed to be absent-minded at this time, does not know that what is thinking, beyond the patrolling day appearance, what Wu Tong did you say? I have not listened clearly.” 唐影这时候似乎有些心不在焉,不知道在想些什么,神游天外的样子,“武彤你说什么?我没听清楚呢。” Young girl, coordinating the police to handle a case catches up to be distracted? You were excessive! I know that you are the repatriation doctor, making you manage this matter to put in great inconvenience to your great ability, but both of us were the good sisters, help makes you unhappy?” Wu Tong and Tang Ying as if wind very much ripe. “小妞儿,配合警察办案都赶走神?你过分了啊!得,我知道你是归国博士,让你来管这事委屈你的大才了,但我们俩是好姐妹啊,帮我一点忙都让你不开心的咯?”武彤唐影似乎很熟络。 Tang Ying gave a Wu Tong supercilious look, in this analysis report not sureproof writes, in the blood of female student a kind of organic matter exceeds the allowed figure, isn't this thing the anesthetics? Did you also ask me? You said that this person is really not concerned about face, the son's under anesthetics to the same class female students, was hit was light, he gets what one deserves hanging to death! Now unexpectedly also has a face to hit his student? Really if the leaders are not virtuous , the people cannot expected to virtuous!” 唐影给了武彤一个白眼,“这份化验报告里不白纸黑字的写着吗,那女生的血液里类有机物超标,这东西不就是迷药吗?你还问我?你说这家人也真是不要脸,自己儿子给同班女生下迷药,被人打了都是轻的,他就活该给吊死!现在居然还有脸告打他的学生?真是上梁不正下梁歪!” Hey! Before the police said that this words, I will maintain the close attention to you! Your this potential criminal! Also, even if Pan Jiang did this matter, must determine guilt to him is still the work of our police, that male student may not have the qualifications, he begins to injure, naturally should be punished by the law!” Wu Tong half of thoughts and she is cracking a joke, is actually thinking at heart, Chen Guang that hateful male student really hasn't as if lain? “喂喂喂!在警察面前说这种话,我会对你保持密切关注的!你这个潜在的犯罪分子!再说了,就算潘江做了这事,要给他定罪也是我们警察的工作,那个男生可没资格,他动手把人打伤,自然就该受到法律的制裁!”武彤一半心思和她开着玩笑,心里却在想,陈光那个可恶的男生似乎还真没撒谎? This fellow is not simply tactful, if his attitude good, perhaps oneself have the thoughts to help him get free, now, gets what one deserves! 这家伙简直一点儿都不识趣,如果他态度好一点,自己或许还有心思帮他开脱开脱,现在嘛,活该! „, After I and your , Police Beauty of artillery does not have the common language, you always have your truth, your police forever is right. You think, is that male student goes promptly, if he has not arrived, making this Pan Jiang work, the female student jumped from an upper story finally. Others assigned/life did not have, did you determine guilt? Useful? Can the deceased person saving? Ok, here did not have my matter, that side in-patient department also had the patient to wait for me, I was first busy, looks that this person was tired.” Tang Ying disdain is saying, she feels very much the same way to the matter that Sun Xiaoxun comes across, purely is because she remembered oneself bitter experience of that day from this matter, but also is really this truth, meets that good intention the driver of network, oneself referred to erratically became the victim of jumping from an upper story, oh, was a pity that person hauled in the blacklist own cell phone unexpectedly, traded a number to hit, as soon as he listened is own sound, the directness on pinching the telephone, gave the families angrily. “得,我和你这后炮的女警花没有共同语言,你总有你的道理,你警察永远都是对的。你想想,也是那个男生去得及时,如果他没到场,让这个潘江得逞了,女生最后跳楼了。别人命都没了,你们来定罪?有用?能把死人给救回来吗?行了,这边没我事了,那边住院部还有病人等着我呢,我先忙去,看着这家人就烦。”唐影十分不屑的说着,她对孙小逊遇到的事情深有同感,纯粹是因为她从这事想起了自己那天的遭遇,还真是这个道理,要不是遇到那个好心的网的司机,自己指不定就成了跳楼的受害者了,唉,就是可惜,那人居然把自己手机拉进了黑名单,换个号码打过去,他一听是自己的声音,直接就掐电话的,把人家给气坏了。 Wu Tong grows up together the best friend doctor not to have the means with oneself this, only stares her back one in behind bitterly, „your legally illiterate! I am disinclined to struggle with you!” 武彤拿自己这从小一起长大的闺蜜医生没办法,只在后面恨恨的瞪她的背影一眼,“你这个法盲!我懒得和你争!” Welcome the general book friends to visit reading, latest, quickest and hottest serial publication performs in the mobile phone user welcome to reading. 欢迎广大书友光临阅读,最新、最快、最火的连载作品尽在手机用户请到阅读。
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