Pan Jiangis not the fruit cake, lifts the hand to keep off, hethought that oneselfis higher than Chen Guang, is stronger than him, reallymusthit, is not necessarily ableto lose. ButnextflashPan Jiangknowsoneselfas ifmade a mistake, is much more wrong.潘江也不是软柿子,抬手就想挡,他觉得自己比陈光高,也比他壮,真要打起来,未必会输。但下一瞬间潘江就知道自己似乎搞错了,错得离谱。
The fist of Chen Guangis too quick, ownhandhas not lifted, the profileshakesloudly, the brainis dumbstruck, the whole personhitstoward the passenger compartmentwallfollowingthisstrength.陈光的拳头太快,自己的手都还没有抬起来,半边脸就轰然一震,脑子发懵,整个人顺着这力道往包间墙壁撞去。Pan Jiangthought that owntoothas ifgot in the loosen, the mouthskinalsobroke, flings the headfiercelyat the same time, in the saliva that mouthwhirlwindgoes outis really smuggling the bloody water, what a pityhehas not spurted the person, calculatesat most a blood-stained mouthspurts the wall.潘江觉得自己的牙齿似乎被打松了,嘴皮也破了,猛甩脑袋的同时,嘴里飚出去的口水中果然夹带着血水,可惜他也没喷到人,顶多算个血口喷墙。
A fistwas perplexed the circlethisfellow, Chen Guangdid not make the idle time, the left handpinched the fist, illuminated the Pan Jiangbellyto hitfrombelow.
A dull thumping sound, Pan Jiangfeltownintestinesmustbe hitto explode.
一声闷响,潘江觉得自己肠子都要被打爆了。„Oh......”hesends out the longpainto shout, both handsare covering the belly, the severe painis difficult to bear.
“噢……”他发出长长的痛呼,双手捂着肚子,剧痛难当。Why, whyChen Guangfightssuchfiercely! Have no reason!
为什么,为什么陈光打架这么厉害!没理由啊!„Myhis motherfoughtyou!”Pan Jiangwill goin the futurebut actually, the left handgraspson the solid woodchair, striking an attitude to hold up the chairto poundChen Guang.
“我他妈跟你拼了!”潘江往后倒去,左手抓在实木椅子上,作势想举起椅子砸陈光。„Unexpectedlytoownschoolmatewith the anesthetics, howthismatteryou to do? Imadeyourlatter half of life unable to dothatmatter!”Seeshimalsoto dareto hit backunexpectedly, the Chen Guangtemperamentwas irritable, is a brainheat, wherewantsto obtainso many, fierceraises legs a foot pedalonthisfellowpants crotch.
“居然对自己同学用迷药,这种事你怎么干得出来?我让你下半辈子干不了那事!”见他居然还敢还手,陈光脾气本就火爆,也是脑子一热,哪里想得到那么多,猛的抬腿一脚蹬在这家伙裤裆上。„............ Oh......!” The Pan Jiangpainshoutedturnslost one's voice the scream, the soundwas getting more and more sharp, rolls up the bodyto lie crookedto come upslantingly, probablywas boiled thoroughly the shrimpsameis curling, stillshiveredcontinuous.
“哦……哦……噢……啊!”潘江的痛呼变成了失声尖叫,声音越来越尖利,蜷缩着身子斜斜躺到地上去,像是被煮熟了的对虾一样卷着,兀自颤抖个不休。Startsto beat savagelyPan JiangfromChen Guangpassing through the gate, totakes downhimthoroughly, is about30seconds.
从陈光进门开始暴打潘江,到将他彻底放倒,前后不过三十秒。„Really ismixed up! Givesto hityourexcrement!” Under Chen Guangreturns to normalslowlyownbreath, the opponentis too weak, is not right, is too strong, thisdoes not do well enoughenjoys oneself to the full.
“真是杂碎!把你屎都给打出来!”陈光慢慢平复下自己的呼吸,对手太弱,不对,是自己太强,这架也打得不够尽兴。Ok, Sun Xiaoxunhas not suffered a lossin any caseevidently , to continue to beat the groundPan Jiang is also no interesting.
算了,反正看样子孙小逊也还没吃亏,继续殴打地上的潘江也没什么意思。„Mister! You...... you...... youstop, Ireported to the police!”In the meantime, the Elegant Pavilionservice personresponded that finallyinthispassenger compartmenthad an accident, comesto seePan Jiangto liein the groundhalf-deadappearance, thispitifulwaitressis shrinking the neck, timidsaying, the appearance of Chen Guangthispent-up angerdisappearingdevilshas not madeheralsofearvery much, butsheactuallyincannotrun awaybecause of the responsibility.
“先生!你……你……你住手,我报警了!”就在此时,清雅轩的服务员才终于反应过来这包间里出事了,一过来就见着潘江趴在地上半死不活的样子,这可怜的女服务员缩着脖子,怯生生的说道,陈光这余怒未消凶神恶煞的样子让她也很怕,但她却因职责所在不能逃走。Chen Guangdoes not have the least bitgoodimpressiontoElegant Pavilion, „warning? Youreportedand that's the end! Thisdomestic animal and femaleschoolmateeat meal, unexpectedlyunder the anestheticsin the vegetable/dish, reallymusthave an accident, yourElegant Pavilioncannot escape the responsibility!”陈光对清雅轩也没半点好印象,“报警?你报就是了!这畜生和女同学吃饭,居然在菜里下迷药,真要出了事,你们清雅轩也跑不了责任!”„Butyoucannothithim! Howyoucanhit the person! I, Ihave really reported to the police! It is not right, before Icome, that side the managerhas reported to the police!”Waitresshearsword, lookedwith the dislikelookalsocurledinPan Jiangone that the groundwailed, buton the mouthis still saying, seemed like a little reminding the meaning that Chen Guangranactually.
“可你也不能打他啊!你怎么能打人呢!我,我真的已经报警了!不对,我过来之前经理那边就已经报警了!”那女服务员闻言,用厌恶的眼神看了还卷在地上哀嚎的潘江一眼,但嘴上却依然这么说着,倒是有点像是在提醒陈光快跑的意思。Chen GuangknowsoneselfpunchheavilyPan Jiang, sinceElegant Pavilionhas reported to the police, runningisnothingmeaning, sooner or laterwill also be found, hedid not planto runsimply.陈光知道自己把潘江揍得不轻,既然清雅轩已经报警,跑是没什么意思的,迟早也会被找到,他索性就不打算跑了。Issomewhattroublesome, nowSun Xiaoxunalsostupor, does not know the anesthetics that Pan Jiangthisgrandsonmakesdoes havewhatside effect.
就是有些麻烦,现在孙小逊还昏迷着,也不知道潘江这孙子弄的迷药有没有什么副作用。Heis agitatedthismatter, the Elegant Pavilionentranceis actually flushing a large crowdenormously and powerful, is the Bai Fanthreedraft animalsandSun Xiaoxunthatseveralbest friends, Pan Jiangfourpersonal servantas ifalsosomehiding of shrinkinginout of the door, wantsto come to lookappearance that the situationactuallydoes not dare.
The Bai Fanthreepeopletowill come, seeingChen Guangis safe and sound, Pan Jiangshrinkson the groundis half-dead, grows the tonein abundance, theyfearChen Guangto suffer a loss, nowlooks like, wasPan Jiangis handled, that's good.白凡三人冲将过来,见陈光安然无恙,潘江缩在地上半死不活,纷纷长出口气,他们怕陈光吃亏,现在看来,是潘江被搞定了,那还好。„Damn! Trash! Killsyou!”Bear TwoworthilyisBear Two, after pushing the service personcrashes in the passenger compartment, wantsnot to hold up the chair to poundPan Jiang.
“操!垃圾!弄死你!”熊二不愧是熊二,挤开服务员冲进包间之后,想也没想就举起椅子要砸潘江。Another sideLin JingweiandBai Fanare quick of eye and hand, hurryto graspthisfellowaround the middletowardbehinddrag.
„ Bear Twodo not impulse! Pan Jiangthisgrandsonwas punchedheavilybyBrother Guang,
“熊二别冲动!潘江这孙子被光哥揍得不轻了,Cannotmake up the bladeagain, do not make one lifeunworthy! AlsomustharmBrother Guang! ” The Lin Jingweimouthis shouting, wantsto preventto fall intoBear Two under wildcondition is not obviously easy. Sun Xiaoxunseveralbest friendsarehurryto gatherbySun Xiaoxun, sawherreallyto confuseto faint, wished one couldto look for the scissorsholdstwotogroundPan Jiangon.
不能再补刀了,别闹出人命了不值得!还得害了光哥!”林经纬嘴里喊着,想阻止陷入狂暴状态下的熊二显然并不容易。孙小逊的几个闺蜜则是赶紧凑到孙小逊旁边,见她真被迷晕了,一个个也恨不得找把剪刀给地上的潘江身上捅两下。Onegroup in the passenger compartmentimmediatelybeing noisy, seemsat sixes and sevens.
包间里顿时闹哄哄的一团,显得乱七八糟的。„Good! Do not be noisy! Bear Two, youare also peaceful!” The Chen Guangracket the table, „be not consuminginthis, hurriesto bringSun Xiaoxunto go to the hospitalto inspecttogether.”
“好了好了!都别闹了!熊二,你也安静点!”陈光拍拍桌子,“你们别在这耗着,赶紧一起带孙小逊去医院检查一下。”Chen Guangthissayingreminded the people, the peopleareoneare thrown into confusion, twofemale studentsbuildSun Xiaoxunone on the left and other on the rightwalkoutward, Chen Guangmakes the Bai Fanthreepeoplefollowto help.陈光这话提醒了众人,众人又是一阵手忙脚乱,两个女生一左一右将孙小逊架起往外走去,陈光又让白凡三人跟着去帮忙。„Brother Guang, don't yougo?” When neargoing out, Bai FanseesChen Guangunexpectedlynotwith, thenasked.
“光哥,你不去?”临出门时,白凡见陈光居然没跟上来,回头问道。Chen Guangshakes the head, „Ido not go, the Elegant Pavilionpersonreports to the police, Imustwait for the policeto handlethismatter, was unable to walk.”陈光摇摇头,“我就不去了,清雅轩的人报了警,我得等警察过来处理这事,还不能走。”He is also nothing to fear as things are done right, oneselfthisisbehaves righteously, even ifinjuredPan Jiang, thatstillcalledto rid the people of an evil!
The peopleare helpless, was worried that the Sun Xiaoxunconditioncannotdragagain, Chen Guangis the confidentappearance, eventuallywalked.
众人无奈,也担心孙小逊的状况不能再拖,陈光又是信心十足的样子,最终还是走了。Waits forthisperson of leavingsomewhatfearful and apprehensive, the Pan Jiangfourlittle brothersdepends, wantsto holdPan Jiang, actuallydoes not dare.
等这人走掉,潘江的四个小弟才有些心惊胆战的靠过来,想去扶潘江,却又不敢。At this timePan Jianghad no longer struggled, butlay downon the groundas beforeis not willingto get up.
The pants crotchpositionsevere painis difficult to bear, hefearedoneselfset outlaterChen Guangto be unforgiving must begin, is lying downwould rathersimplyfeigning death.
裤裆位置还剧痛难当,他更怕自己起身之后陈光不依不饶还要动手,倒不如干脆躺着装死。In addition, healsofelt like when oneselfChen Guangkicks the strategic point, thatplacesimplyhas to be kickedto explodegenerally.
除此之外,他还隐约觉得自己被陈光踢中要害时,那地方简直是有要被人踢爆了一般。Hestartsto be worried,oneselfshouldreally should not be discarded?
他开始担心起来,自己该不会真要被废掉了吧?„Chen Guang, Iknow that Imade a mistake, makingmehit120to be good, Iwantto go to the hospital, Iinjureheavily.”Was worried the ownnexthalf a lifetime, Pan Jianghas the courage, is enduring the severe pain, saidwith the vibrato.
“陈光,我知道我错了,让我打个120行不行,我想去医院,我伤得不轻。”担心自己下半生,潘江鼓起勇气,忍着剧痛,用颤音说道。Sitting of Chen Guanghaughtyon the chair, hearswordturned headto glancehisoneeyes, actuallydid not say a word.陈光大马金刀的坐在椅子上,闻言扭头瞟了他一眼,却不发一言。Pan Jiangfails to explodeimmediately, anotherfourpeople must look at each other in blank dismay.潘江顿时哑火,另外四人也只得面面相觑。Waited for about15minutes, Elegant Paviliondownstairspolice sirenwritings, the policeto comefinally.
“姓名。”„Chen Guang.”
“年龄。”„20 years old.”
“五京大学大三学生。”„Whymusthit the person.”
“为什么要打人。”„Becauseheshouldhit, hemustconfuse*is deceitfulmyschoolmate.”
嘭!„Youthought that othersshouldhityouto hit? Alsomakes into the severely woundedhospitalization? Ifeveryonethinkslikeyou that does wantourpoliceto be useful? The presentis the society under the rule, your calledto abuse the illegal punishment! You are illegal! Youcannot understand! Youwere a university student, why the legal awarenessdid not have! Furthermore, only thenourlawmenhave the powerto determine guiltto the suspect, whyyousaidotherslike this!” The attractivefemalepolice officerpounds on the tableruthlessly, stands up, excitingmood, whenletsheset outgiveto knock the buttocksfollowingchair.
“你觉得别人该打你就打?还把人打成重伤住院?如果所有人都像你这样想,那要我们警察有什么用?现在是法治社会,你这叫滥用私刑!你这是违法!你懂不懂!你都是大学生了,为什么一点儿法律意识都没有!再者,只有我们执法者才有权力给嫌疑人定罪,凭什么你就这样说别人!”漂亮的女警员狠狠一拍桌子,站起身来,过于激动的情绪,甚至让她起身时将屁股下面的椅子都给撞翻了。Welcome the generalbookfriendsto visitreading, latest, quickest and hottestserial publicationperformsin the mobile phone userwelcometoreading.
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