Pan Jiangmixes the thing in pineapplethick soup, does not have anyunusual smell, Sun Xiaoxunat heart is also unexpectedhe, butsheandPan Jiangreallyhave no common language, sinceused the firstchopsticks, thisfoodmusteat to the fulleventually. On the table1timefell into the awkwardsilentcondition, at hearthas ghost, Pan Jiangwill definitely think that thisvalue not poorfoodeatsbeyond the scorevexed, spentso much money, the opposite partyactuallydoes not wantto speak the words.潘江掺进菠萝羹里的东西,没有任何异味,孙小逊心里也不防他,只是她与潘江实在没什么共同语言,既然动了第一筷子,这顿饭终究总得吃饱。餐桌上一时间陷入了尴尬的沉默状态,要不是心里有鬼,潘江肯定会觉得这顿价值不菲的饭吃得分外窝囊,花了这么多钱,对方却连话都没有想说的。Butnow, hedoes not worry, did not speakin a moment, no matter.
但现在嘛,他一点儿都不着急,不说话就不说话吧,都无所谓。Really, how longthisfoodhas not eaten, Sun Xiaoxunthenthoughtingradually the eyesomefogare misty, looked that the thing becomes not clear.
果然,这一顿饭没吃得多久,孙小逊渐渐便觉得眼睛里有些雾蒙蒙的,看东西也变得不清晰起来。Shethinksat firstwasthese dayswas too tired, rubbed the temples, the rareopens the mouthsaid: „Strange, howIfeeltrapped/sleepy. Pan Jiang did youfinish eating? Imustfirstreturn to the school.”
她起初以为是自己这几天太累了,揉了揉太阳穴,再难得的张口说道:“奇怪,我怎么觉得好困。潘江你吃完了没有?我要先回学校去了。”Sheis saying, whileboth handssupporton the tableplanto set out.
她一边说着,一边双手撑在桌子上打算起身。WherePan Jiangcanaskherto leave, hurriesto set out, strikes an attitudeto blockin front ofSun Xiaoxun, „class leader, youcannotwalk! Youlook in thistablealsoto remainso many, yourmanyhelpsmeeatagain!”潘江哪能让她就这么走了,赶紧起身,作势拦在孙小逊前面,“班长,你可不能就这么走了啊!你看这桌上还剩着这么多,你多少帮我再吃一点啊!”At this time the symptom of Sun Xiaoxundizzinesswas getting more and more fierce, thisat all is notnormalexhausted, seemed dizzy, the personstoodis freezing, thought that the houseis drawing a circle, shewas pure, knows that the matterwas not right.
这时候孙小逊头晕的症状越来越剧烈,这根本不是正常的疲惫,仿佛天旋地转,人站在原地不动,却都觉得房子在打圈,她再单纯,也知道事情不对劲了。„No, Imustgo back. TodaythanksPan Jiangyourgood intention, tomorrowwill see.”Saying, someSun Xiaoxunthenswayingmovestoward the passenger compartmententrance.
“不,不了,我要回去了。今天谢谢潘江你的好意,明天见。”说着,孙小逊便有些摇摇晃晃的往包间门口挪过去。Has not walkedtwosteps, she is also suddenly the bodyonesoft, lies downslowlytoward the ground.
没走出去两步,她也是猛然身子一软,缓缓往地上躺倒下去。Sun Xiaoxunbitesowntongueruthlessly, byoneselfslightlysober, once, held the wallto standunexpectedly, put out a handto graspto a passenger compartmentgatehand.孙小逊狠狠一咬自己的舌头,让自己稍微清醒一旦,居然又是扶着墙壁站了起来,伸手抓向包间门的把手。
A Pan Jiangpalm of the handaccording to the passenger compartmentgate, „class leader, youfell illprobably, was inferior that Ido deliveryouto rest?”潘江一巴掌按在包间门上,“班长,你好像生病了,不如我送你去休息一下?”Sun Xiaoxunis clenching teeth, a palm of the handclapsreluctantly the hand of Pan Jiang, „youmake way! Letmego out! Imustcall the person!”孙小逊咬着牙,勉强一巴掌将潘江的手拍开,“你让开!让我出去!我要叫人了!”Pan Jiangtears downowncamouflagefinally, „youcalled, ifyoucanshout that obtained the sound, calledby all means. The sound-insulatedeffect of thispassenger compartment, compared withgood that youimagine, Icounttothree, yourest, whenyoursleep/feltawakes, anything did not have. Rests.”潘江终于撕下自己的伪装,“你叫吧,如果你能喊得出声音的话,只管叫。这包间的隔音效果,比你想象的还好,我数到三,你就睡吧,等你一觉睡醒,就什么事都没有了。睡吧。”„Go away! Rolls the distant point!”Although the Sun Xiaoxuntoneis severe, butsoundindeedgetting smaller, toafterwardunexpectedlysuch asmosquitogeneral, almostcannot hear, „Ihave not really thought,youunexpectedlyaresuchperson, Imisreadyou.”
When saidthissaying, shehad roughly guessed correctlyis waiting forownwhat kind ofdestinyis, the heartwill feelmiserable.
说出这话时,她大体已经猜到等待着自己的将会是怎样的命运,心头不禁倍感凄凉。Butthings have gotten to this point, whomcanblame?
但事已至此,能怪得谁呢?Is strange, has not only been ableto blamestupidtoobeing too naive, unexpectedlyhas not seen clearly the trueplan of Pan Jiang.
要怪,还不是只能怪自己太蠢太天真,居然没看清楚潘江的真正打算。Was, ifhewere notbad, howalsoto first findDong Taoseveralpeople of department of architectureto ambushChen Guangin the competition, howalsonot to hesitatefloweredseveral thousandto book the seatinElegant Pavilion.
是了,如果他不是心怀不轨,又怎么会先找建筑系的董涛几人在比赛里狙击陈光,又怎么会不惜花好几千块在清雅轩订下座位。Ireally amstupid!
我好后悔!Sun Xiaoxun was really a littlestrengthdid not have, shelamentedin the heartsecretly, whilegot downtoward the groundslowlysoftlybut actually, beforelosingconsciousness, herlastthought was actually, ifoneselfwere tarnishedtruly, thatdoes not live.孙小逊真是一点儿力气也没有了,她一边在心头暗自悔恨,一边缓缓往地上软倒下去,临失去意识之前,她最后一个念头却是,如果自己真正被玷污了,那也就不活了。Looks that Sun Xiaoxunliesslowly the ground, on the Pan Jiangfacerevealsoneto grin fiendishly, as ifthought aloud, saidprobablyintentionallyto the Sun Xiaoxunhear, „ do youthinkmeto wantlike this? Isyoucompelsmy! Isyoucompelsmy! Where was Chen Guanggood? Why do youonlyvisithim? Even ifgives instead of taking, youalsowantto collecttowardhisside! Why aren't youwillingto look straight atto look atmyoneeyes? Ihave had a change of heartobviously, whyyouare not willingto giveme, even if a wee bitopportunities? Youare unfair! Youare unfair! Ifthere arechooses, Ido not wantlike this! However, youcould rest assured that passedtoday, anything did not have, Iwill be responsible foryou, Iwill not treat unjustlyyour! Believesme.
” Before Pan Jiang, selectedonebottle of liquor, nowhefirstturns on the beverage bottle, toward the groundbut actually, makingin the entirepassenger compartmentfill the wine taste, when the time comes the service person asked that hesaid that was the schoolmategot drunk, thesepeoplewill not haveanysuspicion.
The Pan Jianglowlower part of the body, plansto holdslowlySun Xiaoxun, the expression on hisfaceis extremely complex, threepoints of fierceness, threepoints of excitement, threepoints of hysterical/frenzy, but alsobrings the self-satisfaction that such a wisp of sinister plotis working.潘江慢慢低下身去,打算将孙小逊抱起,他脸上的表情极其复杂,三分狰狞,三分兴奋,三分狂乱,还带着那么一缕奸计得逞的得意。Elegant Pavilionas a private dining room, withoutguest'sgreeting, outsideservice personwill not easily go, after allthisplacesomegreat peoplewill cometo dinefrequently, thesepeopledo not likediscussing when matterwas disturbed. Thereforeoneself can definitely liftslowlySun Xiaoxun.清雅轩作为一家私人餐厅,没有客人的招呼,外面的服务员是不会轻易进去的,毕竟这地方经常会有些大人物前来就餐,这些人可不喜欢谈事情时被人打搅。所以自己完全可以慢慢将孙小逊抬起来。Inhisheartwas self-satisfied, no onecanpreventmeto obtainSun Xiaoxunagain!
The smile on Pan Jiangfacebloomsgradually, bends down, the palmis away from the neck of Sun Xiaoxun is also getting more and more near!潘江脸上的笑容渐渐绽放,俯下身去,手掌距离孙小逊的脖子也越来越近!This time, the passenger compartmentdoorwas actually broadcasting the soundfiercely.
The Pan Jiangwhole bodyquickly grasps the meaning of something, doesanything, the Elegant Pavilionservice persondoes not have the truthsafe/without matterto open the door!潘江浑身一个激灵,搞什么,清雅轩的服务员没道理无事来开门啊!
It is not good! Oneselfmusthurryto holdSun Xiaoxun, otherwiseis not goodto explain!
不好!自己得赶紧将孙小逊扶起来,不然还不好解释!Pan Jianghurriesto speed upacting, butdooractuallyfiercewas opened.潘江赶紧加快动作,但房门却猛的被人打开了。
The hand of Pan Jiangmaintainsconsidersto hold the Sun Xiaoxunposture, from the neck of Sun Xiaoxunalsoonseveralcentimetersdistance, helooks up the entrancesimultaneouslysubconsciously, thenhismovementanchorage, was displayedall of a suddenprobablydecided the bodytechniqueto be the same.潘江的手保持着想去扶孙小逊的姿势,距离孙小逊的脖子也就几厘米的距离,同时他又下意识抬头看着门口,然后他的动作一下子定住了,像是被人施展了定身术一样。„Chen Guang! Youcome tohereto makeanything!” The Pan Jiangsoundsoundssomewhatshivers, so-calledhas a guilty conscience, saidis his timementality.
“陈光!你来这里做什么!”潘江的声音听起来有些颤抖,所谓做贼心虚,说的就是他此时的心态。With the experience of Chen Guang, looks atthis, had then guessednear perfect the matterat heart, is the angerinsteadsmilesextremely, goes outonesteptowardfront, is staring atPan Jiangstubbornly, Igrew in experience. Even ifIestimateyouby the biggestevil intention, cannot thinkabsolutelyyouwere unexpectedly boldtothisdegree! Pan JiangPan Jiang, youreallymustrenovatemylower limitsto the moral behaviordespicablethesefourcharacters! ”
以陈光的经验,一看这一幕,心里便已经把事情猜了个八九不离十,也是怒极反笑,往前面走出一步,死死盯着潘江,我真是长见识了。哪怕我以最大的恶意来揣摩你,也绝对想不到你居然胆大包天到了这个程度!潘江啊潘江,你真是要刷新我对人品卑劣这四个字的下限啊!”Chen Guangis saying, while a fiercepalm of the handpusheson the Pan Jiangshoulder, pushesto back upfrom the posture of bending the waisttowardbehindhim, sitson the ground.陈光一边说着,一边猛的一巴掌推在潘江肩膀上,将他从弯腰的姿势推得往后面倒退出去,一屁股坐在地上。„Chen Guang! Do not make false accusations!”Pan Jiangalsowantsto deny, haunches the body, outwardly fierce but inwardly faint-heartedis quibbling.
“陈光!你别血口喷人!”潘江还想抵赖,撑起身子,色厉内荏的狡辩着。Chen Guanghas actually bent downto help upSun Xiaoxun, makingherbysittingon the chair, placesunderhernoseto tryto breatheadeptly, thisrelaxesslightly.陈光这边却已经俯身扶起了孙小逊,让她靠坐在椅子上,拿手放在她鼻子下面试了试呼吸,这才稍微松了口气。Completesall these, Chen Guangsets outslowly, is pinching the fistjoint, walkstowardPan Jiangstep by step, „did Imake false accusations? No, Ihityouto make false accusationsimmediately!”
做完这一切,陈光才缓缓起身,捏着拳头骨节,一步步往潘江走去,“我血口喷人?不,我马上打得你血口喷人!”„Do not think that Ifearedyou!”Pan Jiangplays the basketballfor a long time, is stronger than Chen Guang, the heightis also higher, Chen Guangsuddenlyappears, firstbrings a big pressure on him, madehimflinchsuddenly, buttothis time, since the matterhad been seen through, wasted effort, inhisheart the fire of thatflamingenvytransformedimmediatelyto the Chen Guanghysterichatred.
“别以为我怕了你!”潘江长期打篮球,比陈光更壮,身高也更高,陈光突然出现,先是给他带来不小精神压力,才让他一时间退缩了,但到这时候,既然事情已经被识破,竹篮打水一场空,他心中那股熊熊的嫉妒之火顿时转化成了对陈光歇斯底里的恨意。Youthink why Imusttake risks, maketothisstep!
你以为我为什么非得铤而走险,闹到这一步!Alsois not you give to compel!
还不都是你给逼的!„Don't youfearme? Youdo not certainly needto fearme! Ido not needyouto fearme! Imustteachyou, no matterhandles anything, made a mistake, mustpay the price!”
“你不怕我?你当然没有必要怕我!我也不需要你怕我!我只是要教你,不管做什么事情,错了,就要付出代价!”Chen Guang the firewas at heart bigat this time, without the interestrubs gentlywithhismouthskinonagain, on the fistsees the true factsto comeneatly, finishes speaking, a fistilluminateson the Pan Jiangfaceto fling.陈光这时候心里火大,没兴趣再和他嘴皮上磨蹭,还是拳头上见真章来得干脆利落,话音刚落,一拳就照着潘江脸上甩去。Welcome the generalbookfriendsto visitreading, latest, quickest and hottestserial publicationperformsin the mobile phone userwelcometoreading.
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