CGA :: Volume #1

#48: Became

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Mr. Chen Guang started to fluster, is pinching the hand of cup subconsciously used the strength. Inadequate, oneself must have a look at the situation! 陈光老爷开始慌了,就连捏着杯子的手都下意识的用起力来。不成,自己得去看看情况! Chen Guang takes up the cell phone, turns out the Sun Xiaoxun number, tries to dial, in the telephone actually transmits the prompt sound to tell him, the number that you dial is unable to put through temporarily! 陈光拿起手机,翻出孙小逊的号码来,试着拨过去,电话里却传来提示音告诉他,您拨打的号码暂时无法接通! Damn, could not make a connection! Where does she and Pan Jiang eat meal? 见鬼了,打不通!她和潘江在哪里吃饭? Where Chen Guang can think, since Pan Jiang prepares so completely, how can also not consider the issue of cell phone, in satchel that in he carries along, the meaconing installment that the formal dress his asking somebody high price is buying, does not want to make anybody relate Sun Xiaoxun! 陈光哪能想到,潘江既然准备得如此周全,又怎么会不考虑到手机的问题,在他随身背着的挎包里,正装着他托人高价买来的信号干扰装置,就是不想让任何人联系到孙小逊 The telephone cannot make a connection, the Sun Xiaoxun best friend does not know place that two people eat meal. 电话打不通,孙小逊的闺蜜也不知道两人吃饭的地方。 Also is Chen Guang responds quickly, first thought of Pan Jiang that several dog-leg little brothers. 也是陈光反应快,第一时间就想到了潘江那几个狗腿小弟。 Outside the school is so big, same has not proceeded along no particular course to a fly, wants to find simply fantasy story. 学校外面那么大,冲出去没头苍蝇一样乱撞,想把人找出来简直天方夜谭。 Only the idea of now, digs certainly the news to come to be steadier from these fellow mouths quickly. 唯今之计,当然是从那些家伙嘴里挖消息来得更快更稳健。 The bedroom of Pan Jiang and his several buddy downstairs the Chen Guang bedroom, Chen Guang treads going downstairs of tread tread, is bumping into these people to open the door to plan that eats meal. 潘江和他那几个哥们的寝室就在陈光寝室楼下,陈光一路蹬蹬蹬的下楼,正撞见这几个人开门打算去吃饭。 One of Chen Guang in front of toward several people blocks, goes to me! Some words asked you!” 陈光往几人面前一拦,“都给我进去!有话问你们!” Thinks of the urgent matter at heart, the Chen Guang attitude seems very bad, when speech his hand also pushes, pushes one to stagger in forefront that person. 心里装着急事,陈光的态度显得很是恶劣,说话时他手还一推,把走在最前面那人推得一个趔趄。 Chen Guang do you do!” Was almost overthrown to be immediately restless in place that person by Chen Guang. 陈光你干什么!”被陈光差点推翻在地那人当即就闹腾起来。 Chen Guang thinks, this place still in stair hall, passing by the person saw oneself begin the Sir to be not quite good, is disinclined politely, instead added a strength again, drives back in this person thoroughly, later backhands the door to give to close, doesn't do, asked your matter. Should better hurry saying that now my is not quite happy.” 陈光想了想,这地方还在楼梯间里,给路过的人看到自己动手大人不太好,也懒得客气,反而再加了一把力,把这人彻底推回里,随后反手将门给关上,“不干什么,问你们事情。最好赶紧说,现在我心情不太好。” Then these people exploded the wool immediately, both sides had the contradiction, Chen Guang this attitude clarified is stirs up trouble. 这下这几个人立马就炸了毛,双方本来就有矛盾,陈光这态度摆明了就是来挑事了。 Do not think that we really feared you! Now you only have a person! Believes us to punch your!” Another person puts out a hand to push Chen Guang from side, planned that pushes him on the shutter. “别以为我们真怕了你!现在你只有一个人!信不信我们揍你丫的!”另一人从旁边就伸手过来推陈光,打算把他推在门板上。 I alone can also tidy up you! My his mother asked you, where Pan Jiang went to!” Chen Guang is roaring, while fierce acts palm that holds the opposite party to extend, proceeds to bully one step, an elbow is hitting in his chest, another first throws the ground the cup, then extends from side, is pressing on this boy face, pushes toward behind him, the right foot is stumbling on the ground, he sat on the ground immediately. “我一个人也能收拾你们!我他妈就问你们,潘江去哪里了!”陈光一边吼着,一边猛的出手抓住对方伸过来的手掌,往前欺出一步,一肘子正撞在他胸口,另一手先把杯子扔地上,再从旁边伸出来,正按在这小子脸上,把他往后面推,右脚在在地上一绊,他立马就一屁股坐在了地上。 Several other people see Chen Guang not to say a word, really began, the plan closes up in abundance, they are the fire are also big. 另外几人见陈光一言不发,就真动手了,纷纷打算靠拢过来,他们也是火大。 Mother! Makes him! Pedalled the nose upper eyelid!” “妈的!弄他!蹬鼻子上脸了都!” These people felt, the four people present, Chen Guang also dares to entrain, looks down upon the person simply. 这些人觉得,自己四个人在场,陈光还敢这么拽,简直看不起人。 Pedalled your nose, what kind of!” Chen Guang turns round, raises legs, is pedalling in blustering on that goods face, kept the big shoe sole seal on his face, turns round again, the neck shrinks, avoids the fist that the back pulls out, on the waist, although was grasped, but Chen Guang actually shakes ruthlessly, shakes this person of both hands, is makes a move to hold the hair of another person again, according to the wall hits. “就蹬你鼻子了,怎么样!”陈光回身,抬腿,正蹬在口出狂言那货脸上,在他脸上留了个大大的鞋底印子,再是回身,脖子一缩,避开背后抽过来的拳头,腰上虽然被人抱住了,但陈光却狠狠一震,将这人双手震开,再是出手抓住另一个人的头发,照着墙壁撞去。 He has not caused the full power, this person of head hits on the wall is also thump, with beating a drum to be the same. 他都还没使全力,这人脑袋撞在墙壁上也是咚的一下,和打鼓一样。 This unlucky young fellow gives to hit the dizziness brain bulge all of a sudden, sees stars, does not divide the east, south, west, and north. 这倒霉的小伙一下子给撞得头晕脑胀,眼冒金星,不分东南西北。 Present Chen Guang may under non- Wu Amun, he in be the method of murder in Instant Sea practicing, today his is shows mercy unable to remain again, otherwise rescues at the weight/quantity of these four people, insufficiently he scatters the gap between teeth, divided minute to pinch. 如今的陈光可早已非吴下阿蒙,他在须臾海里练的都是杀人的手段,今天他这已经算是手下留情到不能再留了,不然救以这四个人的分量,都不够他撒牙缝的,分分钟就捏死了。 Naturally, these four people eventually at heart has ghost, does not dare really and Chen Guang goes all out, Chen Guang actually worries Sun Xiaoxun, threatens, the both sides imposing manner is in inverse proportion, just began under to stand high sentences, is normal. 当然,这四人终究心里有鬼,也不敢真个和陈光拼命,陈光却是忧心孙小逊,气势汹汹,双方气势此消彼长,刚一动手就高下立判,也是正常。 I asked you! Where Pan Jiang goes to tonight! Do not compel under me the cruel methods!” The Chen Guang anger stares the beady eyes, “我问你们!潘江今晚去哪里了!别逼我下狠手!”陈光怒瞪圆眼, Is saying, while hit the wall that boy hair to pull the head, hurled again ruthlessly toward the wall, this time made his nose stop in the wall front 2-3 centimeters away places, frightened him, bullied again the head, visits him ruthlessly, I asked you! Knows! Knows! I asked you for the last time!” As the Chen Guang anger thrives, he slaughters the ruthless vigor unretentive release that 20 years precipitate on Royal Annie Ship. 一边说着,一边又将脑袋撞墙那小子头发扯了回来,再次狠狠往墙壁掼去,这次却让他鼻子停在墙壁前面2-3厘米远的地方,把他吓出一身冷汗,再把脑袋欺过去,狠狠看着他,“我问你!知不知道!知不知道!我最后一次问你们!”随着陈光怒意勃发,他在皇家安妮号上厮杀二十年沉淀下来的狠劲儿毫无保留的释放出来。 These four people were scared, they knew that the Chen Guang three years, had not seen him such fiercely, even if initially both sides when Pan Jiang matter on drill ground to doing, Chen Guang has not looked like is so insane to want the human life today the appearance. 这四个人吓呆了,他们认识陈光三年了,从没见他这么狰狞过,哪怕当初双方因为潘江的事情在操场上对干时,陈光都没像今天这么疯起来要人命的样子。 Really damn, several people felt oneself face seemed not in the past that familiar Chen Guang, but was a kills people such as flax butcher. 真是见鬼了,几人觉得自己面对的仿佛不是过去那个熟悉的陈光,而是个杀人如麻的屠夫。 Didn't say? Very unyielding?” Chen Guang only gave them several seconds of ponder and vacant time. “不说是吗?很硬气啊?”陈光只给了他们几秒钟思考和茫然的时间。 He is very anxious. 他真的很急。 At once his again hand one curved, will pull one foot the head of that boy in the future, really must hit! 旋即他再手一弯,把那小子的脑袋往后扯了一尺,真要撞了! Once this hitting, the bridge of the nose of this unlucky young fellow must collapse solidly. 这一旦给撞实在了,这倒霉小伙的鼻梁恐怕得塌掉。 Pan Jiang went to Elegant Pavilion! He makes Sun Xiaoxun to eat meal in Elegant Pavilion!” Nearby person roared finally. 潘江清雅轩了!他约孙小逊清雅轩吃饭!”旁边一人终于吼了出来。 You are best to pray that Sun Xiaoxun leaves anything, otherwise your four must follow the Pan Jiang but actually big mildew!” Chen Guang gets the answer of wish, one throws toward side this person, turns around to pick up Exceedingly High Chalice on the ground, treads the tread tread runs toward downstairs. “你们最好祈祷孙小逊别出什么事情,不然你们四个都得跟着潘江倒大霉!”陈光得到想要的答案,把这人往旁边一扔,转身在地上捡起通天圣杯,就蹬蹬蹬的往楼下跑去。 Waited for Chen Guang to walk for a long time, these four talents recovered, look at each other in blank dismay, recalled that four people were blown by a Chen Guang person unexpectedly completely, thought disgraced was the lingering fear. 陈光走了许久,这四个人才回过神来,面面相觑,回想起四个人居然被陈光一个人给完全镇住了,又是觉得丢人又是后怕。 They actually do not know the Pan Jiang true plan, but looks that now Chen Guang worries with the appearance that the anger launches a psychological attack, mused, should this main not really plan to handle that underhanded matter? 他们其实也不知道潘江真正的打算,但现在看陈光这么着急和怒火攻心的样子,暗想,该不会这位主真打算做那么下作的事情吧? If true, can oneself how many insiders turn into the harbor suspect? 如果是真的话,自己几个知情人岂不是要变成包庇犯了? Also is gawking doing! Hurried to give Brother Pan Jiang to telephone, tells him Chen Guang to come!” “还愣着干什么!赶紧给潘江哥打电话,告诉他陈光要来了啊!” „It is not good, cannot make a connection! Does not know how to do!” “不行,打不通!不知道怎么搞的!” Right, the Sun Xiaoxun cell phone cannot make a connection, Pan Jiang own cell phone is also certainly same, but he thought that no one can contact with itself just right, does not think that Chen Guang of devils has killed. Since has seated this passenger compartment, Sun Xiaoxun somewhat is always restless, looks on again the dining table is suspending looks on the value not poor fine starter, some of her faint regrets come to here. 没错,孙小逊的手机打不通,潘江自己的手机当然也一样,只是他觉得没人能联系到自己正好,不会想到凶神恶煞的陈光已经杀来了。自从坐进这个包间以来,孙小逊总有些坐立难安,再看着饭桌上摆着的一瞧就价值不菲的精致餐点,她隐隐有些后悔来这里了。 What she discovered actually not, but is she felt, oneself also has no idea to Pan Jiang, runs to have his such valuable food, this matter passes to the Chen Guang ear by some chance, can he have the misunderstanding to himself? 倒不是她发现了什么,而是她觉得,自己对潘江又没什么想法,跑来吃他这一顿这么值钱的饭,这事万一传到陈光耳朵里,他会不会对自己产生误会啊? Pan Jiang, you...... you were too polite. How so many! We cannot eat.” Sun Xiaoxun hesitates is not being willing to use the chopsticks. 潘江,你……你太客气了。怎么点这么多啊!我们吃不过来的。”孙小逊踌躇着不肯动筷子。 Pan Jiang squeezes the human and animals harmless smile diligently, Leader Sun big, in these food points, did not eat wastes. Right, hears that side your native place is very popular this pineapple thick soup, you first taste to whet the appetite. We try harder, must finish eating. Otherwise my good anxiety. I do not have other meaning, is expresses a gratitude for you, will go back me not to chew the root of the tongue with this matter randomly, said again, you will be my class leader, I will ask you to eat meal am very normal!” 潘江努力挤出个人畜无害的笑容,“孙大班长,这些菜点都点上了,不吃多浪费。对了,听说你们老家那边很流行这个菠萝羹,你先尝尝开开胃吧。咱们加把劲,可得吃完了。不然我好肉疼的。我也没别的意思,就是对你表示一个感谢,回去我也不会拿这事乱嚼舌根的,再说了,你是我的班长,我请你吃顿饭本来就是很正常的啊!” Pan Jiang is saying, while advances in front of plate of seemingly glittering and translucent carving pineapple thick soup Sun Xiaoxun, he has not really guessed wrong, the Sun Xiaoxun native place indeed eats this type of sweets fashionably. 潘江一边说着,一边把一盘看起来晶莹剔透的菠萝羹推到孙小逊面前,他还真没猜错,孙小逊老家的确时兴吃这种甜食。 Sun Xiaoxun hesitates slightly, thought that chopsticks did not eat are not eventually good, ok, the pineapple thick soup as if was also on the table the cheapest thing, ate the meaning meaning slightly, then hurried to return to the school. 孙小逊微微犹豫,心想来了一筷子也不吃终究不好,算了,菠萝羹似乎也是桌上最便宜的东西了,就稍微吃点意思意思,然后赶紧回学校去吧。 Looks that Sun Xiaoxun scooped up two spoons of pineapple thick soup toward her bowl , the smile on Pan Jiang face, becomes the incomparable nature for the first time. 看着孙小逊往她的碗里舀了两勺菠萝羹,潘江脸上的笑容,第一次变得无比自然起来。 Became! 得,成了! 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