CGA :: Volume #1

#47: The matter is not right

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Sun Xiaoxun eventually tenderhearted, three years of class leader professions also make her in the person to class look optimistically, she will really not think of Pan Jiang crazed to what kind of degree. Must Pan Jiang such unable to have a change of heart to make do, is actually very difficult, he main force as school basketball team, the side can always revolve Yingying Yanyan let alone. 孙小逊终究还是心软,三年的班长生涯也让她对班上的人看得过于乐观,她真不会想到潘江的丧心病狂到了何等程度。要让潘江这样的人收心不出去乱搞,其实是很困难的,更何况他身为学校篮球队的主力,身边总能围绕着莺莺燕燕。 But since big two next semester, he really did not have the again new friend to cross the girlfriend. 可自从大二下学期以来,他还真就没再新交过女朋友。 Urges him to change, actually Sun Xiaoxun. 促使他发生改变的,却正是孙小逊 So-called more cannot obtain, more is to make the person ecstasy. 所谓越是得不到的,越是让人心醉神迷。 Unlike female who these surrender on own initiative, Sun Xiaoxun this Jiangnan daughter, gentle brings stubbornly, as the class leader handles matters capably, actually can in raising hand to lift to expose to be that of little girl the feet does not pay attention to be delightful and lovable, in addition she outstanding appearance, added her charm. 与那些主动投怀送抱的女子不同,孙小逊这个江南女儿,温婉中带着倔强,身为班长处事干练,却又总能在举手抬足间不留神的展露出属于小女孩的那份甜美与可爱,再加上她本就出众的容貌,更添她的魅力。 When Pan Jiang was weary of outside debauchery, discovered in suddenly the class has a charming female unexpectedly, immediately is excited. 潘江厌倦了外面的灯红酒绿时,猛然发现班上竟有个这般迷人的女子,顿时心动。 Then he, quite had to plant billowingly in the bustling place touches poverty-stricken crawls, the evening however looked back, that person the feeling in lights waning place, he even felt first two years of own university lived on the dog to go, the best woman in oneself class, actually considered only obviously is being a womanizer to outside, has the bad reputation. 当时的他,颇有种在红尘滚滚中困苦摸爬,暮然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处的感觉,他甚至觉得自己大学的前两年都活到狗身上去了,明明最好的女人就在自己班上,却只顾着到外面去拈花惹草,落下糟糕的名声。 From now on, he then has a change of heart truly, and tries to reverse itself the image in class, tries hard again little close to Sun Xiaoxun. 自此,他便真正收心,并试图扭转自己在班上的形象,再力图一点点的靠近孙小逊 Does to the running water to intend, the shatter is brutal. 奈何流水有意,落花无情。 He is always thinking about to the Sun Xiaoxun heart, in the Sun Xiaoxun eye actually thinks of his personal enemy Chen Guang. 他对孙小逊心念念着,偏偏孙小逊眼睛里却又装着他的仇人陈光 Driving nearness time and time again, trades is actually Sun Xiaoxun that Tai Chi general draws a line, making his powerful nowhere cause, to be angry not to have place to scatter. 一次又一次的主动靠近,换来的却都是孙小逊那太极拳一般的划清界限,让他有力无处使,有气没地儿撒。 Since therefore more than one year, originally in he and Chen Guang bedroom several people of things became past tense, he actually looked that various Chen Guang several people of types are not pleasing to the eyes, is hates the room and black purely is the result. 所以这一年多以来,原本他和陈光寝室里几人的事情都成了过去时,他却还是总看陈光几人各种不顺眼,纯粹是恨屋及乌所致。 He is not a steady person, in this year the pain constrains, making the thought in his heart twist gradually. 他本就不是个稳重的人,这一年来的苦痛压抑,让他心中的念头渐渐扭曲。 In his heart so-called love, throwing time and time again to the vacancy, looks again when Sun Xiaoxun treats Chen Guang and treats itself the entirely different treatment, makes him envy to want to go crazy. 他心中所谓的爱,一次又一次的扑到了空处,再看着孙小逊对待陈光和对待自己时截然不同的待遇,更让他嫉妒得想要发狂。 Wanting makes it perish, first makes its crazy. 欲使其灭亡,先使其疯狂。 Also does not know truth where he studies, so-called woman, if cannot conquer her heart, that can first conquer her body, particularly since the ancient times mild such as the Jiangnan daughter of water, in the first man to own life will never forget. 也不知道他从哪里学来的道理,所谓女人,如果不能征服她的心,那就可以先征服她的身体,尤其是自古以来都温润如水的江南女儿,更会对自己人生中的第一个男人念念不忘。 Therefore, the start that Pan Jiang thinks of every means planned, he must first conquer the Sun Xiaoxun body. 所以,潘江费尽心思的开始谋划了起来,他要先征服孙小逊的身躯。 He actually compared with Sun Xiaoxun first knows the when idea of Zhou Jingsi instructor, provokes Chen Guang several people to start from finishing class on own initiative, pushes to the direction that the matter he needs step by step, all these, for this food! 他其实比孙小逊更先知道卓静思辅导员的想法,从下课时主动挑衅陈光几人开始,将事情一步步推向他需要的方向,这一切,就是为了这一顿饭! Finally today Chen Guang erupts to win Dong Tao suddenly, nearly lets his wasted effort, but is lucky, oneself clenched teeth to bear patiently successfully won the Sun Xiaoxun sympathy, so long as she and had this Elegant Pavilion food, then the following matter, was beyond control she. 结果今天陈光突然爆发赢了董涛,险些让他竹篮打水一场空,不过万幸,自己咬牙隐忍还是成功博得了孙小逊的同情心,只要她和自己去吃这清雅轩的一顿饭,那么接下来的事情,就由不得她了。 Represses happy intent in heart, Pan Jiang sits in the Elegant Pavilion passenger compartment alone static the waiting the arrival of Sun Xiaoxun, after his heart could not even have stopped to remember Sun Xiaoxun conquers thoroughly the picture. 按捺住心中的喜意,潘江独自坐在清雅轩的包间里静静的等待着孙小逊的到来,他心中甚至已经止不住想起将孙小逊彻底征服后的画面来。 Perhaps when just started she will have a mortal hatred of me, but this are not related, I am wholehearted to her, I am even willing to marry her, she gradually will also discover, my Pan Jiang is the best choice, Chen Guang that poor wretch, having anything is good! 或许刚开始时她会恨死我了,但这没有关系,我对她是真心实意的,我甚至愿意娶她,她也会慢慢发现,我潘江才是最好的选择,陈光那个穷光蛋,有什么好的! After here Chen Guang returned to the bedroom, does not dare to be negligent, must guard against Colored Glaze God Emperor suddenly to appear momentarily to give own big pleasant surprise. 这边陈光回了寝室后,不敢大意,随时都得防着琉璃神皇突然出现来给自己的大惊喜。 This feeling, is somewhat tired, is somewhat painful. 这感觉,有些累,有些痛苦。 Read the too long book, the Chen Guang eye quick tired flower, put down hand «Jew Success Secret» in silently, face upwarded the deep sigh, this day, when can be a head. 看太久的书了,陈光的眼睛都快累花了,默默放下手里的《犹太人的成功秘诀》,仰天长叹,这日子,何年何月才能是个头啊。 Colored Glaze God Emperor you do not come out, perhaps could not want you to help, 琉璃神皇你再不出来,恐怕要不了你帮忙, The old men can gnaw these fat, the old man must voluntarily the growth be one generation of tycoons! At this time, his cell phone bell sound, took up looked, unexpectedly was the Sun Xiaoxun best friend hits. 老夫都能把这些大部头啃完了,老夫就要自行成长为一代商界大亨了啊!就在这时候,他的手机铃声响了起来,拿起一看,居然是孙小逊的闺蜜打过来的。 Difficult to be inadequate Sun Xiaoxun really to have an accident? 难不成孙小逊真出什么事了? A Chen Guang brow wrinkle, starts to be intense at heart. 陈光眉头一皱,心里开始紧张起来。 He is not completely a simpleton, could detect indistinctly Sun Xiaoxun this beautiful woman class leader to oneself is partly visible has that a meaning. 他也不完全是呆子,隐隐约约察觉得到孙小逊这美女班长对自己是若隐若现的有那么层意思。 As a pure blood old virgin, can have Sun Xiaoxun to be like this clever may the girlfriend of person, naturally is a life big good fortune. 身为一枚纯血老处男,能有个孙小逊这样乖巧可人的女朋友,当然是人生一大幸事。 Does to more than half a year, in the Chen Guang family/home has an accident, he bustles about to make money for the mother buys the medicine to treat an illness, really without the thoughts makes anything deep love between man and woman again, does not want the precious time flower at the love affair, in addition, Sun Xiaoxun to be a good girl, Chen Guang cannot determine one intention to opposite party, really do not dare rashly the olive branch that she tosses quietly meeting. 奈何这大半年来,陈光自己家里出了事,他忙乎着挣钱给老妈买药治病,实在没心思再去弄什么儿女情长,也不想把宝贵的时间花在风花雪月上,除此之外,孙小逊是个好女孩儿,陈光并不能确定自己对对方的心意,真不敢贸然就把她悄悄抛过来的橄榄枝给接了。 He does not want to harm others. 他不想害了人家。 Naturally he actually also probed Sun Xiaoxun several times somewhat, finally, you do not think time, she can always give you to hope bold , when he seriously considers this matter, Sun Xiaoxun actually timid will draw back slightly in the future one step. 当然他其实也多多少少试探了孙小逊几次,结果呢,你不那么想的时候,她总能胆大包天的给你希望,可当他认真考虑此事时,孙小逊却又怯弱的稍稍往后退了一步。 This in the course of contacts, the time was wasted the present. 这一来二去,时间就被浪费到现在了。 Chen Guang! It is not good! This little while quick dinner selected, Xiaoxun has not come back. I had inquired a moment ago, heard that in the afternoon early time Pan Jiang first went out, probably before ten minutes, outside some people's has seen Xiaoxun on school business streets! I suspected that a Xiaoxun person and Pan Jiang ate meal! But where I do not know specifically!” The Sun Xiaoxun best friend is saying in the telephone hasty. 陈光!不好了!这会儿都快晚饭的点了,小逊还没回来。刚才我打听过了,听说下午老早的时候潘江就先出去了,大概十来分钟前有人在学校外面的商业街上看到过小逊!我怀疑小逊一个人和潘江吃饭去了!但我也不知道具体在哪里!”孙小逊的闺蜜在电话里急冲冲的说着。 Chen Guang stares, he discovered that oneself also is really a little inexpensive, does not want to accept the thought of this beautiful woman class leader obviously, when hears this saying suddenly, uncomfortable of some oneself unexpectedly acids. 陈光一愣,他发现自己还真是有点贱,明明都没有想接受这位美女班长的念头,在骤然听到这话时,自己心里竟有些酸酸的不爽。 She eats meal goes, what does this have at the worst?” The Chen Guang words to the mouth, actually became this. “她去吃饭就去呗,这有什么大不了的?”陈光的话到嘴里,却成了这样。 The Sun Xiaoxun best friend also gawked, stayed the long time, some blowing hot and cold said: „Aren't you...... you worried?” 孙小逊的闺蜜也是一愣,呆了半晌,才有些摇摆不定的说:“你……你就不担心啊?” Chen Guang ill-humored saying: What is worried about? Does not eat meal together, is all right.” 陈光没好气的说道:“担心什么?不就是一起吃顿饭嘛,没事的啦。” Probably this truth, was I am too sensitive, was not you asks me to help you look to select her.” “好像是这个道理,是我太敏感了吧,可不是你叫我帮你看着点她的么。” „, I have said like this. In brief many thanks you, all right.” Chen Guang wants to be displayed calmer him not to ask the opposite party by oneself to feel oneself really have that matter meaning to Sun Xiaoxun. “呃,我是这样说过。总之多谢你啦,没事的。”陈光想让自己表现得更加淡定他并不想叫对方觉得自己对孙小逊真有那层意思。 The Sun Xiaoxun best friend smiled bitterly finally was hanging up the telephone, in blamed Sun Xiaoxun to come at heart secretly, you were obviously interesting about Chen Guang, why are all right a person to run and Pan Jiang eat meal! 孙小逊的闺蜜最终苦笑着挂断了电话,在心里暗自责怪起孙小逊来,明明你对陈光有意思,没事干嘛一个人跑去和潘江吃饭啊! Now was good, listens to Chen Guang that tone, definitely ate the flying vinegar! 现在好了,听陈光那口气,肯定是吃了飞醋啊! It is not right, I am also silly, why do I give Chen Guang to make this phone call? 呃,不对,我也是傻,我干嘛给陈光打这个电话? ! Xiaoxun! Didn't my harm you? I really am stupid! 遭!小逊!我这不是害了你吗?我真是蠢啊! Here Chen Guang hangs up the telephone, takes Exceedingly High Chalice to plan that a person goes downstairs to have the dinner, then waits for the period of time, Bai Fan three were about to come back, Chen Guang feared that they drew to play the game, planned first to hide. 这边陈光挂断电话,拿着通天圣杯打算一个人下楼吃晚饭,再等一阵子,白凡三个就快回来了,陈光怕他们拉着自己玩游戏,打算先躲一躲。 Goes down the dormitory, Chen Guang blows the whistling to go toward the cafeteria. 走下宿舍楼,陈光吹着口哨往食堂而去。 Is walking, his step actually unconscious is getting more and more slow, the mouth is blowing the whistling did not have the melody gradually. 走着走着,他的步子却不自觉的越来越慢,嘴里吹着的口哨也渐渐没了调子。 He discovered very sorrowfully, oneself was made by that telephone of Sun Xiaoxun best friend unexpectedly restlessly! 他十分悲哀的发现,自己居然被孙小逊闺蜜的那个电话弄得坐立难安了! This right eye skin what kind of jumps fiercely! 这右眼皮怎的猛跳! Simply with electric is the same! 简直就和电动的一样! When the Chen Guang brain fierce remembering Pan Jiang admits defeat today the apology is hanging down the head, his constrains the anger tone to float the heart forcefully gradually! 陈光脑子里猛的想起今天潘江服软道歉时低垂着的脑袋,他那强行压抑着怒火的语气渐渐浮上心头! He endures humiliation, has anything to scheme surely! 他那么忍辱负重,必定有什么图谋! The matter is not right! 事儿不对! Said honestly has not thought this weekly assembly streaking, had the idea to decelerate to turn into one, thought afterward cannot like this, decide this week still maintains two, without recommending, was hopeless to the list, has the red package function, does not know that the big brother is willing to help my book give a red package to withstand/top a streaking the day.】 【坦白说没想到这周会裸奔,原本有想法减速变成一更,后来觉得不能这样,决定这周依然保持两更,没有推荐了,冲榜无望了,有个红包功能,不知道有没有大哥愿意帮我这本书发个红包顶一顶裸奔的日子。】 Welcome the general book friends to visit reading, latest, quickest and hottest serial publication performs in the mobile phone user welcome to reading. 欢迎广大书友光临阅读,最新、最快、最火的连载作品尽在手机用户请到阅读。
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