Pan Jiangsets outslowly, slowlylooks upChen Guang, on the facesqueezes out the vice-ratioto cryalso the uglysmile, almostsaidwith the tone of clenching jaws: „Chen Guang, congratulatesyousuccessfullyto pass the preliminary contest. Evidently, the champion of thisGameswas also settledisyour. Asyourclassmate, Ireally amwithhaving the glory.” The Chen Guangeyebrowselects, howthoughtthisgoodsrevolution of nature, byhismental disposition, even ifoneselfstamped the Dong Taothreepeople that hefoundto cross the preliminary contest, hedoes not needto lowerthreeair/Qilike thisand did speak?潘江缓缓起身,慢慢抬头看着陈光,脸上挤出副比哭还难看的笑容,几乎是用咬牙切齿的语气说道:“陈光,恭喜你顺利通过预赛。看样子,这次校运会的冠军也板上钉钉是你的了。身为你的同班同学,我真是与有荣焉。”陈光眉毛一挑,心想这货怎么转性了,以他的秉性,就算自己踩死了他找来的董涛三人过了预赛,他也没必要这样低三下气的和自己说话吧?Atthis time, nearbySun Xiaoxuncoughed the cough, seesChen Guangto lookwith the doubtslook, one side Sun Xiaoxunactuallyrushesto change to the face.
就在这时候,旁边的孙小逊咳了咳嗽,见陈光用疑惑的眼神看过来,孙小逊却又赶忙把脸转到一边。Pan Jiangis well awareSun Xiaoxuniswhatmeaning, reallyhates the toothto be itchy, looks atChen Guangthat„self-satisfiedly” the appearance, thinks a fistbangsimplyonhisface.潘江心知肚明孙小逊是什么意思,真是恨得牙痒痒,看着陈光那“志得意满”的样子,简直想一拳头轰在他的脸上。ButPan Jiangactuallyknows,wasat this time, oneselfmoremustrepress, otherwisewasted all previous effortssurely, heslowlywas low the head, does not dareChen Guangandothersawoneselfwished one couldto eat the look of person, saidwith the low and deepandhoarsetone: „Chen Guang, Iapologizedtoyouhere, beforewas I am not right, was I am small-minded. Butnow the matterhas passedwas so long, everyoneis acquaintedone is also the fate, youforgivemypassingrash. Moreover, pleasehelpmeconveymyapologytoBai Fan, Lin JingweiandXiong Jinke, later, the non-extravagant demandswecanbecome the goodfriend, butlooksin the share of classmate, ourat leastpeaceful coexistence, ok?”
但潘江却知道,越是这种时候,自己越要按捺下来,不然必定前功尽弃,他缓缓低下脑袋,不敢让陈光和其他人看到自己恨不得吃人的眼神,用低沉又沙哑的语气说道:“陈光,在这里我向你道歉,以前是我不对,是我小肚鸡肠。但现在事情已经过去了这么久,大家相识一场也是缘分,你就原谅我过往的莽撞吧。另外,也请你帮我将我的歉意转达给白凡、林经纬和熊进科,以后,不奢求我们能成为多好的朋友,但看在同班同学的份上,咱们至少和平共处,好吧?”Pan Jiangmoresaid, the headhangsmoreis lower, seemshimreallyto feel sorry to not have the face to appear in publicgeneral.潘江越说,脑袋垂得就越低,好似他真歉疚得无颜见人一般。Chen Guanghas a scaretoPan Jiangthissuddenapology, the personwill dieitsword is also good, was difficultto be inadequatethisgoods dead?陈光给潘江这突如其来的道歉吓了一跳,人之将死其言也善,难不成这货要死了?Butlooked that hepreviouslyalsojumped for joy, toappearance that the Dong Taolookis flyingrandomly, not seeming likecandie?
但看他先前还活蹦乱跳,对着董涛眼神乱飞的样子,不像是要死啊?Thiswas too unusual!
The Chen Guangheartpolicetrillionhas, firstissearches the handto open outSun Xiaoxunand the others, then the entiregodis alerting, „Pan Jiang, did youtake the wrongmedicine?”陈光心头警兆顿生,先是探手将孙小逊等人拨开,再全神戒备着,“潘江,你吃错药了?”Is beyond controlhe not startled, inoneselfbedroomseveralpeople of contradictionswithPan Jiangis long-standing, whereiscanwipein a few words, saidagain, ifthisboyreallytransferred the nature, must discuss, butwith the Chen Guangvision, thisfellowfrom the startis the rigidity the morality that is difficultto change, have no reasonheto walk to admit defeatbewilderedly.
The Pan Jiangcheek that has been lowering the headpulls out, wishes one couldto stick out suddenly a fistbangtoChen Guang, butheboreeventually, raised the headagain, shows a verysufferingexpression, „Iamwholeheartedapologizedwithyou, wantsto smileto vanish the love and hatewithyou, weren't youworthwhilealsoscoldedmeat this time?”
一直垂着头的潘江面皮一抽,恨不得就此暴起一拳轰向陈光,但他终究还是忍住了,再度抬头,摆出一副很是委屈的表情,“我是真心实意的和你道歉,想和你们一笑泯恩仇,你犯不着这种时候还骂我吧?”NearbySun Xiaoxunseestwo peopleas ifalsoto have the meaning that mustget into a deadlock, grabs the shoulder of Chen Guangto sway: „Chen Guang, Pan Jiangis the sinceritytrue meaningapologizedwithyou, youleftthis.”
一旁的孙小逊见两人似乎又有要闹僵的意思,抓着陈光的肩膀摇晃着:“陈光,潘江是真心真意的和你道歉,你别这样。”Chen Guangturns headto look atSun Xiaoxun, sheis winking.陈光扭头看着孙小逊,她挤眉弄眼着。„Good, wantingyouto live up to one's words, is not the person in ourbedroomstirs up troublein any case, so long asdo not look forourstubbles, is togetherwellis not the difficult matter.”Chen Guangsaid is also the honest remark.
“好吧,希望你说到做到,反正也不是我们寝室里的人挑事,只要你别找我们的茬,好好相处本来就不是难事。”陈光说的也是实在话。„Thenonline!”Sun Xiaoxunfor fear thatChen Guangsaid that againanywordsintensify the contradiction, inone sidenumerousracketpalms, wascamefinal judgment on a person's life can be made only after he is dead and buriedtotoday'sthismatter.
“那就行啦!”孙小逊生怕陈光再说些什么话来激化矛盾,在一旁重重一拍手掌,算是给今儿个这事情来了个盖棺定论。„Did not haveothermatterIfirstto walk.”Severalpeopleare speaking, Chen Guangactuallydiscovered that previouslytriedto drawQin YuanhuaCoachQin of swimming team the half stepto walkoneselffrom the natatorium, directly soarsoneselfhere.
“没别的事我就先走了。”几人正说着话,陈光却发现先前试图把自己拉去游泳队的秦远华秦教练正快步从游泳馆里走出来,直奔自己这里而来。Has not guessed that the wrongwords, thisCoachQinhas not lost heart!
没猜错的话,这位秦教练是还没死心呐!Chen Guangwherehas the thoughtsandherubs gently, greetswithSun Xiaoxunseveralpeople, hurriesto sneak off.陈光哪有心思和他磨蹭,和孙小逊几人打了个招呼,赶紧开溜。„Hey! SchoolmateChen Guang! Hey!”CoachQinsawChen Guang to run, had shoutedinbehind, but where hecould catch up withChen Guang, in an instantdid not haveshadow.
“喂!陈光同学!喂!”秦教练见陈光要跑,在后面已经喊了起来,但他哪追得上陈光,转眼就没了影儿。Sun XiaoxunalsowantswithChen Guangindullpointtime, heto runtogetherfinallysuddenly, is losingat heart, seesCoachQin, understood a general idea.孙小逊原本还想和陈光在一起多呆点时间,结果他突然跑了,心里正在失落,见到秦教练,才明白了个大概。Said after Chen Guangleaves the natatorium,
却说陈光离开游泳馆之后,Goestoward the bedroomalone, in the brainactuallytossed aboutwaspreviouslythataffairmatter. So-calledmostunderstood that yourperson, isyourenemy.
独自往寝室而去,脑子里却翻来覆去都是先前那一档子事情。所谓最了解你的人,就是你的敌人。AlthoughChen Guanghas not regarded a rolePan Jiang, but the bilateral relationsdid not copealso2-3years, the opposite partywaswhatmorality, was well awaremutually.陈光虽然没把潘江当成个角色,但双方关系不对付也有2-3年了,对方是个什么德性,相互都心知肚明。
The matterlivesmusthave the monsterunusual, todayPan Jiangfirstlooks forDong Taoseveralpeople of attemptsbyoneselfin the invitational meetgreatlysmelly, was actually defeated, was near, helowersthreeair/Qiapologizedunexpectedlytooneself, expressed willingnessto settle a dispute, was simply inconceivable.
It looks like inChen Guang, even ifboth sidesare maintainingthiscontradictionnumerousrelationsgraduatesuntil the university, notso- said.
A day after tomorrowseasidegraduation, everyonewill not have to doin any casein the futureis, heis not worthwhilethisfrom the start.
But why is this?
他图的又是什么呢?In the past few daysmanymattereach articlefloated the heart, the Chen Guangfiercemiraculous glowdodge, recalled when that noonate mealbumped intoSun Xiaoxunone, as ifheldwhatinspiration, is actually not ableto be assured.
前些天许许多多事情一件件浮上心头,陈光猛的灵光一闪,回想起那天中午吃饭时碰到孙小逊的一幕,似乎抓住了点什么灵感,却又无法笃定。Firstdoes not think that sends a messageto the Sun Xiaoxunbest friend, makingherhelplookto select.
罢了,先不想了,发个短信给孙小逊的闺蜜,让她帮忙看着点得了。Thinksdoes, in the Chen Guangcell phonealsohasin the class the telephone of female student, after sending a message, put downthismatter.
想到就做,陈光手机里也有班上女生的电话,发了个短信之后也就把这事放下了。„Class leader, I...... my is Pan Jiangalso a meaning what he saysman? TodayIlost, Iacknowledge mistakes.” After Chen Guangwalks, Pan Jiangrelaxesat heartfinally, hereallyfeared that Chen Guangstaysagain the period of time, oneselfcould not suppress.
Several other female studentsthen have the competition, cannotencircleactuallyagainbySun Xiaoxun, ranto attendowncompetitionone after another, just before leavingdespisedSun Xiaoxunactuallywell, said that sheworried aboutis looking atChen Guang, the competitions of oneselfthesegoodsistersactuallydid not look.
另外几个女生接下来还有比赛,倒是不能再围在孙小逊旁边,陆陆续续跑去参加自己的比赛了,临走时倒是好好的鄙视了一番孙小逊,说她就顾得着看陈光,自己这些好姐妹的比赛却不去看。Sun Xiaoxunindeedhas the new facetohimgreatly, complied withone, „, calculatesyouto keep one's word, in brief, hopes, youare togetherwell, manyfriendmanyroad, youdo not needto make the injusticeto be puzzled.”孙小逊对他的确大有改观,应了一声,“嗯,算你言而有信,总之,希望以后你们都好好相处啦,多一个朋友多一条路嘛,你们本来就没必要闹得冤冤不解的。”Pan JianghearttoSun Xiaoxunthissaying, althoughdoes not spare a glance, buton the face is actually the expression that vice-enjoys, „! Before isme, was too weak, afterthismatter, Ifelt that oneselfgrew upall of a sudden. Even ifIbetto wintoday, actuallyIalsoplanandChen Guangapologizewell, Ithink, nowthisis also good, looked forunder a stairtome. Pitifully......”潘江心头对孙小逊这话虽不屑一顾,但脸上却是副十分受用的表情,“是啊!是我以前太幼稚了,经过这一件事情,我感觉自己一下子长大了很多。哪怕今天我赌赢了,其实我也打算和陈光好好道歉的,我本来就是这么想的,现在这样也好,给我找了个台阶下。只是可惜……”Sun Xiaoxunasked: „Pitifullywhat?”孙小逊问道:“可惜什么?”
The Pan Jiangforced smileshakes the head, „before actuallyme, knows that Dong Taotheir three peoplecanwithChen Guangin an invitational meetgroup, thinks that won, thereforeIhave been ahead of timeinElegant Pavilionsubscribed a position, nowIlost, butthattablemealIElegant Pavilionhad not letrefund moneytomoney, oh.”潘江苦笑摇头,“其实我之前就知道董涛他们三人会和陈光在一个预选赛小组里,以为赢定了,所以我已经提前在清雅轩订了个位置,现在我输了,但那一桌子饭菜我都已经给钱了清雅轩是不让退款的,唉。”„? What do yousubscribeElegant Pavilionto make? Thenis expensive!”Sun Xiaoxunalsoknows that Elegant Pavilionmealvalue not poor, hearssomewordcannot help butanxiety.
“啊?你订清雅轩做什么啊?那么贵!”孙小逊也知道清雅轩的饭菜价值不菲,闻言不由得有些肉疼。Pan Jiangcontinues on the facesqueezes outwipes„sincerely” the forced smile, „Ihave not thought that will lose, saidagain, myuniversitythreeyearsasked the class leaderyouto eat meal for the first time, thoughtinthese three years to be indebtedyourhelpandlooking, thereforebuckledseveral thousandto come outfromlifeFaillyis not the toobigmatter. Now, oh...... the class leader, Ihavemy presumptuous request, even ifIlost, butpleaselook, inIgave the Chen Guangapologyalsoto calculate that ina moment agosincereshare, hadthisfoodto the face? Wasted the words, is a pitystrangely.”潘江继续在脸上挤出一抹“真诚”的苦笑,“我没想到会输嘛,再说了,我大学三年还是第一次请班长你吃饭呢,想着这三年里多有承蒙你的帮助与关照,所以从生活费里扣几千块出来也不是太大事情啦。只是现在,唉……班长,我有个不情之请,哪怕我输了,但请你看在我刚才给陈光道歉还算真诚的份上,给个面子把这顿饭吃了吧?浪费了的话,怪可惜的。”Sun Xiaoxunhesitatedsuddenly.孙小逊一时间踌躇了。
The Pan Jiangwordsspoke in this, hisperformanceindeed was very a moment ago good, now the vegetable/dishhas subscribed, heseemed like such pitifulappearance, did not givehimthisface, reallysomewhatfelt sorry.潘江话都说到这份上,刚才他的表现的确很好,如今菜已经订下,他看起来又这么可怜的样子,不给他这个面子,实在有些过意不去。Shealso the instinctsaves, althoughwastesis notownmoney, but the matteralsobecause ofoneself, callingPan Jiangto wasteseveral thousandin vain, was not quite good.
她又天性节约,虽然浪费的不是自己的钱,但事情也是因自己而起,叫潘江白白浪费好几千,也不太好。Butsheis the planledseveralgoodsistersto gotooneselfto escort, maylisten toPan Jiangto sayisElegant Pavilion, shevacillated.
但原本她是打算带着几个好姐妹去给自己保驾护航的,可听潘江说是清雅轩,她更动摇了。Thatplace2-3individualscaneatseveral thousand, 78peoplefrequentlywantover ten thousand.
The Sun Xiaoxunstudent, wherebeing cruel enoughmakesothersaskseveralto eat mealon the flowerafter alltens of thousands.孙小逊毕竟还是学生,哪里忍心让别人请自己几个吃饭就花好几万的。What to do can this?
这可怎么办呢?Finallysheisveryhesitantnod, „good.”
最终她还是十分犹豫的点点头,“好吧。”Shethought,alsonothing butiseats meal, everyoneis a classmate, shouldnot haveto obstructin a big way?
她心想,无非也就是吃顿饭而已,大家都是同班同学,应该没大碍的吧?Welcome the generalbookfriendsto visitreading, latest, quickest and hottestserial publicationperformsin the mobile phone userwelcometoreading.
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