CGA :: Volume #1

#45: The dream breaks to pieces Olympic Games

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You may really dare to say! Coach Qin the mouth pulled out, „............ was not perhaps good. But you could rest assured that so long as after two to three years of training, you can certainly become the domestic top player, because you have swum quickly! And your basic skills may be called perfect, what is defective is only the final shooting, so long as you can insist, three years later Olympic Games, have your one!” 你可真敢说啊!秦教练嘴一抽,“呃……恐怕……还不行。但你放心,只要经过两到三年的训练,你一定可以成为国内顶级选手,因为你已经游得很快了!并且你的基本功堪称完美,欠缺的只是最后的临门一脚,只要你能坚持,三年后的奥运会,有你一席!” Qin Yuanhua is saying cheerfully, thought oneself really must excavate a good seedling. 秦远华乐呵呵的说着,心想自己真要发掘一个好苗子了。 Three years later...... doesn't have Olympic Games this year?” Chen Guang is not glad. “三年后……今年不是有奥运会吗?”陈光不乐意了。 This year............, although I favor you very much, but you want to swim this year for three minutes/shares in 50 seconds, is very difficult. You also know, matter most difficult is the last step. No rush, does not accumulate the half pace not to the thousand li (500 km).” Qin Yuanhua told the facts. “今年……呃……虽然我很看好你,但今年你想游进三分五十秒内,很难。你也知道,事情最难的就是最后一步。别急嘛,不积跬步无以至千里嘛。”秦远华实话实说道。 Chen Guang nods, regarding his feeling was too simply profound, oneself in World inside the Grail accepts the second test, only with one month reached and Wen Wen similar level, is the appearance of outstanding professional, but to become in so-called history strongest DOTA2 player, to make up together finally together weak area, in the water puddle that he is almost is in the blood and tears in that urges unlucky squatted for two months. 陈光点头,对此他的感受简直太深刻了,自己在杯中界里接受第二个考验时,只用一个月就达到了和文雯差不多的水准,也就是优秀职业选手的样子,但为了成为所谓的史上最强DOTA2选手,为了补齐最后一块短板,他几乎是含着血与泪的又在那倒霉催的水洼里蹲了两个月。 „The truth that Coach Qin, you said I understood, understood very much!” Remembered oneself miserable passing, Chen Guang sobs. “秦教练,你说的道理我都懂,很懂!”想起自己凄凉的过往,陈光哽咽了。 What......” did this cry? Coach Qin was at a loss. “啥……”这就哭了?秦教练十分迷惘。 Chen Guang shakes the head at once, many thanks good intention of Coach Qin, this swimming, is a hobby, I could not become the champion, cannot boil. Many thanks.” 陈光旋即摇摇头,“多谢秦教练的好意了,这游泳,也就是个爱好,我成不了冠军,熬不下去。多谢了。” Said that Chen Guang turns head to walk, is not loathsome. 说完陈光扭头就走,丝毫不拖泥带水。 Was clear from family affairs, now swim quickly, that is because used the peak 20 years old of condition to swim for 20 years in Instant Sea, how then to practice, almost also on this level. 自家事自己清楚,现在自己游得快,那是因为在须臾海里用巅峰的二十岁状态游了二十年,接下来再怎么练下去,差不多也就这水准了。 Own river character, has reached the pinnacle, looks like the family member to be the same with the water. 自己的水性,早已登峰造极,和水就像是亲人一样。 Today this level, already thoroughly to top. 今儿个这水准,已经彻底到顶了。 Thinks that make further progress goes a step further, simply dream of a fool. 想百尺竿头更进一步,简直痴人说梦。 Own this height reach suspends here, compared with swimming rare talent who these inborn proportions are at variance with the average man, inborn has the disadvantage. 自个这身高臂长就摆在这里,和那些天生比例异于常人的游泳奇才相比,天生就有劣势。 Today can explode Dong Tao, because the spoken lines Dong Tao is not the true expert. 今天能爆了董涛,说白就因为董涛并非真正的高手。 In addition, even was really trains to swim with hardship for three minutes/shares 50 seconds, the level that but the distance wants to win the championship, may also miss the entire eight seconds. 除此之外,就算真是苦苦训练游进了三分五十秒,但距离想夺冠的水准,可还差着整整八秒。 The swimming does not compare other movement, is not looks is stronger, the strength is bigger can swim quickly, this inside way, deep. 游泳不比别的运动,并不是长得越壮,力气越大就能游得越快,这里面的门道,深着呐。 Athlete occupation, the champion only has one, who remembers that the second place is who? Who knows how much perspiration stood these pitiful second place third places wasted and tears behind the champion? 运动员这种职业,冠军只有一个,谁会记得亚军是谁?谁又会知道,站在冠军背后那些可怜的亚军季军白费了多少的汗与泪? Chen Guang knows that own potential, does not think the laborious white blind several years, actually just give the person finally, when green leaf. 陈光知道自己的潜力,才不想辛辛苦苦白瞎几年,最后却只不过给人当绿叶呢。 Hey! Chen Guang! Do not walk! Do not walk!” Coach Qin has not lost heart. “喂喂!陈光!你别走啊!别走!”秦教练还不死心。 Chen Guang scrubs the body with the towel, wraps up the gym suit, has turned head, a shoulder peak, „did Coach Qin, you have a look at my build again? My arm show/unfolds was even inferior that weak chicken Dong Tao, you are also looked that I swim today well, but this is really my limit. Many thanks Coach Qin your good intention, you had a look at Dong Tao actually quickly, looked that his appearance injured heavily, was really pitiful.” 陈光用毛巾擦擦身子,裹上运动服,回过头,肩膀一耸,“秦教练,你再看看我这体型?我臂展甚至不如那个弱鸡董涛,你也就是看我今天游得好,但这真是我极限啦。多谢秦教练您的好意,你倒是快去看看董涛吧,看他样子伤得不轻,真可怜。” Chen Guang is saying ridiculing, that side Dong Tao also toward his here flutters with look that hating to clench teeth. 陈光略带戏谑的说着,那边董涛还用恨得直咬牙的眼神儿往他这里飘。 What's wrong? Hasn't lost enough? To see the true facts on the fist?” Chen Guang where is the person of being afraid of getting into trouble, wears the clothes to walk toward Dong Tao side. “怎么?没输够?想在拳头上见真章?”陈光哪里是怕事的人,穿上衣服就往董涛身边走去。 Do you dare to stare me? I dug your eyeball! 你敢瞪我?我就挖了你眼珠子! At this time this pitiful fellow also under supporting by the arm of two teammates, lamely is walking. 此时这可怜的家伙还在两名队友的搀扶下,一瘸一拐的走着。 His that two teammates looked that the Chen Guang look as if brought to dread, any weak one in aspect, before the powerhouse, association/will subconscious being one step below others, Chen Guang also explodes them let alone today. 他那两名队友看陈光的眼神似乎带了些畏惧,无论是哪方面的弱者,在强者面前,总会下意识的低人一等,更何况今天陈光还把他们给完爆了。 Dong Tao somewhat helpless changes to one side the face, does not want to respond Chen Guang again, at this time his a little grief flavor. 董涛有些无奈的把脸转到一旁去,不想再搭理陈光,此时他有点哀莫大於心死的味道了。 Meanwhile he in the heart Pan Jiang hating, the fellow, how oneself several minute/share in the preliminary contest to with Chen Guang one group, how will lose such big person today, now injure heavily, the following training will even be affected. 同时他又在心头把潘江给恨上了,要不是那家伙,自己几个又怎么会在预赛里分到和陈光一组,今天又怎么会丢这么大一个人,现在自己伤得不轻,接下来的训练甚至都会受到影响。 Furthermore, a moment ago attitude of Coach Qin, makes him particularly sad. 再者,刚才秦教练的态度,也让他分外伤心。 For Pan Jiang that 6000, oneself lose seriously! 为了潘江那六千块,自己损失惨重啊! „, Without that guts gives me to clamp the tail honestly, refuses to accept you to ask around in the school, my Chen Guang would have no to fear the mistake, the uncomfortable words, we in seven sheds, you can ask me to trouble at heart momentarily, I then.” Abandons such a, Chen Guang turns the head to walk, he for it, was to give Coach Qin to see clearly actually intentionally like this, our old man was the thorn head, do not come to entangle me to draw me to enter good, was really not that brick, did not have the thoughts and your ink marks. “啧啧,没那胆儿就给我老老实实把尾巴夹着,不服你就在学院里到处打听打听,我陈光就没怕过事,心里不爽的话,咱们都在七舍,你随时可以来找我麻烦,我都接着。”扔下这么一句,陈光转头就走,他倒是故意这样为之,就是要给秦教练看清楚,咱老爷们儿就是个刺头,别来缠着我拉我入行了,真不是那块料,也没心思和你墨迹。 Said that another head, the Pan Jiang mood is also no better compared with Dong Tao. 却说另一头,潘江的心情比董涛也好不到哪里去。 Pan Jiang, is willing to bet to concede, Chen Guang there, you wants to go to and Chen Guang apology now becomes reconciled, will their bedroom four people go in the same place another day again?” Sun Xiaoxun was self-satisfied, before discovered when Dong Tao three people with Chen Guang minute/share to one group, she detected that is not right. 潘江,愿赌服输,陈光就在那里,你是要现在就去和陈光道歉和好,还是等改天他们寝室四个人都在一起的时候再去?”孙小逊得意极了,之前发现董涛三人和陈光分到一组时,她就察觉不对了。 Now Chen Guang wins unexpectedly, she was certainly happy, but looks at Pan Jiang this appearance is not pleasing to the eyes simultaneously, thought that this person is so how bad, unexpectedly also plays Yin move of pit Chen Guang, nearly gave him to succeed, during spoken languages unconsciousness somewhat disdained arrogant with. 现在陈光居然赢了,她当然高兴,不过同时瞧潘江这模样就更不顺眼了,觉得这人怎么就这么糟糕呢,居然还玩阴招坑陈光,险些就给他成功了,言语间无意识的就有些不屑与傲慢。 Looks at Sun Xiaoxun that false smile appearance, the Pan Jiang heart on and eats the fly to be equally uncomfortable. 看着孙小逊那皮笑肉不笑的样子,潘江心头就和吃了苍蝇一样难受。 But he knows, if oneself this time got angry, Elegant Pavilion that table added the food and wine of material, even if bustled about white/in vain. 但他知道,如果自己这时候翻脸,清雅轩那一桌子加了料的酒菜,就算是白忙乎了。 The big air/Qi, first also the knocking down tooth and blood swallow, Pan Jiang squeezes an ugly smile, line! My this goes to apologize with him!” 再大的气,先也得打落牙齿和血吞,潘江挤出个难看的笑容,“行!我这就去和他道歉!” Brother Pan Jiang? Really goes?” The following Pan Jiang personal servant is startled. 潘江哥?真去啊?”后面潘江的跟班吃了一惊。 Pan Jiang turns head, stares: You go back! I apologized! Do not want to see the appearance that I lose face! I must give the Chen Guang apology wholeheartedly!” 潘江回头,瞪眼:“你们都回去!我自己一个人去道歉!别想看到我丢脸的样子!我要真心实意的给陈光道歉!” He has turned around again, developing was actually getting more and more sincere, Leader Sun big, you come together, I am in front of your, apologized with him, what kind of? Suffices the sincerity?” 他再是转过身,演得倒是越来越诚恳了,“孙大班长,你一起来吧,我当着你的面,和他道歉,怎么样?够诚意吧?” Sun Xiaoxun smiled, she feels Pan Jiang this person, although bad, but can also be saved. 孙小逊笑了,她觉得潘江这人虽然糟糕,但还有救嘛。 Although Chen Guang shakes other audience in the preliminary contest today ruthlessly, but then also has the preliminary contest, the replacement completes later Chen Guang not to receive the treatment that what star besieges and pursues to block off, but arrived at the entrance of natatorium with ease, in this period also gave the telephone with several younger sisters mutually. 虽然今天陈光在预赛里狠狠的震了震其他观众,但接下来还有预赛,换装完成之后的陈光也没受到什么明星般的围追堵截的待遇,而是轻轻松松走到了游泳馆的大门口,期间也就和几个妹子互相留了电话。 He gave to be wild with joy actually, walked while inputs these younger sisters' names on the cell phone earnestly one by one, but also is recalling in the brain secretly, a moment ago that someone most attractive, in the future first contacts with her? 他倒是给乐坏了,一边走一边埋头在手机上挨个输入这些妹子的名字,还在脑子里暗自回忆着,刚才那谁谁最漂亮,赶明儿先联系她? Hehehe...... 嘿嘿嘿…… Chen Guang! Here!” Just went out of the front door, Sun Xiaoxun then calls him in front by far, but also waved to him. 陈光!这里!”刚走出大门,孙小逊便在前面远远的吆喝他,还冲着他挥手。 Having a guilty conscience Chen Guang hurries the cell phone conceals pants pocket, walks, class leader Sir arrives at the scene, I refuels to small(this little one), slightly may really be in the surface has the light, really thanks fellow beautiful woman schoolmates!” 做贼心虚的陈光赶紧把手机藏裤兜里,走过去,“班长大人亲临现场,给小的我加油,小可真是面上有光,真是谢谢各位美女同学啦!” Well? What do I hide the cell phone to make? I and she have no relations! Is my at heart fishy? 咦?我藏手机做啥?我和她又没什么关系的!我这心里是有鬼吗? Chen Guang is complaining itself secretly, at this time he discovered that near the female students following flower-bed also sits a stealthy coy form, „, isn't this our basketball star Pan Jiang Uncle Pan? Do you have the interest in come to see my small role the invitational meet? Watches the good play? This play, but also is attractive?” 陈光暗自吐槽着自己,这时候他才发现女生们后面的花坛边上还坐着个鬼鬼祟祟扭扭捏捏的身影,“哟,这不是咱们的篮球明星潘江潘大爷吗?你怎么也有兴致来看我这小角色的预选赛啊?来看好戏的么?这戏,还算好看吧?” Chen Guang suspected Pan Jiang this goods play a dirty trick in secret, now exploded Dong Tao, on, if pulled out his face, this little while he also delivers to give to make up the blade, is really the intimate small cotton-wadded jacket. 陈光本就怀疑潘江这货暗中使坏,现在自己爆了董涛,就等若抽了他的脸,这会儿他还送上门来给补刀,真是贴心小棉袄。 The Pan Jiang forehead gives off heat, almost wishes one could to jump to choke to death Chen Guang, but looked again Chen Guang that smiles the small expression that did not speak, in the brain starts to roar, endured! I special must bear! 潘江脑门发热,几乎恨不得跳起来掐死陈光,但再看陈光那笑而不语的小表情,脑子里就开始咆哮起来,忍!我特么一定要忍住! Welcome the general book friends to visit reading, latest, quickest and hottest serial publication performs in the mobile phone user welcome to reading. 欢迎广大书友光临阅读,最新、最快、最火的连载作品尽在手机用户请到阅读。
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