CGA :: Volume #1

#44: Fishy

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The school team head coaches look at this, similarly the whole body somewhat becomes tender, mused, Chen Guang this boy is the monster? He had sprinted before obviously 200 meters, now should be exhausted early? 校队主教练看着这一幕,同样浑身有些发软,暗想,陈光这小子是怪物吧?明明之前他就已经冲刺了两百米,现在早该精疲力竭了吧? Why may arrive at finally these 100 meters, his speed can also be faster! 可为什么到了最后这一百米,他的速度还能更快! The experienced head coach looks to be dumbfounded, the surrounded audience are dumbfounded. 经验丰富的主教练看傻了眼,围观的观众们更是目瞪口呆。 Sun Xiaoxun both hands closely grab the parapet, the joint on finger because of making an effort excessively to turn white, she is excited the whole face hyperemia, the complexion is red, the breath must stop, probably the competing person is she is the same. 孙小逊双手紧紧抓着栏杆,手指上的骨节因为用力过度而发白,她激动得满脸充血,面色通红,呼吸都要停止了,好像正在比赛的人是她自己一样。 Pan Jiang is the complexion is pale, to let a Chen Guang preliminary contest round of roaming gets the hell out directly, oneself paid that big price, high and low arranges, finally gets so far as three school team players with his one group, this thinks that the matter was settled. 潘江则是面色铁青,为了让陈光预赛一轮游直接滚蛋,自己付出了那么大的代价,上下打点,终于把三个校队选手都弄到和他一组,本以为事情都板上钉钉了。 Now may be good, Chen Guang this goods play the role of the pig to eat the tiger unexpectedly, even Dong Tao got rid of to him! 现在可好,陈光这货居然扮猪吃老虎,连董涛都给他干掉了! This goods hide well deeply! 这货藏得好深啊! This fellow, really has your! Changed the monster!” In by wall that some Wen Wen same bodies of stand peak become tender, she has not expected, experienced, looked that a swim meet will also look such stimulated. “这家伙,真有你的!变怪物了!”远在看台顶端的文雯同样有些身子发软的靠在墙壁上,她都没料到,见多识广的自己,看一场游泳比赛也会看得这么亢奋。 The person who although competes is Chen Guang, indeed asked her particularly to worry, but she is only thinking must look at Chen Guang to leave smelly, has not actually thought that the final outcome was actually such winding peaks and paths. 虽然比赛的人是陈光,的确叫她分外牵挂,但她原本只想着要看陈光出糗的,却没想到最终结果却是如此的峰回路转。 Little Wen, you looked, I said to you, this Chen Guang was not simple, at all was not this that his surface seemed like! You must guard against him to select!” 小雯,你看,我都给你说了吧,这个陈光不简单,根本不是他表面看起来的这样!你得防着他点!” When does not know, Second Uncle Wen appears in the Wen Wen back. 不知道什么时候,文二叔出现在文雯的背后。 Second Uncle, I understands him compared with you. I know that his recent several days look somewhat strange, but he is he. Do not interfere with my matter, at least, before my university graduates, I am free!” Wen Wen does not return, said. “二叔,我比你了解他。我知道他最近几天看起来有些奇怪,但他还是他。你也别干涉我的事情,至少,在我大学毕业之前,我还是自由的!”文雯头也不回,说道。 Good, you must keep firmly in mind that in brief own status, you and Chen Guang, should maintain the distance.” “好吧,总之你得牢记自己的身份,你和陈光,应该保持距离。” „Did Second Uncle your let alone this matter, right, I ask the matter that you help me check to have the news before? I always feel in the Chen Guang family/home behind the hot pot that food poisoning to have the secret facts together.” “二叔你别说这事了,对了,我之前拜托你帮我查的事情有消息了吗?我总觉得陈光家里火锅店那一起食物中毒背后有隐情。” Second Uncle Wen is slightly silent long time, said: „The person who I send checked was very long, indeed discovered unusually some.” 文二叔略微沉默半晌,才说道:“我派去的人查了很久,的确发现了些异常。” Wen Wen knits the brows, what unusuality?” 文雯一皱眉,“什么异常?” „After initially had the poison, the police and hospital retained the blood serums and organism organizations of many poisoned, but after our people rush, these exhibits that the discovery all was actually preserved, all vanished baseless. In addition, our people also visited the families of dozens gas casualties one after another, discovered that the poisoned majority has been getting better at present completely, no one leaves behind the permanent to be disabled. I also make one disburse money to ask some victims to inspect to the hospital again, brings back the blood of some people to work as the sample, the lab results......” “当初发生中毒之后,警方和医院都保留了不少中毒者的血清以及肌体组织,但我们的人赶到后,却发现所有被保存下来的这些证物,全都凭空消失了。除此之外,我们的人还陆续走访了数十个中毒者的家庭,发现中毒者目前大多数都已经全部痊愈,无一人留下永久性伤残。我还让人出钱请部分受害者再度到医院去检查过,更取回一些人的血液当样品,化验结果……” Lab results how?” The Wen Wen brow slightly wrinkle, Second Uncle do not keep guessing, you know that I care to this matter very much.” “化验结果怎么了?”文雯眉头微皱,“二叔你就不要卖关子了,你知道我对这事很在意的。” The Second Uncle swallows the saliva, said: All lab results showed, these people now and normal person is nondistinctive, even cannot see any poisonous sign.” 二叔吞了吞口水,才说道:“所有化验结果都表明,这些人如今和正常人毫无区别,甚至根本就看不出任何中过毒的迹象。” „Isn't the phenomenon that but they were poisoned at that time the extremely serious, many people are even diagnosed to leave behind the permanent disability? These medicine reported that has the issue?” Wen Wen asked again. “但当时他们中毒的现象不是极其严重,不少人甚至被诊断会留下永久伤残吗?难道那些医学报告有问题?”文雯再度问道。 Therefore I said somewhat unusually. However many information, I indeed could not check, as if all traces had been erased.” The Second Uncle Wen forced smile said. “所以我才说有些异常。但是再多的信息,我的确也查不出来了,似乎所有的痕迹都已经被抹掉了。”文二叔苦笑道。 Good, I knew, many thanks Second Uncle.” Wen Wen no longer talks too much, but was silent. “好吧,我都知道了,多谢二叔。”文雯不再多言,而是沉默了下来。 The Second Uncle sighed slightly, you put best into it. Your matter, I hide very tired.” 二叔微微叹了口气,“你好自为之吧。你的事情,我藏得很累。” After saying, this Second Uncle jumps to leap, jumps down from the natatorium edge, is hidden enters in the woods. 说完之后,这二叔纵身一跃,从游泳馆边缘跳下,又是隐入树林中。 The Wen Wen brow tight wrinkle, thought aloud: This what's the matter? Is who does? Why can do that? Why can erase cleanly all traces?” 文雯眉头紧皱,自言自语道:“这到底是怎么回事呢?到底是谁做的呢?为什么要这么做?为什么又要把所有痕迹都抹除得一干二净?” The Second Uncle did not seem to speak the words entire, 二叔似乎没有把话说全, He is feared that what I do know? The technique and trace of this processing matter, is a little familiar, could it be ...... 他是怕我知道些什么吗?这种处理事情的手法与痕迹,有点熟悉啊,难道说…… But Chen Guang does not have the connection with these people, have no reason the coincidence to give to be involved in fighting of these people? 可是陈光与那些人从无瓜葛,没有理由那么巧合就给卷进那些人的争锋之中吧? Hateful! Matter has passed is so long, the evidence was also all erased, even if oneself want to check, did not have to be possible. 可恶!事情已经过去那么久,证据也全部被抹除,就算自己想查,却也查无可查了。 Oh, if did not dread that by the father was discovered oneself happen together excessively deeply in the school and an ordinary male student, Wen Wen really wants to disburse money also to wait these to level with the family that the Chen Guang father compensates quietly in secret. 唉,如果不是忌惮被父亲发现自己在学校里和一个普通男生交集过深,文雯真想悄悄出钱把那些还等着拿陈光父亲赔偿的家庭给暗中摆平了。 However she knows that she cannot do that now has the Second Uncle to cover to oneself, in the family/home is not clear about the actions in Wujing university, but if moved the wealth, sooner or later will reveal the secret. 但是她知道自己不能这么做,如今有二叔给自己打掩护,家里并不清楚自己在五京大学里的所作所为,可如果动了钱财,迟早就会露馅。 When the time comes, perhaps will kill Chen Guang. 到时候,恐怕会害死陈光 The will of the people, is really very fearful. 人心,真是很可怕呢。 These so-called victims, jump for joy obviously now, has no family to be willing to stand, told Chen Guang and his father, I had been getting better, does not need to compensate. 那些所谓的受害者,明明现在都一个个活蹦乱跳的,却没有任何一个家庭愿意站出来,告诉陈光和他父亲,我已经痊愈了,不需要赔偿了。 Their hands grasp the written judgment of court, is well-founded. 他们手握法院的判决书,有理有据。 They do not hate to arrive at the fat of mouth, even if this so-called fat on the skin and bones family has drawn blood from one. 他们舍不得已经到嘴里的肥肉,哪怕这所谓的肥肉是从一个已经瘦骨嶙峋的家庭上抽血。 Chen Guang and his parents, really harming miserably. 陈光和他的父母,真是给害惨了。 Wen Wen turns around to depart quietly, the necessity that this swim meet, has not looked, then must examine first trial fellow well, is such scary river character where to run to study, even I dare to conceal the truth, really does not want to mix! 文雯悄然转身离去,这场游泳比赛,已经没有看下去的必要了,回头一定要好好审一审这家伙,到底是跑哪里去学来的这么吓人的水性,连我都敢瞒着,真是不想混了! Another side, Chen Guang has traced to the end point sensor, leisurely turning head, Pan Jiang long in coming. 另一边,陈光已经摸到终点的感应器,悠哉悠哉的回过头来,潘江才姗姗来迟。 On the scoring board the Chen Guang data, frames at three minutes/shares 55 seconds. 计分板上陈光的数据,定格在三分五十五秒。 Dong Tao pats ruthlessly on the sensor, will wish one could the hatred to vent filled with on this thing. 董涛狠狠拍在感应器上,恨不得将满腔恨意发泄在这东西上。 Today's he has broken the highest record that oneself came for a long time unexpectedly, three minutes/shares 59 seconds, this is the first time that he swam until now for four minutes. 今天的他居然已经打破了自己长久一来的最高记录,三分五十九秒,这还是他迄今为止第一次游进四分钟。 However, has must lose, his right hand just received, the shoulder and right calf place then transmit an intense tear pain simultaneously, asking him the tooth to grin. 但是,有得必有失,他右手刚收回来,肩膀与右小腿处便同时传来一阵强烈的撕裂般的痛楚,叫他咧牙咧嘴。 His heart jumps, the misdemeanor, oneself made an effort excessively to pull injury the muscle! 他心头一跳,坏事了,自己用力过度拉伤肌肉了! Another six people arrive one after another, but the backward scope are more, the soy sauce four people of groups were even widened a about hundred meters disparity fully, does not know , can their innermost feelings cast the indelible shadow. 另外六人陆陆续续到达,但落后的幅度却更多,酱油四人组甚至整整被拉开了近百米的差距,也不知道回去之后他们的内心会不会留下难以磨灭的阴影。 Obviously is only an invitational meet, actually swam the result of state-level, the stand nearby audience were also loudly shouts satisfies a craving, many person even also mood stimulated is shouting the Chen Guang name. 明明只是一次预选赛,却游出了国家级的成绩,看台边上的观众们也是大呼过瘾,不少人甚至还有些情绪亢奋的呼喊着陈光的名字。 Schoolmate Chen Guang, I am head coach Qin Yuanhua of school swimming team, I thought that you have the potential very much, comes the swimming team! I really favor you very much!” Head coach Qin Yuanhua of school swimming team has not paid attention to be painful Dong Tao that completely the tooth grins, but squats in the Chen Guang swimming lane front, the alignment planned Chen Guang that crawls said. 陈光同学,我是学校游泳队的主教练秦远华,我觉得你很有潜力,来游泳队吧!我真的很看好你!”校游泳队的主教练秦远华完全没有留意痛得咧牙咧嘴的董涛,而是蹲在陈光的泳道前方,对正打算爬上来的陈光说道。 Chen Guang eye one bright, this but actually is also a getting rich path. 陈光眼睛一亮,这倒也是个发财的路子嘛。 If can become the free agent, attended Olympic Games, wins the gold medal, becomes the world champion, can become Sun Yang and Liu Xiang's same celebrity, represented the contract to follow on somebody's heels, in the future will be interested in also being able to the entertainment industry to develop, relaxed annual income broken hundred million, got married Ms.Perfect(white, rich, and beautiful), stepped onto the life peak! 如果能够成为职业运动员,参加奥运会,夺取金牌,成为世界冠军,就可以成为孙洋和刘向一样的名人,代言合同接踵而至,将来有兴趣还能向娱乐行业发展,轻轻松松年入破亿,迎娶白富美,走上人生巅峰呀! Good! Coach Qin, has my speed been able to win the world champions?” Chen Guang asking in high spirits. “好呀!秦教练,我这速度已经可以拿世界冠军了?”陈光兴冲冲的问道。 Thanks hitting of three brothers enjoy today, the life is most difficult to give opportune help, thank you!】 【感谢今天三位兄弟的打赏,人生最难是雪中送炭,谢谢你们!】 Welcome the general book friends to visit reading, latest, quickest and hottest serial publication performs in the mobile phone user welcome to reading. 欢迎广大书友光临阅读,最新、最快、最火的连载作品尽在手机用户请到阅读。
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