„Dong Tao! What do youdo? Sendsanythingto stare! Youwere caught upquickly! Todayyoumustlose, starting fromtomorrow, yourdailytraining programmentions30,000meters!” The head coachlooksin the swimming pool,somewhatworriesat heart, Dong Taothisboyanythingis good, the talentis not bad, is the competitionattitudedisappointshimquite, is not always very earnest. Ifhereallylosestoday, the facial skin of oneselfthisswimming teamhead coach, reallydid not haveplaceto put.
“董涛!你搞什么?发什么愣!你都快被追上了!今天你要输了,从明天开始,你每天的训练计划提到三万米!”主教练在泳池边看着,心里有些着急,董涛这小子什么都好,天赋也不差,就是比赛态度让他颇为失望,总是不够认真。如果今天他真输了,那自己这游泳队主教练的脸皮,真没地儿搁了。Hearshead coachloudreproving, the Dong Taowhole bodyquickly grasps the meaning of something, althoughfeelsunbelievable, buthealsoknows that the matteris not wonderful, hurriesto spunk up, puts out the completestrength.
听到主教练大声的训斥,董涛浑身一个激灵,虽然觉得难以置信,但他也知道事情不妙了,赶紧打起精神,拿出全部实力来。AsDong Taoalsostartsto increase speed, competition in swimming pooldoes not have the entrysuperheating of indicationimmediately.
随着董涛也开始提速,泳池里的争夺顿时毫无征兆的进入白热化。Damn! HowIwas possibly exceededbyhim!
The Dong Tao10,000thoughtshowlat heart, buthealsoknowsoneselfreallydid not haveto choose, mustdraw inas soon as possiblecompletely the mind, removedin the brain these meaningless thought that do not consider the physical strengthadvantage that again the finalhalfusetrainedpulled openwith the Chen Guangdisparity, must increase speed!董涛心里一万个念头呼啸而过,但他也知道自己真没得选择了,必须尽快将心神全部收拢起来,刨除掉脑子里那些毫无意义的念头,不要再考虑最后半截利用训练出来的体力优势拉开与陈光的差距了,现在就得提速!Hedoes not wantto be caught upbyChen Guang, does not wantto advance in unisonwithChen Guang, even ifonesecond of compound, is unacceptable!
他不想被陈光追上,不想和陈光齐头并进,哪怕一秒钟的并列,也不能接受!first group that Chen Guang and Dong Taofourpeoplecompose, was pulled openmore and moregreatlywithbehind the disparities between secondgroups.陈光与董涛四人组成的第一集团,与后面的第二集团之间的差距被拉开得越来越大。Butwhatmakes the Dong Taothreepeopledesperateis, howregardless oftheygo all out a stroke of water, unexpectedlycannotcast offChen Guangas before!
但让董涛三人绝望的是,无论他们如何拼命划水,居然依旧不能将陈光甩开!When, will so swimto300metersimmediately, Chen Guangcaught up withDong Taofinally for the first time thoroughly!
The head coachpupilshrinks, feelsamazed, wantsto saysecretly: „Has not really thought that hecanmaintainhigh-speeduntil the present, evencantieDong Tao. However, regarding a non-specializedathlete, thisis the limit? The Dong Taothreepeoplealsosomewhatoverdraw the physical strength, startssign that presents the successorto feel weak, waits forChen Guangheto turnthisbodyagain, entersfinalmoment after 300meters, becausesurely the physical abilitywill dry upto slow downrapidly. Chen Guang, youreallyhave the talentvery much, even ifyoulosetoday, stilljustlosesis never passing throughinspecialist trainingthis. You! Glorious defeat!”
主教练瞳孔一缩,倍感惊诧,暗自想道:“真没想到他能保持高速到现在,甚至能追平董涛。不过,对于一个非专业的运动员而言,想必这就已经是极限了吧?就连董涛三人也有些透支体力,开始出现后继乏力的迹象,等陈光他再转过这个身,进入三百米之后的最后关头,必定会因为体能枯竭而迅速变慢吧。陈光,你真的很有天赋,就算今天你输了,也只不过输在从未经过专业训练这一项上。你!虽败犹荣!”Not only the head coachthinkslike this,at this timein the Dong Taothreepeople of hearts is also the similar thought that becausealthougheruptsahead of time, causessome of theirphysical abilityconditiondrops, buttheyafter allare the processyear to yearhalffree agent of training, can still increase speedinbehindthese100metersagainslightly, puts out the truesprintcondition.
不光主教练这样想,此时董涛三人心中也是差不多的念头,虽然因为提前爆发,导致他们体能状况有些下降,但他们毕竟是经过常年训练的半职业运动员,在后面这一百米依然可以再度稍稍提速,拿出真正的冲刺状态来。Was the timewidens the disparitywiththisboy!
是时候与这小子拉开差距了!Althoughcannotwrap/setshimoneto be a pity, butthistypefirstgiveshimto hope,thenletshisdesperatefeeling, is actually very also good.
虽然不能套他一圈非常可惜,但这种先给他希望,然后又让他绝望的感觉,其实也很不错呢。Dong Taois so thinking, pats the water the strengthto add a pointagain, the speedwas really faster.董涛如此想着,拍水的力气再加一分,速度果然更快了。Heturns headto lookagaintoward right,anothertwoteammateshave also startedto increase speed the sprint.
他再扭头往右边看去,另外两个队友也已经开始提速冲刺。Boys! Desperate!
The Dong Taoheartis laughing wildly.董涛心头狂笑着。In the meantime, the suddensprayflungto selectslightlyfrom the next doorswimming lane, knockedonhistemples.
什么?Dong Taofirstissomewhatvacant, but in a flash, thenfiercerealized that whatthis means that did Chen Guangsurpassme?董涛先是有些茫然,但转瞬后便猛的意识到这意味着什么,陈光超过我了?
When hetakes a breathlifted the headslightlya lot a point, saw clearly the situation of sideswimming lanethoroughly, onlypitifully, lefthis, only had a pair of Chen Guangboth feet.
他换气时稍稍把脑袋抬得多了一点,将旁边泳道的情况彻底看清楚了,只可惜,留给他的,只有一双陈光的双脚。Takes a breathagain, Dong Taolooked atonetowardside, thistime, the Chen Guangboth feetalsotofront!
再一次换气,董涛又往旁边看了一眼,这一次,就连陈光的双脚也到前面去了!This...... thisisanything!
这……这是什么啊!„God! My God! Chen GuangexceededDong Tao! Exceededin the latter half!”
“天啊!我的天!陈光把董涛超越了!在后半段超越了!”„Dong Taotheyare notspecialized? Howto be givenbyChen Guangultra? Ido not understand!”
„ What does thishave is quite strange? Dong Taothesepeople, are hanging the reputation of schoolswimming team, actually is also the good-looking but useless goods, the ghostknows that his whatmaster sportsmancertificatemustcome, shouldnot bewill draw cashto make? Reallydisgraced! Howeverthismatter happened inourcountry,
“这有什么好奇怪的?董涛这些人,挂着学校游泳队的名头,其实也就是样子货,鬼知道他那什么运动健将证书是怎么得来的,该不会是拿钱弄的吧?真是丢人!不过这种事情发生在咱们国家,As ifalsohas nothingincomprehensible. ” „Do you twoshut up? The abovetimeboard won't youlook? Nowthreeminutes! IfDong Taokeepsthisspeed, the roamingarrivesfinally, the timedefinitely about fourminutes, thisis the level of standard400meterscrawlmaster sportsman!” Others cannot bearthesetwoamateuraudience'sdiscussions, spoketo teach.
似乎也没什么不能理解。”“你们两个闭嘴好吗?上面的计时板你们不会看?现在才三分钟!如果董涛保持这速度,游到最后,时间肯定在四分钟左右,这就是标准的四百米自由泳运动健将的水平!”旁人受不了这两个业余观众的讨论,出言教训着。„ButChen Guangis in the leadnow, ifDong Taois the master sportsman, whatlevelthatChen Guangshouldbe? Youthought how manyChen Guangcanswimprobably?”
“但现在陈光领先,如果董涛是运动健将,那陈光应该是什么水平?你觉得陈光大概能游多少?”Thisknowing the businessschoolmatewas shockedall of a sudden, „WTF! day!”
这名懂行的同学一下子愣住了,“卧槽!日啊!”„What's wrong? What's wrong?”Twohaving a scare.
“怎么了?怎么了?”那两人给吓了一跳。„Youdid not say,Ispecialhave not thought! WhereChen Guangthisfellowbraves! Have no reason! Thisis unreasonable!”
“你们不说,我特么还没想到!陈光这家伙到底从哪里冒出来的!没理由啊!这不合理啊!”„Howyougaveto say the big brother! Cannot hang the personappetite?”
“到底怎么了你给说啊大哥!能别吊人胃口吗?”„Isaidtoyou! ThisChen Guang, ifcanswim for threeminutes/shares52seconds! Thatis the state-levelathlete, topthat! Evenhas the opportunityto participate inWorld Championshipon behalf of the country!”
“我给你们说!这陈光,如果能游进三分五十二秒!那就是国家级运动员,顶级的那种!甚至有机会代表国家参加世界大赛!”„Realfalse? Tooscary?”
“真的假的?太吓人了吧?”„Ontimeboardis demonstrating the timeclearly, can thishave the false?” The buddy is also the whole facefrightenedexpression.
“计时板上清清楚楚的显示着时间,这能有假?”那哥们也是满脸受惊的表情。No onecanunderstandat this timeDong Taoat heartdesperate, hehas put out the completestrength, evenfeltoneselfnevercrosslikethis timewhole-heartedly, but, sideswimming lanethatformis actually still going far away, more and more!
没人能明白此时董涛的心里到底有多绝望,他已经拿出了全部的力气,甚至觉得自己从未像此时这样全力以赴过,可是,旁边泳道那个身影却依然在远去,越来越远!Oneselfarethatsoaks the school teamplayer of laborioustrainingobviouslyevery dayin the swimming pool, Chen Guangwith the schoolenvironmental scienceisin a commonboy!
明明自己才是那个每天都泡在泳池里辛苦训练的校队选手,陈光只是同学院环境科学系里一个不起眼的小子而已!Why can besuchresult?
可为什么会是这样的结果?Iam unwilling! Is unwilling!
The Dong Taomouthis whooshing, roaring, on the arm the blue veinbraves, heevenneglectedoneselfphysical abilityactuallyto dropfiercefact very much, when the tearingfeeling of neglected the twocalvesactuallyalreadytransmittedoverworkswarns.董涛嘴里嘶吼着,咆哮着,手臂上青筋直冒,他甚至忽略了自己体能其实下降得很厉害的事实,也忽略了自己两条小腿其实已经传来过劳时警告的撕裂感。Hedoes not wantto lose!
他不想输!Iam the King of Wujinguniversityswimming team!
我可是五京大学游泳队的王者!Iam the nova who Dachuan(Big River) ProvinceSwimmingraisesslowly!
我可是大川省游泳界冉冉升起的新星!HowIcanlose toChen Guangthistypenot to knowunimportant person who wherebraves!
我怎么可以输给陈光这种不知道从哪里冒出来的小人物!„Xiaotao, I have not seenhas looked likeyouto swim the quickchild, practices the swimming, in the futureyouwill have the opportunityto become the Olympic champion!”
“小涛,我从来没有见过像你游得这么快的孩子,练游泳吧,将来你有机会成为奥运冠军!”„Dong Tao! Youare the talent! Youare we smalltalent of Houareaswimmingschool! Youcandominate the nationsooner or later! The training, you can also be the same withSunYangwellsooner or later, are on the Olympicpodium!”
“董涛!你是天才!你是我们将侯区游泳学校的小天才!你迟早可以称霸全国!好好训练,你迟早也能和孙洋一样,登上奥运领奖台!”„Xiaotao, this yearyoubigthree, yourstudiesa littlefallmuch, butthis are not related, the fatherhad reached an agreementwith the school leader, youtrainwell, cross the national team coaches to inspectyoua while, byyourability and talent, enters the national teamto be settled. So long asyoucaninternationallymake the progress, the schoolwill solveyourgraduationproblem, youwill become the pride of ourfamily/homeandschool!”
Everyone from infancy to maturity, Dong Taoknows, is repeating a view, yourDong Taois the talent, sooner or latercanstep onto the world, becomes an internationalswimming fielddazzlingstar!
从小到大,董涛认识的每一个人,都在重复着一个说法,你董涛是天才,迟早都能走上世界,成为国际泳坛一颗耀眼的明星!At this time, Dong Taoeverydelimits the wateronetime, thenhassucha few wordsto reappearinhisheart, actuallyinsteadbecame the ridicule and ridicule of stabbing painwill of the people.
此时,董涛每一次划水,便有这样一句话在他心底浮现,却反而成了刺痛人心的嘲笑与讥讽。Heis unwilling, hecould not have detectedexhaustedly, cannot feel the pain, heonlyknows that burnsunceasingly the strength in within the body, hedoes not wantto lose, wantsto be quicker! The quicker the better!
他不甘心,他已经察觉不到疲惫,也感受不到痛苦,他只知道不断的燃烧自己体内的力量,他不想输,想要更快!越快越好!Howeveruseless! Distance between he and Chen Guang, byunceasingpull!
但是没用!他和陈光之间的距离,正被不断的拉开!„Sorry, youwere too slow!”In the meantime, transmitscoldsnort/humfrom the next doorswimming lane.
“抱歉,你太慢了!”就在此时,从隔壁泳道传来一声冷哼。Dong Tao, my God!董涛一顿,我的天哪!Heunexpectedlyalreadytoneroamingfinal50meters!
他居然已经调头游最后的五十米了!Dong Taoprobablyis at once mechanicalraisesboth hands, takes possessionlaunching, healsocompleted the movement of last timetone.
Since when hebravesfrom the water surfaceagain, onlyhas actually been ableto see the frontincreasingly estrangedwater splash.
可当他从水面上再度冒起时,却已经只能看到前方渐行渐远的水花。Hisat heart, an icy coldness.
他的心里,一片冰凉。Ended! Complete!
A nameddesperatemood, swallowshimthoroughly!
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