CGA :: Volume #1

#42: Chase

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Finally, when soon swims the starting point, when is altogether the roaming to 100 meters, Chen Guang last of Dong Tao three people of groups catching up! This person has not thought from the start may be caught up, in the air change gap, his corner of the eye split vision is glancing to see first Chen Guang to cross from own side, proceeds to flee fiercely. 终于,当快要游回出发点,也就是一共游到一百米时,陈光董涛三人组的最后一个给赶上了!这人压根就没想过自己有可能被追上,在换气的间隙,他眼角余光正瞟见第一道的陈光从自己身边越过,往前猛窜。 Shakes the head, he thinks that oneself had the illusion, stared at one again carefully, finally believes this fearful fact, was really caught up! 晃晃脑袋,他以为自己产生幻觉了,再仔细盯了一眼,终于相信了这可怕的事实,真被追上了! WTF! Noisy! How possibly! But I am specialized! 卧槽!闹呢!怎么可能!我可是专业的! What a pity, the swimming pool to the swimming athlete, is not only gentle, is brutal. 可惜,泳池对游泳运动员而言,既是温柔的,也是残酷的。 Not because you do not believe the tears, lets you quickly. 不会因为你不相信眼泪,就让你更快一点。 He can only look helplessly Chen Guang pursues little , two people were parallel gradually! 他只能眼睁睁看着陈光一点点追赶过来,渐渐的,两人平行了! Then was spread out arm! 然后被拉开一只手臂的距离了! Ended! Dropped half body! 完了!落下半个身位了! My God! 我的天! At this time, 400 meters free swimming match, had passed 100 meters distance. 此时,四百米自由泳赛,已经过去了一百米距离。 Chen Guang is still maintaining high-speed, since he starts to sprint now, the speed has not then weakened. 陈光依然保持着高速,从他开始冲刺到现在,速度便没有丝毫衰减。 After exceeding the third person, the goal that he pursues then proceeds again one step, goes toward the second position. 当超越第三人之后,他追赶的目标便再度往前一步,朝着第二的位置而去。 Dong Tao in front some places, had not discussed regardless the moral behavior, he can obtain the authentication of master sportsman as half professional, is not a commonplace. 董涛还在更前面些的地方,抛开人品不谈,他能以半职业选手的身份得到运动健将的认证,也绝非等闲。 That authentication can enter four minutes/shares 400 meters crawl roaming really 4 seconds, making the least bit is false. 那认证实打实都是能将四百米自由泳游进四分零四秒,做不得半点虚假。 At this time, Dong Tao still rides to be above mundane thoughts, leads the second about two bodies, leads Chen Guang to have three bodies. 此时,董涛依然一骑绝尘,领先第二名大约两个身位,领先陈光则有三个身位。 Dong Tao also and does not care about oneself behind matter, because he knows, in this competition, oneself does not need to care about others, only needed to be the same like in the past training, according to own rhythm, the steady roaming to 300 meters, then caught up in the final two revolutions of 100 meters slightly, can with ease own result stable at four minutes/shares about 20 seconds, perhaps although this level was nothing at the international and domestic regulation game, but ruled in a school the games, was actually had more than enough to spare. 董涛也并不在意自己身后的事情,因为他知道,在这种比赛里,自己根本不用在意别人,只需要如同往常的训练一样,按照自己的节奏,稳稳的游到三百米,然后在最后两转的一百米内稍稍发力,就能轻松将自己的成绩稳定在四分二十秒左右,这水准虽然在国际国内的正式比赛上或许算不了什么,但统治个校内运动会,却是绰绰有余了。 Even if another two with for the teammate of school team, they use the strength of nursing also just to swim for four minutes/shares 20 seconds. 哪怕另外两个同为校队的队友,他们使出吃奶的力气也就刚好能游进四分二十秒而已。 Snort! Hard strength that the swimming puts together, does not have any accidental factor can control the result of the competition! 哼!游泳拼的可是硬实力,没有任何偶然因素可以左右比赛结果! So far, the entire competition during the control of Dong Tao, he has not caught up, then led another teammate two bodies, Chen Guang that boy surely also in a behind farther place, said that must wrap/sets his two, must really wrap/sets two! 到目前为止,整场比赛都在董涛的掌控之中,他都还没有发力,便领先了另一个队友两个身位,陈光那小子必定还在后面更远的地方吧,说了要套他两圈,就要真套两圈! Person who does not undergo the system training, let alone swam 400 meters, after 200 meters, almost must change the dead fish by floating. 不经过系统训练的人,别说游四百米了,过两百米之后就差不多要变死鱼靠漂的了。 Dong Tao has not known, the second teammate the whole person is not good at this time! 董涛还不知道,自己第二名的队友此时整个人都不好了! He in third, Chen Guang in first, the earliest possible time that Chen Guang just pursued, he then detected that the matter is not right. 他在第三道,陈光在第一道,陈光刚刚追赶上来的第一时间,他便察觉到事情不对劲。 Three people of preliminary contest minutes/shares to a group, caused the stir, if also by the amateur surpassing, oneself these people became the joke of entire school, how in the future to also be able to gain ground! 三人预赛分到一个小组,本就引起轰动,如果还被个业余选手给超了,那自己这些人岂不是成了整个学校的笑话,往后还怎么抬得起头来! It is not good! I must sprint! 不行!我要冲刺了! Not is only he, already by Chen Guang exceeded third, at this time where still remembers that usually trains the physical strength assignment rhythm, clenches the teeth ruthlessly, starts to go all out catches up! 不光是他,早已被陈光超越了的第三名,这时候哪里还记得平时训练中的体力分配节奏,狠狠咬紧牙关,开始拼命的发力起来! Lets you again happily a while, we after the specialist training, we must swim over ten thousand meters every day! 再让你得意一阵子,我们可是经过专业训练的,我们每天要游上万米! I do not believe! Even if your explosive force is strong, after have no reason , the half range you can also insist! 我就不信了!哪怕你爆发力再强,没理由后半程你还能坚持! Near the swimming pool head coach was also made some headaches by these people of actions, he comes to here, wants to see these person of true competition levels, the first half range on roaming to become this, the latter half range definitely must feel weak now, the result will link surely was usually inferior. 泳池边的主教练也被这几人的举动弄得有些头疼,他来这里,是想看到这些人真正的比赛水平,前半程就游成现在这样,后半程肯定全都得乏力,成绩必定会连平时都不如。 Do not look that called the Chen Guang young fellow the roaming to be now quick, leading the other two also to pick up the speed, if by any chance has swum this revolution, once his speed were slow, the other two will naturally also follow to slow the tempo. 别看那叫陈光的小伙子现在游很快,带着另外两人也加快了速度,但等游过这一转,他的速度一旦慢下来,另外两人自然也都跟着会放慢速度了。 What did you say in your brains to think? 你说你们两人脑子里在想什么? Others Chen Guang has not undergone the training, does not know the assignment physical strength, you at father hand/subordinate specialist training two years of person, but also this morality, doesn't this give me to lose face? 别人陈光没经过训练,不知道分配体力,你们可是在老子手下专业训练了两年的人,还这副德性,这不给我丢人么? How the head coach in the heart thinks at this time, the ringside audience is not clear, they only saw, Chen Guang not only exceeded the school team player ranked the third, at this time had started to attack the second school team players. 主教练此时心中怎么想,场边观众并不清楚,他们只看到,陈光不但超越了排在第三的校队选手,这时候更已经开始冲击第二名的校队选手了。 Has really it, these three people of simultaneous accelerations, are still saving the physical strength the Dong Tao distance also to pull closer with the front unexpectedly gradually! 更有甚之,这三人同时加速,与前方还在节省体力的董涛的距离居然也渐渐拉近了! Different with others, but Dong Tao the celebrity in school swimming fan, really has the master sportsman of certificate, this year accidental/surprised will even enter the provincial team, becomes on behalf of the well-known player who the provincial team attended the national games! 和别人不同,董涛可是学校游泳爱好者中的名人,实打实的有证书的运动健将,今年不出意外甚至会进入省队,成为代表省队参加全国运会的知名选手! The spray that whips from the swimming pool surges wave upon wave, gave to raise gradually the mood of all audience. 从泳池里拍打起来的浪花一浪高过一浪,渐渐将所有观众的情绪都给掀起来了。 Roaring voice continuously, from resounds in the natatorium crazily, condensed one gradually, resounded through the entire natatorium! 此起彼伏的加油声,从在游泳馆里疯狂响起,渐渐凝聚成了一股,响彻整个游泳馆! On the side of Dong Tao calm wielding arm, delimits the water, suspends the leg, in the ear hears indistinctly the sound, very disdains is thinking, these people really have not seen the world, I have not caught up, your exciting what vigor? 董涛一边淡定的挥臂,划水,摆腿,耳中隐约听到外界的声音,十分不屑的想着,这些人真是没见过世面,我都还没发力呢,你们到底激动个什么劲? Refuels can swim quickly? 加油就能让人游得更快? Can Chen Guang the counterattack? 陈光就能逆袭了? Noisy! 闹呢! Waits again, now nearly 200 meters, have waited for 100 meters again, I erupt the speed again, making you experience the strength of national top player! 再等一等,现在已经快两百米了,再等一百米,我再爆发速度,让你们见识见识国家顶级选手的实力! The front not far away is the swimming pool wall, Dong Tao very skilled both hands wields simultaneously, throws downward, with passing innumerable treads the wall to turn around, he very satisfied with in the water sizes up as usual, other swimming lanes are empty, and no one can also turn around with him. 前方不远处就是泳池壁,董涛十分熟练的双手同时挥起,往下一扑,和过往无数次踏壁转身一样,他在水中十分惬意的左右打量和往常一样,其他泳道都是空空荡荡的,并没有任何人能与他同时转身。 Oh, invincible, is always lonely! 唉,无敌,总是寂寞啊! Dong Tao slightly feels intent, he has ruled the Wujing university Swimming entire three years , when only then trains to the provincial team , the professional athletes in provincial team can bring some pressures to him. 董涛略感得意,他已经统治了五京大学游泳界整整三年,也就只有到省队里去训练时,省队中的专业运动员能给他带来些压力。 In he is self-satisfied time, in his nearby swimming lane presents a pair of hand suddenly , this person of complete body then maps in the Dong Tao view again. 正在他得意着的当儿,他旁边的泳道里却猛然出现一双手来,再紧接着,这人的全部身躯便映入董涛眼帘里。 The Dong Tao pupil shrinks, haven't I special misread? This anything! 董涛瞳孔一缩,我特么没看错吧?这什么啊! Have I wrapped his two? 难道我已经套了他两圈了? Calculates, now 200 meters, I have wrapped his entire 100 meters? 算一算,现在已经两百米了,我就套了他整整一百米了? Although some are unscientific, but also not totally impossible, really has not thought that boy is so unexpectedly weak. 虽然有些不科学,但也并非完全不可能的嘛,真是没想到那小子居然这么弱呢。 Sometimes, is excessively self-confident, is really one listens to the sorrowful matter. 有时候,过分自信,真是一件听悲哀的事情。 Right! Chen Guang has actually caught up with Dong Tao! 没错!陈光其实已经追上董涛了! After Dong Tao carries out thoroughly this time turns around, Chen Guang two legs has also supported on the swimming pool wall, catches up, the ejection, closely caught up with the Dong Tao step. 董涛彻底完成这次转身之后,陈光也已经将两腿撑在泳池壁上,发力,弹射而出,紧紧追上了董涛的步伐。 After Chen Guang, Dong Tao that two time teammates also follow closely, but, in tandem, is nipping Chen Guang stubbornly. 陈光之后,董涛那两个次一些的队友也紧随而至,一前一后,死死咬着陈光 Dong Tao has only led the Chen Guang half body! 董涛已经只领先陈光半个身位了! He then noticed that the situations of another two teammates, the heart quickly grasps the meaning of something, is not right! 他这才留意到另外两名队友的情况,心头一个激灵,不对劲! What! Did their two also turn around at this time? 什么!他们两个也在这时候转身? could it be ...... was Chen Guang this boy pursues! 难道说……是陈光这小子追上来了! Dong Tao first stares, even pats the water the movement to be half beat behind. 董涛先是一愣,甚至连拍水的动作都慢了半拍。 Welcome the general book friends to visit reading, latest, quickest and hottest serial publication performs in the mobile phone user welcome to reading. 欢迎广大书友光临阅读,最新、最快、最火的连载作品尽在手机用户请到阅读。
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