CGA :: Volume #1

#41: Torpedo Chen Guang

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Inspiration of ruthlessly, Chen Guang finally starts to catch up. As his right palm pats ruthlessly on the water surface, he then fierce flees a big truncation toward front. 狠狠的吸了口气,陈光终于开始发力。随着他右手掌狠狠拍在水面上,他便猛的往前面窜出去一大截。 Surrounded people from these had not seen that what fishy comes, is still sympathizing with the healthy mister of Chen Guang this tragedy at heart. 围观的人们并没有从这一下看出什么蹊跷来,依然在心里同情着陈光这个悲剧的健美先生。 Actually Sun Xiaoxun several people instead by Chen Guang this movement stimulating, the sound of refueling becomes more and more greatly. 倒是孙小逊几人反而被陈光这一下动作给刺激到了,加油的声音变得越来越大。 These four people catch up to shout, before letting actually, followed to roar the other female students of two throats to keep up with the rhythm. 这四人发力呼喊,倒是让之前跟着吼了两嗓子的其他女生们又跟上了节奏。 Lifeform that human always follows the crowd, when some people take the lead in doing something, this matter does not direct the person conflicts, will then not lack following. 人类总是从众的生物,当有人带头做某件事,这事又不引人抵触的时候,便不会缺乏跟风者。 Therefore, in spacious natatorium throughout only then Chen Guang refuels these four characters to resound unceasingly, has the increasing number of people to join in this ranks gradually. 因此,空旷的游泳馆里始终就只有陈光加油这四个字不断响起,渐渐又有越来越多的人加入这行列中来。 Pan Jiang hates in the one side is the tooth is itchy, the complexion was black quickly can blow a pot bottom ash to get down, how many oneself arranged Dong Tao person and Chen Guang this goods preliminary contest minute/share to one group laboriously, now became helped Chen Guang draw the popularity on the contrary? 潘江在一旁恨得是牙痒痒,脸色黑得都快能刮一层锅底灰下来了,自己辛辛苦苦安排董涛几人和陈光这货预赛分到一组,如今反倒成了帮陈光拉人气了? Snort! Many people refuel to you are also useful! Is it possible that can you also overturn the heavens inadequately? 哼!再多的人给你加油又有什么用!莫非你还能翻天了不成? Curling the lip that Pan Jiang disdains, is filled with uncomfortable looks toward the swimming lane on, anything! It is not right! Really must overturn the heavens! 潘江不屑的撇撇嘴,满心不爽的又往泳道上看去,啥!不对劲!真要翻天了! When does not know, the slogan of refueling had stopped gradually, because people discovered fiercely, as if first healthy little elder brother Chen Guang does not need to refuel from the start! 不知道什么时候,加油的呐喊声已经渐渐停了下来,因为人们猛的发现,似乎第一道的健美小哥陈光压根就不需要加油啊! Others that was everyone made a moment ago is playing! 人家刚才那是和大家闹着玩儿呢! As Chen Guang starts to accelerate truly, the imposing manner was immediately different. 随着陈光真正开始加速,气势立马就不一样了。 His whole person toward front like torpedo same fled, in the first revolution of 50 meters swimming pool the imperfect tense, he then still had exceeded another four soy sauce players. 他整个人往前面如同鱼雷一样的窜了出去,在五十米泳池的第一转尚未完成时,他便已经超越了另外四个酱油选手。 At this time the Dong Tao three people approximately also leads he -and-a-half bodies, but before he starts to catch up, this disparity has widened to two bodies! 此时董涛三人大约还领先他一个半的身位,但在他开始发力之前,这差距可是已经拉大到两个身位了! Person who the swimming pool nearby head coach knows the business truly, after the first revolution of 50 meters , the explosive force that half Chen Guang shows, has then been called him two to shine, this young fellow has the real skill! 泳池边上的主教练是真正懂行的人,就第一转五十米后半截陈光展现出来的爆发力,便已经叫他两眼放光,这小伙子是有真本事的啊! The sprint ability of this short distance, is really not a lid! 这短距离的冲刺能力,真不是盖的! Even if his 400 meters really lose to Dong Tao not to relate, attending 100 meters competition is also has bright prospects! 哪怕他四百米真输给董涛也没关系,参加一百米比赛也是大有可为啊! Good, is a good seedling! 不错,是个好苗子! Ordinary viewer after all many on the scene, and no one can that erupt from Chen Guang a moment ago saw that so many clue come, still thought that the Chen Guang backward disadvantage is very obvious. 在场的普通观众毕竟还是多数,并没有人能从陈光刚才那一下的爆发中看出这么多端倪来,依然觉得陈光落后的劣势还是十分明显。 Even if head coach, has thought at this time Chen Guang had the talent very much, still did not think that he can defeat Dong Tao. 即便是主教练本人,这时候已经认为陈光很有天赋了,却也依然不觉得他可以战胜董涛 This after all is 400 meters, needed may not only be the explosive force, short excessively after erupting, likely takes off/escapes the strength rapidly, the head coach believes that the disparity of player in the following 350 meters, this young fellow and Dong Tao three named Chen Guang after specialist training will gradually widen. 这毕竟是四百米,需要的可不仅仅是爆发力,短暂的过度爆发之后,很可能就是迅速脱力,主教练认为,在接下来的三百五十米中,这位名叫陈光的小伙子和董涛三名经过专业训练的选手的差距还是会逐渐拉大。 Even if he can pursue on Dong Tao by the eruption of breaknecking in then this, he is impossible to continue! 哪怕他能靠玩命的爆发在接下来这一趟中追赶上董涛,他也不可能一直持续得下去! But the most surprised person is actually not they, but is stands in stand most above Wen Wen high. 但最吃惊的人却不是他们,而是高高站在看台最上方的文雯 Approximately before more than one year, she once drew non-swimmer Chen Guang to go to a swimming pool of city forcefully. 大约在一年多前,她曾经强行拉着旱鸭子陈光去了一次市里的泳池。 At that time she worked to a frazzle to the Chen Guang force-feed type trains for quite a while, Chen Guang also only grasped most foundation dog-paddle reluctantly, and most can only insist several meters away. 当时她累死累活给陈光填鸭式培训了大半天,陈光也只勉强掌握了最基础的狗刨式,并且最多只能坚持几米远。 In oneself in the process that teaches him to swim, occupied many cheap tofu that this fellow is thrown into confusion, he also is very afterward puzzled, wants to continue to flirt comes the swimming pool again, filling psychological fear. 在自己教他游泳的过程中,给这家伙手忙脚乱的占去了不少便宜豆腐,事后他也很是纠结,又想继续吃豆腐再来泳池,又给灌得心理恐惧。 Finally he lost to feared the water psychology, henceforth did not raise the swimming, a saying was anxious. 最终他还是败给了恐水心理,从此再不提游泳,一说就急。 After all passed heavily his body weight on that afternoon several jin (0.5 kg), right, purely drinking. 毕竟就那一下午过去他体重都重了好几斤,没错,纯粹是给喝的。 But today? 可今天呢? This fellow not only attended the competition, after launching, seems like the fish to turn over to the sea to be the same simply! 这家伙不但参加了比赛,下水之后更简直像是鱼归大海一样! Vision most original Wen Wen has looked at Chen Guang and other swimming different places. 眼光最为独到的文雯已然看出来陈光与其他泳者不一样的地方。 Even if Dong Tao such apex half professional, seems like in the water is also ordinary with the water fight, not to mention others. 哪怕是董涛这样的顶尖半职业选手,在水里也像是在与水搏斗一般,就更不用说其他人了。 But Chen Guang this goods? 陈光这货呢? Catches up to pat the water to start from him for the first time, then to a Wen Wen feeling, he seems like in enjoying this type in the feeling in the water having a good swim? 从他第一次发力拍水开始,便给文雯一种感觉,他似乎是在享受这种在水中畅游的感觉? The powerful arm pats, the water current as if listens to his command, two calf RF instabilities, almost turned into an electric small motor! 强有力的臂膀拍下,水流仿佛听他号令,两只小腿高频抖动,几乎变成了个电动小马达! Wen Wen cannot bear in the heart asks itself, this is that fears the water like the tiger, this School Beauty tofu does not hate to eat doesn't have guts sexual harasser Chen Guang? 文雯忍不住在心头反问自己,这还是那个恐水如虎,连本校花的豆腐都不舍得吃的没胆色狼陈光吗? This simply...... simply is a torpedo! 这简直……简直就是个鱼雷! Regarding this time Chen Guang, Wen Wen thinks it over, found a quite appropriate noun to describe him finally! 对于此时的陈光,文雯思来想去,总算是找到了个比较贴切的名词来形容他! That side Chen Guang, turns around, the curved leg, a tread on the swimming pool wall, proceeds fiercely jumps out a big truncation ruthlessly! 那边的陈光,转身,弯腿,在泳池壁上狠狠一蹬,往前猛的窜出一大截! When he floats the water surface again, only missed a body from last of Dong Tao three people of groups! 等他再次浮上水面时,距离董涛三人组的最后一个只差一个身位了! My God! Quite quick! Very powerful! Head coach felt oneself breathed is about to stop, but he was worried secretly for Chen Guang, I said the little brother, these 400 meters just now do not start, such luxurious spending freely physical strength! You want the rational distribution physical strength, refers to erratically also really has the opportunity to struggle first three! 我的天!好快!好强!主教练觉得自己呼吸都快停止了,但他又暗自替陈光担心起来,我说小兄弟,这四百米才刚开始不就,你不要这样奢侈的挥霍体力啊!你只要合理分配体力,指不定还真有机会一争前三的啊! Others do not understand so many, they only saw, Chen Guang is pulling closer unceasingly with the disparity of first group, the crowd that must get down peacefully gradually becomes stimulated. 别人不懂这么多,他们只看到,陈光不断拉近着和第一集团的差距,原本都要安静下去的人群渐渐又变得亢奋起来。 Two meters! One meter five! One meter! Chen Guang was getting more and more near from the last person of first group! 两米!一米五!一米!陈光距离第一集团的最后一个人越来越近了! The natatorium resounds the Chen Guang name again one after another, this time, actually no longer because of the sympathetic weak one, but is true cheers for him! 游泳馆再度陆陆续续响起陈光的名字来,这一次,却不再是因为同情弱者,而是真正的为他加油鼓劲! He is not the school team player! He and everyone are the same, is only the ordinary university student! 他可不是校队选手!他和大家一样,都只是普通的大学生! This weak one counterattack, most is easy one's blood bubbles up to the brim. 这种弱者逆袭,最是容易让人热血沸腾。 As for a more perceptual girl, is not no need to say. 至于更加感性的女孩子,就更不必多说了。 Sun Xiaoxun smiled, she thought that this time Chen Guang graceful exploded simply, even if he lost finally, oneself must for his short striving for success cry out that is moved. 孙小逊笑了,她觉得这时候的陈光简直帅爆了,哪怕最终他输了,自己也一定要为他这短暂的拼搏而呐喊而感动。 Chen Guang has not managed so many, when previous life-saving, oneself innermost feelings are flurried, in the brain is only thinking the life-saving, what in addition puts on is the triangle underpants, how swims carefree never. 陈光没管那么多,上一次救人时,自己内心慌乱,脑子里只想着救人,再加上身上穿的是三角内裤,游起来始终不怎么畅快。 Today actually in the limpid swimming pool, is the scale not low swimming trunks that the body puts on, does not need to fear to be exposed, in the heart then does not have other one point of distracting thoughts, only wants to pursue a quicker speed. 今天自己却是在清澈的泳池之中,身上穿的也是档次不低的泳裤,不用怕走光,心中便没有别的一分杂念,只想去追求更快的速度。 He is similar to feel oneself returned to Instant Sea, recalled that wanders about above the sea, like a fish in water general carefree feeling. 他仿佛觉得自己回到了须臾海中,回想起那徜徉在大海之上,如鱼得水一般的畅快感。 Right, for quickly, quickly! 没错,为了快,更快! This water, so beautiful, so kind, as if must deliver me to go directly to the horizon! 这水,是如此的美丽,是如此的亲切,仿佛要送我直达天际! I returned to that to swim the quickest wonderful time probably in history! 我好像又回到了那个自己有史以来游得最快的美妙时刻了! Is not actually wonderful, the words that did not remember incorrectly, Royal Annie Ship was slaughtering with the enemy ship at that time, oneself and 78 enemy falling down water, were then smelled the smell of blood the sea beast that flees from the seabed to pursue eight streets together. 呃,其实并不美妙,没记错的话,当时皇家安妮号正和敌船厮杀,自己和七八个敌人一起掉下水,然后被闻到血腥味从海底窜上来的海兽追了八条街。 Naturally Chen Guang was lives finally, he has not swam the crossing ocean beast, but swam quick a little compared with another 78 enemies, the age common sea beast ate to the full coincidentally, without the thoughts ate him again. 当然陈光最终是活下来了,他并没有游过海兽,只是比另外七八个敌人游得快那么一点,牙口一般的海兽刚巧吃饱了,没心思再吃他了而已。 In brief, beast compared with, but, but compares, I have not really feared! 总之,比海兽是比不过,但和人比,我还真没怕过啊! 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