„What do yousmile?”Dong Taowas uncomfortable. Chen Guangstretches a little bitslightly, stretches the ligament, onestepsteps the diving platform, does right after something else saying: „Has not smiledanything, thought that yourseveralare very interesting.”
“你笑什么?”董涛不爽了。陈光稍微活动活动身子,拉伸一下韧带,一步踏上跳台,才接茬道:“没笑什么,觉得你们几个很有意思。”„Is thisschoolmate?” The school teamcoacheshave actually noticedChen Guang, althoughalsothought that thisstudentgrewphysique of athlete, buthisviewpointis obviously same as the Dong Taothreepeople, swimsthismatter, reallydoes not only look at the stature.
“这位同学是?”校队教练其实早就注意到了陈光,虽然也觉得这学生长了一副运动员的身板儿,但显然他的观点和董涛三人一样,游泳这事,真不是只看身材的。„I? Iam an unimportant person, the coachdo not care, youledthreegoodstudents.”Chen Guangquitehad the profound meaningto say.
The coachis not quite clearhismeaning, turned the headto lookbehindto prepareto stepdiving platformDong Taoand the others of again.
教练不太明白他的意思,转头再看了看后面正准备踏上跳台的董涛等人。„Coach, yourleave alonehe, is a clumsy mischief-doer, wewill teachhimto be honest, naturally, in the arena.”Dong Taois at heart fishy, did not saytoo, butheimpossibleto recognizetoChen Guanginstigated.
The coachstares, howto think that in the airhas a thicksmell of gunpowder, when heagainturns aroundto look atChen Guang, Chen Guangno longerhas actually respondedDong Taoand the others, butexhibited a posture that preparesto take off.
教练一愣,怎么觉得空气里有股浓浓的火药味,他再转身去看陈光时,陈光却已经不再搭理董涛等人,而是摆出了个准备起跳的姿势。„Ha, youlook at his posture, is not right! Amateur!”Dong Taohehewas sayingin the one side.
“哈哈哈,你们看他那姿势,根本就不对嘛!业余!”董涛在一旁嘿嘿着说道。Indeed , compared with the posture that the Dong Taothreepeopleassumeat this time, includingChen Guang, the stances of anotherfivepeople is not specialized.
的确,和董涛三人此时摆出来的姿势一比,包括陈光在内,另外五个人的架势都不怎么专业。Chen Guanglooks at steadilylooks at the swimming lanefront, unemotional, somefiresare at heart big, hownowto jumpas you liketo stumble, will waitto launch, Iwill giveyougreatlypleasantly surprised.陈光目不转睛的看着泳道前方,面无表情,心里却已有些火大,现在随你们怎么蹦跶,等会下了水,我给你们个大惊喜。IfcalledDong Taoto know, because ofownprovocation, butletbe only a Chen Guangdecision of plancasualroamingroamingwhole-heartedly, perhapshewill rude awakening, buthehas not actually known that nowthisconsequenceserious, on the contraryhehas startedto fantasize that after the braingets uparrived at the end point, the picture that thentothatacted recklesslyChen Guang that taunts.
如果叫董涛知晓,因为自己的挑衅,而让原本只是打算随便游一游的陈光决定全力以赴的话,恐怕他会后悔莫及,但他现在却还不知道这后果有多严重,相反他已经在脑子里开始幻想起等自己到了终点之后,回头对那不知死活的陈光冷嘲热讽的画面了。Not is only Dong Taodoes not favorChen Guang, actuallyat this timein the bignatatoriumthousandpeople, nofavorChen Guang.
不光是董涛不看好陈光,其实此时诺大的游泳馆里千把人,都没一个看好陈光的。Even ifhasinexplicableconfidenceSun XiaoxuntoChen Guang, at this time is also stubbornly anxiousis entraining the smallfist, looksto brace the bowChen Guang of bodyin the diving platform, secretlypraying, howsuch asis discussing, Chen Guangdo not losetoougly.
哪怕是对陈光有莫名信心的孙小逊,此时也紧张得死死拽着小拳头,看着已经在跳台上弓起身子的陈光,暗自祈祷着,如论如何,陈光你可不要输得太难看啊。„Class leaderSir, youmustrecord the matter that weare reaching an agreement!”Pan Jiangknowsoneselfhave asked for the personto dislike, buthedoes not care, hewants, is only the Sun Xiaoxunbelt/bringto the Elegant Paviliondining tableon.
“班长大人,你得记着我们说好的事情哟!”潘江知道自己已经讨人嫌了,但他并不在意,他想要的,只是把孙小逊带到清雅轩的饭桌上而已。Theseordinaryaudiencewere needless saying that wasChen Guangthispitifulsmall childsighs with regretin the heart.
那些普通的观众就更不用多说了,都在心头为陈光这个可怜的小青年而扼腕叹息。Hasactuallymuchbecause of the Chen Guangperfectstature, butfeels / be extremely interested the femaleaudienceabouthim, secretlyforhisnotindignation.
倒是有不少因陈光的完美身材而对他倍感兴趣的女观众,暗自替他不忿着。„The people of school teamare really excessive, threepeopledividetoandhealthyhandsome fellowonegroup, doesn't thisbully the person?”
“校队的人真过分,三个人分到和健美帅哥一组,这不是欺负人吗?”„Yes, even if the healthyhandsome fellowlost, mystillpowderhe! Thisstature, first-levelstick!”
“就是,不过就算健美帅哥输了,我也粉他!这身材,一级棒!”„Right, heard that hedoes construct the linkschool17levelsprobably? Do wethenlook forhim?”
“对了,听说他好像是建环学院17级的?咱们回头去找他?”„Un! Runs intothreeschool teamsin the swim meet, helost the mood is very definitely bad, did wecouldgoto enter?”
“恩!在游泳比赛里遇到三个校队的,他输了心情肯定很糟糕,咱们或许能趁虚而入?”„It is not we! IsI!”
“不是咱们!是我!”„IsI! You are really not bashful!”
“是我!你还真不害臊!”„Haha, youare also no better!”
No matter how otherssaw,at this timeChen Guanghas actually been staring at the frontattentively, is waiting for the starter's pistolsound.
甭管别人怎么看,此时陈光却已经全神贯注的盯着前方,等着发令枪响。Finally, as the refereededucts the triggerlayer on layer/heavily, the eightpeople on swimming lanejumpsto jumpfiercely, dashes to the swimming pool.
The Dong Taothreepeopleunderwentyear after yeartrainingafter all, almostformed the conditioned reflexto the sound of starter's pistol, from the taking offspeedthesethencansee that threepeopleindeedare stronger than a bigtruncation others.董涛三人毕竟经过了长年累月的训练,对发令枪的声音几乎形成了条件反射,从起跳速度这一下便能看出三人比其他人的确强出一大截。Alsoonlycomparesthreepeople of slowfrontlineon the speed of Chen Guangtaking offslightly, anotherfourpeoplewere more miserable, the Dong Taothreepeople of palmshave pressedon the water surface, the body of Chen Guangfliesin the midair, since thesethreetalentsforceto jump the bodyfrom the diving platform.
也就陈光起跳的速度稍微只比三人慢一线,另外四个人就更惨了,董涛三人手掌都已经按在水面上,陈光的身子飞在半空时,这三人才勉强从跳台上蹦起身子来。Chen GuangswimsinInstant Sea,陈光在须臾海里游泳,Thatis a hooligan, the posture of thislaunching, hehas not practiced. In the 400meterscrawl of competitionspeed, entering the waterpostureis quite important, canmake the playerwinis starting, earlierestablishesenoughadvantage.
那都是野路子,这下水的姿势嘛,他是从来没练习过。在比拼速度的四百米自由泳中,入水姿势相当重要,可以让选手赢在起步,前期就建立足够的优势。What a pity, only thenafter the long-termtraining, canmakeinto the waterposturemore scientificreasonable, canobtain the quickestspeedimmediatelyandbestangle of entry.
可惜,只有经过长期的训练,才能让入水姿势变得更加科学合理,能在第一时间获得最快的速度和最好的入水角度。AlthoughChen Guangriver character, but how actuallyneverpracticesto enter the water, thismovementnaturallyalsosomewhattook for granted.陈光虽然水性了得,但却从未练过怎么入水,这动作自然也就有些想当然了。Compared with the Dong Taothreepeople, the posture that Chen Guanglaunchesmay be calledugly, almostpattedlike the dark greenflyswatteron the water surface, the crowdslookfeel the toothacid.
和董涛三人相比,陈光下水的姿势堪称丑陋,几乎像个苍蝇拍一样拍在了水面上,啪嗒一声,围观群众看着都觉得牙酸。Sun Xiaoxuncannot bearcall out in alarmmakes noise, thislooksreallysorely.孙小逊都忍不住惊叫出声,这看着真疼。Fortunately, Chen Guanghas not patted the dizzydirectly.
还好,陈光没有给直接拍晕了。Anotherfourpeopledo not have the Chen Guangmovement is so exaggerating, althoughtheyare notprofessionals, but since entered forthiscompetition, theyhad practiced the period of timecouple days agodiligently, the averageat leastmustpracticeevery day for severalhours, although the movement of thislaunchingdoes not have the specialistguide, butwas studying for severaldaysto the onlinecompetitionvideo, althoughis non-specialized, butgood and evilalsoa littleappearance.
另外四个人倒没陈光动作这么夸张,虽然他们也并非专业人士,但既然报名参加了这比赛,他们之前几天努力练习过一阵子,平均每天至少得练几小时,这下水的动作虽然没有专人指导,但对着网上的比赛视频学了几天,虽然不专业,但好歹也有点样子了。Hasanothersevenpeopleto make a comparison, Chen Guangthatindecentlyenters the waterto do, makesmanyalso„healthymister”hold the audiencemasters of a wee bitexpectationto his, instantaneousheartcooltofreezing point.
有另外七人做对比,陈光那不堪入目的入水动作,让不少原本还对他这“健美先生”抱有一丁点期望的观众老爷们,瞬间心凉到了冰点。„Tittered! Thisbuddyis the silvertypelaspear head, good to look at but of no use!”
“噗嗤!这哥们是个银样镴枪头,中看不中用啊!”„Quickdo not say,trades a physiquealmost, suchracketon the water surface, definitelysameturned the bellywith the deadfish.”
“快别这么说,换个体质差点的,那样拍在水面上,肯定就和死鱼一样翻肚皮了。”„Does fighthit the strength is also the ability?”
“抗击打力也是能耐咯?”„Thisrubbish! Howhoweverthisbuddyanti-hitsagainas ifalsouselessly, the swimming and staturereallyhave not related, is quite miserable, launchingfalls behindso many.”
Others can look at the Chen Guangsituationto be awkward, standunderstandin the schoolswimming teamhead coaches who the swimming poolobserves, has not nearly bornepūlaughto make noise.
旁人都看得出来陈光处境尴尬,站在泳池边观战的校游泳队主教练就更是明了,险些没忍住噗嗤笑出声来。Hemayrepresent the officialattitude of school, iflaughstosomeplayerunderthisbig crowd of people, perhaps the influenceis not good.
他可代表了学校的官方态度,如果在这大庭广众下对某位选手嗤笑,恐怕影响不好。Reallyawkward, thisschoolmateiscomesfunny?
真是尴尬,这位同学是来搞笑的吧?Looked athimandDong Taoget into disputea moment ago, but alsothinks that hereallydid havemany skills?
刚才看他和董涛杠上了,还以为他真有两把刷子呢?Although the head coach of thisswimming teamhas taughtDong Taoseveralpeople, but the heartactuallydoes not wantto seethesethreepeopleto lose toanyamateur, otherwisealsolost the face of swimming team.
这位游泳队的主教练虽然教训过董涛几人,但内心深处却还是不想看见这三人输给任何一个业余选手的,不然也太丢游泳队的脸了。„Well...... thisfellowsaid that hemustswim, the confidentappearance, Ialsothinkhe is really towinning the championship, but alsohas not really thought that thisfellowseems likenot an eye, insidestature is so unexpectedly good, whenpracticesat the back ofme? Scared to death the great-aunt.”In the natatoriumstandmostabovecorner, the pair of beautiful eyestaresquietlyis pattingChen Guanginfirstswimming lane, the corners of the mouthcurls upwards, onface a not knowing whether to laugh or cryexpression, „this, butis really sore.”
“咦……这家伙说他要来游泳,信心满满的样子,我还以为他真是冲着夺冠去的呢,还真没想到这家伙看起来不怎么起眼,里面的身材居然这么好,什么时候背着我去练的?吓死姑奶奶了。”游泳馆看台最上方的角落里,正有一双美目悄然盯着拍在第一泳道里的陈光,嘴角微翘,脸上一副哭笑不得的表情,“这一下,可真疼。”Right, thispersoncompetesintomorrow'sWen Wen, Eldest Missis all rightsimilarlytoday, in the competitions of others to the classwill not be interested, is thinkingChen Guangwanted the swim suitfirstshowfinally, came to seeunusualonrunning.
没错,这人正是比赛同样在明天的文雯,大小姐今儿个没事,又对班上其他人的比赛丝毫不感兴趣,想着陈光终于要泳装首秀了,就跑来看一下稀奇。In the meantime, infrontcrowdactuallyfiercehears a slightlysharpshout, „Chen Guang! Come on!”
就在此时,前排人群中却猛的传来一声略显尖锐的喊声,“陈光!加油!”Wen Wenlooksfollowingthissound, the visionbecomesquiteponders.文雯顺着这声音看去,目光不禁变得颇为玩味。ThisfirstwithcheeringtoChen Guang, isSun Xiaoxun.
这第一个用呐喊来给陈光加油的,正是孙小逊。At this moment, thisslightlyshysouth of the lower reaches of the Yangze Riverdaughter, actuallyshowed the greatestcourage, somewhatshoutedrecklessly.
这一刻,这个略显腼腆的江南水乡女儿,却拿出了莫大的勇气,有些不顾一切的喊了出来。Thisexit|to speak, are many are staring at the person of swimming poolalsoin abundanceis looking liketoher.
这一声出口,不少正盯着泳池的人也纷纷向她看来。Was gazing by the peoplevision, Sun Xiaoxunbecame red-hot popular the faceimmediately, the soundalsostops suddenly, butaftershortsilence, sheactuallyblows up the cheek, raisesboth handsbefore the mouthturns into the loudspeakershape, shoutedagain, was more resounding than before, rushed.
被众人目光注视着,孙小逊立马红透了脸,声音也戛然而止,但短暂的沉默过后,她却又鼓起腮帮子,把双手举在嘴巴前变成个喇叭形状,再度喊了出来,比之前更响亮,更澎湃。HasSun Xiaoxunto take the lead, severalbest friendalsosimultaneous/uniformsimultaneous/uniform of hersideshouted.
有孙小逊带头,她身旁的几个闺蜜也齐齐喊了起来。Theseyoung and good-lookingfemale studentstake the lead ingiving the playerto refuel, Sun Xiaoxunthisveryprettygirlininside, becamein the natatoriumimmediately a prettyscenery.
这几个青春靓丽的女生带头给参赛选手加油,还有孙小逊这种非常漂亮的女孩子在里面,顿时成了游泳馆里一道靓丽的风景。Perhapsstemming fromsympathizing with the mentality of weak one, in the bignatatorium, the Chen Guangnamepassed from eachplaceone after another.
或许是出于同情弱者的心态,诺大的游泳馆里,陈光的名字陆陆续续从各个地方传了出来。Unexpectedlymajorityisgirl'svoice, thisis also nothing unusual, whocalledChen Guangto depend on the statureto come a before the gameperfectabundanteyeball, the launchingpostureactuallyinstantaneouslycompletelyobviouslyaura of share of weak one.
The Wen Wenlookin an instantis becominga littlesharp, mused how manythiswasthat dayLady White Snakeinbeautiful womanclass leaderSun Xiaoxun that in the telephoneroared?文雯的眼神在刹那间变得有点锐利,暗想,这就是那天白娘子几个在电话里吼的美女班长孙小逊吧?Interesting.
有意思。However, youdefinitelydo not knowChen Guangthisboyneverswims?
加油也没用的呢!Alreadybecausebadenters the waterto dofallstofollowingChen Guangfrom the beginning, hears the Sun Xiaoxunroaring voice, is actually the whole bodyquickly grasps the meaning of something, Iwore the underpants is very awkward, yoursuchaudienceshouted the old mangiven nameagain, the old man was really a littlehot blooded!
已经因为糟糕的入水动作一开始就落到后面的陈光,听到孙小逊的加油声,却是浑身一个激灵,我穿着内裤就已经很尴尬了,你们再这么全场呼喊老夫名号,老夫真是一点儿都热血不起来啊!Goodto think that sneaks in the waterto gonot to get up.
好想一头钻进水里去再也不起来了。Chen Guangfeelsembarrassed, the time that his such a delays, anotherfourtook off a slowerplayerto surpasshimcompared withhimunexpectedlyone after another, but the Dong Taothreepeoplehave actually swum about severalmeters, cast off a bigtruncationhimthoroughly.陈光觉得好难堪,就他这么一耽搁的当儿,另外四个比他起跳更慢的选手居然陆陆续续超过了他,而董涛三人却已经游到了数米开外去,将他彻底甩开了一大截。Quitemiserable, from the beginningwas flungtwobodies, can the smallheart and liver of thishandsome fellowbreak to pieces? In the girleye socket that manysympathyare in floodheld the fulltearsquickly.
好惨,一开始就被甩了两个身位,这帅哥的小心肝都要碎了吧?不少同情心泛滥的女孩子眼眶里都快噙满泪水了。Right, Chen Guangwasbrokenhearted, thereforehistoothbit, steeled one's heart, mother egg, losttothis in any casedisgraced, no matteranything, roaming!
The frontthreeside dishchickens, Pan Jiang, youare waiting, Igiveyouimmediatelygreatlypleasantly surprised!
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