„Officer Wu, have youcaught the criminal? Wemustseehim! Imustalsogivehim the pants crotchto come a foot! Thiswaste, ourwife and childrenriverTichenglike this, howhesuppressesunder the heartunexpectedly! MyoldPan Familythiswasmustgiveneverly recurring! Imustconsiderhim! Considers the escapingfirmfoundationto put on!”Wu Tongjustwalked, thento/clashes a fatwomanfrom the crowd, blocksbeforeher, calledto shout. Thisfatwomanis dyeing a fluffybrowncurly hair, the bighot daysactuallyalsowear the gleaminggold/metalpiececlothes, from top to bottomnouveau richeaura that is richcannot melt, clamoring that ashersalivaflieshorizontally, dances with joy, lightshowstinkreachesin the Wu Tongnose, to an discomfort that shesmokes.
A Wu Tongbrowwrinkle, hind legonestep, „thisfamily member, youare slightly calmer. Injured the Pan Jiangpersonindeedto be detainedin the police authorities, but isn't the case of thiscaseperhaps simple? Your familyPan Jiang, in invitingothersfemale studentate mealunder the anestheticsin the meal, ifreallymustconsider, thatfemaleschoolmate must firstconsiderPan Jiang, after canturnobtainedyou, considersthatmale student.”武彤眉头一皱,稍稍后腿一步,“这位家属,你冷静些。打伤潘江的人的确已经被拘留在警局了,但这件案子的案情恐怕没那么简单吧?你们家潘江,可是在请别人女生吃饭时在饭菜里下迷药了,如果真要告起来,那位女同学恐怕要先告潘江,才能轮得到你们后告那个男生。”„What! Howpossibly! Ourwife and childrenriveris impossibleto handlethismatter! Do not make false accusations! Youare the police, the speechmustspeak the evidence, did yousayinthatfemale student the anesthetics, the evidence? Do not think that youare the policecandistort the facts! Believedmeto find the personto dig up your skin! Looks at your vixentype, entering the police authoritiesdefinitely is also the back door that walks!” The Pan Jiangfatmotheris angryimmediately, before the Wu Tongbodycompels.
“什么!怎么可能!我们家小江不可能做这种事情!你别血口喷人!你是警察,说话要讲证据,你说那个女生中了迷药,证据呢?别以为你是警察就能颠倒黑白!信不信我找人扒了你这身皮!看你这狐媚子的样儿,进警局肯定也是走的后门!”潘江的胖老妈顿时大怒,又往武彤身前逼来。Impression of Wu Tongto the Pan Jiangfamilydropped the freezing pointbecause of the words that Tang Yingspokea moment ago, the itself/Ben is also a violent temper, nowthisfatfemale servantdaresto annoyonherunexpectedly, sheis not the fruit cake, both eyesstares, fiercetreadingpreviousstep, wickedlooks at the fatwoman, „, if notonmehasthisskin, Iwill ripyourmouthnow! Youmusthavethatability, dug uptomegave a try?”武彤对潘江这一家人的印象本就因唐影刚才说的话跌落到冰点,本也是个暴脾气,现在这胖老妈子居然敢惹到她头上,她也不是软柿子,双目一瞪,猛的踏前一步,恶狠狠的看着胖女人,“如果不是我身上有这身皮,我现在就会撕了你的嘴!你要有那能耐,就给我扒了试试看?”
The sudden burst of Wu Tong, making the fatwomandumbfounded.武彤的突然爆发,让胖女人傻了眼。„Whatthinks someto make? Aren't the police a person? Shouldfoam with ragetoyou? Do the policedeserve a scapegoatexactly? Does not haveincluding the minimumrespect, were youtake the wrongmedicineto throw the wrongembryo? Has a fit of tempertome? The gossipyonyou, howyoulikedsayinghowsaid,Icould not manage. HoweverhowIhandle a case, has no need foryouteaching. As for the evidence, inmyhandthisis the evidence, thiswasa moment agothatfemale student'sanalysis report!”Wu Tongis saying, raises the hand, isthatanalysis report.
“这么看着我做什么?警察就不是人?就该给你吹胡子瞪眼?警察就活该当个受气包?连一点起码的尊重都没有,你是吃错药了还是投错胎了?冲着我发脾气?得,嘴长在你身上,你爱怎么说怎么说,我也管不着。但是我怎么办案,也用不着你来教。至于证据,我手里这就是证据,这就是刚才那位女生的化验报告!”武彤说着,把手一扬,正是那份化验报告。Finishes barely the words, Wu Tongfierce the analysis report in handtoward a conceals, „wantsto snatchbehind? Snatchedto ripalsouselesslytoyou, inthisthingnot onlymyhandthis.”
话音未落,武彤又猛的把手里的化验报告往身后一藏,“想抢?给你抢去撕了也没用,这东西又不只我手里这一份。”„Definitelyisthatseductresstakes a drugintentionally, wantsto framemywife and childrenriver! Eveninher the anesthetics, had not relatedwithlittleriver! Youdo not have the evidence!”Fatwomaninone sidehowling, is really the persontoinexpensiveinvincible.
“肯定是那个狐狸精故意自己吃药,想陷害我家小江!就算她中了迷药,和小江也没有关系!你们没有证据!”胖女人在一旁嚎了起来,真是人至贱则无敌。„Police officer, does not know that thesevegetables/dishes and liquorwater on dining tableare the evidence?”Atthis time, Lin Jingwei, Bai Fan and Xiong Jinkethreepeoplewalkedfromside, in the handis taking the thing that packsfrom the Elegant Paviliontable, thesethreepeoplegaveto takeallmeals on whole piecetableunexpectedly, Lin Jingweiis saying, in whileraises hand the pocket.
“警官,不知道饭桌上的那些菜和酒水算不算证据?”就在这时候,林经纬、白凡和熊进科三人从旁边走了过来,手里正提着从清雅轩桌上打包回来的东西,这三人居然把整张桌子上的所有饭菜都给带上了,林经纬一边说着,一边扬了扬手里的口袋。Wu Tongeyeonebright, „are you Chen Guangschoolmate? Worksactuallydiscretely.”武彤眼睛一亮,“你是陈光的同学吧?做事倒是谨慎。”Lin Jingweinodswith a smile, „naturally, Brother Guangisourbrothers, before wepass, knows that the general idea of matter, definitelycannotletBrother Guangbyinjustice.”林经纬笑着点头,“当然,光哥是我们兄弟,我们过去之前就知道事情的大概了,肯定不能让光哥受不白之冤。”Wu Tonglooked atLin Jingweione, the commonuniversity studentworks is not so exquisite, the Chen Guangtemperamentis bad, has a goodschoolmateactually.武彤不禁多看了林经纬一眼,一般的大学生做事可没这么细腻,陈光自己脾气糟糕,倒是有个好同学。„Police officer! Police officer! Chen Guanghehas not violated the law! Heis innocent! Hetosaveme!”Atthis time, fromsidehospital wardfiercedrills a head, Sun Xiaoxun that looks pale.
Shortly after shejustwokefrom the comatose condition, defendsinherfemale studenttohersaidChen Guangseizedmatter, shecould not attend to the whole bodyfeeling weak, being probable since hurriedlymustcrawlarrives at the police authoritiesto helpChen Guangtestify.
她刚刚才从昏迷状态下醒过来不久,守在她身边的女生就给她说了陈光被抓走的事情,她也顾不得自己正浑身乏力,急匆匆的非得要爬起来到警局去帮陈光做证。Thisjustpoked head from the hospital ward, sawWu Tong, has not thought,at the same time the weaksoundweakair/Qiis saying, sideholds the wall to walk.
这刚从病房里探出头,就看见了武彤,没多想,一边弱声弱气的说着,一边扶着墙想走过来。„Xiaoxun! Yourestagain! Yourthiscould not have come to a stop!” Several other female studentsare thrown into confusionfrombehindwithcoming out, hurriesto holdher, has not madeherdrop down.
“小逊!你再休息休息一下啊!你这都还站不稳呢!”另外几个女生手忙脚乱的从后面跟出来,赶紧扶着她,才没让她倒下。Sun Xiaoxunis breathing heavilyto arrive in front ofWu Tong, saidagain: „Police officer, youcannottarnish the good person!”孙小逊喘着粗气走到武彤面前,再度说道:“警官,你们可不能冤枉好人啊!”„Is your seductress, enticesmywife and childrenriver! Killsyou!” The nearbyPan Jiangfatmotherfledlike the ghosts and demonssuddenly, strikes an attitude to drive offSun Xiaoxun.
“就是你这个狐狸精,勾引我家小江!打死你!”旁边潘江的胖老妈像个鬼魅一样突然窜了出来,作势就要追打孙小逊。Sun Xiaoxunweakfemale student, wherehas seenthisvixen, had a scare.孙小逊弱女生一个,哪里见过这种泼妇,被吓了一大跳。
The Wu Tongbackhandgrasps, pinches the arm of Pan Jiangmotherin the hand, makes an effortto turn roundherhandslightly, is putting upherbackhandedly, „family memberyoubestcalm, the violencecannotsolve the problem, ifyoumustpester endlessly, no matteryouhavewhatbackground, Idecide the crime that a hindranceenforces the lawtoyouequally, do not think that Ido not havethisright.”武彤反手一抓,将潘江老妈的手臂捏在手里,稍稍使力就把她的手拐了个弯,将她反手架着,“家属你最好冷静点,暴力并不能解决问题,如果你非要胡搅蛮缠,不管你有什么背景,我一样给你定个妨碍执法的罪,别以为我没这权利。”„Youareonegroup? InthatChen Guangfamily/homehaswhatinfluence! Is rich! Thisringinguniverse, but alsodidn't have the law of the land? My son'segggaveto kickto explode, youalsoharbored the criminalunexpectedly!” The fatwomancontinuesto be restless.
“你们是一伙的吧?那个陈光家里到底有什么势力!到底多有钱!这朗朗乾坤,还没有王法了?我儿子的蛋都给踢爆了,你居然还包庇罪犯!”胖女人继续闹腾着。„Ok! No joking!”Nearbymiddle-aged manwas unable to continue watchingfinally, walksto take over the fatwoman, deeplooked atWu Tongone, „police officer, in brief, myoldPan Familythistimealmostnever recurring, will not consider as finished. Butwe are also the goodcitizens of observing law and discipline, allmake the lawspeak, myattorneycomesa while, yousaid that my sonprescribes medicinetothisfemale student, no matter is really false, thisfemale studentcannot receiveanyinjurynow? Nowmy sonstillundergoes the surgeryininside, the victimonly hasmy son! Iwill not give up!”
“好了!别闹了!”旁边一个中年男子终于看不下去了,走过来将胖女人接手过去,再深深的看了武彤一眼,“警官,总之,我老潘家这次差点绝后,不会就这么算了。但我们也是遵纪守法的好公民,一切都让法律说话,我的律师等会儿就过来,你说我儿子给这位女生下药,不管是真是假,这女生现在可都没有受到任何伤害吧?现在我儿子还在里面做手术,受害者就只有我儿子!我不会善罢甘休!”Thismanis the Pan Jiangfather, potbellied, the suit and dress shoes, seem likebut actuallyalsosomewhat the imposing manner.
这男人是潘江的父亲,大腹便便,西装革履,看起来倒也有几分气势。„Naturally! Allwill processin accordance with the law!” The Wu Tongeyebrowraises, shecan hearthismiddle-aged man to threatenoneselfmeaning, thisinsteadmakesherparticularlyfurious.
“当然!一切都会依法处理!”武彤眉毛一掀,她听得出来这中年男人有威胁自己的意思,这反而让她分外光火。Whomy is Wu Tong? The iron lady of Wenxing Townsub-bureau! Will Ifearyou?
我武彤是谁?文兴镇分局的铁娘子!我会怕你?FinallySun XiaoxunalsofollowedWu Tongto go to the police authorities, althoughshe was also very trapped/sleepyis very tired, drowsy, walkedhas enough to do, butshemustleave the hospital, with.
最终孙小逊也跟着武彤去了警局,虽然她也很困很累,昏昏欲睡,就连走路都很吃力,但她还是非得出院,跟着去了。Just before leavingWu Tongalsogood intentionandlooked forTang Yingto helplook, althoughSun Xiaoxun the anesthetics, the bodywas somewhat weak, butalsohad nobigobstructing, went backto restwell, canrestoresimilarlybytomorrow morning.
临走时武彤还好心的又找唐影帮忙看了一下,孙小逊虽然中了迷药,身子有些虚弱,但也没什么大碍,回去好好休息,到明早就能恢复得差不多了。Whenrecording the recordSun Xiaoxunnearlyfalls asleepagain and again, butsheis clenching teethto insist,said the cause and effect of matterclarity, betto mentionwiththatfromPan Jiangseveral days ago, sees the people of Pan Jiangandswimming teamtosomepeopleagaineats mealtogether, totoday'sswim meetmatterfrom all sides, does not haveerrorsagain.
在录笔录时孙小逊几次三番险些睡着,但她还是咬着牙坚持,将事情的前因后果说了个清清楚楚,从数天前潘江与自己那个赌约说起,再到有人看见潘江和游泳队的人一起吃饭,再到今天游泳比赛前前后后的事情,无一错漏。„Ok, matterunderstoodsimilarly, the right and wronghad the public opinion, youfirstreturned to the schoolto rest.”Wu Tongcloses the recorditself/Ben, said.
“行了,事情都了解得差不多了,是非自有公论,你先回学校去休息吧。”武彤合上笔录本,说道。„Police officer, youlooked,thisisPan Jiangwantsto prescribe medicinetome, Chen Guangheisinnocent?”Sun Xiaoxunhas not lost heart.
“警官,你看,这就是潘江想给我下药,陈光他是无罪的吧?”孙小逊还不死心。Wu Tongshook the headI unable toyou saying that hownowfinallyto process, in brief, youmustbelieve the law, was good? Looks at your, the eyewas about unable to open, did youreturn to the school? ”武彤摇摇头现在我还不能给你说最后会怎么处理,总之,你要相信法律,好不好?看你这样子,眼睛都快睁不开了,你回学校去吧?”WhenfacingSun Xiaoxun, Wu TongattituderatioandChen Guangspeechdid not knowmany.
在面对孙小逊时,武彤的态度比和陈光说话时不知道好了多少。„No! Ido not go back, IinthatchairsuperiorChen Guang!”Sun Xiaoxunactuallyviolated the stubbornness, sets outto sitto the chair of sub-bureauhallon, unexpectedly the headonecrookedfell asleep.
“不!我不回去,我就在那张椅子上等陈光!”孙小逊却犯了倔脾气,起身到分局大厅的椅子上坐着,居然脑袋一歪就这么睡着了。Severalfemale studentsdo not have the means that discussed that stays behindis accompanyingSun Xiaoxunpersonally, several other peoplefirstwent back.
几个女生也是没办法,商量了一下,留下个人陪着孙小逊,另外几人则先回去了。Wu Tonglooksstares on helplessly, butcannotcatch up with the person, opposite partyattitudeclearlyiswhenChen Guangwas putto be willingto walk.武彤对此看得干瞪眼,但又不能赶人,对方这态度分明就是要等到陈光被放出来才肯走了。Reallyhas a headache, oneselfwantto go hometo sleepis not good, has a lookthatboyhow, even ifhe were really the herorescuesbeautiful, I must the truth that taughthimto cultivate the behavior, why the nextsuchheavyhandhit the person!
真是头疼,自己想回家睡觉都不行,去看看那小子怎么样了,哪怕他真是英雄救美了,我也得教教他做人的道理,凭什么下这么重的手打人!SeesWu Tongto want the detention cell, nearbyWang Longmustblockher, „makesmeask?”
见武彤又要去拘留室,旁边的王龙要拦她,“让我去问吧?”Wu TongstaredWang Longone, „what do youkeep offmeto make?”武彤瞪了王龙一眼,“你挡着我做什么?”„Ifeared that youmakewithhim.”Wang Longtold the facts.
“我怕你又和他闹起来。”王龙实话实说。„Wang Long, Isaidtoyou, your temperis the notelivesthis solitary one. Evenyouthink,stilllet alonecomes out, youcould rest assured that the factwehave understood, Iwill control the temperament. You were also tiredoneall day, went to the loungeto sleep, Iasked that hisseveralwords, knew the situationagain, will not go wrong.”Wu TongdespisedWang Long, guaranteedover and over.
“王龙,我给你说,你这性子就是注孤生。就算你这么想,也别说出来啊,你放心,事实我们都已经了解了,我会控制住自己脾气的。你也累一整天了,去休息室睡一觉吧,我就问他几句话,再了解了解情况而已,不会出乱子的。”武彤鄙视了王龙一番,又再三保证。Wang Longis helpless, mustmakehergo, has a yawn, but alsolet alone, is very tired, Ifirstsleep.王龙无奈,只得让她一个人去了,打个哈欠,还真别说,挺累,我先去睡一觉吧。Welcome the generalbookfriendsto visitreading, latest, quickest and hottestserial publicationperformsin the mobile phone userwelcometoreading.
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