CGA :: Volume #1

#36: Brutal interrogation

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Three people really put down the victory and loss of this game of game, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform stands up. Bear Two is responsible for bringing up the rear, closed the door. 三人真放下了这一局游戏的输赢,齐齐站起身来。熊二负责断后,把门关上了。 Lin Jingwei is responsible for controlling Chen Guang, a face indecent smile fled from side, holds the Chen Guang shoulder, not to the opportunity that he escapes. 林经纬负责控制住陈光,一脸猥亵的笑容从旁边窜了过来,抓住陈光肩膀,不给他逃跑的机会。 Bai Fan this goods are responsible for interrogating, he hanging the underpants and picture on clothes rod in the bedroom took, the left hand right hand stresses one respectively, three shake arrives in front of Chen Guang, Brother Guang, did you quibble to take a look to us again?” 白凡这货则负责审讯,他把挂在寝室里晾衣杆上的内裤和照片拿了下来,左手右手各抓一个,一步三晃走到陈光面前,“光哥,你再狡辩一个给咱们瞧瞧?” This goods useless nose hears the underpants luckily, otherwise Chen Guang will certainly hang him to the window outside today. 幸好这货没用鼻子去闻一下内裤,不然陈光今天一定会把他挂到窗台外面去。 Brother Guang, you recognized! Who called your oneself not carefully to dry in the sun the underpants outside? The non- ratio to this, we have really not been able to conclude, but, have you also wanted to act shamelessly now like this?” Lin Jingwei hehe is smiling, in the hand grasped tightly. 光哥,你就认了吧!谁叫你自己不小心把内裤晾在外面了呢?不比对这一下,咱们还真不敢断定,但现在都已经这样了,你还要耍赖吗?”林经纬嘿嘿直笑着,手上抓得更紧了。 Facing this brutal underpants interrogation, what health/guard Tianwang can say? 面对这惨无人道的内裤审讯,卫天望又能说什么呢? His back Xiong Jinke has started to take off his clothes, obviously this group of waste are the plan comes a build to contrast again, making Chen Guang have nothing reason that again can quibble. 他背后的熊进科已经开始着手脱他的衣服了,显然这群人渣是打算再来个体型对比,让陈光再无任何可以狡辩的理由。 Good line! I recognized was not good! Let go! Lets go to me!” Chen Guang makes an effort to make, unexpectedly worked loose from strong such as Xiong Jinke of cow, is proceeds to throw again, recaptures to hang the clothes rack of underpants from Bai Fan, throws toward the bed on, I take you, a trivial matter, was worthwhile drags in lots of people? Right, is person who I save! Then? Then?” “行了行了!我认了还不行么!撒手!给我撒手!”陈光用力一挣,居然从壮如牛的熊进科手里挣脱了出来,再是往前扑去,从白凡手里夺回挂着自己内裤的衣架,往床上一扔,“我真是服了你们了,屁大点的事情,犯得着这么兴师动众的么?没错,是我救的人!然后呢?然后呢?” My day! Also is really you! Elder Brother, reported that said you gave our idol Left and Right Hands two big goddesses to make the cardiopulmonary recovery and artificial respiration, what taste was? Can you say with us? I force a day!” Xiong Jinke is holding the head, makes the sorrowful shape, this little while is 6 : 00 am, feared that roars too loudly has rested the schoolmate has given to awaken by noise the next door bedroom, he almost wishes one could really to roar. “我的个天!还真是你啊!哥,报道里说你给咱们的偶像左右手两大女神做了心肺复苏和人工呼吸,到底是个什么滋味?你能和我们说说吗?我勒个天!”熊进科抱着脑袋,做痛不欲生状,要不是这会儿是凌晨 6 点过,怕吼得太大声把隔壁寝室已经睡了的同学给吵醒,他几乎恨不得真咆哮出来。 In the eye of Lin Jingwei is flashing the ray that absorbs the person soul, this goods did not have the consistent steadiness thoroughly, both hands grasp the Chen Guang shoulder, elder brother! My blood brother, you are my idol! Told me, what taste was that? Do you know that what situation Jin Shiyue and in the Jiang Yage family/home is? You...... dare...... to consider as finished unexpectedly unexpectedly, I took you, I really took!” 林经纬的眼睛里闪着摄人心魂的光芒,这货也彻底没了一贯的稳重,双手抱住陈光肩膀,“哥!我亲哥,你是我的偶像!告诉我,那到底是什么滋味?你知不知道靳诗月江雅歌家里到底是什么情况啊?你居然……居然敢……算了,我服了你了,我真服了!” Bai Fan has started to jump, does not know where pulls out the root sausage, fits out the appearance of microphone, hands in front of Chen Guang, under was interviewed our underpants superhuman by the newspaper reporter, when you gave two stars conducted the emergency rescue service, there is what capricious thought? Are the chest elasticities of Jin Jiang two youth young girls good? Is the lip soft? Is sweet or sour?” 白凡则是已经开始蹦蹦跳跳起来,不知道从哪里掏出来根火腿肠,装成话筒的模样,递到陈光面前,“下面由本报记者采访一下咱们的内裤超人,请问在你给两位女星进行紧急救援的时候,有没有什么心猿意马的念头?靳江两位青春少女的胸部弹性好不好?嘴唇软不软?是甜的还是酸的?” I! Your this crowd of trash! Is the father so mean?” Chen Guang thinks that said can escape, actually does not think that this group of waste were instead more stimulated. “我呸!你们这群渣渣!老子有那么下作吗?”陈光以为说出来就能逃过一劫了,却不想这群人渣反而更亢奋了。 Until the next door bedroom cannot withstand him to harass finally, after knocking at the door to protest, another three talents are not finally restless. 直到隔壁寝室终于不堪其扰,拍门抗议之后,另外三人才终于不闹腾了。 This matter you know that was good, do not take to publicize, the nonsense small advantage has not occupied, terrible business one pile. Your three people of this morality, if in these Left and Right Hands the death loyal fan fans to the school knows that cannot under the running bedroom a gate, my book read all day long inadequately. Your three give me the mouth manages strictly!” Called these three people to settle with great difficulty, Chen Guang very earnest saying, he has not really cracked a joke. “这事你们知道就行了,别拿出去宣扬,狗屁便宜没占到,麻烦事一堆。你们三人都这德性,万一给学校里那些左右手的死忠歌迷粉丝知道,那还不得成天跑寝室下面堵门,我这书都读不成了。你们三个给我把嘴巴管严一点!”好容易叫这三人安顿下来,陈光十分认真的说道,他真没开玩笑。 By Jin Shiyue and Jiang Yage popularity, comes out in the school lira dying loyal group of fans, population more than thousand people. 靳诗月江雅歌的人气,在学校里拉个死忠粉丝团出来,人数不下千人。 Thinks that scene, really should not be too fearful. 想想那场面,真是不要太可怕。 Although three people envy the envy to hate, but also knows that Chen Guang words in principle, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform said that certainly manages well own mouth, does not leak absolutely. 三人虽然羡慕嫉妒恨,但也知道陈光的话在理,齐齐表示一定管好自己的嘴,绝对不外泄。 Afterward Chen Guang also took the glittering item armor of that concealed in closet, good one to hold appreciatively to three people, told them again, because thanked own life-saving efforts, that dramatic team will direct some days to inform oneself passing screen test, looked that can be a guest performer a small role in the movie, 随后陈光又把那件藏在衣柜里的金光闪闪的道具铠甲拿了出来,给三人好一番把玩,再告诉他们因为感谢自己的救命之恩,那个剧组的导演过些天会通知自己过去试镜,看能不能在电影里客串个小角色, Also explained while convenient why these days started to ponder over how to be an actor, this matter was thoroughly settles. At this time he was also sleepy, complied with three people the screen test time asked their three people to see the world, several draft animals let off Chen Guang, making him climb up the bed to sleep safely. 顺便也解释了为什么自己这几天开始琢磨怎么当一个演员,这事情才算彻底了结。这时候他也困得不行,答应三人等去试镜的时候叫上他们三人去见世面,几个牲口才放过陈光,让他安安心心爬上床睡觉。 Next day Chen Guang naturally is rests the dark day to be secret, has crawled to get out of bed until 12 : 00 pm. 第二天陈光自然是睡得昏天暗地,直到中午12点过才爬起床来。 After obviously when that three domestic animals compared with him might as well, he gets out of bed the snoring sound also continuously, Chen Guang sleeps, these three people do not know that excitedly how long, perhaps is thinks that can have the opportunity to infiltrate the dramatic team square, the short distance contacts the star, but is excited. 那三个畜生比他还不如,他起床时呼噜声还此起彼伏,显然陈光睡觉之后,这三人也不知道兴奋了多久,或许是想到能有机会混进剧组片场,近距离接触明星而兴奋着。 Goes out, sets aside 40,000 to come, to transfer the funds the 50,000 dollars of couple days ago obtaining to the father, the good explanation, Chen Guang a person to walk to eat meal at once. 出门,把前几天得到的五万块钱腾出四万来,转款给老爹,好一番解释,陈光旋即一个人走去吃饭。 Today is in the weekend, before school pedestrian street not, is so lively, but is crowded. 今天是周末,学校步行街没有之前那么热闹,但还是人来人往。 Since the family/home has had an accident, a long time Chen Guang the food that has in the cafeteria, but made the pen small wealth over the two days rarely, in the pocket also ten thousand block extra money, he wants to reward with food and drink itself actually, called meat Soichi soup to the stir-fried dish inn of pedestrian street, delicious sits starts the big mouth to make chewing motions. 自从家里出事以来,很长一段时间陈光都是在食堂吃的饭,不过这两天难得发了笔小财,兜里还有万把块余钱,他倒是想犒劳一下自己,到步行街的炒菜馆子叫了一荤一素一汤,美滋滋的坐着开始大口朵颐。 Without eating half, runs into female students on several class to meet chong to come actually, walks in forefront is Sun Xiaoxun. 没吃到一半,倒是遇到几个班上的女生接憧而来,走在最前面的就是孙小逊 Several female students also found front suspended Chen Guang of several trays, did not have anxiously, but is talking in whispers together. 几个女生也瞧见了面前摆了好几个盘子的陈光,却没急着过来,而是在一起窃窃私语。 Chen Guang smiles to several people, waving, has greeted. 陈光冲几人笑笑,挥挥手,算是打过招呼了。 Class leader Sir, your family Chen Guang there, his side has a position, you were not quick in the past.” “班长大人,你家陈光在那里呢,他身边就有一个位置,你还不快过去。” „Is, hurry up, I looked that some people's to by Chen Guang that position eyes covetously, you did not have the place a bit faster.” “就是就是,快点呢,我看有人对陈光旁边那个位置虎视眈眈的呢,你再不快点就没地方了。” Our, we will look after leave alone well oneself, you pursue your happiness quickly.” “别管我们的哈,我们自己会好好照顾自己的,你快去追求你的幸福哟。” Sun Xiaoxun was said by these people reddens all over the face, what my family Chen Guang! Do not speak irresponsibly to be good, I and Chen Guang have nothing.” 孙小逊被这些人你一言我一语的说得满脸通红,“什么我家陈光啊!你们别乱说好不好,我和陈光没什么的。” It‘s nothing......” had a girl to study Sun Xiaoxun that a wee bit not firm tone, the strange voice and strange manner is saying, was causes the people to laugh. “没什么的……”有个女孩子学着孙小逊那丁点都不坚定的语气,怪声怪气的说着,又是引起众人哄笑。 That side several girls laughing a while, Sun Xiaoxun were pushed and shoved the period of time by several other female students, face red depended toward Chen Guang. 那边几个女孩子嘻嘻哈哈了一会儿,孙小逊被另外几个女生推推搡搡一阵子,到底还是脸红红的往陈光这边靠了过来。 Arrives at the halfway, Sun Xiaoxun then stares the female student who she pushes forcefully to that several ruthlessly, but continues to move the step toward Chen Guang. 走到半路,孙小逊回头冲着那几个将她强行推出来的女生狠狠一瞪眼,但还是继续往陈光这边挪着步子。 This may the hypocritical girl. 这可口是心非的女孩儿。 „Do your one person come out to eat meal? Their three?” Sun Xiaoxun sat by Chen Guang. “你一个人出来吃饭呀?他们三个呢?”孙小逊陈光旁边坐了下来。 Chen Guang smiles, that three still rest on the bed is like the dead pig. Right, the class leader I have not known what you participate is what games project?” 陈光笑笑,“那三个还在床上睡得和死猪一样呢。对了,班长我还不知道你参加的是什么运动会项目呢?” The Sun Xiaoxun two hands place on the knee, the five fingers are intertwined, very shy is rubbing, the female who I...... I reported ran the dash 100 meters. Actually I had trained in the gymnastics before, what a pity in School Sports does not have gymnastics project.” 孙小逊两只手放在膝盖上,五指交缠,十分扭捏的搓着,“我……我报的女子短跑一百米。其实我以前练过体操,可惜学校运动会里没有体操这个项目。” Welcome the general book friends to visit reading, latest, quickest and hottest serial publication performs in the mobile phone user welcome to reading. 欢迎广大书友光临阅读,最新、最快、最火的连载作品尽在手机用户请到阅读。
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