CGA :: Volume #1

#37: Trembling

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Well...... practices gymnastics that rarely do not put on?” Chen Guang looked at Sun Xiaoxun, her stature is petite, a whole body flab, not pouring also is really a good seedling that trains in the gymnastics, naturally he saying that is actually also cracking a joke, teases Sun Xiaoxun intentionally. Small face of Sun Xiaoxun slightly red, swings the head is like the rattle-drum, where has! I trained before time is to put on the training clothing/taking that the whole body wraps, does not expose.” “咦……练体操那不是要穿得很少咩?”陈光看了看身旁孙小逊,她身材娇小,浑身没有一丝赘肉,倒还真是个练体操的好苗子,当然他这么说其实也是在开玩笑,故意逗孙小逊的。孙小逊的小脸微红,把脑袋摇得和拨浪鼓一样,“哪有啊!我以前训练的时候都是穿的全身包裹的训练服的,一点儿都不暴露。” Joking, looked that gives to frighten you. Good was good, knows you to be thin-skinned, did not say that you trained in the gymnastics the matter, in brief, ran the dash you also to refuel.” Chen Guang encourages saying that he remembered yesterday and Wen Wen actually goes to the road in Internet cafe together, the girl seems to have also said that what she also reported was runs the dash 100 meters. “开玩笑的啦,看把你给吓得。行了行了,知道你脸皮薄,就不说你练体操的事情了,总之,短跑你也加油哦。”陈光鼓励道,他倒是想起昨天和文雯一起去网吧的路上,那妮子似乎也说过,她也报的是短跑一百米。 Thinks carefully, Sun Xiaoxun is really pitiful, do not meet Wen Wen in the preliminary contest, best Sun Xiaoxun do not enter the finals, the Miss Wen that monster general physical ability, no matter who and she compares together, the fate will not be perhaps happy. 仔细想,孙小逊真是可怜,千万别在预赛里遇到文雯,最好孙小逊就不要进决赛,文大小姐那妖怪一般的体能,甭管谁和她一起比,下场恐怕都不会太愉快。 Un, you swim must refuel! If you cannot enter the finals, I......” the Sun Xiaoxun words told only half that also has not said. “嗯呢,你游泳也要加油哦!要是你没能进决赛的话,我就……”孙小逊话说到一半却又没说下去了。 Chen Guang toward mouth stopper a meat, ambiguous saying: You how?” 陈光往嘴里塞了一块肉,含混不清的说道:“你就怎么?” „...... It‘s nothing......” Sun Xiaoxun somewhat awkward standing up, has not walked toward the table that several other female students sit, in brief, you must refuel! They ordered the vegetable/dish, I passed.” “没……没什么……”孙小逊有些尴尬的站起身,往另外几个女生坐的桌子走去,“总之,你一定要加油啊!她们点好菜了,我过去了。” Sun Xiaoxun sat to that side went, Chen Guang scratched the head, mused that she is strange today, before did not say all projects were heavy in participating? How running over makes me refuel suddenly, appearance that also starts to speak but hesitates. 孙小逊坐到那边去了,陈光挠挠头,暗想怎么她今天怪怪的,之前不是都说了所有项目都重在参与吗?怎么突然跑过来让我加油,又这么欲言又止的样子。 Ok, if makes her know that I rescued Jin Shiyue and Jiang Yage underpants superhuman, perhaps definitely meets the bursting to my confidence? 算了,如果让她知道我就是救了靳诗月江雅歌的内裤超人的话,恐怕对我的信心肯定会爆棚吧? Chen Guang nearly to oneself cheeks, ended, I said the underpants were supreme? Has my heart tacitly approved that fearful nickname? Does not want! Good fearful quite fearful! Eats this thought quickly! 陈光险些给自己一个嘴巴子,完了,我怎么也自称内裤超人了?难道我的内心深处已经默认那个可怕的外号了吗?不要啊!好可怕好可怕!快把这念头吃掉! Hurries several food to dig, Chen Guang sets out to greet with several female students, ran away hurriedly. 赶紧几口饭刨完,陈光起身和几个女生打了个招呼,就急匆匆的跑掉了。 After Chen Guang walks, in the female student pile some people asked to Sun Xiaoxun: You did not plan that and he said you and Pan Jiang gambling stake?” 陈光走后,女生堆里有人对孙小逊问道:“你就不打算把你和潘江的赌注和他说一下的咯?” Sun Xiaoxun shakes the head, „, so as to avoid gives him the too tremendous pressure. Also, even if said uselessly still?” 孙小逊摇摇头,“不了,免得给他太大的压力。再说了,就算说了也没什么用的吧?” Heard that Pan Jiang that fellow asked several people of school swimming team to eat meal yesterday evening together, that several people come back puts arms around shoulders, I suspected that Pan Jiang has the plot!” Had the well-informed female student to say. “听说潘江那家伙昨天晚上请学校游泳队的几个人一起吃了饭,那几个人回来的时候勾肩搭背的,我怀疑潘江有阴谋!”有消息灵通的女生说着。 Sun Xiaoxun at heart one tight, on the mouth said: Is all right, lost indifferently also! Will eat meal not die with Pan Jiang, at the worst when the time comes your how many and do I go together? Gives to eat poorly him!” 孙小逊心里一紧,嘴上却说道:“没事没事,输了也无所谓啊!和潘江一起吃顿饭又不会死,大不了到时候你们几个和我一起去咯?把他给吃穷!” You are the good intention, Pan Jiang are not a good person, you must guard.” The eyeball of female students is bright as snow, compared with Chen Guang and Pan Jiang, the position in female student mind in the class are completely different, otherwise several female student doom will not push toward Chen Guang side Sun Xiaoxun, naturally everyone also knows that the class leader has that a meaning to Chen Guang. “你就是好心,潘江不是好人,你得防着点。”女生们的眼珠子都是雪亮的,陈光潘江相比,在班上女生心目中的地位完全不同,不然几个女生也不会死命把孙小逊陈光身边推了,当然大家也都知道班长对陈光是有那么层意思。 What a pity these two, Sun Xiaoxun is thin-skinned, Chen Guang is a klutz, this was about to graduate, but also the sound did not have, everyone looks to worry. 可惜这两人呢,孙小逊脸皮薄,陈光又是个木头人,这都快毕业了,还一点儿动静都没有,大家看着干着急。 No one notices, in the pedestrian street two buildings, Pan Jiang that passed by accidentally, is seeing Sun Xiaoxun to sit in the Chen Guang side. 没有人注意到,就在步行街对面的二楼上,偶然路过的潘江,正看见了孙小逊坐在陈光的身边。 Looks at Sun Xiaoxun that charming appearance, Pan Jiang envies to burn quickly. 看着孙小逊那副娇羞的模样,潘江嫉妒得快燃烧起来了。 Originally has not planned really such to do, Class leader the class leader, this may be you compels my!” In the Pan Jiang vision is glittering the ray of danger, as if got down a big decision secretly. “本来没打算真那样做的,班长啊班长,这可都是你逼我的!”潘江的目光里闪烁着危险的光芒,似乎暗自下了个重大的决定。 Puts out the cell phone, makes the phone call to the buddy of department of architecture that swimming team. 拿出手机,给建筑系那个游泳队的哥们打去电话。 Brother Dong, did matter make? Arrangement of preliminary groups?” Pan Jiang asked. “董哥,事情弄得怎么样了?预赛分组的安排出来没?”潘江问道。 Telephone said,Pan Jiang you put 10,000 hearts, 电话里说道,“潘江你就放一万个心吧, Several of us group in any case no matter how, must enter the finals. Besides me, another two in the school only the elementary school younger brothers who I am worse than with my group and ensure must link the ash unable to eat that Chen Guang ambush that you said. A preliminary contest group also has three to present the quota, three of us toward there one lie, others 10 cents opportunity does not have. However you may remember reached an agreement, after matter gets through, prepares 6000 to me, to make your safety strip, I almost gave the coach to spurt a face spittle. ” Pan Jiang smiles, Brother Dong you said that I felt relieved. This matter handled, the advantage must have your. Another day some opportunities will go out to sing together, I know that the town center has to suffice the vigor specially the gathering place, when the time comes you also called again that two elementary school younger brothers, everyone played to enjoy oneself to the full together!” 反正我们几个不管怎么分组,都是要进决赛的。除了我之外,另外两个在学校里只比我差的小学弟都和我一个组,保证把你说的那个陈光狙击得连灰都吃不到。预赛一个小组也就只得三个出现名额,我们三人往那里一趴,别人一毛钱机会都没有。不过你可记得说好了的啊,事情办完之后,给我准备六千块,为了弄你这个暗箱操作,我差点就给教练喷了一脸唾沫星子。”潘江嘿嘿一笑,“董哥你这么说我就放心了。这事办好了,好处少不了你的。改天有机会一起出去唱歌,我知道市中心有个特别够劲的场子,到时候你再把那两个小学弟也叫上,大家一起玩个尽兴!” That sentiment is good, when the time comes you have the time to come to see a scene, what elder brother several give you to perform is the steamroll.” “那感情好,到时候你有时间就来看个现场,哥几个给你表演一下什么叫碾压。” This Brother Dong, was the swimmer of department of architecture that state-level, Pan Jiang found him to manage this minor matter, the advantage gives much, he naturally readily agreed. 这董哥,就是建筑系那个国家级的游泳选手,潘江找到他办点这种小事,好处又给得不少,他自然一口答应下来。 In his opinion, this matter too with ease was simply happy, swims this movement, what compared with is the hard strength, quickly is quick, slow is slow. 在他看来,这事简直太轻松愉快了,游泳这种运动,比的是硬实力,快就是快,慢就是慢。 Different with the movement of other competition speed, accidental factor in the swim meet are extremely few, compared with is the power gap of absolute steamroll, is sharply divided, even if has a wee bit disparities, thinks that the weak one counterattack also difficult such as to ascend to heaven, the player who therefore in Olympic Games will frequently present the overlord level sweeps away the situations of several gold medals, for example past Throp and Phelps, almost ruled all competitions in peak condition. 和别的比拼速度的运动都不一样,游泳比赛中的偶然因素极少,比的就是绝对碾压的实力差距,强弱分明,哪怕只得一丁点差距,想弱者逆袭也难如登天,所以奥运会里才会经常出现霸主级的选手横扫几块金牌的情况,比如过去的索普和菲尔普斯,在巅峰状态时几乎统治了所有比赛。 The average people do not undergo the long-term specialist training, has a dream do not want to place on a par with the specialized player. 普通人不经过长期的专业训练,做梦也不要想和专业选手相提并论。 Therefore Brother Dong vowed solemnly like this, dares the camera to draw and another two players of school swimming team and a Chen Guang group. 因此董哥才这样信誓旦旦,也才敢暗箱到把校游泳队的另外两个选手拉进来和自己与陈光一个小组。 However, Pan Jiang handled anything, Sun Xiaoxun had anything to be worried, Chen Guang that was a wee bit does not care, asked him to sleep on pins and needles truly particularly cares, was another matter. 但是呢,潘江做了什么事情,孙小逊有什么担心,陈光那是一丁点都不在意,真正叫他寝食难安分外在意的,是另一件事。 Opens to Games from this day, six days of time, entire five days, Chen Guang crosses that to call with trepidation, is step by step alarmed. 从这天到校运会开幕,还有六天时间,整整五天,陈光过得那叫一个提心吊胆,步步惊心。 Especially the large size when him, is trembling, cautious. 尤其是在他上大号时,更是战战兢兢,如履薄冰。 Relaxes! Relax! Do not think that in squatting large size, right, I am acting in the movie, I am looking for business the say/way, how I must study do business, how to make money, how to develop the movie! How I really in do not want to fly in circles to draw this lump!” “放松!放松!一定不要想自己在蹲大号,没错,我在演电影,我在看为商之道,我要学怎么做生意,怎么赚钱,怎么演电影!我真的没有在想怎么把这坨翔拉出来!” Right, he fears is this condition. 没错,他怕的就是这状况。 Chen Guang had profoundly understood matter that Exceedingly High Chalice and Colored Glaze God Emperor unreasonable place, World inside the Grail trigger condition in the brain thought at that time. 陈光已经深刻认识到通天圣杯琉璃神皇不讲道理的地方,杯中界的触发条件正是自己当时脑子里想的事情。 The previous time is when plays DOTA2 condition, although realized the strongest player of unmatched in the world, but has no egg to use, the good and evil does not have the fault. 上一次是在玩DOTA2的时候出的状况,虽然练成了天下无敌的最强选手,但并没有什么卵用,好歹是没坏处。 Chen Guang feared, if in oneself brain is thinking the big trumpet, is thinking having a long lazy sleep, is thinking a to rub round of anything, the test of World inside the Grail appeared at this time. 陈光就怕,万一自己脑子里想着大小号,想着睡懒觉,想着撸一发什么的,这时候杯中界的考验出现了。 That simply is the judgment day same disaster! 那简直就是世界末日一样的灾难! Therefore, after Chen Guang profoundly understood risk, decided that starting today, makes one to be positive and progressive, optimistic health person! 所以,当陈光深刻认识到其中的危险性后,决定,从今天起,做一个积极向上,乐观健康的人! Opens since the earliest possible time of eye from him every morning, he holds one to mislead the youth while you are at it, is not right, should with the straightforward language, the profound doing business truth tell mind chicken soup reading material that is called the soup stock textbook, gnawing is with great interest. 从他每天一早睁开眼睛的第一时间起,他就手捧一本误人子弟,不对,是应该是用浅显易懂的语言,将高深的经商道理讲述出来的心灵鸡汤读物,简称高汤读本,啃得是津津有味。 After arriving at the classroom, Chen Guang also changed in the past three days hit the fishing two days of strainer, listening that were hear especially earnestly, almost punctured blindly another three people krypton gold/metal dog eyes of bedroom. 到教室之后,陈光也一改往常的三天打渔两天筛网,听讲那是听得格外的认真,几乎刺瞎同寝室的另外三个人的氪金狗眼。 Even finishes class, Chen Guang also fishes out «Film and television Performance Foundation» comes, although knows that this does not have the egg to use, but he really could not find out other more meaningful matter. 甚至下课的时候,陈光也摸出《影视表演基础》来,虽然知道这也没卵用,但他实在想不出别的更有意义的事情了。 After returning to the bedroom, Chen Guang also departs from the norm, ponders over the above three life important matters with single-hearted devotion, was tired, goes out to run race car/taxi driver, rests slightly. 回寝室后,陈光也一反常态,专心琢磨上述三件人生大事,累了,就出去跑跑车,稍微休息一下。 He always maintains by himself these four conditions, when that World inside the Grail appears again, the best result makes Exceedingly High Chalice cause Spirit Appearing Heaven difficulty doing business training forcefully, either is the proper study tyrant fosters the training, can come the actor basic education again badly, can have Car God to train badly. 他让自己始终保持在这四种状态下,那么当杯中界再次出现时,最好的结果就是强行让通天圣杯弄出个见灵天难度的经商培训,要么就是正正经经的学霸养成训练,再不济也能来个演员基础教学,最差也可以出个车神训练。 What is good, do not give me to come these strange tests! 什么都好,别给我来那些奇奇怪怪的考验啊! The old men cannot support! 老夫撑不住啊! It is not good, next time must ascertain Colored Glaze God Emperor, how must make her before appearing comes a pointed prompt, otherwise suffers the person this way! 不行,下次一定要问清楚琉璃神皇,怎么都得让她在出现之前来一点针对性的提示,不然这样下去好折磨人啊! For example ahead of time knows World inside the Grail must come, goes out to fight one on drawing personally, such World inside the Grail comes out, oneself can be delivered to what wrestle training ground ready ready, divides minute to change the boxing champion, really thinks to have the feeling. 比如提前知道杯中界要来了,就拉个人出去打一架,这样杯中界出来的时候,自己妥妥就能被送到什么格斗训练场,分分钟变拳王,真是想想都带感。 Chen Guang is clenching jaws secretly, he really feared oneself cannot support. 陈光暗自咬牙切齿着,他真怕自己撑不下去。 Under the deeply worried psychology of so intense pain suffers, the time flies, in an instant when arrived at School Sports to convene officially. 在这般紧张痛苦的焦灼心理折磨下,时光飞逝,转眼就到了学校运动会正式召开之时。 Welcome the general book friends to visit reading, latest, quickest and hottest serial publication performs in the mobile phone user welcome to reading. 欢迎广大书友光临阅读,最新、最快、最火的连载作品尽在手机用户请到阅读。
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