Person who Tang Ying is also has the temperament, after all the character who studies from the overseas, has seen the world, does not seem like the commonconcubine is so shy, yielding an inchis staringChen Guang, „Iwill then getmyphysical exam, youare bestto prayoneselfhave not madeanythingtome, otherwiseyourlatter half of lifeis waitingin the firmness!”At the same timesaying, herhas not been relaxingvigilantly, butquietlytowardretroceding, preparesto turn aroundto travelat any time, shealsofearsChen Guang„acting out of desperation”, butthisman is very possibleclaims the firstobject, Tang Yingimpossible, becausewas afraidanythingnot saying that walked.唐影也是个有脾气的人,毕竟是从国外留学回来的人物,见过世面,不像是一般的小女人那么扭捏,寸步不让的瞪着陈光,“我回头会去检查自己的身体,你最好祈祷自己别对我做过什么,否则你下半辈子就等着在牢里过吧!”一边说着,她也没放松警惕,而是悄然往后退出去一点,随时准备转身跑路,她也怕陈光“狗急跳墙”,但这男人很可能是夺走自己第一次的对象,唐影也不可能因为害怕就什么都不说就走了。At leastmustrememberthisface, leads the policeto make an arrestwhen the time comeswell!
起码要记住这张脸,到时候好带着警察去抓人!„Yes, is really good, come! Come! Sees clearly my face! Ido not run! Right, youbesthave a look atmylicense numbertofrontagain, patting, mefeared that youforgot! MoreoverItoldyouagain, Iwas the Wujinguniversityconstruct the linkschoolenvironmental scienceam the students, thisreally kind? Avoidyoucould not find the personwhen the time comes! Iwait foryouto ask the policeto catchmemomentarily! The mannerdoes not make the matter that weighs on the conscience, midnightdid not fear that the ghostknocks on a door! Ihave not really madeanythingtoyouin any case! Don't youreallyknoworpretend not knowing? Good, youmaysay that Ido not havedoing of realbladesolidspear/gun, occupiedyouto be cheapwith the hand, youmustconsidermeto molest the woman, thatwas also good, youwent! Iam waiting!”Chen Guangis saying, whilesquares the seat back cushion of driver seat, heplannedto walk.
“是啊,真不错,来!来!看清楚我这张脸!我不跑!对了,你最好再到前面去看看我的车牌号,也给拍下来,我怕你忘了!另外我再告诉你,我是五京大学建环学院环境科学系大三学生,这够意思了吧?省得你到时候找不到人!我随时等你叫警察来抓我!为人不做亏心事,夜半不怕鬼敲门!反正我又没有对你真做什么!你是真不知道还是装不知道?好吧,你或许会说我没真刀实枪的干,用手占了你便宜,你要告我猥亵妇女,那也行,你去告!我等着!”陈光一边说着,一边摆正驾驶座的靠背,他打算走了。Tang Yingthiswoman, reallyruns up to front of the car(riage)unexpectedly, was coming a pictureto the Chen Guangcar license.唐影这女人,居然真跑到车前面去,对着陈光的车牌来了一张照片。Chen Guangwas also madin any case, saidsimplyagain: „Come, patting the car licensewas insufficient, my face! Youalsopatone!”陈光反正也被气得不行了,索性再说道:“来,拍了车牌还不够,还有我这张脸!你也拍一个!”Tang Yingreallypatted, Chen Guangraises the right handsubconsciously, compared withVcharacters......唐影真拍了,陈光下意识举起右手,比了个V字……
The Chen Guangimposing mannerdoes not haveimmediately, thought that Fuckthisis the sickness, thenIgovernagain.陈光的气势顿时全无,心想尼玛这是病,回头我再去治。„Resulted , the car licensealsopatted, the faceyoualsopatted, Iwalked. Yougo back yourselfto thinkwell,has a look at the order of netyousendagain, Iamthatdriver who received the order! Thistimeyourluckgood to run intome, butis not everyone mysuchgood intention, youlikedrinkingto ruin itselfblindly, youruinalthough, butyouwill not have that goodluckto run intomenext time! Bye!”Said that thissaying, Chen Guangstarts the vehicleloudly, walkedspeedily.
“得了,车牌也拍了,脸你也拍了,那我就走了。你回去自己好好想想,再看看你发出来的网的订单,我就是那个接了订单的司机!这次你运气好能遇到我,但不是每个人都我这么好心,你喜欢瞎喝酒作贱自己,那你就尽管去作贱去,但下次你就没那么好的运气遇到我了!再见!”说完这话,陈光轰然发动车子,一溜烟走了。Does not dareto look atthiswomanoneeyesagain, hereallyfeared that cannot control the temperamentto get outto pull outhertwobigboxes on the ear.
不敢再多看这女人一眼,他真怕控制不住脾气下车去抽她两大耳刮子。When the Chen Guangvehiclewalkedfar, Tang Yingstamping the feetbitterly, although the brainwasa littleslightly drunk, but the standingbodywalkedactuallynoissue.
等陈光的车子走得远了,唐影恨恨的一跺脚,虽然脑子还是有点微醺,但站直身子走路倒是没什么问题了。Is planningto turn aroundto leave, sheactuallysees the packing boxin the roadside, bent downto pick uplooks, dumbfounded, was really the antialcoholic drug.
正打算转身离开,她却在路边看到个包装盒,俯身捡起一看,呆住了,真是解酒药。Took the boxto trytworoadsagain, the lower part of the bodyhad not been transmittinganyuncomfortableness.
If there is female of rich experiencetothataspect, hadthatmatter, perhapsalsoreallymeetsnofeeling, unmarried maiden that butoneselfguarantee exchange if not genuine!
Hasn't hiswhatreally done?
他真的什么都没做?Takes up the cell phone, opens the order of net, aboveclearwrites the orderinformation, silvermodernVerna, license numberSichuan.
拿起手机,翻开网的订单,上面清清楚楚的写着订单信息,银色现代瑞纳,车牌号川AXXXX。Withcar license that patteda moment agoaccording to a contrast, completelyconsistently!
The Tang Yingmouthopens the eldest child, became the Ofont, the complexionimmediatelybecomesred, Ireallytarnished the good person!唐影嘴巴张得老大,成了个O字型,脸色顿时变得通红,我真冤枉好人了啊!I...... Iam really stupid!
我……我真蠢!Tang Yinggawked the smallmoment, took a deep breath, raised the head, dulllooks at the spaciousroad surface, thatcar(riage)does not haveshadow.唐影愣了小片刻,深吸一口气,抬起头,呆愣愣看着空旷路面,那车早就没影儿了。Sheregretted that mustwish one couldtooneself a slap in the face, the handto lift the smallmoment, does not havethatcourageeventually, putslowly.
她后悔得恨不得给自己一耳光,手抬起来小片刻,终究还是没那勇气,缓缓放了下来。Societyseveralbigawkward, isthis.
The opposite partyindeedareoneselfobligationperson, thisobligationthanked profusely is not overrated, butactually......
对方的确是自己的大恩人,这种大恩千恩万谢不为过,可自己却……Tang Yingthought that was embarrassed, sheobtained the opposite partyto think that was nippedLu Dongbinnot to know the will of the peopleindignationconceivably by the dog, no wondera moment agohethathotbig.唐影觉得难堪极了,她可以想象得出对方觉得被狗咬吕洞宾不识好人心时的愤慨,难怪刚才他那么火大。What to do can this? The peoplewalked,
这可怎么办?人都走了,I are so how bad! Did hedefinitelyhave a mortal hatred ofme? Tang Yinghas not really guessedwrong, that sideChen Guangdriveswhilepanting in indignation, whiterecklessstopped the car(riage)in the roadsidefor a long time, mustcontinue the race car/taxi driverwords, twohoursat leastcanrundozens!
我这人怎么这么糟糕啊!他肯定恨死我了吧?唐影还真没猜错,那边陈光一边开车一边气呼呼的,白瞎把车停在路边那么长时间了,要继续跑车的话,两个小时至少能跑个好几十呢!Right, the fatheralsogave in vainantialcoholic drug of 50ocean!
对了,老子还白送了一颗五十大洋的解酒药!Is opening, the cell phone ring toneresounds, is a veryfamiliarnumber.
开着开着,手机铃声响起,是个挺熟悉的号码。Right! Isthatinsanewoman!
没错!就是那个疯女人的!Haha, nowknewwrong? Ashamed? Regret? Knew the undeservedgood person? Wants the expression of gratitudewithI apologize?
哈哈,现在知道错了吧?惭愧了吧?后悔了吧?知道冤枉好人了吧?想和我道歉道谢了吧?Have a dream! If the apologyis useful, wants the policeto do the wool!
做梦!如果道歉有用,要警察搞毛!Chen Guangcut off the telephoneneatly, from the startdoes not want anyinvolvingwiththatwomanagain, whatwill becomeas forherashamed, Chen Guangexpressed that does not carecompletely, youmademeunhappy, Iwasto makeyoulivein the shame, even ifletyourmooduncomfortableonedaytwodays, myalsovaluereturned to the price!陈光干脆利落的掐断了电话,压根就没想再和那女人有任何牵扯,至于她心里会惭愧成什么样,陈光表示完全不在乎,你让我不开心了,我就是要让你活在惭愧里,哪怕让你心情不爽个一天两天,我也值回票价了!Right! Iamsuchmean-spirited, without the Sirare massive!
The Chen Guangmoodis comfortableimmediately, is blowing the whistling, opens the Left and Right Handsmusic, is listening toJin ShiyueandJiang Yagetwo peoplenicerecitations, quitesatisfieddrivingreturned to the school.陈光心情顿时舒爽,吹着口哨,打开左右手的音乐,听着靳诗月和江雅歌两人动听的吟唱,颇为惬意的开车回学校去了。Heretelephonecut off, Tang Yingunwillinganddialedto go out, was hung upneatly.
这边电话被掐断,唐影不甘心的又拨了个出去,还是被干脆利落的挂断了。Hewas definitely angry, otherwise was also insufficientmytelephonenot to meet.
他肯定是气坏了吧,不然也不至于连我电话也不接。Snort, is really, the grown man is so how mean-spirited!
哼,真是的,大男人怎么这么小气!Tang Yingheartcomplex feelings, isawkwardisashamedishelpless, but alsoa littlesmallindignant, you are a bigman, cannot be calculatingwithmygirl!唐影心头五味杂陈,又是尴尬又是羞愧又是无奈,还有点小气愤,你好歹是个大男子,能不能别和我一个小女子这么斤斤计较啊!
The opportunity of apologizingdid not give!
连道歉的机会都不给呢!Alsois not right, hesaid that hedoes seem like the student of Wujinguniversity?
也不对,他说他好像是五京大学的学生?Good, you are a student, has the qualificationswillfully.
呃,好吧,你还是学生,是有资格任性一点。Ok, whentwodayshehad calmed downthentriesto contact withhim, actuallyheis a good person.
算了,等过两天他消消气了再试着联系他吧,其实他是个好人呢。Mindgoodperson, even ifexploded with rageat that time, will then certainly forgivemy?
心眼好的人,哪怕当时被气炸了,回头一定会原谅我的吧?Hassuchthoughts, Tang Yingto enter the apartmentelevator.
带着这样的心思,唐影走进公寓电梯。Regarding the student of Wujinguniversity, does not have the classnext day, the weekend in the eveningnot blacking out, simplyis the carnival.
对于五京大学的学生而言,第二天没有课,晚上不断电的周末,简直就是狂欢节。Chen Guang is about 6 : 00 amhas gone back to the school, thispoint, in the bedroomwas also turning on a lightunexpectedly, hears the dense and numerouskeyboardmouseknockingfrominside, thiscrowd of trashare playing the gameunexpectedlyall night, has not rested.陈光大约是凌晨 6 点过十分回到学校的,都这个点儿了,寝室里居然还亮着灯,从里面传来密密麻麻的键盘鼠标敲击声,这群渣渣居然通宵在打游戏,还没睡呢。Chen Guangpushes the door, desirably the looktoward the dead ahead, hedoes not dareto look atthatthreepeople of computerscreensstubbornly, theyare definitely playingDOTA2, thisgameis poisonous, feared that looked the stomachcould not support.陈光推门,刻意的把眼神死死朝着正前方,他不敢去看那三人的电脑屏幕,他们肯定在玩DOTA2,这游戏有毒,怕看多了肠胃撑不住。Has not thought,thesethreepeoplestrike the movement of keymousecrazily, ashepasses through the gateto stop suddenly.
不曾想到,这三人疯狂敲打键鼠的动作,随着他进门戛然而止。Threepeople of simultaneous/uniformsimultaneous/uniformturned head, looked at the Chen Guangaboutfiveseconds, a moment agoalso the bustlingbedroom, all of a suddenbecamecompletely silent, falling the needlemayhear.
The looks of thesethreegoodsare not right!
这仨货的眼神不对劲啊!Has ghost!
有鬼!Chen Guangwill jumpin the future, „do youthink someto do the wool? To eatme?”陈光往后一跳,“你们这么看着我搞毛?想吃我咩?”„Brother Guang, youlook! Ding-dong......”Bai Fanfirstjumpedfrom the chair, doublerefers tocombining to make the sword, aims at the ceiling, conducts tohalf ofgamesdoes not manage.
“光哥,你看!当当当当……”白凡第一个从椅子上跳了起来,双指并成剑,指向天花板,就连进行到一半的游戏也不管了。Followingthisgrandson'sfinger, Chen Guangturns head, is seeingoneselfthathas done the underpantsto hangondrying in the sun the clothes rack, dances in the airagainst the wind.
顺着这孙子的指头,陈光一扭头,正看见自己那条已经干了的内裤挂在晾衣架上,迎风飞舞。Thatis leaking the fingerbigsmall(this little one)crack, toChen Guangthisdirection, swayingly, seems ridiculinghismiserywithgoing down in the world.
那漏着指头大小的破洞,正对着陈光这个方向,晃晃悠悠,仿佛在嘲笑着他的凄凉与落魄。Inside of thisunderpants, but also is hanginganotherclothes rack, under the clothes rackisonewith the folderis clamping the coloredprintingchart.
在这条内裤的旁边,还挂着另一个衣架,衣架下面是一张用文件夹夹着的彩色打印图。Ondesign that thiscolorhits, enlargedunderpantssupermanbuttocksfeature articlechart that onlinereported!
The traceandstyle of underpants, areas for the crackposition and size, talliescompletely!
妈蛋!Chen Guanghas a dreamhas not expected, thesethreepeopleunexpectedly as inexpensiveasthissituation!陈光做梦也没料到,这三人居然贱到这个地步!Thesethreegrandsonshangthistwo kindsthingin the same place, isto choke to death itselfto quibblethoroughly the opportunity that!
The old men, had nothing to say in reply!
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