CGA :: Volume #1

#34: Misunderstanding

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But he has not choked to death this woman finally, after feeds forcefully to her the antialcoholic drug, Chen Guang sat on the driver seat, swung the glass, helpless is holding appreciatively the cell phone. Has no alternative, this woman does not wake, she cannot get out, the Chen Guang that good leisurely mood has not delivered to what hotel casually. 但他最终还是没有掐死这女人,在强行将解酒药给她喂下去后,陈光坐在了驾驶座上,把车窗摇下来,无奈至极的把玩着手机。没奈何啊,这女人不醒过来,她就下不了车,陈光没那么好的闲心把人随便送到什么酒店去。 Must go to the regular hotel, oneself carry her to go in like this, can report to the police to grasp by the service person did not say certainly, goes to that type not to need the pheasant hotel of ID card, Chen Guang did not feel relieved, but cannot throw in the roadside, no matter did not ask. 要去正规的酒店,自己这样扛着她进去,会不会被服务员报警抓了都说不准,去那种不需要身份证的野鸡宾馆,陈光又不放心,但又不能把人扔在路边不管不问。 Except that stops the car(riage) here, when she awakes to turn around beside, what can also make? 除了把车停在这里,等她自己醒转过来之外,还能做什么呢? Although at this time about to beginning of Summer, but to 3 : 00 am this time, outside wind has blown coolly. 虽然此时行将立夏,但到凌晨 3 点过这个当儿,外面的风吹进来还是凉飕飕的。 Chen Guang was somewhat stranded, wants to sleep, swings half the window simply, the taking down seat back cushion, was again slanting the body to lie down, before shutting at present, him turned the body to look under this woman, her mouth also in ambiguous honk is shouting anything, a pair of beautiful eye closely is shutting, seeming like somewhat was unexpectedly tranquil lovably. 陈光有些困了,想睡觉,索性就把窗户摇起来一半,再放倒靠背,斜着身子躺了下去,临闭眼前,他还是扭身看了下这女人,她嘴里还在含混不清的嘟嚷着什么,一双美目紧紧闭着,看起来居然有几分恬静可爱。 I! You said that your girl, is all right oneself well makes is drunk to do the wool! 我呸!你说你好好一个女孩子,没事把自己弄那么醉搞毛! Runs into my big good person, you are really the good fortune that eight lifetime cultivate/repair! 遇到我这种大好人,你真是八辈子修来的福分! Complained one ruthlessly, Chen Guang locks the vehicle door, closed one's eyes to sleep. 狠狠吐槽一句,陈光锁上车门,闭着眼睛睡觉了。 Tang Ying recorded unclear today to drink how much liquor radically, cannot remember how in oneself were goes home. 唐影根本就记不清自己今天到底喝了多少酒,也记不得自己是怎么回到家里的。 She only knows, in the hospitals and that several old qualifications quarrelling of ruthlessly, oneself pounded on the table at the scene, then panting in indignation comes out after the hospital, aimless on the street for a long time very long road, does not know very much finally stopped where, seemed like entered in the bar of whole family mountain huge crowd. 她只知道,在医院和那几个老资历狠狠的吵了一架,自己当场拍了桌子,然后气呼呼的从医院出来之后,漫无目的的在街道上走了很久很久的路,最终也不知道停在了哪里,似乎是走进了一家人山人海的酒吧里。 Then oneself sat the bar, the calling liquor one after another, some people said something to smooth things over in this period unceasingly, but oneself has not as if paid attention, considered is only drinking the alcohol to drown one's sorrows. 然后自己就坐上了吧台,一杯又一杯的叫酒,期间还不断有人上来搭讪,但自己似乎一个也没理睬,只顾着喝闷酒。 When leaves the bar, oneself as if stood in the road fire the order of net, was blown by the cold wind, the liquor vigor above, the feeling of being drunk swept across the brain suddenly all of a sudden. 在离开酒吧的时候,自己似乎站在路边发了个网的订单,然后被冷风一吹,酒劲猛然上头,醉意一下子就席卷了脑子。 Matter that then has, her a wee bit impressions did not have. 接下来发生的事情,她就一丁点印象都没有了。 But I should go home? After all my order sent. 但我应该是回到家了的吧?毕竟我订单都发出去了。 Strange, is today's bed so how hard? 奇怪,怎么今天的床这么硬? Faint Tang Ying, opens the eye slowly, sent for roughly ten seconds, she was lowers the head to touch under oneself neckband again, at once then breaks open the throat suddenly, sent out the grating scream. 晕乎乎的唐影,缓缓睁开眼睛,发了约莫十来秒钟的愣之后,她再是低头摸了下自己的领口,旋即便猛然破开嗓子,发出刺耳尖叫。 „--” “啊-啊-” The scream of Tang Ying as if punctures the nighttime sky the long blade, keeps ringing on the spacious avenue. 唐影的尖叫仿佛刺破夜空的长刀,在空旷的大街上响个不停。 The victim of bearing the brunt in the car(riage) Chen Guang that is sleeping blurry, was waked by this ear demon sound, he has not opened the eye with enough time, felt a big palm of the hand according to oneself face, this, this big palm of the hand also fierce making an effort grasped, two fingers spiked the nostril ruthlessly, must the nose tearing off simply. 首当其冲的受害者就是在车里正迷迷糊糊睡着觉的陈光,被这贯耳魔音弄醒也就罢了,他都还没来得及睁开眼睛,就觉得一张大巴掌按在了自己脸上,这也就罢了,这大巴掌还猛的使力一抓,两根手指狠狠戳进自己鼻孔,简直要把鼻子给扯掉了。 Where Chen Guang can not know is that female became sober, mother, you sobers up to sober up, has a need for this? 陈光哪能不知道是那女的酒醒了,妈的,你醒酒就醒酒吧,用得着这样吗? Can I also mediate happily! 我到底还能不能愉快的做好人了! Stares, acts, holds the palm of this woman, drew a point toward front forcefully, rescued own nostril, Chen Guang hit the straight body from the seat, turned on the flare in car(riage), is looking angrily at her, with is roaring compared with she bigger voice: „Do you do! Lunatics!” 瞪眼,出手,抓住这女人的手掌,强行往前面拉了一点,解救了自己的鼻孔,陈光从座椅上打直身子,打开车里的照明灯,怒视着她,用比她更大的嗓门吼着:“你干什么!疯子!” Oneself were also the good person achieves the bottom, the person who this woman this condition, Chen Guang where manages anything just became sober unexpectedly was unconscious , no thoughts of showing tender affection, I and you were not ripe, I saved you had shown extreme tolerance, am not worthwhile humble kneeling lick you like the pug dog, even if you were a beautiful woman , was the same! 自己也是好人做到底了,这女人居然这副状态,陈光哪里管什么刚酒醒的人神志不清,也没有任何怜香惜玉的心思,我和你又不熟,我把你救了已经是仁至义尽,犯不着像哈巴狗一样低三下四的跪舔你,哪怕你是美女,也一样! By a Chen Guang such roar, Tang Ying first is one dull, then goes all out to struggle, is received by the hand that Chen Guang acted bashful oneself. 陈光这么一吼,唐影先是一呆,然后又拼命挣扎,把自己被陈光拿捏住的手收了回来。 She somewhat was indeed flurried, suddenly wakes up, discovered oneself are not in home, but in a completely strange car(riage), 她的确有些慌乱了,突然醒来,发现自己不在家中,而是在一辆完全陌生的车里, Touches the chest again, discovered that the knot of neckband untied one, the less than half milk-white bosom exposition outside, the chest place also somewhat mounts the feeling of flour gruel. With a brain circuit of normal woman, she will certainly feel oneself acted indecently. 再是摸一下胸口,发现领口的扣子被解开了一颗,小半酥胸暴露在外,胸膛处还有些黏糊糊的感觉。以一个正常女人的脑回路,她当然会觉得自己被猥亵了。 Therefore the scream that she loses control, was on the rise to see to set level the chair to lie down Chen Guang that strange face of sleeping, in the brain does not have any idea, the subconsciousness was grasping on a palm of the hand. 所以她才失控的尖叫,抬头又正看见放平了椅子躺着睡觉的陈光那张陌生的脸,脑子里没有任何想法,下意识就一巴掌抓了过去。 Her is also the way things should be, such a was tossed about by Chen Guang, again is a roar, she was slightly more sober. 她这也是人之常情,被陈光这么一折腾,再是一吼,她稍微清醒冷静了些。 The first thought in her mind braving, is in the network often reported that after male violent female, kills people the matter that destroys the corpse and leave no trace. 她脑海里冒出来的第一个念头,却是网络上经常报道的,男子强暴女子后再杀人毁尸灭迹的事情。 The Tang Ying state of mind, matches the fierce expression that Chen Guang the mood suspends at this time unsatisfactory subconsciously again, really should not be too fearful. 唐影的心境,再搭配上陈光此时心情不佳下意识摆出来的狰狞表情,真是不要太可怕。 But Tang Ying eventually is the woman of seeing the world, opens locked on the other side the vehicle door quietly, while turns head to look toward the glass outside, discovered this place are quite familiar, unexpectedly in being away from family/home not far Guanghua Street, although the outside habitation is sparse, but the sky net monitoring camera of not far away is actually exuding the glimmer as before, she slightly steadfast a point, she is calculating, gets down after the car(riage), only needs to run 300-400 meters toward side, has transferred by the avenue small lane entrance, on can rush to the family/home the front door place of community, that place has the gate guard who performs duties all night. 唐影终究是见过世面的女人,一边悄然打开反锁了的车门,一边扭头往车窗外面看去,发现这地方自己颇为熟悉,竟是在距离自己家不远的光华大街上,外面人烟虽然稀疏,但不远处的天网监控摄像头却依旧泛着微光,她稍微踏实了一点,她盘算着,从车里下去之后,只需要往旁边跑出个300-400米,转过大街旁边的小巷口,就能冲到自己家里小区的大门处,那地方有通宵执勤的门卫。 You...... your sexual harasser! You by retribution!...... You do not act unreasonably! That side has the monitoring! I must report to the police!” Tang Ying is saying, while opens the vehicle door with the extremely covert movement quietly. “你……你这个色狼!你会遭报应的!你……你别乱来!那边有监控!我要报警了!”唐影一边说着,一边用极其隐蔽的动作悄然打开车门。 Chen Guang was really the air/Qi smiled, is pointing at own face, I? Sexual harasser? Will I suffer the retribution? Is sick? Warning? You reported to the police actually! The mother, you sends the order to me, I draw here your drunkard, you spit in my car(riage) full Che are, I endured. I buy the antialcoholic drug for you, I clean up the mess, but my his mother does not know where delivers you goes, starting from three o'clock car(riage) silly stopping here, when your oneself become sober, waited for two hours! Did you have a look what time is it? 5 : 30 am! My his mother simply is a sage! You tell me now, am I a sexual harasser? Do you want to report to the police?” 陈光真是气笑了,指着自己的脸,“我?色狼?我会遭报应?有病吧?报警?你倒是报警啊!妈的,你给我发订单,我把你这酒鬼拉到这里,你吐得我车里满车都是,我都忍了。我给你买解酒药,我收拾烂摊子,可我他妈又不知道把你送哪里去,从三点钟开始就把车傻乎乎的停在这里,等你自己酒醒,等了两个多小时!你看看现在几点了?凌晨 5 点半!我他妈简直就是个圣人!你现在告诉我,我是色狼?你要报警?” Chen Guang is the fire is also big, machine-gun is saying generally, the mouth spittle flew randomly, spurted the Tang Ying whole face. 陈光也是火大,连珠炮一般的说着,嘴里唾沫星子乱飞,喷了唐影满脸。 Tang Ying was scolded, the subconsciousness thought that what perhaps Chen Guang said is real, but outside blows gust, is blowing on her cool chest, looks down, oneself two pieces of white and shiny less than half milk-white bosoms, but also leaks outside. 唐影被骂愣了,下意识觉得或许陈光说的是真的,但外面吹来一阵风,正刮在她凉飕飕的胸膛上,低头看去,自己两片白花花的小半酥胸,还漏在外面。 Chen Guang said 1000 a moment ago 10,000, all became the idle talk. 得,刚才陈光说一千道一万的,全成了废话。 Tang Ying looked probably bandit same stared Chen Guang one, first is a face calm fastening untied opening, then fierce opening the door, got out, stands outside, but actually did not have anxiously departure, but stood by the Chen Guang driver seat, with as if must look at his one eyes the vision that he swallowed down, seeming like wants his face deep seal in the brain, feared that then gave to forget, in addition, her also demonstration raises hand in front of Chen Guang machine, above was demonstrating digit dialing contact surface, 1103 numbers were quite striking. 唐影像是看土匪一样的瞪了陈光一眼,先是一脸淡定的扣上被解开的口子,然后猛的开门,下车,站在了外面,倒没急着离开,而是站到陈光的驾驶座旁,用仿佛要把他吞下去的目光看了他一眼,似乎是想把他这张脸深深的印在脑子里,怕回头给忘了,除此之外,她还示威似的在陈光面前扬了扬手机,上面显示着拨号界面,110三个数字相当醒目。 Chen Guang was also drunk, „, how you like how dropping, you thought that I am a sexual harasser, got drunk while you occupied you to be cheap, without so-called, how you want to understand how to understand.” 陈光也是醉了,“得,你爱咋咋滴,你觉得我是色狼,趁你喝醉了占你便宜,也没所谓,你想怎么理解就怎么理解。” He is disinclined to tell this woman, father makes a move to save you, perhaps you several buildings from some not well-known pheasant hotel have jumped now downward. 他真是懒得告诉这女人,要不是老子出手救你,你现在恐怕已经从某个不知名的野鸡旅馆的几楼往下跳了。 The good intention treats as the evil intent, this woman brain is sick! 好心当做驴肝肺,这女人脑子有病! 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