CGA :: Volume #1

#33: Collapse

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Fierce setting out, opens the door to get out, changes to the right, two men are bending down to plan to put up one on the left and other on the right the female. Go away!” 猛的起身,开门下车,转到右边,两名男子正俯下身去打算一左一右把女子架起来。“滚开!” Really with this goods, the necessity that has not spoken well, Chen Guang left foot another foot, steps on ruthlessly on these two shoulder, just stooped, has not traced to the two male of female shoulder tramples but actually get lost toward behind. 和这种货色,实在没有好好说话的必要,陈光左一脚又一脚,狠狠踩在这两人肩膀上,把刚弯下身子,都还没摸到女子肩膀的两男踹得往后面倒滚出去。 Mother! Your boy courts death!” That in the place upturned named young people who slightly exploded, was straight the body, must clash in the Chen Guang direction. “妈的!你小子找死!”那个叫小爆的年轻人在地上翻了一圈,直起身子,就要往陈光的方向冲来。 Chop suey! You said that who courts death? Words father each character that the paralysis, you said a moment ago hears clearly, kills your two waste!” Chen Guang is disinclined to be reasonable with him, proceeds one step, welcomed slightly is exploding came up, acted suddenly, holds the fist that slightly exploded to hit, was makes an effort to turn again, asked this boy to cry out strangely crookedly the body, following his declivity body, Chen Guang was the left leg is kicking horizontally on this boy waist, kicked toward right him side goes but actually, planted in the roadside flower-bed. “杂碎!你说谁找死呢?麻痹的,你们刚才说的话老子每个字都听得清清楚楚,弄死你们这两个人渣!”陈光懒得和他讲道理,往前一步,迎着小爆就上去了,猛然出手,抓住小爆打过来的拳头,再是用力一扭,就叫这小子怪叫着歪过身子去,顺着他这一下斜身,陈光又是左脚横着踢在这小子腰肢上,将他踢得往右边倒去,一屁股栽在路旁的花坛里。 That middle-aged man named Brother Long also stood, suit and dress shoes seems like also puts on despicable airs, but looked in the Chen Guang look actually to fill fear, to put it bluntly instigated. 那个叫龙哥的中年男子也站了起来,西装革履的看起来还人模狗样,不过瞧着陈光的眼神里却充满了畏惧,说白了就是怂。 Friend...... has the words to say...... the friend......” Brother Long is saying, while wants to draw back in the future, actually looks slightly explodes the pain in the flower-bed, wants to run not the appearance that is good to run. “朋友……有话好说……朋友……”龙哥一边说着,一边想往后退,却又看着小爆在花坛里痛哼,想跑又不好跑的样子。 Chen Guang three and make two steps to proceed cross to go, is standing before Brother Long, friend? If I really have your such friends, I definitely choke to death him personally!” 陈光三步并作两步往前跨去,正站在龙哥面前,“朋友?如果我真有你们这样的朋友,我肯定亲手掐死他!” Kicks on this goods belly, tramples him sits on the ground, then rolls up the body to cover the belly to roll gets down but actually. 一脚踢在这货肚子上,把他踹得一屁股坐在地上,然后又蜷缩着身子捂住肚子滚倒下去。 I! Trash!” Chen Guang spat a saliva toward side, the female who then bends down to hold the ground, forces on the back seat. “我呸!垃圾!”陈光往旁边吐了口唾沫,接着俯身抱起地上的女子,塞进后座上。 When Chen Guang drives to prepare to embark, that middle-aged man and slightly exploded to support by the arm to stand mutually unexpectedly, stood Chen Guang is roaring in roadside simultaneous/uniform Qizhi, you added us! You are not same!” 陈光开车准备出发时,那中年男子和小爆相互搀扶着居然又站了起来,站在路边齐齐指着陈光吼着,“你还说我们!你不也一样!” Chen Guang face one cold, I, am different from you, I am a person, you are the domestic animals, is mixed up, you should rejoice that I do not have the licence to kill, otherwise I really want to kill you today. I draw on her my car(riage) , because she sent the order to me, I must deliver to the destination her, is so simple. Go away!” 陈光脸一冷,“我,和你们不一样,我是人,你们是畜生,是杂碎,你们该庆幸我没有杀人执照,不然我今天真想杀了你们。我拉她上我的车,是因为她给我发了订单,我要把她送到目的地,就这么简单。滚!” Chen Guang said, strikes an attitude to get out, these two hurry to hug scared shitless in the same place runs toward the distant place. 陈光说完,作势又要下车,这两人赶紧搂在一起屁滚尿流的往远处跑去。 Trash! 真他妈的垃圾! Chen Guang starts the vehicle, has not thought so many, the order that this woman transmits has the destination, no matter first her so many, drew to the place says again. 陈光发动车子,也没想那么多,这女人发送的订单就有目的地,先甭管她那么多了,把人拉到地方再说把。 The car(riage) arrives at half, this woman really oh vomited in the back seat, in the car(riage) surges the sour odor that immediately irritates the nose richly. 车开到一半,这女人果然在后座哇啦一声呕了出来,车里顿时涌起一股浓郁刺鼻的酸臭味。 A Chen Guang palm of the hand claps on the steering wheel, at heart that air/Qi, but also has no means that who asked him to mediate, runs upon this matter also only to take as bad luck. 陈光一巴掌拍在方向盘上,心里那个气啊,但又没任何办法,谁叫他要做个好人,撞上这事也只能自认倒霉。 Hey! Good to select? Hey! You awake! Hey!” Chen Guang drives at the same time, an off horse does not return is saying loudly. “喂!好点了没?喂!你醒醒!喂!”陈光一边开车,一边头也不回的大声说着。 Wheezing...... 呼噜噜噜…… This woman after oh has spat the period of time, unexpectedly on the back seat falls asleep! 这女人在哇啦哇啦吐过一阵子之后,居然就在后座上睡着了! I was really bi a dog! After should I not draw her to the place, she has not waked! 我真是哔了个狗!该不会我把她拉到地方了之后她还醒不过来吧! Her destination may not have to arrive at the community precisely, but writes in Guanghua Street three, what to do I special should! 她这目的地可没精确到小区,只是写着光华大街三段中啊,我特么该怎么办! Really feared that anything comes anything, after place, this female has rested deadly in the past, swaying her head is useless, does not bring to awake. 真是怕什么来什么,到地儿之后,这女子已经睡死过去,摇晃她脑袋都没用,根本就不带醒的。 The Chen Guang only harvest in the flare good and evil taking advantage of car(riage) saw clearly her cheek, criticizes one, the father saves you luckily today, you said that you long bring disaster on the nation and people, how also to dare a person to keel over drunk outside the bar! 陈光唯一的收获是借着车里的照明灯好歹看清楚了她的脸蛋,暗骂一声,幸好老子今天把你救了下来,你说你长这么祸国殃民,怎么还敢一个人醉倒在酒吧外面的! Did not say that previously met slightly exploded with Brother Long, moreover changed some people, even if drank the man who was a little drunk slightly, looked at her such, remembered nine Dongqiao road that famous legends again, proper must sit, in her side is waiting for by her on. 就不说先前遇到的那个小爆和龙哥了,另外换些人,哪怕稍微喝得有点醉的男人,看她那样子,再想起九洞桥路那闻名遐迩的传说,妥妥的要坐在她身边等着被她强上。 This female has a shawl long hair, has not put on make-up, but in the foreheads actually passes the stock to attract the person state of mind the taste, an oval face, the facial features are fine seem like the porcelain that Jingdezhen produces to be the same, even if Chen Guang looks excited. 这女子留着一头披肩长发,并未化妆,但眉宇间却透着股吸人神魂的味儿,一张瓜子脸,五官精致得像是景德镇出产的瓷器一样,就算是陈光看着都心动。 You spit on my vehicle, do not blame me to occupy you to be cheap! 你吐我车上,就别怪我占你便宜了! Chen Guang puts out a hand, fishes out her cell phone from her pants pocket, right, Chen Guang thought that this takes advantage even! 陈光伸手,从她裤兜里摸出她的手机来,没错,陈光觉得这就算是占了个大便宜了! Nowadays, perhaps can only try to turn the directory of her cell phone, looked that can help her contact with a friend or the family member. 现如今,恐怕只能试着翻一翻她手机的号码簿,看能不能帮她联系个朋友或者家人了。 Pit father! How your cell phone also brings the screen to guarantee the unlocking password! 坑爹呢!你这手机怎么还带屏保解锁密码的啊! After 45 seconds, on the cell phone showed, sorry, you continuous input five wrong unlocking codes, after please five minutes, tries.” 四十五秒后,手机上显示,“对不起,您已经连续输入五次错误的解锁码,请五分钟后再试。” Chen Guang throws toward the back seat on the cell phone, Director! I can speak the bad language! 陈光把手机往后座上一扔,导演!我可以说脏话吗! What to do this may! 这可咋整! Stands before the vehicle door, Chen Guang worries, walking is not, remaining is not. 站在车门前,陈光犯了难,走也不是,留也不是。 Delivered here, can't give back to her to throw in the roadside to travel? 都把人送这里了,总不能还给她扔路边上自己跑路吧? But she does not awake obstinately, is drunk this not to contact with her family member, Chen Guang at heart on a character, bothersome! 但她愣是不醒,醉成这样又联系不到她的家人,陈光心里就一个字,烦! First does not manage, giving to spit the sully in car(riage) to get ready. 先不管了,把给吐在车里的脏污打整一下吧。 Chen Guang is suppressing ill, uses up half package to pull out the paper, but is straightens up cleanly the letting person mood not joyful red and white thing near back seat, but that flavor can actually hardly be removed, this does not have the method. 陈光强忍着不适,用掉半包抽纸,可算是把后座附近的让人心情不怎么愉悦的红白之物拾掇干净,但那味道却还是挥之不去,这也是没法子。 As for the sully of shop on this woman shirt, the Chen Guang choice disregards, oneself and others were not ripe, help help this degree are also enough. 至于铺在这女人衬衫上的脏污,陈光选择无视,自己和别人也不熟,帮忙帮到这程度也是够了。 At this time, she haunched the body reluctantly. 就在这时候,她又勉强撑起身子来。 WTF! Came! The second wave came! 卧槽!来了来了!第二波来了! ! I must collapse! Chen Guang both hands explode the head, do you feel nauseated to spit one time? The sentiment I did a moment ago not studiously! 啊啊啊啊!我要崩溃了!陈光双手爆头,你要吐能一次性吐完吗?感情我刚才都做无用功了啊! The remaining half packages pulled out the paper to pass away, what was more fearful was this woman spitting posture is not right, in brief was these things covers her face, some Chen Guang of alcoholic intoxication experience has known, this condition has no alternative but to manage, if stopped up the trachea to these things, referred to erratically also obtains the human life. 剩下的半包抽纸已然作古,更可怕的是这女人这次吐的姿势还不对,总之就是那些东西都盖住她的脸了,有过醉酒经验的陈光知道,这种状况不能不管,万一给这些东西堵住气管,指不定还得出人命。 But, he did not have so many to be fastidious, in giving to throw in the paper goods pile of roadside discovers several also to use reluctantly, straightened up the face of this woman on, untied her uppermost shirt knot while convenient, helping her scratch under the neckband. 无奈之下,他也没那么多讲究了,在给扔在路边的纸巾堆里找出几张勉强还能用的,把这女人的脸上拾掇拾掇,顺便也就解开了她最上面的衬衣扣子,帮她擦了擦领口下面。 Bustles about all these, Chen Guang feels the somewhat exhausted feeling unexpectedly. 忙乎完这一切,陈光居然觉得有些精疲力竭之感。 Why the bothersome drunkard , the god is tired of this reason simply. 为什么烦醉鬼,正因如此,简直神烦。 At this time already 3 : 00 am, in Guanghua Street three sparsely inhabited, the car(riage) has not seen several, the cool breeze whiz whiz blowing, a Chen Guang package, old man this may should do! 此时已然凌晨 3 点,光华大街三段上人烟稀少,车也没见着几辆,凉风嗖嗖的吹,陈光一头包,老夫这可如何是好啊! Well, does there have the pharmacy that a night does business? 咦,那里有个通宵营业的药店? Ok, the father the good person achieves the bottom today, delivers Buddha to deliver to the west! 算了,老子今天好人做到底,送佛送到西! On the car lock, Chen Guang buys the antialcoholic drug to the pharmacy, made that money has not made, this antialcoholic drug gave his 50 oceans, put out one bottle of mineral water from the trunk again, the racket this female cheek, got up! Took the antialcoholic drug!” 把车锁上,陈光又到药店里买解酒药,弄得钱没挣到,这解酒药给去了他五十大洋,再从后备箱里拿出一瓶矿泉水,拍拍这女子脸蛋,“起来了!吃解酒药了!” The females stand up from failure, the mouth toot toot shouts, why! Why you look down upon me, I...... I must prove itself! I want......” 女子翻了个身,嘴里嘟嘟嚷嚷,“凭什么!凭什么你们看不起我,我……我一定要证明自己!我一定要……” Proves your younger sister! Gets up to take a drug to father! 证明你妹啊!起来给老子吃药! The Chen Guang temples blue vein braves, really wishes one could to choke to death her! 陈光太阳穴青筋直冒,真是恨不得掐死她! 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