„Hey, hello/you good, are youinitiating the ordernow the roadside? Imeetyouimmediately!” After smallmoment, according to the past was the same, afteracceptingorder, Chen Guangdials a telephoneto the opposite party. „Youwho! Alsotelephonedlate! Do not be tired ofme, Imustsleep!”In the telephoneis a voice of drunkenwoman, soundsambiguous, as if the nextsecondmustfall asleep was the same.
The telephonewas hung up, Chen Guangis bewildered.
电话被挂断了,陈光一脸茫然。„Is impossible? Difficultto be inadequateIto call the wrong number? Have no reason! Ihitdirectlyin the pastfrom the software of net! Can the softwarealsomake a mistake? Ok, triesagainonetime.”
“不可能吧?难不成我打错电话了?没理由啊!我是从网的软件里直接打过去的啊!软件也能出错?算了,再试一次。”Selects the passengerinformationin the driverclient side of netonce again, dialed the telephoneagain.
在网的司机客户端里又一次点开乘客信息,再次把电话拨了出去。Connection, insidethatvoice.
接通,里面还是那个声音。„Do not be tired ofme!”
“别烦我了啊!”Alsohanging up.
啪,又给挂断了。Chen Guangfaceoneblack, startedto suspect the lifesimply.陈光脸一黑,简直开始怀疑人生了。Difficultto be inadequateIreallyto make a mistake?
难不成我真打错了?Is staringlookedagainfor a long time, hedetermined,has not really made a mistake.
瞪着眼睛再是看了许久,他才确定,真没打错。Then the issuecame, oppositethatpersonwhat's the matter?
那么问题来了,对面那人到底是怎么回事?Difficultto be inadequateisthisperson of the time of registering the account numbermade a mistake?
难不成是这人注册账号的时候出错了?Hereallydoes not wantto give upthisorder, todayuntil now, hisorderfinish ratereaches as high as100%, thisis the data that easilydoes not maintain.
他真不想放弃这个订单,今天到现在为止,他的订单完成率高达百分之百,这可是个不容易保持的数据。As a pitifulobsessionpatient, Chen Guang is really wantsto preserveoneselfthis100%rates of transactiontodayin any event.
身为一名可悲的强迫症患者,陈光今天真是无论如何都想保住自己这百分之百的成交率。Butmeets the condition of suchrare and beautiful flowers, after hitting , the opposite partywas from the start unreasonable, not seem to give upnot being good!
但遇到这样奇葩的状况,打过去之后对方压根就不讲道理的,似乎不放弃也不行了啊!Helpless, isreadsin the orderagain the position of opposite party, no mistake, probablyinfront more than 400metersanotherbigbarentrancesroadsides.
无奈,再是看下订单上对方的位置,没有错,大概就在前面四百多米另外一家大酒吧门口的路边上。Ok, in any eventdrives pastto look, iftrulycould not find the passenger, that accepted fateeven.
算了,无论如何开过去看一下,如果确实找不到乘客,那就算了,认命了。Starts the vehicletowardleading the wayslowly, roughlyopened more than 400meters, according tolocating display, oneself seems to have arrived atplace.
缓缓发动车子往前行去,约莫开了四百多米,根据定位显示,自己似乎已经到地儿了。Turns headto looktoward the glassoutside,anythingdoes not have, some barentranceinnumerableattractively dressed boys and girls in not far awaypass in and outas before, butno onecares about his silvermodern age.
扭头往车窗外看去,什么也没有,不远处的酒吧门口依旧有无数红男绿女进进出出,但没人在意他这辆银色现代。„Damn! The pitdiedindividual!”Chen Guangcould not bearscold a bad language, plannedto clickto cancel the order, droveto return to the school.
The wealthis unimportant, the finish ratefrom100%will turn into92%not to affecttohisincome, butlost the perfectdataisthatuncomfortable, pureuncomfortable, did not need the reason.
钱财不重要,完成率从百分之百变成百分之九十二也并不会影响到他的收入,但失去了完美数据就是那么让人不爽,单纯的不爽,不需要理由。Just before leaving, heunwillingagain a call.
咦?Strange, the ringtoneresounds to the vehicle not farplace.
奇怪,电话铃声就在离车子不远的地方响起。Toot toottoot toot......
The opposite partycut off the telephone!
Under does not lose heart, Chen Guangdials the telephoneagain, made a sound!
不死心之下,陈光再次拨通电话,又响起来了!Supports the bodyfrom the driver seat, searchesagainfrom the glass of copilot the head, unexpectedly the groundbyhisvehicleis lying down the figureslenderfemale!
从驾驶座上支起身子,再把脑袋从副驾驶的车窗探出去,居然在他车子旁边地上躺着个身形窈窕的女子!Under the dimstreet light, Chen Guanglooked that is not quite clearherfacial features, the check shirt that but the personaljeansandpractice moral cultureactually the figureexposesshehastoconcave-convexwith nothing left, thisfemaleisa littleattractive.
昏暗的路灯下,陈光看不太清楚她的面容,但贴身牛仔裤和修身的格子衬衫却将她凹凸有致的身段展露无遗,这女子是有点诱人。Inherhandalsopinches the cell phone, the telephone bellis keeping ringing.
她手里还捏着手机,电话铃响个不停。Sheis drunk is really heavy, is blurrytries to find outfor quite a while, putsnear the cell phone the ear, „youare quite bothersome! Do not letmeknow that whoyouare, Ido not certainly let offyou.”
她醉得真是不轻,迷迷糊糊间摸索半天,才把手机放到自己耳朵边,“你好烦啊!别让我知道你是谁,我一定不放过你。”Shemade the telephone call!
她又把电话挂了!10,000godbeastshowlat heartcollapseTenginChen Guang, hewas also speechless.
一万头神兽在陈光心里呼啸崩腾而过,他也是无语了。Woman who thisis dead drunk the dead drunk, yourstatureis goodto becomethis, simplecallingfell asleepin the roadside!
这个酣醉如泥的女人,你身材好成这样,干脆利路的就在路边睡着了!Youhave not let offme! Ihave not wantedto let offyou!
Are youspecialsick?
It is not yousends the order, whospecialcomes!
The Chen Guangfingerhas placedhas cancelledonorderthis, he was really somewhatindignant,陈光的手指头已经放在了取消订单这上面,他真是有些气愤了,Originallyheusuallydid not likedrawing the alcoholic intoxicationperson, no mattermen and women, so long as is drunk, helooksbothersomely, on the one handhad the safety danger, the drunkardanythingmattercould do, otherwisespittingonvehicle, thattaste was very crisply sour, even ifthatsour odorwasheddoes not wash offeasily. Let alonethisfemalealso is really notbeing drunk of generalwords, lost the subjective consciousnessquicklythoroughly, turned into the memory, only thensevenseconds of fish, before shethreeminutes , the order that issued, thisFuckgaveto forgetcleanly, the roadworked asownbednear.
本来他平时就不怎么爱拉醉酒了的人,甭管男男女女,只要是喝醉了酒的,他看着就烦,一方面是有安全隐患,醉鬼什么事都做得出来,再不然就是给吐到车上,那滋味甭提多酸爽,那酸臭味就算洗都不容易洗掉。更何况这女子还真不是一般话的醉,都快彻底失去主观意识了,变成了记忆只有七秒钟的鱼,她自己三分钟之前才发出的订单,这尼玛就给忘得一干二净,把公路边当自家的床。With the rich experience of Chen Guang, almostcanconclude, in thisfemale100%will spitononeselfvehicleis thincrash-bang.
以陈光的丰富经验,几乎可以断定,这女子百分之百会在自己车上吐得稀里哗啦。Whichyouris coolwhereto stay, Idid not disturbyouto sleep.
得,您哪儿凉快哪儿呆着去,我就不打搅您睡觉了。Under the Chen Guangfingerpointcancels the order, on the cell phonesprings an option, the driverwhenrejecting the ordermust, inseveralinoption that seems likeandnoeggusesfinds a more uselessexcuse.陈光的手指点下取消订单,手机上弹出个选项来,司机在拒绝订单时必须在好几个看似并没有什么卵用的选项中找一个更没用的理由来。No matterin any caseyouchooseanything, the rate of transactionloweredsamedetainedyouto reward.
反正甭管你选啥,成交率低了一样扣你奖励。Urgesunlucky, whydoes not have the passengeris a fool, Irefuse to take passengersthisoption.
倒霉催的,为什么没有乘客是傻逼,我拒载这种选项。Chen Guangselectedotheroptionscasually, is preparingto confirmfinally,actuallyhears the sound of noisefromcopilotthat sideglassplacesuddenly.陈光随便点了个其他选项,正准备最后确认,从副驾驶那边的车窗处却突然传来喧闹之声。„Oh, is really the spacefalls downyounger sisterforest, thislittle girlwas drunklike this, under withoutlooked afterpersonally? Thisstature, is really good.” A veryfrivolousmalevoiceresoundsoutside the glass, soundssomewhatslightly drunk.
“哎哟,真是天上掉下个林妹妹,这妞儿醉成这样了,都没个人照看下的么?啧啧,这身材,真是不错。”一个十分轻佻的男子声音在车窗外响起,听起来有些微醺。„Hey! Hey! Beautiful women, your personhere? Yourfriend? Notwithyouin the same place? Beautiful women! Awakes, awakes!”Anothermiddle-aged mansquatsby the girl, is callingtoherearloudly.
“喂!喂!美女,你怎么一个人在这里?你的朋友呢?没和你在一起吗?美女!醒醒,醒醒!”另一个中年男子蹲在女孩子旁边,对着她的耳朵大声吆喝着。„Go away! Go away!...... Do not be tired ofme...... I to sleep...... rests...... sleeps...... Inot to have...... the friend, myhis motherdoes not need the friend! Youroll!” The femalesare blurryare swingingcarelessly the arm, as ifimaginescatches up with the flyto drive outthesetwomenequally.
“滚!滚开!别……别烦我……我要睡觉……睡……睡觉……我没有……朋友,我他妈不需要朋友!你们滚!”女子迷迷糊糊间胡乱的摆动着手臂,似乎想像赶苍蝇一样把这两名男子驱走。„Yo, the temperamentalsoveryexplodes. Your one personcome? Thissentimentis good, ourbothbrothers are very helpful, sleeps the linein the roadside, what to doifyoudid catch coldmay? Weareyourfriend, wedeliveryouto rest......”
“哟,脾气还挺爆的嘛。你一个人来的啊?这感情好,我们两兄弟都挺乐于助人的,在路边睡觉怎么行,万一你着凉了可怎么办?来来,我们就是你的朋友,我们送你去休息……”„Slightlyexplodes?...... Reallyis really dry?”
“小爆?真……真要干?”„Thatnot so? Brother LongIsaidtoyou, woman who inthisgreater part of the night the barbuys wine, feware proper, let aloneshealsoreallyoneselfgetting drunk. Yousaid, a persondrinksto be ablein the barto be drunksuchwoman, where can goproperly? Nowshewas drunkstupidly, weshouldered the hotelto goher, this matter of doingdid, cast aside the buttocksto walk, even ifshewoketo discover that early tomorrow morningsomewere not right, cannot remember the matter of evening'sto comenow, so long as we carefulpointdo not leave behind the body fluidon the line. Isaidtoyou,thismatterInot onlydid for the first time, clear! Is strange, blamesherto drinkdaresto get drunkunexpectedly. Brother Long, treasures the opportunity, thiscalled the common-law marriage, bestowed by heaven.”Previouslythatintonationfrivoloussmallcontinuedto sayyoung.
“那不然呢?龙哥我给你说,这种大半夜里来酒吧买醉的女人,就没几个是正经的,更何况她还真把自己给灌醉了。你说,一个人喝酒都能在酒吧醉成这样的女人,可以正经到哪里去?现在她醉傻了,咱们把她扛到旅馆去,该做的事做了,撇撇屁股就走,就算她明天一早醒过来发现有些不对劲,也根本就想不起今晚上发生的事情来,咱们只要小心点别留下体液就行了。我给你说,这种事情我都不只第一次干了,门儿清!要怪,就怪她自己一个人来喝酒居然敢喝醉。龙哥,珍惜机会呢,这叫露水姻缘,天赐的呢。”先前那个语调轻佻的小年轻继续说道。„Truth is also thistruth, ok! Did! Alsoreallylet alone, thisLittle Sisterreallydresses upto explode!” The middle-aged man seemed to be persuaded.
The hand of Chen Guangstiffened, hereallydid not planto managethisalcoholic intoxicationwoman.陈光的手僵住了,原本他是真不打算管这个醉酒女人的。But the matteractuallyturned intothis, he himselfhearsto understandthese two'sdialogueclearly, ifwalks away, perhapsconsciencedifficultsecure.
但事情却变成了这样,他自己把这两人的对话听得清楚明白,如果就这么一走了之,恐怕良心难安。Welcome the generalbookfriendsto visitreading, latest, quickest and hottestserial publicationperformsin the mobile phone userwelcometoreading.
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