CGA :: Volume #1

#31: Having tears streaming down the face

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Spat in the restroom upside down, made that the complexion turns white to turn green, Chen Guang returns to by the seat, sits, at the maximum speed withdraws from the game contact surface. Cannot look at this picture again, is simply virulent. 在厕所里吐了个底朝天,弄得面色都发白发青,陈光回到座位旁,一屁股坐下来,以最快的速度退出游戏界面。不能再看这画面了,简直有毒。 You a moment ago actually? Suddenly like hung! Aii yeah, how you achieve!” Wen Wen half of bodies throw to Chen Guang on, holds his face, looks right and left. “你刚才究竟怎么了?突然就像开了挂一样!哎哎哎,你到底怎么做到的啊!”文雯一半身子扑到陈光身上,捧起他的脸,左看右看。 The next second, Wen Wen that exciting vigor vanishes, she looked that the Chen Guang complexion is not right, how? Is uncomfortable?” 下一秒钟,文雯那个兴奋劲儿消失殆尽,她看出来陈光的面色不对劲了,“怎么了?不舒服?” Chen Guang gets a sudden inspiration, nod, cold.” 陈光灵机一动,点头,“感冒了。” On this day the air/Qi, can you also catch cold?” Wen Wen in great surprise. “这天气,你也能感冒?”文雯大惊。 Heat catches cold, to heat, uncomfortable.” Chen Guang opens eyes to talk nonsense decisively. “热伤风,给热的,难受。”陈光果断睁眼说瞎话。 What a pity his performing skill was too bad, Wen Wen understood that let alone his person, only one saw through him. 可惜他的演技太糟糕了,更何况还是文雯这么了解他的人,只一眼就看穿了他。 Wen Wen both hands grasp on the Chen Guang face, is not such.” 文雯双手抓在陈光脸上,“不是这样的吧。” The distance between face and Chen Guang of Wen Wen was near, time that as she spoke, such as the orchid fragrance blew out from her mouth, is putting on the Chen Guang face, warm mild sleek/moist, brings charming fragrance. 文雯的脸与陈光之间的距离近极了,随着她说话的当儿,如兰香气从她口中吹出,正扑在陈光脸上,温温润润的,却又带着迷人馨香。 Because is in the summer, the clothes that she wears are also very loose, because Wen Wen this bent down the past movement, Chen Guang small look unconscious drilled toward her neckband, is finding that charming two -and-a-half...... 因为是夏天,她穿的衣服也很是宽松,由于文雯这俯身过去的动作,陈光的小眼神不自觉的就往她领口里钻,正瞧见那迷人的两个半…… Good, actually this matter the number of times had not had several hundred times for these years over a thousand times. 好吧,其实这种事情这几年发生的次数没上千次也有好几百次了。 Chen Guang indicated, own tendency is normal, will not have the improper impulsion to own buddy, now truly what he fears is the change in Exceedingly High Chalice sees through to Wen Wen, the insight of this buddy is simply fearful. 陈光表示,自己的性向是正常的,不会对自己的哥们产生不该有的冲动,他现在真正怕的是自己在通天圣杯里的改变给文雯识破,这哥们的洞察力简直可怕。 The Chen Guang face pulls out, good, actually that game was related with me a moment ago. Hit a moment ago is hitting, felt oneself always did not hit well, was very at heart uncomfortable, I am thinking, in any event this must play a human appearance. I said to you, at that time I looked like by the god of game took possession simply, that response called a rapidness, the operation to call accurate simply, I do not dare to believe. Finally you also noticed that we overturned. Does not know how to do, possibly was this overdrawing fine Divine Power were too many, I see the game picture a little gastric disorder now, disgusting, uncomfortable, therefore......” 陈光脸一抽,“好吧,其实和我刚才那盘游戏有关。刚才打着打着,觉得自己老打不好,心里很不爽,我就想着,无论如何这盘一定要玩出个人样来。我给你说,当时我简直就像是被游戏之神附体了,那反应叫一个快,操作简直叫一个精准,我自己都不敢信。结果你也看到咯,咱们翻盘了。就是不知道怎么搞的,可能是这一盘透支的精神力太多了,我现在看见游戏画面就有点反胃,恶心,难受,所以……” Wen Wen, will draw back a point slightly in the future, I have heard your phenomenon. Before had a mother, in her child was pressed when under car(riage), unexpectedly gave the car(riage) with the hand moves out of the way! In other words the person when was forced into the hopeless situation, has the possibility adrenalin to lose control, erupts the unprecedented strength! I said that although 3000 player is the vegetable/dish, but can also the god display to make the astonishing operation occasionally. You were also definitely similar to the adrenalin a moment ago lost control, you can that fierce. Hehe, has made you accompany me to carry a heavy load the training, your pressure is a little big, is laborious you, next time I not in the bureau that you will draw 5000, I will open a new number, we are playing the low partition together the fish pond.” 文雯唔了一声,稍稍往后退了一点,“我听说过你这种现象。以前有一位母亲,在她的小孩被压在车下的时候,居然把车都给用手挪开了!也就是说人在被逼入绝境的时候,是有可能肾上腺激素失控,爆发出前所未有的力量的!我就说嘛,虽然三千分选手是很菜的啦,但偶尔也能神发挥打出惊人操作的嘛。刚才你肯定也是类似于肾上腺激素失控了,你才能那么厉害的嘛。嘿嘿,一直让你陪我负重训练,你的压力是有一点大的哟,辛苦你啦,下次我就不把你拖进五千分的局里啦,我开个新号,咱们一起在玩低分段的鱼塘吧。” Obviously Wen Wen understood wrongly, she also thinks that Chen Guang was because was underperforming in this game, pressure too greatly the temper tantrum, entered the summit insane condition of extraordinary display in turn, fired off later wants to vomit, that was also sequela that because the hormone caused extremely. 显然文雯理解错误了,她还以为陈光是因为在这一局里表现不佳,压力太大以至于情绪失控,反过来进入了超常发挥的巅疯状态,打完之后想要呕吐,那也是因为激素过激导致的后遗症。 Chen Guang thought, she understood like this has not missed, cannot tell her, oneself continued to play the entire three months in World inside the Grail, 2160 hours of the game, purely was played to spit the result. 陈光心想,她这样理解也没差,总不能告诉她,自己在杯中界里持续玩了整整三个月,2160小时的这游戏,纯粹就是玩吐了的结果吧。 Wen Wen also somewhat has not given full expression, wants to open one game again, but Chen Guang really could not support, makes her own play in side, Chen Guang turns the head to read the novel. 文雯还有些意犹未尽,想再开一局,但陈光实在撑不住了,就让她自己在旁边玩,陈光则转头看起小说来。 Good, actually the light looks at the computer screen now, to him is the enormous injuries, he is suppressing the nausea, the landing beginning, likes reading the novel that to cast a ticket to oneself, at once then lies down on the chair sleeps. 好吧,其实现在光是看着电脑屏幕,对他都是极大的伤害,他强忍着恶心,登陆起点,给自己喜欢看的小说投上一票,旋即便躺在椅子上睡起觉来。 That author was too pitiful, the finished old book all gave to shield, now opens the new book, in the author information on slides smooth light new book cleanly, 那个作者太可怜了,已经完结的老书全都给屏蔽了,现在开新书,作者信息里面就清洁溜溜的光这一本新书, Mixes compared with the rookie might as well, really heard that sad seeing bursts into tears, Chen Guang feels sorry for him, can support voting. Roughly after one hour, rests blurry Chen Guang to shake to wake by Wen Wen. 混得比新人还不如,真是闻者伤心见者流泪,陈光可怜他,才能撑着投个票。约莫一个把小时后,睡得迷迷糊糊的陈光文雯摇醒。 Looked that you were about unable to support, ok, returned to the school. Played a game also to play you collapsed, really had your.” Wen Wen is saying, while lifts Chen Guang, pushes him to walk out. “看你都快撑不住了,行了,回学校去吧。玩个游戏也把你玩得虚脱了,真有你的。”文雯一边说着,一边把陈光抬起来,推着他往外走。 Waits for, almost forgot, my cup!” Chen Guang fierce turning head, takes up the cup. “等一下,差点忘了,我的杯子!”陈光猛的回头,拿起自己杯子。 You are really mysterious, where really arrives at not to forget your cup, is the above beautiful woman so attractive? Compared with me also attractive?” Wen Wen pushed Chen Guang in behind, ships out appearance that vice- is jealous. “你真神奇,真是走到哪里都不忘你这杯子,上面的美女有这么好看?比我还好看的咯?”文雯在后面推了陈光一把,装出副吃醋的样子。 Chen Guang hehe, you do not understand.” 陈光嘿嘿一声,“你不懂。” Yes, I really do not understand.” Wen Wen smiles. “是呢,我真不懂。”文雯笑。 When enters the school gate, Chen Guang said suddenly, I go to the parking lot later, tonight I want to go to race car/taxi driver, in any case tomorrow will be in the weekend, will be late to rest to be all right.” 走进校门时,陈光突然说道,“我待会儿去停车场,今晚我想去跑车,反正明天是周末,晚点睡没事。” What? Were you insane? You tired became like this, but also went to race car/taxi driver? Hurries to give me to rest!” Queen Wen Wen acted crazy, holds the ear of Chen Guang, pushes in the direction of male student dormitory him. “什么?你疯了?你都累成这样了,还去跑车?赶紧回去给我歇着去!”文雯女王发飙了,抓住陈光的耳朵,将他往男生宿舍的方向推。 Chen Guang face tears, I really am the mouth am inexpensive, first sends back her, then came out is not good quietly? 陈光一脸泪,我真是嘴贱啊,先把她送回去,然后再悄悄出来不就好了吗? My this where is tired, my present condition is simply good to ascend to heaven, my was plays the game to hit to spit purely! 我这哪里是累的,我现在状态简直好得可以升天,我那纯粹就是打游戏打吐了而已啊! I want to drive now, is chart transforms the mood, empties the brain, how otherwise my now evening sleeps to fall asleep. 我现在想去开车,就是图个转换一下心情,空一空脑子,不然我今晚上睡觉怎么睡得着。 But this matter he is unable to explain, must follow Wen Wen, a face is entering the male student seven sheds painstakingly. 但这事他无法解释,只得顺着文雯,苦着一张脸走进男生七舍。 Hid in the stair hall a while, was supposing Wen Wen walked away, Chen Guang slid quietly from seven sheds, directly soared the parking lot. 在楼梯间里藏了一阵子,估摸着文雯走远了,陈光又悄悄从七舍溜出来,直奔停车场。 Tomorrow is in the weekend, the school does not black out in the evening, does not seal a door, Chen Guang plans to open his 56 hours. 明天是周末,学校晚上也不断电,不封门,陈光打算开他个五六个小时。 Lord who we are not short of money now, we drive are the affective tone of chart, is the leisure! 咱现在是不差钱的主,咱开车是图的个情调,是休闲! Is blowing the whistling, gets in the car(riage), Chen Guang starts the vehicle, leisurely left the school gate. 吹着口哨,一头钻进车里,陈光发动车子,悠哉悠哉的出了校门。 Where he knows, in the darkness a young girl in the eye the belt/bring tears, the sound has sobbed. 他哪里知道,黑暗中一个小妞已经眼中带泪,声音哽咽了。 Your this swindler, leaves that androcentrism! Is really short of money, you said one with me! Can you do not want to save face at all costs, was so tired, why you must go to race car/taxi driver! You also work as the buddy me!” Thinking aloud of Wen Wen sounds some weeping voice, Chen Guang this behavior was called her to look grievedly. “你这个骗子,别那么大男子主义啊!真的那么缺钱,你就和我说一声啊!你能不能不要这么死要面子活受罪,都这么累了,你为什么还要去跑车啊!你到底还把不把我当哥们啊!”文雯的自言自语听起来有些哭腔,陈光这种行为叫她看得心痛。 If Chen Guang knows, Wen Wen hides in the hidden place downcast unexpectedly, he must certainly abandon a brain that big strength to think that an appropriate expression comes facing the sadness of Wen Wen. 如果陈光知道,文雯居然藏在暗处神伤不已,他肯定要废一脑子那么大的力气去想一个适当的表情来面对文雯的悲伤。 The old men are really not tired, really wants to run a affective tone! 老夫真的不是累,真的只是想跑个情调! During the daytime when the Wujing city, roughly somewhat traffics jams, even the Chen Guang senior driver, will often still be stranded like this, in looks in stream of vehicles not to the end to be in deep sorrow. 白天时的五京市,大体是有些堵车的,即便是陈光这样的老司机,往往也会被困在一眼望不到头的车流之中而痛不欲生。 Therefore during the daytime his similar average one hour can run a list, but, was at night different. 所以白天他差不多平均一个小时才能跑出一单,但到了晚上,就不一样了。 The path construction of Wujing city is the top position in the country, so long as overall traffic flow magnitude lowest resistant to compression line that is lower than the path, the pilot can enjoy to be expected in other cities perfect experience that but cannot be sought. 五京市的道路建设走在了全国前列,只要总体车流量低于道路的最低抗压线,驾驶员就能享受到在其他城市可望而不可求的完美体验。 Regardless where you want to go, you can always find the spacious four traffic lanes to deliver the destination you. 无论你想去哪里,你总能找到宽敞的四车道将你送达目的地。 Therefore Chen Guang when the evening, average one hour at least can run two lists, if is the short distance order of that base price, even runs quickly can one hour run three. 所以陈光在晚上时,平均一个小时至少能跑出两单,倘若遇到的全是那种底价的短程订单,跑得快的话甚至能一个小时跑三趟。 His driving therapy is indeed effective, roughly after 34 hours, Chen Guang had run the entire ten lists, what is essential the pain of when being in his brain has forgotten previously to hit game that desire immortal wants completely. 他这开车疗法的确有效,约莫三四个小时后,陈光已经跑了整整十单,关键的是他脑子里已经完全忘了先前打游戏时那种欲仙欲死的痛苦了。 But he has not planned to go back, with Chen Guang own words, the old man in full vigour arrives must explode, did not burn goes back to be able the self-ignition. 但他还不打算回去,用陈光自己的话来说,老夫现在精力旺盛到要爆炸,不燃烧一点儿回去就能自燃了。 Usually he not in evening's race car/taxi driver to too late at night, on the one hand is the school must close, during the daytime must attend class, on the other hand is night race car/taxi driver is easy to have an accident, on Chen Guang in that group, has in the evening the robber who two unlucky brothers run into to pretend to be the passenger in this year. 平时他是不怎么在晚上跑车到太深夜的,一方面是学校要关门,白天得上课,另一方面就是夜里跑车容易出事,就陈光在的那个群里,这一年已经有两个倒霉的兄弟晚上遇到冒充乘客的抢劫犯了。 Luck good, lost two bankcard that does not have money, body cash hundred. 运气好的一个,丢了两张没钱的银行卡,身上现金百来块。 As for unlucky that brothers, probably three months ago, Chen Guang attended his funeral, in the groups of more than 1000 people at least went to 300 people, big fellow added to collect 40,000 dollars, donated that being killed brothers' family member at the scene, was extremely tragic. 至于倒霉的那个兄弟,大概三个月之前,陈光参加了他的葬礼,一千多人的群里至少去了三百人,大家伙加起来凑了四万块钱,当场捐给了那位丧命的兄弟的家人,也是惨绝人寰。 But present Chen Guang, bragged that has experienced cold blood two of brutal exercise in Instant Sea, the hell second test was also completed with ease, late at night race car/taxi driver this small risk, was a cinch. 但现在的陈光,自诩乃是在须臾海中经历过残酷锻炼的冷血二副了,就连地狱般的第二次考验也轻松完成,深夜跑车这点小风险,不在话下。 Really must run into the scoundrel, can eliminate evil anything for the people while convenient. 真要遇到歹徒,顺便还能为民除个害什么的。 Good, making us forget that meaningless second test. 好吧,让我们忘记那毫无意义的第二次考验。 In brief, when the time already arrives 2 : 00 am, Chen Guang actually still the car(riage) stops by a path of Wujing city famous bar street nine Dongqiao roads, reads the novel with the cell phone, while is waiting for the next passenger. 总之,当时间已经走到凌晨 2 点时,陈光却依然把车停在五京市出名的酒吧一条街九洞桥路的道路旁,一边用手机看小说,一边等待着下一个乘客。 Welcome the general book friends to visit reading, latest, quickest and hottest serial publication performs in the mobile phone user welcome to reading. 欢迎广大书友光临阅读,最新、最快、最火的连载作品尽在手机用户请到阅读。
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