CGA :: Volume #1

#30: Elder Brother you were invincible

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When the evaluation system thinks that he finally achieves the standard time, Chen Guang is really the tears, cries so ugly, two turn white, must get down but actually. To various negativities that World inside the Grail suppresses forcefully, comes in swarms in this flash, such as the irresistible tide, swallowed his mental instantaneously, his mind received the enormous wound immediately, pupil dispersing, unexpectedly really wants, because the mind is damaged to involve the mortal body, neat dying! 当评价系统认为他终于达成标准时,陈光真是老泪纵横,哭得一塌糊涂,两眼翻白,就此就要倒下去。给杯中界强行压制住的各种负面情绪,也在这一瞬间蜂拥而至,如势不可挡的浪潮,瞬间吞噬了他的心智,他的心神立马受到了极大创伤,瞳孔散开,居然真要因为心神受损而牵连到肉身,干脆利落的死去! This may be flustered Colored Glaze God Emperor, hurries combustion Divine Power, some own wills will instill into to the Chen Guang subconscious in forcefully, protects his mind, little restores his spiritual wound using Divine Power again. 这可急坏了琉璃神皇,赶紧燃烧神力,将属于自身的部分意志强行灌输到陈光潜意识之中,护住他的心神,再一点点利用神力修复他的精神创伤。 Waits to finish all these, actually overdraws Divine Power that she was not much left thoroughly, the result of directly causing is her sparkling stone clothes feather robe breaks up thoroughly. 等忙完这一切,却彻底透支了她本就所剩无几的神力,直接导致的结果就是她的莹裳羽衣彻底崩解。 What a pity Chen Guang just opened the eye, was thrown World inside the Grail by Colored Glaze God Emperor, has not had what delicacy actually again the God Emperor tofu. 可惜陈光这边刚刚才睁开眼睛,就被琉璃神皇扔出了杯中界,倒是没再吃到什么美味的神皇豆腐。 The whole body trembles, Chen Guang returned to the real world finally, turned head to look toward the side, Wen Wen still concentrated on is staring at the screen, is socializing with opposite single Yingxiong, but her situation was somewhat bad, in she will kill opposite hero once again only, from the shadow of woods fierce jumped out two enemies. 浑身一颤,陈光终于回到了现实世界,扭头往身旁看了看,文雯依然全神贯注的盯着荧幕,正与对面的中单英雄周旋着,不过这一次她的处境有些糟糕,就在她将又一次单杀对面英雄时,从树林的阴影中猛的窜出两个敌人来。 Encounters three people to encircle, tyrannical such as Wen Wen also in five seconds lying down corpse. 遭遇三人围剿,强横如文雯也在五秒钟之内躺尸。 With dying in battle of Wen Wen, this game of game , the losing battle has decided. 随着文雯的阵亡,这局游戏,也败局已定了。 Oh, loses, really loses.” Wen Wen is sighing, turns head to look at Chen Guang, in the look is somewhat unwilling, but does not have too to care, carried a heavy load the training to lose in any case is not a time twice. “唉,又输掉啦,真输掉啦。”文雯叹着气,扭头看陈光,眼神里有些不甘,但也没太多在意,反正负重训练输掉也不是一次两次了。 Chen Guang reluctant grins to smile, returns on the look own screen, looked at the next time glaring, from raising glass the preparation drank water now, only passes unexpectedly was less than five seconds! 陈光勉强的咧咧嘴笑笑,把眼神转回自己的屏幕上,晃眼看了下时间,从举杯准备喝水到现在,居然只过去了不到五秒钟! Game, had not ended.” Chen Guang is saying, while stretched an own body slightly, although present he looks that this game has intense gastric disorder feeling, but as if own automatic control strength was increased much, pouring is not cannot insist reluctantly. “游戏,还没有结束呢。”陈光一边说着,一边稍微舒展了一下自己的身子,虽然现在的他看着这游戏就有很强烈的反胃感,但似乎自己的自控力提升了不少,倒也不是不能勉强坚持。 Since had successfully adopted the test of Exceedingly High Chalice, since has become strongest player in the true sense, if not make anything in this game of game, rather was also unfair to the beforehand that hell terrifying to teach especially. 既然已经顺利通过了通天圣杯的考验,既然已经成了真正意义上的最强玩家,如果不在这局游戏里做点什么的话,未免也太对不起之前那地狱般的恐怖特训了。 In any event! Must insist that fires off this game! 无论如何!都要坚持到打完这一局! Chen Guang controls own hero to go out of the spring water, the look becomes the unprecedented firmness, you resurrect also 30 seconds, I first arrive at the middle of the mill to ambush, when you resurrected the earliest possible time to fly, doing a ticket was big.” 陈光操控着自己的英雄走出泉水,眼神变得前所未有的坚定,“你复活还有三十秒,我先到中路去埋伏着,等你复活了第一时间飞过来,干一票大的。” After 30 seconds, the Wen Wen Teleportation Array ray shines, the opposite party three people push the tower, proceeded by a point slightly, planned that overreached oneself to attempt to rescue the head/number of people of tower this kindly accepting. 三十秒后,文雯传送阵光芒亮起,对方三人推塔,稍稍往前靠了一点,打算把这个不自量力企图救塔的人头给笑纳了。 Chen Guang jumps out from the shadow, is controlling own heroic riddle, the small skill controls one, summoned the small riddle to catch other two's walking position, again through as slight as the operation of pinnacle, evaded the non- directive property control skill of opposite party, the release big move, controlled three people, at the same time Wen Wen heroic Carl fell to the ground, the neat community harmed even/including trick/recruit, three killed! 陈光从阴影中窜出,操控着自己的英雄谜团,小技能控制一个,召唤出小谜团卡住另外两人的走位,再通过细微到极致的操作,躲过对方的非指向性控制技能,释放大招,控住三人,于此同时文雯的英雄卡尔落地,干脆利落的群体伤害连招,三杀! Chen Guang of remnant blood first sneaks in the wild area, receives two waves fast wildly strange, pulls out the essential item twinkle dagger. 残血的陈光第一时间钻进野区,飞快收掉两波野怪,掏出关键道具闪烁匕首。 A moment ago also in three people that voice was foul-mouthed, even if were widely separated by all over the country, but heard that blew Burke yo the system voice, was startled grew up the mouth. 刚才还在语音里骂骂咧咧的三人,哪怕远隔天南海北,但听到那吹波克哟的系统语音,也不禁纷纷惊得长大了嘴巴。 Chen Guang types one line of characters, I thought that we can also win, this can also rescue again, how do you see?” 陈光打出一行字,“我觉得我们还能赢,这盘还能再抢救一下,你们怎么看?” Another three people of some do not believe in evil doctrines, but this game eventually is a tower not but actually, game that the person does not draw back, even if already disadvantage to pinnacle, so long as the world tree still, why can give up ahead of time? 另外三人有些不信邪,但这游戏终究还是个塔不倒,人不退的游戏,哪怕已经劣势到了极致,只要世界树还在,为什么要提前放弃呢? Gives a try again? 再试试看吧? After one minute, a teammate out of office area encounters the opposite party two people to encircle grasps, Chen Guang appears, old trick heavy, first faints, then to the wild strange release skill, summoned the little brother, the god level jamming, saved the teammate, the limit instead kills! 一分钟后,其中一名队友在野区遭遇对方两人围抓,陈光出现,故技重施,先晕一个,再回头对野怪释放技能,召唤小弟,神级卡位,救下队友,极限反杀! This riddle completely like changing a person! 这谜团完全就像换了一个人! Chen Guang let loose the voice, 陈光放开了语音, Almost was the time can exchange with the teammate. I said the buddy, before you...... you, is to develop?” 差不多是时候能和队友交流一下了。“我说哥们,你……你之前是演的吧?” Your this operation, should not deliver previously?” “你这操作,先前不应该那么送的啊?” Good, I spoke a moment ago am somewhat excessive, hits together well, opportunity.” “好吧,刚才我说话是有些过分了,一起好好打,还有机会的。” This game is so interesting, so long as you can show the strength that the selling person respects, the teammate will then give your enough respect, particularly in the high sub-bureau, the player quality generally is very high. 这游戏就是如此有趣,只要你能表现出让人敬重的实力,队友便会给你足够的尊重,尤其是在高分局里,玩家素质普遍还是很高的。 A Chen Guang mystical cough, before „, is my younger male cousin is playing.” 陈光神神秘秘的一咳嗽,“之前是我表弟在玩。” After five minutes, the Chen Guang one person alone acts as the bait, uses the high ground shadow and small riddle jamming, gathers together, the perfect use attack the opposite party five people are separated to insist that the twinkle dagger cools, uses again instantaneously, recoils into center the enemy crowd, release big move, major and medium five people! 五分钟后,陈光孤身充当诱饵,利用高地阴影与小谜团卡位,将对方五个人聚集到一起,再完美的利用攻击间隔坚持到闪烁匕首冷却,再瞬间使用,反冲入敌方人群正中,释放大招,大中五人! Meanwhile, Wen Wen has another three people to rush! 与此同时,文雯带着另外三人赶到! The Chen Guang volume of blood has fallen the number in the units place, has not actually died! 陈光血量已经降到个位数,却就是没死! The lossless group extinguishes the opposite party! 己方无损团灭对方! Overturned! 翻盘了! Thorough overturn! 彻底的翻盘了! Before Chen Guang , this series of operates, has exceeded the classics, this is in the artistic collection the extremely rare brush, but in this entire game of competition, has actually at least presented four times! 陈光之前这一系列操作,已然超越经典,这是集锦里面都极其罕见的神来之笔,但在这整局比赛里,其实至少已经出现四次了! The first time, retains the fire seed, the second time, turns the tide in favor, the third time, reverses the aspect, the fourth time, ensures the victory! 第一次,保留火种,第二次,挽回颓势,第三次,逆转局面,第四次,奠定胜局! Chen Guang uses to operate four times divine, the overturn probability will be close to zero infinitely, pulled forcefully! 陈光用四次神一样的操作,将翻盘几率无限接近于零的局面,硬生生的扳了回来! After the opposite party base was turned down, Wen Wen puts down the mouse, turns head to visit him, silent long time, suppresses one from the mouth, elder brother you were invincible!” 当对方基地被推掉后,文雯放下鼠标,扭头看着他,沉默半晌,才从嘴里憋出来一句,“哥你无敌了!” In game voice, another three people also continuously divulged the respective mood smart buddy to reorganize this game of video recording crazily, in the preparation passes to the artistic collection video author. 游戏语音里,另外三人也正此起彼伏的疯狂宣泄着各自的情绪机灵一些的哥们已经在整理这一局的录像,准备上传给集锦视频作者了。 Chen Guang actually puts down the earphone and mouse, to Wen Wen very evil charm extremes gives a calm smile, then to turn the head , really wanted the gastric disorder, could not support. 陈光却只是放下耳机和鼠标,冲着文雯十分邪魅狂狷的淡然一笑,然后转过头,哇的一声,真是要反胃了,撑不住了。 I go to the restroom!” After saying, Chen Guang on fierce flees since the chair, directly soars the restroom, in the next quarter transmits from the restroom oh spits is thin crash-bang the sound. “我去一下厕所!”说完之后,陈光就猛的从椅子上窜起,直奔厕所,下一刻就从厕所里传来哇啦哇啦吐得稀里哗啦的声音。 Wen Wen touches own face, said that same stretch/open face looked for a long time will feel bored, even if is really this, brothers your response rather was too still extreme! But this lady School Beauty!” 文雯摸了摸自己的脸,“都说同一张脸看久了就会感到厌倦,就算真是这样,兄弟你这反应也未免太过激了吧!本淑女可是校花啊!” Chen Guang spat muddleheaded in the restroom, almost gives to spit up the gastric juice. 陈光在厕所里吐得稀里糊涂,几乎把胃酸都给吐光了。 Sways the body to stand, flings the head ruthlessly, washed out for a long time face to outside with the cold water again, he is calms down finally. 摇晃着身子站起来,狠狠甩一甩脑袋,再到外面用冷水冲刷了许久的脸,他才终于是冷静下来。 The mother egg, the old man took, really took. 妈蛋,老夫服了,真的服了。 You realize the world's strongest and no egg to me use, I then just played for 20 minutes, unexpectedly the gastric disorder becomes this, pit father! 你给我练成世界最强并没有什么卵用啊,我这才刚多玩了二十分钟,居然反胃成这样,坑爹呢! No matter your I am making anything, appears anytime and anywhere, only examined me to make anything's setting at that time, was quite black! 你这个甭管我在做啥,随时随地出现,只检测我当时想做什么的设定,好黑啊! Wait, restroom...... 等等,厕所…… Revolving fears! 细思恐极啊! Fuck, if I next time when the squatting large size, makes an effort to make, attempts the time of flying in circles pinching-off, you suddenly appeared, do I want to be trained the world's first prolapse of rectum king? 尼玛,万一我下次在蹲大号的时候,用力挣,试图把翔夹断的当儿,你突然出现了,那我岂不是要被训练成全球第一脱肛王? I scratch the kind! 我擦类! No one thinks that online spreads for a long time investigation extremely DOTA2 powerhouse, at this time for the rough destiny, but is heavyhearted. 谁也不会想到,那个在网上流传许久的究极DOTA2强者,这时候正为自己坎坷的命运而忧心忡忡着。 Welcome the general book friends to visit reading, latest, quickest and hottest serial publication performs in the mobile phone user welcome to reading. 欢迎广大书友光临阅读,最新、最快、最火的连载作品尽在手机用户请到阅读。
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