„Calm! Sits down!”Chen Guangis luckily quick of eye and hand, when the crucial moment, pulls taut the Bear TwoT-shirtbackfrombehind, will have leapthim in midairto pull backon the chairto sit downforcefully. Initiallybymarking misconducttime, oneselfthreerecordedminor offenses, Bear Two the person, becausebeganactually, was recorded the serious offense, todaymustreallygivehimto beginin the presence of everyone, madedeliberatePan Jiangdevelopearly, Bear Two must be dismissed.
“冷静点!坐下!”幸好陈光眼疾手快,在千钧一发之际,从后面扯住熊二T恤后背,将已经腾到半空的他硬生生拉回椅子上一屁股坐下。当初被记过的时候,自己三个都是被记的小过,熊二因为是实际动手的人,被记了大过,今天要真给他当众动手,又让早有预谋的潘江演一演,熊二肯定要被开除。At onceChen Guangthenforehead a persononBai Fan and Bear Twogaveto snap fingersDivine Ability, „were you twosilly? Beginsin the classroom? Haven't youlooked at the Pan Jiangthisgrandson'splot? Icalledhimto go outsinglepractice, was the planlooks for a place that did not have the monitoringbrokehisfoot, makinghislatter half of life unable to play the basketball, butso long aswhen the time comesdid not have the human testimony and material evidence, diednotverifies, did not acknowledge mistakesincessantlyand that's the end, butcannotbeginin the classroomabsolutely!”
旋即陈光回头在白凡和熊二脑门上一人给了一下弹指神通,“你们两个傻啊?在教室里动手?难道你们没看出来潘江这孙子的阴谋?我叫他出去单练,是打算找个没监控的地方打断他的脚,让他下半辈子打不了篮球,但到时候只要没有人证物证,就死无对证,抵死了不认账就是了,但绝对不能在教室里动手啊!”Hey! Hey! Evenyouplanned that yousaidunderbig crowd of peoplecarelessly!
喂!喂!就算你这么打算的,你在大庭广众之下就这么大大咧咧的说出来了啊!FollowingPan Jiangcold sweat, looks that Chen Guangis teachingBear TwoandLady White Snake'sback, mused: Won't youcomereal?
后面的潘江一头冷汗,看着陈光正教训熊二和白娘子的背影,暗想:你不会来真的吧?„Good, do not quarrel, everyoneis a schoolmate, the rarefate, saw that next yearwill graduate, youcannotbe togetherwell?”Sun Xiaoxunresulted in the eyetearsto flowquicklyin the one sideair/Qi, inbehinddoomis pulling the Chen Guangcoat, the halfbodyhungonChen Guang, tore off the shirtknotquickly.
“好了好了,都别吵了,大家都是同学,多难得的缘分,眼看明年就毕业了,你们就不能好好相处的吗?”孙小逊在一旁气得眼泪水都快流出来了,在后面死命的拉扯着陈光的外套,半边身子都挂在陈光身上,快把衬衣扣子扯掉了。Chen Guanghad not plannedonworking as of Pan Jiang, hecannotlook that Lady White SnakeandBear Twoplay dumb, onlystaredPan Jiangoneagain, plansthento sit.陈光本就没打算上潘江的当,他只是不能看着白娘子和熊二犯傻而已,就只再瞪了潘江一眼,打算回头坐下来。Scoffs!
The Chen Guangshirtgloriouslysacrificed, hehas tears streaming down the faceimmediately, myclass leaderSir, is notImustfight, isthesetwoidiots!陈光的衬衣光荣牺牲,他顿时泪流满面,我的班长大人啊,不是我要打架啊,是这两个蠢货啊!Why are youdrawingtome?
Do youreallywantto mediate a quarrel?
你真的是要劝架吗?ButIfeltyourdestructive powerisstrongest!
When the formal dress that myonlywearsin the summer, twodays went to the full bearddramatic teamto try the playprepareto put on!
我唯一的一件夏天穿的正装,过两天去大胡子剧组试戏时准备穿的啊!Thinksagain,entiretwodays, oneselfreadlinesto be the same with the poem, when wantsto develop a smile, the expression on facewas also fiercelike the gate god in rural area, as ifdid not try the play not important?
Is also hopelessin any case?
真是丧气啊!„, Sorry! I...... Icompensatetoyou.”HereSun Xiaoxunsawoneselfto breakChen Guangclothes, was very on the contrary embarrassed, is nudgingonChen Guangunceasingly, probablywantssplitting the cloth stripbuiltto be the same.
“呀,对不起对不起!我……我给你赔。”这边孙小逊见自己把陈光衣服拉破了,反倒很是不好意思,又是在陈光身上不断拨拉着,好像是想把裂开的布条给重新搭回去一样。Chen Guangmotionlesslookoneturns the bodytowardside, avoidedSun Xiaoxun„pervert”, said: „Isn't in the way, Ido not likewearingthisshirtin any case, right, did youcometo have the matterto wanta moment agoto sayprobably? The nextfestivalclassis the shapeteaches, a while the instructormustcome, heard that is a newinstructor, whatclass leaderSiryounotahead of timeandeveryoneconfesses?”陈光不动神色的往旁边一扭身,躲开了孙小逊的“咸猪手”,说道:“不碍事不碍事,反正我也不怎么喜欢穿这件衬衣,对了,刚才你过来好像是有事情想说?下节课是形教课,等会儿辅导员就要来了,听说是个新辅导员,班长大人你不提前和大家交代点什么吗?”Sun Xiaoxunstares, finallyremembers the proper business, wentby the Bai Fanbelt/bringditchina moment agocompletely, complexionslightlyred, thinks of the platformto come up, butsomewhatembarrassedlooked atChen Guang.孙小逊一愣,终于想起正事来,刚才完全被白凡带沟里去了,脸色微红,想到讲台上去,但又有些不好意思的看了看陈光。„No matterI, goto go, the matter on classis important.”Chen Guangfeels that this whereismustnudgetowardoneselfon the clothes, from the startis digging upmyskin, hurriesto makeher.
“甭管我,去吧去吧,班上的事情要紧。”陈光觉着她这哪里是要把衣服往自己身上拨拉,压根就是在扒我的皮啊,还是赶紧把她弄走吧。Sun Xiaoxunlooked at the time, the trulynewinstructorapproached fastsomewhatreluctant, walkedtoward the platformon, retookagainpounded on the table, „everyonewas peaceful, peaceful, Ihad very importantmatter to say.”孙小逊看了看时间,确实新辅导员快来了,有些不情不愿的往讲台上走,重重拍了拍桌子,“大家都安静一下,安静一点,我有很重要的事情要说。”In the three yearsinSun Xiaoxun the matter on class is also processesin good order , has the reputationin the class, this movement, the making a racketallpeopleare gradually peaceful, waited forher to sayanything.
„ Ithink that everyoneknewprobably, TeacherShen the bodyis somewhat ill, no longerwasourinstructorsstarting fromthisweek. The schoolarranged a newinstructortous, hopes that everyonecancoordinateTeacherShenlikebefore,
“我想大家大概都知道了,沈老师身体有些不适,从这周开始就不再担任我们的辅导员了。学校给我们安排了一个新辅导员,希望大家能像之前配合沈老师一样,Coordinates the work of newinstructorTeacher Zhuo. ” Sun Xiaoxunsaidloudly. „Class leader, heard that Teacher Zhuojustgraduatedsoonstudyelder sister, isveryattractive?”Behindhas the peoplesoundto ask, actuallythis is also in the class the innermost thoughts of manymale student, has the well-informedpersonroughlyto inquire that earlysomenews, it is saidthisnewinstructor was really schoolgraduate studentinstitute'slast yearcelebrity, thatwasquitegracefulmaturesolemnbeautiful, againearlyseveralyearsshe, shestillwhenattendingundergraduate course, was one of the schoolSchool Beautypowerful competitors, but also was once photographed surreptitiouslyonline, has causedsuddenlystir, becausejusthermannerwas low-key, thismattergraduallywas also pale.
配合新辅导员卓老师的工作。”孙小逊大声说道。“班长,听说卓老师是刚刚毕业不久的学姐,是不是很漂亮呀?”后面有人大声问着,其实这也是班上不少男生的心里话,早有消息灵通的人约莫打听到了些消息,据说这位新辅导员真是学校研究生学院去年的名人,那是相当的优雅成熟端庄美丽,再早几年她,她还在读本科时,更是学校校花的有力竞争者之一,还曾经被人偷拍到网上,引起过一时间的轰动,只不过因为她为人低调,这事又渐渐淡下来了。Nowhas not thought that thisonceSchool Beautymustcometo beeveryone'sinstructorunexpectedly, asked the personparticularlyto anticipate.
如今没想到这位曾经的校花居然要来当大家的辅导员,不禁叫人分外期待起来。Sun Xiaoxunis a little worried, originallyshe must say that anothermatter, without the point that thinking ofthesepeoplepays attention to is completely not right.孙小逊有点苦恼,本来她还要说另外一件事的,却没想到这些人关注的点位完全就不对嘛。„Goodwas good, everyonedo not be noisy, making the class leadersayonetime the matter,wantsto know the newinstructorwas attractive, a whileshecame herselfto lookcannot.”Chen Guangsees the Sun Xiaoxunsomewhatworriedappearance, helpingherkeep an order.
“行了行了,大家都别闹了,让班长把事情一次说完,想知道新辅导员漂亮不漂亮,等会儿她来了自己看不就得了。”陈光见孙小逊有些苦恼的模样,帮她维持了一下秩序。When the peoplesettlewith great difficultyagain, Sun Xiaoxunthrows a gratefullooktoChen Guang , to continue saying: „In one week, was the schoolannualgames, as we all know, firsttwoyears our class'sverysoy sauceinSchool Sports, the enthusiasm that everyoneparticipated in the collective activityreally is a little disappointing. Howeverthistime, Teacher Zhuojusttook overourclass, shehopes that oursome, did not sayenthusiasticallycanmakewhatprogressat the games, at leastshehopes that each of uscanbe heavyinparticipating. What the polite speeches of moral , intellectual , physical and aesthetical developmentfull scale developmentIdid not say that however, Ihope that all our personnelpeopleregisterenthusiastically, striveto achieve everyone to participate, wasjuststarted the workTeacher Zhuoto select the actualsupport, ok?”
A Sun Xiaoxunsayingended, in the classheard a complaining of hardshipsoundeverywhere.孙小逊一说完,班上四处都传来一片叫苦之声。Regarding the presentuniversity student, crosses the happiestmatterevery day, attended classonce for a while, finishes classplayeddozen of gameson the nestin the bedroom, chatted, had a look at the movietelevision.
When manyhigh schools the male student who likesplaying soccer, entered the university, perhapshow manyyearswill not go tofield a time, nowwantthemto attend the games, isn't that the important personshort remaining life?
不少高中时喜欢踢球的男生,进了大学,或许几年都不会去一次球场,现在要他们参加运动会,那不就是要人老命么?Nowbigthree, 2-3years of lackingexercises, everyone'sphysical abilityhas droppedfiercely, goes toandbigelementary schoolyounger brotheragaincompetes, isasks for trouble.
现在都大三了,2-3年的缺乏锻炼,大家的体能早就下降得厉害了,再去和大一的小学弟竞争,就是自讨苦吃嘛。„Cannot go, disgraceful, wastetime!”
“不去不去,丢人现眼,浪费时间!”„Is, TeacherShenhave not requestedlike this, whyshe does onemakeeveryonego towhatgames? Inourclasshad the representatives of Pan Jiangthisschoolbasketball teamnotenough?”
“就是就是,沈老师都没有这样要求过,凭什么她一来就让大家都去什么运动会啊?我们班上有潘江这个校篮球队的代表不就够了吗?”„No matter how youthink,Iwill not goin any case.”
“不管你们怎么想,反正我是不会去的。”Belowhas startedrestless, anxiousSun Xiaoxunstares, butshealsoreallyhas no means that shealsoknows that thesepeopleare the frank talks that spoke.
下面已经开始闹腾了起来,急的孙小逊直瞪眼,但偏偏她还真就没有任何办法,她也知道这些人都是说的大实话。Teacher Zhuothisrequest, somewhatforced someone to do something against his will.卓老师这要求,有些强人所难了。Sun Xiaoxunhasto shift toChen Guang the vision of praying for rescue, sheknows that Chen Guangverycould speakin the male student, ifChen Guangwilling to standcame outto support itselfat this time, anotherthreepeople in hisbedroom will also at least follow on histogethersuchall personnel20male students, at leastfirsthandled1/5.孙小逊只好把求救的目光转向陈光,她知道陈光在男生里面还是挺说得上话的,如果这时候陈光肯站出来支持一下自己,至少他寝室里的另外三个人也会跟着他一起上这样全班二十来个男生里,起码先搞定五分之一了。Chen Guangis somewhat helpless, hedoes not wantto go tothiscrest of wave, gamesanything, thatis the matter that the childcancrave, is really no interesting, butlooks atSun Xiaoxunthatpitifullookagain, does not wantto embarrassthisprettyclass leaderschoolmate, headache.陈光有些无奈,他也不想去出这个风头,运动会什么的,那是小孩子才会热衷的事情,实在没什么意思,但再看孙小逊那可怜巴巴的眼神,又不想让这位娇滴滴的班长同学难堪,头疼。Inthis time, the classroomentranceis finding out a head, seesSun Xiaoxun on platform, determined that has not found fault the place, walkedquickly, as ifalsosomewhatgasps for breath, „for a long timehas not come to the undergraduateclassroom building, found fault the place. Xiaoxun, how? Doesn't everyonewant? What to do can this?”
正在这个时候,教室门口探出个脑袋来,一见讲台上的孙小逊,确定没找错地方,快步走了上来,似乎还有些喘气,“好久没来本科教学楼了,找错地方了。小逊,怎么了?大家都不愿意啊?这可怎么办啊?”Inclassroom, a sound of holding breathcold air.
教室里,一片倒吸凉气的声音。Walksthiswoman, heightroughlyonemeter72, wasabsolutehighselectedin the female, althoughshewore the low-heeled shoes, underpackage that butin a blackoccupationinstalled, actuallyhighlighted the figure that sheselectedslenderlyhighperfectly.
走进来这女人,身高约莫一米七二,在女子中算是绝对的高挑了,虽然她穿着平底鞋,但在一身黑色职业装的包裹之下,却还是将她修长高挑的身形给完美的凸显了出来。Herhairis making the braid, hangsis conducting the back, highlightsherfacial features.
她的头发扎着辫子,吊在背上,更将她的面容凸显出来。Alsowalks the movements of severalroads, maturecharmingauradisseminatesfromher, almostmustgiveto cover the classroom.
也就是走几步路的动作,一股成熟妩媚的气息从她身上弥散出来,几乎要将教室都给笼罩了。Sun Xiaoxun is also beautiful womanone, butjustwalkedwiththisselectscompared with the femalehigh, actuallyalmostends the defeatin the makings.孙小逊也是美女一枚,但和这刚走进来的高挑女子相比,却在气质上几乎完败。Saidactually notSun Xiaoxunlookssheis unattractive, purelybecause of the disparity of ageandappearance, making the girl who twooriginallyappearanceswere on a par withgiveto widen the disparityforcefully.
倒不是说孙小逊长得没她好看,纯粹是因为年龄和打扮的差距,让两个原本容貌不相伯仲的女孩子硬生生给拉开了差距。Prettyexquisite, maturecharming, regarding the university student of one's blood bubbles up to the brim, islatter'slethalityis obviously stronger!
一个娇俏玲珑,一个成熟妩媚,对于热血沸腾的大学生而言,显然是后者的杀伤力更强!This, is the Chen Guangnewinstructor, Zhou JingsiTeacher Zhuo!
这,就是陈光的新辅导员,卓静思卓老师!Welcome the generalbookfriendsto visitreading, latest, quickest and hottestserial publicationperformsin the mobile phone userwelcometoreading.
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