CGA :: Volume #1

#24: Must have 1 to lose

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As Zhou Jingsi enters into the classroom, is completely silent to the entire classroom, only used for several seconds. Sun Xiaoxun has not thought of Teacher Zhuo, when was so embarrassed came, thought that she saw schoolmates like this, definitely sad, somewhat annoying pinching own lower hem corner, Teacher Zhuo, sorry.” 随着卓静思迈入教室,再到整个教室鸦雀无声,前后也就只用了几秒钟时间而已。孙小逊没想到卓老师在这么难堪的时候来了,心想她看见同学们都这样子,肯定会伤心的吧,有些懊恼的捏捏自己的衣角,“卓老师,对不起。” Zhou Jingsi actually is also a complete rookie, sees the first fire that the new officer takes office to burn yellow, the heart also loses very much, on the face cannot keep, must pat the shoulder of Sun Xiaoxun, Xiaoxun, all right, was I finished in a hast, you first got down the rest, I will say a next next week's arrangement to everyone, when this matter I have not raised.” 卓静思其实也是个完全的新人,见自己新官上任的第一把火就烧黄了,心头也很是失落,脸上也没能藏得住,只得拍拍孙小逊的肩膀,“小逊,没事的,是我太急于求成了,你先下去休息吧,我给大家说一下下周的安排,这事就当我没提过吧。” The Sun Xiaoxun slight nod, brings a lot to drive away to the classroom behind sits. 孙小逊微微点头,带着一肚子气走到教室后面坐着。 Ok, everyone's good, I first introduced oneself, because of the condition of Teacher Shen, therefore I receive temporarily took on the work of instructor to everyone, if naturally did not do well, then I continued to study for my doctorate to go. Therefore, hopes that this semester everyone coordinates my work much, I will also certainly help everyone solve the difficulty in learn/study life with every effort, otherwise after and other Shen teachers are restored to health, I have not led the good words everyone, he will definitely not bypass my. Many words did not say matter that Xiaoxun said a moment ago, is my idea, since everyone does not prefer, I do not demand.” On the Zhou Jingsi mouth was saying does not demand, but on face disappointed is obvious. “好了,大家好,我先自我介绍一下,因为沈老师的病情,所以我临时接下了给大家担当辅导员的工作,当然如果干不好的话,回头我还是就继续去攻读我的博士去啦。所以呢,希望这个学期大家多多配合我的工作,我也一定会尽力帮助大家解决学习生活中的困难,不然等沈老师康复后,我没把大家带好的话,他肯定不会绕过我的。多的话也不说了,小逊刚才说的事情,是我的主意,既然大家都这么不情愿,那我也就不强求啦。”卓静思嘴上说着不强求,但脸上的失望却再明显不过。 No matter! Teacher Zhuo, that was we and class leader Sirs cracked a joke a moment ago! The games we naturally must participate! Moreover must come back with the good achievements!” Pan Jiang first jumps, pats bang bang the straight sound the chest. “没有的事!卓老师,刚才那是我们大家伙和班长大人开玩笑呢!运动会我们当然要参加啊!而且还要拿个好成绩回来啊!”潘江第一个跳将起来,把胸脯拍得砰砰直响。 At once others also in abundance enthusiastically, a top excitement. 旋即其他人也纷纷踊跃而起,一个顶一个的激动。 „Is, the first two school years gave the body went bad lazily, now Teacher Zhuo considered for us, allowing us to attend the games, we happily also without enough time!” “就是就是,前两个学年把身体都给懒坏了,现在卓老师为我们考虑,让我们参加运动会,我们高兴还来不及呢!” Teacher Zhuo, is not I blows to you, in the past I was the dash princekin of high school, I surely gave us the class to come back with the champion!” Said these words unexpectedly is Chen Guang nearby Lady White Snake! 卓老师,不是我给你吹,当年我可是高中的短跑小王子,我一定给咱们班拿个冠军回来!”说这句话的居然是陈光旁边的白娘子! Where Zhou Jingsi wants to obtain, these person of previous quarter have not been willing to move the appearance of body the tool rest on the neck, now unexpectedly all becomes the master sportsman? 卓静思哪想得到,这些人前一刻还一副把刀架在脖子上都不肯动动身子的模样,现在居然全成了运动健将了? But looks at these small male student slightly obviously excessively stimulated expressions again, she also understood 7788, cheek slightly red, but also was very happy. 但再是一看这些小男生略显过分亢奋的表情,她心里也明白了七七八八,面颊微红,但却又很高兴。 Thank you, thanked everyone! After that finishes class a while, everyone fills to register in Xiaoxun there, we did not strive for attaining the good result, but won over all people to participate, was good? We will definitely become the class that school only all personnel people register!” The Zhou Jingsi smile like the flower, felt the student on own this class is very lovable, comes before fortunately, feels alarmed and anxious. “谢谢大家,谢谢大家了!那等会儿下课之后,大家在小逊那里填一下报名,我们不求拿到太好的成绩,但争取全班人都参加,好不好?我们肯定会成为全校唯一一个全班人都报名的班级!”卓静思笑颜如花,觉得自己这个班上的学生还是很可爱的嘛,亏得来之前还担惊受怕的。 Although the female students on class do not have the male student that enthusiastically, but actually Sun Xiaoxun already and many female students reached an agreement, everyone and others is also the meaning of male student. 班上的女生虽然没男生那么踊跃,不过其实孙小逊早就和众多女生说好了,大家等的也就是男生的意思。 Since the male students take a stand now, the female students will not naturally open Sun Xiaoxun and Zhou Jingsi stage. 既然现在男生们都表了态,女生们自然也不会拆孙小逊卓静思的台。 Chen Guang slightly feels worriedly rubbed the eyebrow, is really troublesome, words that all people must go, oneself were not good to wipe. 陈光略感苦恼的揉了揉眉毛,真是麻烦,全班人都要去的话,自己就不好抹过去了啊。 Zhou Jingsi then confessed many things, Chen Guang has not perceived many actually, this time he in ponders over «Actor Self- Training» that did not lose heart, meanwhile must love dearly own white shirt, but must face Bai Fan this boy endless questioning, he grasps the issue of Chen Guang underpants not to put, thinks firmly the underpants superman were Chen Guang. 卓静思接下来又交代了不少事情,陈光倒是没听进去多少,这时候的他又在不死心的琢磨《演员的自我修养》,同时还得心疼自己的白衬衣,还得面对白凡这小子无休止的追问,他抓住陈光内裤的问题不放了,坚决认为内裤超人就是陈光 This entire class gets down, Chen Guang also enough bustles about. 这一整节课下来,陈光也是够忙乎的。 Finally endures Zhou Jingsi to announce finishes class, Chen Guang is planning to slip away secretly, Sun Xiaoxun actually rushed to the platform quickly, held up high has prepared the good application form, said loudly: „ Everyone comes! Looks at own interest, wants to report what project on the report anything project, however, the stipulation according to school, the same project, the same class can only have a person to participate, 终于熬到卓静思宣布下课,陈光正打算偷偷溜掉,孙小逊却以迅雷不及掩耳之势冲上了讲台,高高举起早就准备好的报名表,大声说道:“大家一个一个的来啊!看自己的兴趣,想报什么项目就报什么项目,但是呢,按照学校的规定,同一个项目,同一班级只能有一个人参加, Therefore, has the slow in work not to have deftly! ” Completely no one runs away, Zhou Jingsi only uses this face, conquered in the class these androgen secretion surplus male students, with personal connection of Sun Xiaoxun in female student, conquered should regard her for the female student of enemy. 所以呢,手快有手慢无的哦!”完全没人偷跑,卓静思只用她这张脸,就征服了班上这些雄性激素分泌过剩的男生,又用孙小逊在女生中的人脉,征服了本该视她为敌的女生。 First jumps naturally is Pan Jiang that registers, although this goods manner is bad, but in the class some indeed those people gather round him to spin, he very relaxed prepares to form a basketball team on drawing to five people. 最先跳起来报名的当然是潘江,虽然这货为人糟糕,但班上的确有那么些人围着他打转,他很是轻松就拉到五个人准备组成个篮球队。 Has his school team main force to support, the score of basketball team will not be surely bad, good opportunity that can show off. 有他这个校队主力撑着,篮球队的战绩必定不会太差,正是能大出风头的好机会。 The Pan Jiang five people act first registration of fast, they should leave the classroom, but does not know in the Pan Jiang brain to think anything, unexpectedly ran back behind Chen Guang to sit, when passing through the Chen Guang four people of this row, this goods with full were the provocative expression flew Bai Fan. 潘江五个人动作飞快的第一个报了名,他们本该就此离开教室,但也不知道潘江脑子里在想什么,居然又跑回陈光后面一屁股坐了下来,在经过陈光四人这一排时,这货又用满是挑衅的表情飞了白凡一下。 Mother, I wants to punch him!” Above Bai Fan wanted. “妈的,我想揍他!”白凡又要上头了。 Chen Guang pats the forehead, he quick was speechless to Bai Fan, I said that you can stop? Are you really silly or play the fool? Even if must punch him, then finds a right opportunity, did this matter quietly on the line, do you roar to be useful now?” 陈光一拍自己脑门,他对白凡快无语了,“我说你能不能消停一下?你是真傻还是装傻?就算要揍他,回头找个合适的机会,悄悄把这事做了就行,你现在吼出来有什么用?” Bai Fan sitting angrily on the chair, the eyeball stared quickly, was not the basketball school team? Does not know that his cocky what vigor, is difficult to be inadequate he also to enter the professional basketball team? Graduating also isn't equally to the life that the person works?” 白凡气鼓鼓的坐在椅子上,眼珠子都快瞪出去了,“不就是个篮球校队的吗?都不知道他得瑟个什么劲,难不成他还能进职业篮球队?毕了业还不是一样给人打工的命?” Chen Guang is disinclined to struggle with him, ships out an appearance, actually the secret intention finds an opportunity to slip away quietly. 陈光懒得和他争,装出一副的模样,其实暗自打算悄悄找个机会溜掉。 Does to Sun Xiaoxun really vigilant, how teaches the person to fill out the application form, while is sweeping in the classroom with very vigilant look. 奈何孙小逊实在机警,一边教人怎么填报名表,一边用十分警惕的眼神在教室里扫荡着。 In the class the people register one after another, filled in own project together with another three people of bedroom respectively, Chen Guang also rubbed gently is not wanting to go, prepares to sneak off, found an opportunity to him, fierce setting out, started! 班上众人陆陆续续报了名,就连同寝室的另外三人都各自填了自己的项目,陈光还磨蹭着不想去,准备开溜,给他找到个机会,猛的起身,开跑! Chen Guang, what project do you want to report? Only then your one person have not registered!” The Sun Xiaoxun sound resounds behind Chen Guang. 陈光,你要报什么项目呢?只有你一个人没有报名了!”孙小逊的声音在陈光背后响起。 You are so sharp for the wool eye! 你为毛眼睛这么尖啊! Chen Guang stealthy body, turns around slowly, everyone so many people register, didn't miss my?” 陈光鬼鬼祟祟的身子一顿,缓缓转身,“大家这么多人都报了名,不差我这一个了吧?” Sun Xiaoxun puts out the rack of class leader, is not good, Teacher Zhuo said that we are to create the magnificent feat that all people register! Cannot be few!” 孙小逊拿出自己班长的架子,“不行,卓老师都说了,我们就是要创造全班人都报名的壮举呢!一个都不能少!” Class leader, don't force him? Does others' pretty big miss, how possibly attend the games? What to do if fainted may?” The Pan Jiang inopportune sound resounds, this goods waited is so long, unexpectedly for and other opportunities! “班长,你就别勉强他了吧?别人娇滴滴的大姑娘,怎么可能参加运动会呢?万一晕倒了可怎么办?”潘江不合时宜的声音响起,这货等了这么久,居然就是为了等这机会! To find an opportunity complained Chen Guang, this goods can squat now, this really the love must be deep. 只是为了找个机会吐槽陈光,这货就能一直蹲到现在,这真特么的爱得深沉。 Chen Guang has turned around slowly, is staring at Pan Jiang, you thought instigated before me a moment ago that does make you lose face? Therefore must find an opportunity to come flexure my, tries to rectify an embarrassing situation? The truth said to you, the weak psychology of people like you, was too seen through easily. If you really want unable to pass with me, I urged you should better to discard the nipple of mouth, thinks well, what the world of adult should be. So long as you can put out your consciousness, I make you understand that immediately what is the hatred of adult. Now you just grow silly big, but your inside thing, the level was too low.” 陈光缓缓转过身,盯着潘江,“你是不是觉得刚才在我面前怂了那一下让你丢了面子?所以非得找个机会来挠我一下,找回点面子?实话给你说,你这种人的幼稚心理,太容易被看穿了。如果你真想和我过不去,我劝你最好扔掉嘴里的奶嘴,好好想想,成年人的世界应该是什么样的。只要你能拿出你的觉悟,我就立刻让你明白什么叫成年人的仇恨。现在你只不过长了个傻大个,但你这里面的东西,层次太低了。” Chen Guang is saying, while referred to own head. 陈光一边说着,一边指了指自己的脑袋。 Pan Jiang is angry immediately, proceeds to tread suddenly one step, the big hand raises, strikes an attitude to advance on Chen Guang. 潘江顿时大怒,猛然往前踏出一步,大手扬起,作势就要推到陈光身上。 At this time the Xiong Jinke three people have gotten to the classroom entrance, saw Pan Jiang to begin, wants the help to be then late. 这时候熊进科三人已经走到教室门口,见潘江动手,想回头来帮忙已经晚了点。 When everyone thinks Chen Guang must suffer a loss, Chen Guang actually fierce searches to act, latter sends first , the palm is holding the Pan Jiang finger, makes an effort curved to behind one. 就在所有人都以为陈光要吃亏的时候,陈光却猛的探出手去,后发先至,手掌正正抓住潘江手指,用力向后面一弯。 Pan Jiang eats under the pain, brunting ahead stops immediately, because points at the stress to eat the pain, the body follows on downward to go curved, almost must kneel the ground. 潘江吃痛之下,往前的冲势顿时止住,由于手指受力吃痛,身子跟着就向下弯去,几乎要跪到地上。 Drops! Drops!” Pan Jiang has a dream has not thought that the Chen Guang strength is so big, the movement also is so ruthlessly quick, suddenly is painful the tooth to grin, does not work loose, but is not willing to admit defeat to Chen Guang. “放手!放手!”潘江做梦也没想到陈光力气这么大,动作又这么快准狠,一时间痛得咧牙咧嘴,挣脱不得,但又不愿意向陈光服软。 If I want, now can point at you breaks off.” Chen Guang looks at Pan Jiang, because before after all was the reason of classmate, he to Pan Jiang attitude, although was bad, but quite had actually restrained, now he was really some fires is big. “如果我愿意,现在就能把你手指弄断。”陈光直直看着潘江,之前因为毕竟是同班同学的缘故,他对潘江的态度虽然恶劣,但其实已经颇为克制了,现在他真是有些火大了。 You......” the Pan Jiang mouth hissing the sorption air/Qi, want to say appearance that anything actually does not dare to say. “你……”潘江嘴里嘶嘶吸着气,想说什么却又不敢说出来的样子。 Chen Guang smiled, you want to say that words that you dare and so on? Come, said one, making me listen, I make you know that immediately I do dare.” 陈光笑了,“你是不是想说,你敢之类的话?来,说一句,让我听听,我马上让你知道我敢不敢。” Even if Zheng He that wealthy family Young Master, Chen Guang said that began still to move, really must from him, he not fear Pan Jiang. 就算是郑河那种富家公子,陈光说动手也就动了,真要从他个人来说,他没怕过潘江 Good, Chen Guang, Pan Jiang your little said one. Everyone is a classmate, leaves this!” “好了好了,陈光,潘江你们一个都少说一句吧。大家都是同班同学,别这样啊!” Scoffing...... 嗤…… Nearby Sun Xiaoxun started to buy the Chen Guang clothes. 一旁的孙小逊又开始扯陈光的衣服了。 Just also murderous aura imposing Chen Guang, feels cool taste that the back is transmitting, suddenly the imposing manner did not have, proceeded to push the hand, put Pan Jiang. 刚刚还杀气凛然的陈光,感受着后背传来的凉飕飕的滋味,一时间气势全无,将手往前一推,放了潘江 Does not put good, otherwise Sun Xiaoxun really must dig up to pull down his skin thoroughly! 不放不行啊,不然孙小逊真要把他这身皮给彻底扒拉下来了! Pan Jiang previously pointed is turned, to prevent and control the finger broke off, he himself also seizes the chance to retreat toward behind, therefore the Chen Guang uselessly big strength, he was sits the ground obviously on the contrary. 潘江先前手指被扭着,为了防治手指被折断,他自己也趁机往后面退去,所以明明陈光没用多大力气,他反倒是自己一屁股坐到了地上。 „Do you always buy my clothes? You had not looked that is he first stirs up trouble?” Chen Guang then to Sun Xiaoxun egg sore saying, previously his shirt perhaps can also rescue, this was unable to cope thoroughly. “你怎么老是扯我的衣服啊?你没看出来是他先挑事的啊?”陈光回头对孙小逊很是蛋疼的说道,先前他这衬衣或许还能抢救一下,这回可是彻底没治了。 The Sun Xiaoxun face is ruddy, embarrassed embarrassed, but you are the Sir......, is not, Pan Jiang I was not saying that you are innocent. Oh...... I do not know how saying that but you at least also consider for Teacher Zhuo, she just now becomes our class instructor, in the class presents the matter that the student fights, is not good to her influence.” 孙小逊脸红扑扑的,“不好意思不好意思,但你是大人嘛……呃,不是,潘江我不是在说你不懂事。唉……我都不知道怎么说了,但你至少也替卓老师考虑一下啊,她才刚当上咱班辅导员,班上就出现学生打架的事情,对她的影响也太不好了。” Good was good, so long as in any case Pan Jiang do not look to punch again, I will certainly not lower oneself to the same level with him. Said is undesirable that has happened more than three times, today I endured him twice, had again the next time, the absolute monarch spoke no matter also used. Chen Guang this saying was to Sun Xiaoxun was saying that but actually said to the Pan Jiang hear. “行了行了,反正只要潘江别再来找揍,我当然不会和他一般见识。都说事不过三,今天我忍他两次了,再有下一次,天王老子说话也不管用。陈光这话是对着孙小逊说的,但其实却是讲给潘江听的。 Xiong Jinke three humanities plan to come to help, the matter that but then has is to make three people stare, in the bedroom four people, really must say that fights most hates, indeed is Chen Guang, but he is not so fierce before. 门外熊进科三人本打算进来帮忙,但接下来发生的事情却是让三人一愣,寝室四个人里面,真要说打架最恨的,的确是陈光,但他以前可没这么厉害。 He is also a stingy, but the actual battle efficiency is not much. 他也就是手狠,但实际战斗力并不怎么样。 What kind of this big brother hits the hormone today also? 这大哥今天是打了激素还怎么的了? Knows you to be fierce, knows that your Sir are massive, knows you are mature, understands the will of the people sensibly, you filled out this application form actually! You also sympathize Teacher Zhuo that my pitiful class leader and just worked!” Sun Xiaoxun is actually fierce, follows the Chen Guang words, put in front of an application form Chen Guang. “知道你厉害,知道你大人大量,知道你成熟稳重,懂事懂人心,那你倒是把这报名表填了啊!你也体贴体贴我这个可怜的班长和刚工作的卓老师啊!”孙小逊倒是厉害,就顺着陈光的话,把一张报名表放到了陈光面前。 ! Crawl 400 meters?” The Chen Guang eye stares the thief to be big, always felt oneself were by the pit. “噗!自由泳四百米?”陈光眼睛瞪得贼大,总觉得自己是被坑了。 How can that? All projects, the track and field, some basketball people reported that calculates, only swimming this, a all people not registration. You were last, can help us making up this weak area? Don't you like the crawl? That line, here also has the breaststroke, butterfly stroke and backstroke, which do you want?” Sun Xiaoxun is saying ill-humoredly. “那能怎么样呢?所有项目,田径,篮球都有人报了,算来算去,唯独游泳这一项,全班人没一个报名的。你都是最后一个了,总得帮我们把这个短板给补上吧?你不喜欢自由泳?那行,这里还有蛙泳、蝶泳和仰泳,你要哪个?”孙小逊没好气的说着。 Chen Guang holds breath cold air, old man wise first, how not to have thought of this point! 陈光倒吸一口凉气,老夫英明一世,怎么就没想到这一点! Different with other project, the swimming must put on stands under big crowd of people cool, in the class the female student is not definitely glad, male student inside seems able to swim are not many, even some people will swim, but when having other choice, will not definitely choose this project. 和别的项目不一样,游泳是要穿着清凉站在大庭广众之下的,班上女生肯定不乐意,男生里面似乎会水性的不多,就算有人会游泳,但在有别的选择时,肯定不会选这项目。 Oneself fall to last, isn't that walks into a trap? 自己落到最后一个,那不是自投罗网吗? The wise man thousand worries, must have one to lose! 智者千虑,必有一失啊! 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