„Hahahaha! Brother Guangyoulook, thisbuddy was really miserable.”Bai Fannotgoodsmilingmustdouble with laughter, is laughing, whilecell phonefronthealth/guardheavenlooksswayingly, but alsostretches out the fingerto directtoscreenonpicture, „thisbuddy is also not easy, savedindividualeven, unexpectedlyshotto such awkwardsituation. Youlook at his underpants, is really the goodshyappearance, is the checktriangleunderpants, hahahaha, has, onhisbuttockshas a hole! Seesnot to have, has a hole!” The fistknuckle of Chen Guangpinches the straightsound, poorcockyLady White Snakedoes not knowcompletely, the god of deathis coveringhimstep by step.
“哈哈哈哈!光哥你看,这哥们真是太惨了。”白凡十分无良的笑得前仰后合,一边嘻嘻哈哈着,一边将手机在卫天望面前晃晃悠悠,还伸出手指对着屏幕上的照片指指点点,“这哥们也是不容易啊,救个人就算了,居然给人拍到这么尴尬的处境。你看他这内裤,真是好羞涩的样子,还是格子三角内裤呢,哈哈哈哈,还有还有,他屁股上有个洞!看见没,有个洞啊!”陈光的拳头指节捏得啪啪啪直响,正穷得瑟的白娘子完全不知道,死神正在一步步笼罩他。„Ichoked to deathyou......”Chen Guang unable to endure, is planningchirp the fellowto choke to death the air-dryingBai Fanthisguawhen the city gatebuilding, thisgoodsturned the headunexpectedly, is seeingLeaderclassflower/spendSun Xiaoxunto walk, suspended the cell phonetoSun Xiaoxunin front, „class leaderSiryoualsoreadthisnews? Howyousaidinthisworldto have such unluckyperson, saves others to deserve the bigheroobviously, finally these notgoodreporterworks as the bordered newsincoming telegramhimunexpectedly, is quite pitiful.”
“我掐死你……”陈光忍不了了,正打算将白凡这呱噪的家伙掐死风干在城门楼上时,这货居然把脑袋一扭,正看见班花班长孙小逊走过来,又是把手机摆到孙小逊面前,“班长大人你也看了这新闻的吧?你说这世上怎么有这么倒霉的人,明明救了人应该当大英雄的,结果这些无良记者居然把他当花边新闻来报,好可怜啊。”Sun Xiaoxunlooked at the Bai Fancell phone, aboveChen Guangthatback, on the briefs the crackbigfeature article, „are manyonyourmatter, I have the proper business.”孙小逊看了眼白凡的手机,上面正是陈光那背影,还有三角裤上破洞的大特写,“就你事多,我这有正事呢。”Althoughon the mouth said that butthisgentlefemalesfromsouth of the lower reaches of the Yangze Riveractuallycould not bearwatchedtwopicturessecretly, is thinkingat heartsecretly, Bai Fanthisfellow was really excessive, althoughotherswere cranked upthis, wasa littlepitiful, butothersgood and evil was also the bighero of life-saving, isn't your working as the laughingstockothers? However, but alsolet alone, hisstature is really really good.
虽然嘴上这么说,但这位来自江南水乡的温婉女子却还是忍不住偷偷多看了两眼照片,心里暗暗想着,白凡这家伙真是太过分了,虽然人家被拍成这样,是有点可怜,但别人好歹也是救了人的大英雄啊,你这不也在把别人当笑柄吗?不过呢,还真别说,他的身材真好呢。„Whatproper businesscanhave? Alsocanbe fun than thismatter?”Bai Fanheheis continue say: „Class leaderyoulooks at his underpants, yousaid,thisanythingage, somepeoplewore such uncouthunderpantsunexpectedly, hahahahaha...... abovethishole...... thisposition...... thishole...... ohwas not good, Icannot breathe.”
“能有什么正事?还能比这事更好玩?”白凡嘿嘿着继续说道:“班长你看他这内裤,你说说,这都什么年代了,居然还有人穿这么俗气的内裤,哈哈哈哈哈……上面这个洞……这位置……这个洞……哎哟不行了,我喘不过气来了。”Bai Fanveryexaggeratinghehelaughs, whileveryoptionalis patting the shoulder of nearbyChen Guang, his behaviorwasa littleartificial, butwas not strange, althoughSun Xiaoxundid not haveto look forChen GuangthatWen WenbigSchool Beauty is so dazzlingfrequently, butactuallyalsohad a region of rivers and lakesdaughtergentlemoving, prettylovable.白凡一边十分夸张的嘿嘿大笑,一边十分随意的拍着旁边陈光的肩膀,他这行为就是有点做作了,不过也不奇怪,孙小逊虽然没有经常来找陈光的那个文雯大校花那么耀眼,但其实也自有一番水乡女儿的温婉动人,娇俏可爱。AlthoughLady White Snakemotherartillery, butlikesactuallywoman, althoughSun Xiaoxundoes not havetohis10 centsmeaning, butsexually harasses the opportunity of class leaderliketodayfrankly and uprightly, isquiterare, heappearedsometo be hysteric.
白娘子虽然娘炮,但喜欢的其实还是女人,虽然孙小逊对他一毛钱意思都没有,但像今天这样光明正大调戏班长的机会,可是相当难得,以至于他显得有些过于歇斯底里了。Whileheis patting the shoulder of Chen Guangunscrupulously, Chen Guangboth handshave tracedtohisnape of the neckbehind, the palm of the hand of Sun Xiaoxunalsolifted, planned when to the Bai Fanheadonenext, Lady White Snake'smovementactuallyfierce, seemedrememberedanythingsuddenly, patted the hand of Chen Guangshoulderto livesuddenly.
The Chen Guangheartsurges not the wonderfulfeeling, preparedto seize the hand of Bai Fanneckto receivecalmly, waitsto the words that thisgoodsare then goingto saygravely.陈光心头涌起不妙的感觉,准备掐住白凡脖子的手不动声色的收了回来,对这货接下来将要说出的话严正以待。Reallyso!
果然如此!Bai Fanfiercehas transferred the head, is staringChen Guangstubbornly, „words that Brother Guang, did not remember incorrectly......”白凡猛的转过脑袋来,死死瞪着陈光,“光哥,没记错的话……”„Do not askme! Mywhatdoes not know!”Chen Guangwill draw back a chairin the future, spread outwithBai Fan.
“别问我!我神马也不知道!”陈光往后退了一张椅子,和白凡拉开了距离。ultimately useless, Bai Fanpats the palmruthlessly, „right! Iremember that youhavesuchtriangleunderpants! Onyourunderpantsalsohas a hole!”然并卵,白凡狠狠一拍手掌,“对了!我记得你就有这么一条三角内裤啊!你内裤上也有个洞啊!”Igo toyoursevenmaternal unclegrandmothers, yourecordclearly, evenbuttocks the position on thatholemyunderpantsfor the woolremember!
我去你七舅姥姥的,你为毛把我内裤记这么清楚,连屁股上的那洞的位置都记得!Chen Guangfaceoneblack, „closesmyhairShi! Coincidence! Thisradicallyis the coincidence! Do not think some, Ido not do the base! Youshut uptome! In any caseis notI!”陈光脸一黑,“关我毛事!巧合!这根本就是巧合!别这么看着我,我不搞基!你给我闭嘴!反正不是我!”Bai Fanwas spurted a faceby the Chen Guangspittle, thenaskedhas tarriedSun Xiaoxun, „class leader, youletter/believedhimto say?”白凡被陈光唾沫星子喷了一脸,回头问已经呆住了的孙小逊,“班长,你信他说的吗?”Blushing on Sun Xiaoxunfaceall of a suddenbecamemore, partlyis obstructing the face, somewhattimidlooks atChen Guang, at onceshakes the headslightly, „ did not believe.孙小逊脸上的红晕一下子变得更多了,半遮着脸,有些怯生生的看着陈光,旋即微微摇头,“不信。
” DrawsBai Fan, Chen Guanghas been pointing at the eyes, „looks atmyeye, is sincere! Isaidthatis notI! It is not I!”
他要崩溃了。Ihad studied diligentlytwodays of performing skillsobviouslyfully, «Self-TrainingI of Actor»looked atsecond!
我明明已经整整钻研了两天的演技啊,《演员的自我修养》我都看第二遍了啊!Even if my performing skillcannot compare the movie king, at least will still be the degree of actorcanbe nominated!
我这演技就算比不上影帝,至少也该是个可以被提名的演员的程度了啊!For a wooluse?
为毛一点用处都没有?Chen Guangstartedto suspect the life.陈光开始怀疑人生了。
The Bai Fanlookglances, seesto putthat«ActorSelf-Training»onschool deskfollowing the Chen Guanglook, curls the lip, „Brother Guang, do not develop, youreallydo not havethattalent, Iam completely assured.”白凡眼神一瞟,顺着陈光的眼神也看到摆在课桌上的那本《演员的自我修养》,撇撇嘴,“光哥,别演了,你真没那种天分,我已经完全笃定了。”„In any caseis notI! Howcasualyousaid!” The Chen Guangmouthpulls out, at this moment, can only use the unique skill, refused stubbornlyto acknowledge mistakes.
“反正就不是我!随便你们怎么说!”陈光嘴一抽,事到如今,只能使出绝招,死不认账了。„Lady White Snake, youdo not toot one's own horntowardChen Guang, probablyfor fear thateveryonedoes not know that you twoare the goodbasefriendto be the same. Youlookedin the reportwrites? The speed of othersunderpantssupermancrawlalmostcaught up with the national recordquickly, Iwithoutremembering incorrectly the words, thisuniversitythreeyearsIwould have noto seeChen Guangto get down the water? Greatlytemporaryswimming class, Chen Guangyouseemed likein the waterwalkin the past?”In the meantime, broadcasts a vaguesoundfromChen GuangandBai Fan.
“白娘子,你就别往陈光脸上贴金了,好像生怕大家不知道你们两个是好基友一样。你看报道里面写的没?人家内裤超人自由泳的速度几乎都快赶上全国纪录了,我没记错的话,这大学三年我就没见陈光下过水吧?大一时的游泳课,陈光你好像是在水里走过去的吧?”就在此时,从陈光与白凡背后传来个不阴不阳的声音。„Go away! Withoutyourmatter, weandyouare not ripe!”Bai Fanill-humoredthenstares, the whole faceis uncomfortable.
“滚开!没你事,我们和你不熟!”白凡没好气的回头瞪了眼,满脸不爽。Inbehindsaid that whatsarcastic remarkis a giantnamedPan Jiang, thisperson is sturdier than Bear Two, is the main forcesmall forward of schoolbasketball team.
The Wujinguniversityas the large-scalecomprehensiveclassschools of several tens of thousandsstudents, the main forcemembers of schoolbasketball team not big or smallbig could also be a character.五京大学作为数万学生的大型综合类学校,校篮球队的主力成员不大小不小也算得上是个人物了。Thisgoodsbecause ofthisskill, alwayshave keen eyesightinwithstand/top, is much more rampantin the class.
这货就因为自己这点本事,向来眼高于顶,在班上嚣张得紧。ByPan Jiangin the main forcestatus of schoolbasketball team, does not lack the girlfriend, justentered the schooltime, the shorttwomonthshetradedthree.
以潘江在校篮球队的主力身份,是不缺女朋友的,刚进校的时候,短短两个月他就换了三个。This, afterwardthisgrandsonunexpectedlyinfriends from childhood of anothermale studentclassoutstandingcorner, when otherslook forhistheory, heknocks downwithout delay.
这也就罢了,后来这孙子居然把班上另一个男生的青梅竹马给翘了墙角,别人找他理论时,他二话不说就把人打翻在地。Originallyeveryonealwayswater penetrationdoes not violate the river water, the good and evil is also a classmate, butin the Chen Guangbedroomfourpeopleare the personalities of straightforwardperson, reallymust not exposed tothisgoodsbe so excessive, fourpeoplehelpoverthatschoolmate, straightened upPan Jiang.
本来大家一向进水不犯河水,好歹也是同班同学,但陈光寝室里四个人都是耿直人的性格,实在见不得这货如此过分,四个人就一齐帮那同学出头,把潘江拾掇了一顿。Bear Twothisboyhas not really boasted, althoughwithoutPan Jiangtallrobust, reallydoes the battle efficiency is not really bad, a personis decisivePan Jiangpulls outturnson the ground, afterwardthismattergot bigger and bigger, almostturned into the Chen Guangbedroomfourpeopleto leadthatyoung fellowto resist the entirebasketballschool team, the school leaderactsto givethismatteraccording tofinally.熊二这小子还真没吹牛,虽然没潘江高壮,真干起来战斗力真不差,一个人就果断把潘江抽翻在地上,后来这事越闹越大,几乎变成陈光寝室四人带着那小伙一齐对抗整个篮球校队,学校领导最终出面才把这事给按了下去。Afterwardthatwas skidded the schoolmate in cornerto think that did not have the faceto staywhenthisclass, bigtwotransferred the department, but the mountain ridge between Chen Guangbedroom and Pan Jiangtied.
The Chen Guangfourpeoplerelateenough the iron, Pan Jiangeasilydo not dareto raise a rumpusto provoke, buton the mouthonce for a whileis mystifying, both sidesare impolitetowhom.
只是陈光四人关系够铁,潘江也轻易不敢动手动脚招惹,但嘴上却时不时阴阳怪气的,双方谁也对谁不客气。„Does Lady White Snake, youunderpunchis?”AlthoughPan Jiangcannot be victoriousBear Two, butwas roaredbyunexpectedlyeffeminate, issomefiresis big.
“白娘子,你欠揍是不是?”潘江虽然打不过熊二,但居然被个娘娘腔吼了,也是有些火大。„Mother, how? To fight?”Lady White Snake is also a pointfirecracker, thismustpatdoing of tablegetting uprealbladesolidspear/gun.
“妈的,怎么?想打架?”白娘子也是个一点就着的炮仗,这就要拍桌子起来真刀实枪的干了。Chen Guanginnearbyacts, according toreturning to the chaircomes upBai Fan, „does not needto jabber the skinwiththisperson, do not respondhim.”陈光在旁边一把出手,把白凡按回椅子上去,“没必要和这种人磨嘴皮,别搭理他。”Chen Guanghasownconsideration, heard that the nationaluniversity studentbasketball leaguealmostmuststart, at this timeschoolbasketball team'spositionwhen production costs rise, prices rise tooinschool, ifreallyhad/left the matter, must suffer a loss.陈光有自己的考虑,听说全国大学生篮球联赛差不多要开始了,这时候校篮球队在学校里的身份地位水涨船高,如果真出了事情,恐怕要吃亏。TodaythisPan Jiangstirs up troublesuddenly, refers tobeing uncertainheto wait to accept a challenge, goodto be noisy the matter, finally the schoolwill definitely help his school teammain force, at that timethattimefoughteveryoneto be marked misconduct, nowbigthree, makingto dismiss, rathergain does not equal the loss.
今天这潘江突然挑事,指不定他就等着自己这边应战,好把事情闹大,最后学校肯定会偏帮他这个校队主力,当时那次打架大家都被记了过,现在都大三了,给弄得开除了,未免得不偿失。„, Instigates the goods.”Pan JiangsawChen Guang is not swindled, but alsoblockedBai Fan, toot tootshouts, healsowantsto continueviolentBai Fan.
“切,怂货。”潘江见陈光不上当,还拦住了白凡,嘟嘟嚷嚷一声,他还想继续激白凡。Chen Guangthenvisitshim, in the lookis glittering the ray of danger, toknowing good from bad of Pan Jiang, his some are impatient.陈光回头看着他,眼神里闪烁着危险的光芒,对潘江的不知好歹,他有些不耐烦了。Chen Guangalso is never the temper of being afraid of getting into trouble, otherwiseinitiallywhenstirred up troublefacingZheng He, neatpulling outwill not fling the stickto come the important personshort remaining life.陈光也从来就不是怕事的性子,不然当初在面对郑河挑事的时候,也不会干脆利落的掏出甩棍来要人老命了。„Does Pan Jiang, wantto makeusbe dismissed? Ok, Icanhelpyou, do wego outsinglepractice?”Chen Guangis pointing at the nose of Pan Jiang, saidcold.
“潘江,想让我们被开除是不是?行,我可以成全你,我们出去单练?”陈光指着潘江的鼻子,冷然说道。Pan Jiangstares, knowsChen Guangthatfourpeople of groups, althoughseems like headed byChen Guang, butmostcanhit is actually lyingon the school desksleeps like a logBear Two, oneselfcannot be victoriousBear Two, the non-delegates'conferencefearsyourChen Guang!潘江一愣,都知道陈光那个四人组虽然看起来是以陈光为首,但最能打的其实是正趴在课桌上睡得死死的熊二,自己打不过熊二,可不代表会怕你陈光啊!
But why does not know, hewas staring by Chen Guanglike this, felt like that someinfant, as ifoneselfpresentreallymustgo outsinglepracticewithhim, will suffer a lossgeneral.
但又不知道为何,他被陈光这样盯着,心里却又觉得有些毛毛的,似乎自己现在真要和他出去单练,就会吃大亏一般。„Bear Two, getting upclerk!”That sideBai Fan a palm of the handhas actually clappedonhaving a long lazy sleepBear Two, wokethissillybig.
“熊二,起来干事了!”那边白凡却已经一巴掌拍在睡懒觉的熊二头上,把这个傻大个弄醒了过来。Bear Twoopens eyesblurry, lifts the head, „does?”熊二迷迷糊糊睁眼,抬起脑袋来,“干嘛啊?”Bai Fanpoints out mistakeswithPan Jiang that Chen Guangis in sharp opposition, „thisgrandsonunderpunched. On! Biteshim!”白凡一指正和陈光针锋相对的潘江,“这孙子又欠揍了。上!咬他!”„WTF! Court death! Punchesyour!”
“卧槽!找死!揍你丫的!”WorthilywasBear Two, mothereggthisdirectlyon! Inclassroomdirectlyon! Hehas stepped on the school deskto jump!
不愧是熊二,妈蛋这直接就上了!在教室里直接就上了!他已经踩着课桌跳起来了!Without the prelude, does not need the reason, to go ahead!
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