CGA :: Volume #1

#21: The legend of 3 corner/horn trousers

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When Chen Guang puts on the bright armor the position that returns to stop, previously met the venerable of his thing really also. Not only so, previously looks at the people who Chen Guang launches, almost also stays here, but also were many a traffic police comrade who wears the uniform/subdue. 陈光穿着明闪闪的铠甲回到停车的位置时,先前接了他东西的老先生果然还在。非但如此,先前看着陈光下水的众人,几乎都还呆在这边,还多了一位穿着制服的交警同志。 The reason does not have him, these people look that helplessly Chen Guang starts from here, marvelously comes back from the god of death lira the big star, listens to the venerable to add inflammatory details the delighted description Chen Guang to launch the beforehand firmness, but also knows the roadside is stopping that silver modern age is the heroic little elder brother's car(riage), naturally did not give up, wants to wait to have a look at this little elder brother to be long what appearance, praised a boasts this young fellow. 原因无他,这些人都是眼睁睁看着陈光从这里开始,奇迹般的将大明星从死神手里拉回来的,又听老先生添油加醋眉飞色舞的描绘过一番陈光下水之前的坚决,还知道路边停着的那辆银色现代就是英雄小哥的车,当然舍不得走了,都想等着看看这小哥到底长什么模样,夸夸这小伙子。 The middle traffic police have also really come twice, but people matter whole story clear said to the traffic police. 中间交警还真来过两次,不过众人都把事情原委一清二楚的给交警说了。 Although the law does not spare, but Chen Guang this to save others after all, but also really gave him to rescue. 虽然法不容情,但陈光这毕竟是为了救人,还真给他把人救下来了。 The traffic police comrade also thought that must encourage this behaving righteously good resident, immediately then leaves behind a person to come, escorts to the parking violation of Chen Guang personally, lets him avoid the disaster of trailer. 交警同志也觉得要鼓励这种见义勇为的好市民,当即便留下一个人来,亲自给陈光的违章停车保驾护航,让他免于拖车之灾。 Naturally, time that Chen Guang just walked, does not know the circumstances of the matter, sees the traffic police, as a driver of fetters of fame and fortune, that taste basically on, if the mouse saw the cat, at heart flurried . 当然,陈光刚走过来的时候,是不知情的,一看见交警,身为一名网的司机,那滋味基本就等若老鼠见了猫,心里慌慌哒。 In that net the QQ group of driver he mingles , the traffic police and transport/fortune manages that basically on, if natural enemy, everyone became angry while talking about it, divides minute to give you to buckle the car(riage), punished you 320,000 abilities to raise the car(riage). 在他混迹的那个网的司机的QQ群里,交警和运管那基本就等若天敌,人人谈之色变,分分钟就给你把车扣了,罚你三两万的才能提车。 „The traffic police big brother, I...... my was for saves others......” Chen Guang hehe to smile the past, solemn Royal Annie Ship two, at this time actually likely making mistakes elementary student. “交警大哥,我……我这是为了去救人……”陈光嘿嘿笑着走了过去,堂堂皇家安妮号的二副,这时候却像个犯错的小学生。 Although Elder Brother very crazy Tyrant Zhuaixuan was once cool, but traffic police that is the proper law enforcement, really must drag away at the scene, I can punch by the fist crazily, in a swagger drives away the car(riage) again. 哥虽然曾经很狂霸拽炫酷,但人家交警那都是正经执法,真要给人当场拖走了,我是能靠拳头把人狂揍一顿,再把车扬长开走。 But Chen Guang bragged that is a good person, this matter he really could not have done. 陈光自诩还是个好人,这种事情他还真做不出来。 He thought that oneself violated the law, making mistakes, not straightening out the air/Qi is not strong, cannot entrain. 他觉得自己违了法,犯了错,理不直气不壮,拽不起来呀。 Hehe, the young fellow does well, you were needless saying that I understood. So grave as to affect a human life, cannot delay, young fellow you, although parking violation, but is excusable. Today does not buckle your minute/share, does not punish your. However, later may probably remember that makes a good resident who obeys the traffic regulations, naturally, to come across the matter that this type needs to help in an emergency again, you can stop! Behaves righteously, we support!” The traffic police comrade looked frightening Chen Guang, instead oneself made somewhat embarrassed, hurried to explain. “呵呵,小伙子干得不错,你不用多说,我都明白的。人命关天,拖延不得,小伙子你虽然违章停车,但情有可原。今天也不扣你的分,更不罚你的款。不过呢,以后可要记得做一个遵守交通规则的好市民哟,当然,再遇到这种需要救急的事情,你还是能这么停!见义勇为,我们都支持!”交警同志看把陈光给吓到了,反而自己弄得有些不好意思,赶紧解释一番。 Chen Guang was happy, world own true feelings in! 陈光乐了,人间自有真情在啊! Thanks thanked.” Has expressed gratitude with the traffic police, receives own clothes pants from the venerable hand again, Chen Guang mood confident driving, naturally, the entire journey he partly was then obstructing the face with the hand, is really against camera such as against tiger, the person who here gathers round luckily are not many, Chen Guang also really gave to defend. “谢啦谢啦。”和交警道过谢,再从老先生手里把自己的衣服裤子接过来,陈光便心情坦然的开车走了,当然,全程他还是都用手半遮着脸,真是防摄像头如防虎,幸好这边围着的人还不算多,陈光还真给防住了。 Also did a big good deed, but also obtained policeman's praise, happy . 又做了一件大好事,还得到了警察叔叔的表扬,开心哒。 I scratch, I was not a child! My cocky anything vigor! 我擦,我又不是小孩子了!我得瑟个什么劲啊! Chen Guang complained itself secretly, touched the bosom 50,000, in the pocket the rich life, was really substantial! 陈光暗自吐槽自己,一摸怀里的五万块,兜里有钱的人生,真是充实啊! Today naturally does not use again race car/taxi driver, he even planned not to run for these days, although Deng full beard said made him try a mirror, but for that 100,000, he prepared to put out the complete condition to meet the challenge. 今天自然是不用再跑车了,他甚至打算这几天都别跑了,虽然邓大胡子只是说让他来试个镜,但为了那十万块,他可是准备拿出全部的状态来迎接挑战了。 For these days, we well made up the actor class. 这几天,咱就好好的补一补演员课。 Right, I must carve one ruthlessly my performing skill, used these days, was turned into the movie king by oneself! 没错,我要狠狠的雕琢一番自己的演技,就用这几天,让自己变成影帝! Which book since starts to study? 从哪本书开始学起呢? «Actor Self- Training» 《演员的自我修养》 Probably I also know such a itself/Ben, it! 好像我也就知道这么一本,就它吧! When Chen Guang found this book from the bookshelf of school library, since his brain braves a thought. 陈光从学校图书馆的书架上找到这本书时,他脑子里又冒起个念头来。 Strange, what matter did I forget probably? 奇怪,我好像忘了什么事情? Touches on the head, hat that I snatch? 一摸脑袋上,我抢来的帽子呢? Changed the clothes a moment ago time fell on the dramatic team? 刚才换衣服的时候落在剧组了? Sir, 大爷, I am unfair to you, in the past, made him go with the wind! Old does not go, new does not come! 我对不起你,过去的,就让他随风而去吧!旧的不去,新的不来! Yage, you look that this hat is in a daze? Looks at your face red appearance, was the feelings of love buds?” In the suite in Wetton Hotel attic, Jin Shiyue looks to lie down in sofa upper garment deep Jiang Yage ill-humored saying. 雅歌,你看着这帽子发什么呆呢?看你脸红红的样子,是不是春心萌动了?”威顿大酒店顶楼的套房中,靳诗月看着躺在沙发上装深沉的江雅歌没好气的说道。 Two people come back from afternoon now, this girl has sat on the sofa at least three hours has not moved, simply like plaster figure. 从下午两人回来到现在,这小妮子已经坐在沙发上至少三个小时没动弹过了,简直就像石膏像一样。 Elder Sister Yue, this hat was that saves our young fellows to wear.” Jiang Yage said spookily. 月姐,这帽子是那个救了我们的小伙戴的。”江雅歌幽幽说道。 „Did you move?” Jin Shiyue sits side her, straight visits her. “你动心了?”靳诗月一屁股坐在她身边,直直的看着她。 Jiang Yage thinks, nods, shakes the head, I do not know. Was my was too a little careless, after all fully did not know about him. But I in the water, really am think! So long as is male saved me, I pursue him but actually! He is not an old man, the age and we probably is similar, looks is also very worth looking, I felt, seems not, what to do I did not know! Although I am now calmer, may feel, in the brain indeed remembers that person once for a while!” 江雅歌想了想,点点头,又摇摇头,“我不知道呢。我这是不是有点太草率了,毕竟对他都完全不了解。但我在水里的时候,真是那么想的啊!只要是个男的救了我,我就倒追他!他又不是个老头子,年龄和我们好像差不多,长得也很耐看呢,我就觉得,似乎也不是不可以呢,我也不知道怎么办了呀!虽然现在我已经冷静了很多,可又觉得,脑子里的确时不时想起那个人呢!” Jiang Yage has not actually been honest, what she is more remembers that scoundrel who swayingly lets the person surface red heartbeat, how this may open one's mouth! 江雅歌其实没说老实话,她更多的是想起那个让人面红心跳的晃晃悠悠的坏东西,这可怎么启齿啊! Has really not been able to blame Jiang Yage, although two people make a debut early in the entertainment world, but before was a child star, some family members looked in behind in secret, two people will not contact entertainment world dirty ugly one. 还真不能怪江雅歌,两人虽然在娱乐圈出道得早,但之前是童星,又有家人在背后暗中照拂,两人根本就不会去接触到娱乐圈肮脏丑陋的一幕。 In addition, because of the reason of two people family circumstances, will never meet anything to need to sacrifice the appearance the role. 除此之外,因为两人家境的缘故,更是从来不会接什么需要牺牲色相的角色。 Do not look that two people have become red-hot popular half the sky in the show business, actually kisses the play not to have continually one time, and opposite sex lens hand in hand, indistinct also only then had developed when they were 12 years old. 别看两人在演艺界已经红透了半边天,其实连吻戏都没有过一次,就连和异性手牵手的镜头,隐约中也只有在两人12岁时演过。 To Jiang Yage, Chen Guang that welldoing, really had the impulse at that time. 江雅歌而言,当时陈光那副德行,实在是太有冲击力了。 Our wife and children Yage must grow up finally!” Jin Shiyue grinning pats the Jiang Yage plentiful chest front, under the pajamas immediately the mighty waves turbulent piece. “我们家小雅歌也终于要长大了呢!”靳诗月笑嘻嘻的一拍江雅歌丰满的胸前,睡衣下面顿时波涛汹涌一片。 What! Elder Sister Yue weren't you older than me for two months?” Jiang Yage ill-humored showing the whites of the eyes, „aren't you excited? I told you on the quiet a matter, our two before awaking, were traced the chest to touch by that good-for-nothing for a long time!” “什么啊!月姐你不也就比我大了两个月吗?”江雅歌没好气的翻了白眼,“你就不心动?我悄悄告诉你一个事情,我们两个在醒之前,被那个坏家伙摸胸摸了好久呢!” Jin Shiyue bah, others that called the heart and lungs to recover, anything touches the chest! Can not say such evilly?” 靳诗月呸了一声,“人家那叫心肺复苏,什么摸胸啊!能别把人说得这么邪恶吗?” Although is the heart and lungs recovers, but really also touched! Aren't you really excited?” Jiang Yage does not depend on. “虽然是心肺复苏,但真的也摸了啊!你真就不心动啊?”江雅歌不依了。 Jin Shiyue face red, fierce setting out walks toward the bedroom, did not struggle with you, cannot struggle you. Comes to and in the home quickly video, a report safe and secure, otherwise grandparent can throwing into the wok with cooking oil explodes Deng full beard.” 靳诗月脸一红,猛的起身往卧室走去,“不和你争了,争不过你。快来和家里视频一下,报个平安,不然爷爷奶奶能把邓大胡子给扔进油锅里炸了。” Jin Shiyue sits on the chair, the palm places on the mouse, actually does not go to that video communication slowly the button, wants to say at heart silently, you were excited, you said that I was your older sister, does not have really to move while me now, I first gave that thoughts according. 靳诗月一屁股坐在椅子上,手掌放在鼠标上,迟迟却不去点那个视频通讯的按钮,心里默默想道,你都心动了,你都说出来了,我可是你姐姐呢,趁着我现在还没真个动心,我先把那心思给按下去吧。 I do not struggle with you, does not want to struggle. 我不和你争,不想争。 The Wujing university environmental science was in recent two days presented a marvelous sight, was their spreads grass to sit on Schoolmate Chen Guang to be as if bewitched all of a sudden, all day long holds «the Self- Training god god of this Actor» talks on endlessly, probably is bewitched. 五京大学环境科学系里最近两天出现了一个奇观,就是他们的班草陈光同学似乎一下子着了魔,成天捧着本《演员的自我修养》神神叨叨的,像是着了魔。 Okay walks two steps to start with the poetry reading same tone speech, a Xiong Jinke several palm of the hand to pat on his back of the head, angrily roared is speaking the logical expression!” Also is not of use, the result of trading is Comrade Bear Two is called the drill ground to rehearse by Chen Guang, right, what is right is the acrobatic fighting play. 好好的走两步就开始用诗歌朗诵一样的语气说话,熊进科好几次一巴掌拍他后脑勺上,怒吼着“说人话!”也不顶用,换来的结果是熊二同志被陈光叫到操场上去对戏,没错,对的是武打戏。 Afterward Comrade Bear Two no longer shakes his stem that spoke the logical expression, only behind Chen Guang ruthlessly is drawing the small circle circle. 随后熊二同志就不再抖他那个说人话的梗了,只在陈光背后狠狠的画着小圈圈。 This condition, spreads in the classroom till an explosive news photograph. 这种状况,直到一张劲爆的新闻照片在教室里传开为止。 At this time, had passed for two days from the picture lake sinking, about the picture lake sinking, everyone same day has actually known some corners. However the news always has the process of fermentation, to today, behind the sinking many lace is little to be unearthed. 此时,距离画湖沉船事件已经过去了两天,关于画湖沉船事件,其实大家当天就已经知道些边边角角了。不过新闻总有个酝酿的过程,一直到今天,沉船事件背后更多的花边才一点点被挖掘出来。 Today's latest progress, is some people blows out that finally by one's effort Jin Shiyue and Jiang Yage the picture of big hero comes out from the lake. 今天的最新进展,就是终于有人爆出那个靠一己之力将靳诗月江雅歌从湖里就出来的大英雄的照片。 What a pity, this friend does not seem to want to become famous, always with the big straw hat the face blocking from, cannot pat to his upfront. 可惜,这位老兄似乎不想出名,始终都用个大草帽把脸给遮住了,没能拍到他的正面。 However, his healthy mister same physique, that quite knocks the triangle underpants of chen person, actually swept away the headline page layouts of various flash news nets. 但是,他那健美先生一样的身板儿,还有那条相当磕碜人的三角内裤,却横扫了各大新闻网的头条版面。 Explodes altogether three pictures, as if respectively is three different cell phone photographies, most touching, is a back that shoots from the back. 爆出来的一共有三张照片,似乎分别是三个不同的手机拍摄的,最感人的,是一张从背后拍下来的背影。 Everyone pays attention, is not this friend may be called the back of perfect merpeople line, but is right his underpants on buttocks petal that quite awkward pinhole. 大家关注的,都不是这位老兄堪称完美的人鱼线的后背,而是他内裤右边屁股瓣儿上那个相当尴尬的小洞。 Not good media conducted two enlargements this picture unexpectedly! 无良的媒体居然把这张照片进行了二次放大! Let that originally common pinhole, becomes especially dazzling! 让那个原本不起眼的小洞,变得格外耀眼! The news title also gets up quite touchingly! 新闻标题也起得相当感人! The «underpants lived on limited means superman still did not forget to behave righteously 《内裤超人生活拮据仍不忘见义勇为!》 The «really fierce gentleman dares to face directly dreary life- puts down individual awkwardness in the face of the principle of righteousness 《真的猛士敢于直面惨淡的人生-在大义面前放下个人的尴尬!》 The driver of «underpants warrior actually net 《内裤勇士实为网的司机!》 The life comprehensive survey of «underpants chivalrous person 《内裤大侠的人生面面观!》 «Actual underpants liberator crawl extreme speed! 50 meters only use for 23 seconds, close to national record 《实测内裤救星自由泳极速!五十米只用二十三秒,接近全国纪录!》 When Chen Guang sees this series of special coverages from the Bai Fan cell phone, stuffy half of the day, only rending puts out three characters, you lull!” 陈光白凡的手机上看到这一系列专题报道的时候,闷了半天,只撕心裂肺的吐出三个字,“你麻痹啊!” Welcome the general book friends to visit reading, latest, quickest and hottest serial publication performs in the mobile phone user welcome to reading. 欢迎广大书友光临阅读,最新、最快、最火的连载作品尽在手机用户请到阅读。
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