CGA :: Volume #1

#20: 30. 100,000 seconds

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Where here Chen Guang is thinking two Left and Right Hands big stars moved the worldly desire unexpectedly, after all in his opinion, the characters of these entertainment world, that is only may observe, but cannot profane the canary that plays, oneself this type of smelly soy sauce do not expect the big good deed that what life-saving efforts pledges yourself, looked at a moment ago between that full beard director meaning, what seemingly must make this Lao Ma/Nag brother give reward. Chen Guang does not do good does not keep the big good person of mark, in addition he himself is also short of money now, used such big effort, had/left such big smell, rescuing, with commissions that is natural. 这边陈光哪里想着两位左右手的大明星居然动了凡心,毕竟在他看来,这些娱乐圈的人物,那都是只可远观而不可亵玩的金丝雀,自己这种臭酱油就不要去奢望什么救命之恩以身相许的大好事了,看刚才那个大胡子导演字里行间的意思,貌似是要让这位老马兄给点报酬什么的。陈光可不是做好事不留痕的大好人,再加上他自己现在也着实缺钱,费了这么大的劲,出了这么大的糗,才把人给救出来,拿点好处费那是理所当然的嘛。 Although this matter has not been seeing the shadow, but Chen Guang has prepared to kindly accept. 虽然这事还没见着影子,不过陈光已经准备笑纳了。 But the present urgent matter hurries to wear the clothes, Lao Ma/Nag worthily is a worldly person, did not need Chen Guang saying that then looked for clothes to him, was the style of this clothes, somewhat to be how strange! 但现在的当务之急是赶紧把衣服穿上,老马不愧是人精,都不用陈光自己说,便给他找来一件衣服,就是这衣服的样式,怎么有些奇怪啊! Looks at front this glittering armor, Chen Guang is also a package, I said Brother Ma, this...... is this costume of dramatic team? Do not be noisy, makes a set of casual attire to be good to me casually. Calculated me thank you. This clothes work well, thought so that is quite valuable, I put in the body feared that was snatched.” 看着面前这金光闪闪的铠甲,陈光也是一头包,“我说马哥,这……这是剧组的戏服吧?别闹,随便给我弄套便装就好啦。算我谢谢你了。这衣服做工这么好,一看就好值钱,我穿在身上怕被抢。” Hehe hehe, the little elder brother you may be really humorous. However this clothes I really did not have the means that our is the ancient costume big piece, do you know? Is says some ancient sentiment love loved, intense rivalry, expedition battlefield the item clothing that in our dramatic team prepared, can put on to the man, was these armor stomachs. Some today's lens actually ancient times casual attire, what a pity everyone fell in the water a moment ago, all soaked, does not have the method to put on. You, make to put up with actually suddenly. The little elder brother you looks, this armor piece quality, gleaming, attractive? Charming? The little elder brother your stature is so good, the swimming is also very energetic, looked is the material of acting in a play......” Lao Ma/Nag comprehends the meaning of full beard director, this little while has started to plan Chen Guang encircling. “呵呵呵呵,小哥你可真幽默。不过这衣服我还真是没办法,咱们这是古装大片,你知道吧?就是讲一些古代的情情爱爱的啊,恩怨情仇的啊,征战沙场的啊,咱们剧组里准备的道具服装,能给男人穿的,也就是这些甲胃了。今天的镜头倒是有些古代便装的,可惜刚才大家都落水了,全都浸透了,也没法子穿。您呐,倒是将就一下嘛。小哥你看,这甲片的成色,亮闪闪的,漂亮吧?帅气吧?小哥你身材这么棒,游泳也很带劲儿,一看就是演戏的料……”老马领会到大胡子导演的意思,这会儿已经开始打算把陈光给圈进来了。 If changes a time, own car(riage) do not stop in that awkward position, perhaps Chen Guang also is very interested in listening to this words to discuss Brother Ma to chat, perhaps also just can infiltrate in the dramatic team to fish extra income anything taking this opportunity, heard that the figurants are also rich, by oneself that big life-saving efforts, the full beard director seems like the sincere person, ought not to treat unjustly own is. 如果换个时间,自己的车别停在那么尴尬的位置,或许陈光还真挺有兴趣听这位话唠马哥唠唠嗑,兴许还正能借着这机会混进剧组里捞捞外快什么的,听说群众演员也是有钱的,以自己那么大的救命之恩,大胡子导演看起来又是个实诚人,总该不会亏待自己的才是。 However, the vehicle of old man has dragged away danger anytime, my at heart flurried ! 不过,老夫的车子随时都有被拖走的生命危险,我的心里慌慌哒! „, Brother Ma, I recognized, I wear this clothes, other do not say, not having other matter I first to walk, later I came back to give back to you clothes, probably was also ten minutes of times.” Chen Guang waited for a long time, saw this Brother Ma only to say entered the dramatic team to buy the soy sauce own deceive the words, actually did not take out money, at heart that was quite disappointed. “得,马哥,我认了,我就穿这身衣服,别的甭多说,没别的事我先走了,待会儿我回来把衣服还给你们,大概也就是十来分钟的功夫。”陈光等了好久,见这位马哥只说着把自己诓进剧组打酱油的话,却迟迟不掏钱出来,心里那是相当的失望。 But this matter you cannot let my driving opens the mouth! 但这事你总不能让我主动开口吧! The person being concerned about face tree wants the skin, you must keep a stair to me! 人要脸树要皮,你得给我留个台阶啊! Lao Ma/Nag worthily is Lao Ma/Nag, sees Chen Guang not to have the thoughts to remain, is conjures dá dá in the satchel fishes out one pack of thick red bank notes from the back wet equally, piles neatly, even also takes to tie with the white paper, Chen Guang looked glaring, knows this is 50,000 oceans. 老马不愧是老马,见陈光没心思留下来,又是变戏法一样从背后湿哒哒的挎包里摸出一叠厚厚的红票子,摞得整整齐齐,甚至还用白纸带给束着,陈光晃眼一看,就知道这是五万大洋。 Immediately, the Chen Guang heart has blossomed happily, today this light/only buttocks run this time in Huanhu Road, was worthwhile! 当即,陈光心头已经乐开了花,今儿个这光屁股在环湖路上跑这一遭,值当了! Has really not been able to say his convention, if the status of beforehand that second generation of rich, tens of thousands he will not be serious, but is short of money presently at home, particularly biological mother's charges for medicine are also waiting for collecting, can get so far as 50,000 to help in an emergency, at least can let own whole family three months on the loose point day. 还真不能说他俗套,如果还是以前那富二代的身份,几万块他也不会多么当回事,但现在家里那么缺钱,尤其是亲妈的药费还等着凑,能弄到五万块救个急,至少可以让自己一家人三个月过上宽松点的日子。 He has not been thinking are too many, really must say, Jin Shiyue and Jiang Yage two people lives, let alone 50,000, by these two current fame and net worth position, yearly income not only 50 million. 他也没想着太多,真要说起来,靳诗月江雅歌两人的性命,别说五万,以这两人当下的名气和身家地位,年收入就不只五千万。 Chen Guang is not the person of being calculating, this matter, others are willing to the remuneration for services rendered, that to be others understand the worldly wisdom, others do not give, is only thanking profusely on the mouth to you, that cannot say the person not to lift a finger to help, but the handling matters ways of some people are so. 陈光本就不是斤斤计较的人,这种事情,别人愿意给酬金,那是别人懂得人情世故,别人不给,只对着你在嘴上千恩万谢,那也不能说人一毛不拔,只是有些人的处事方式就是如此。 Luckily this is the dramatic team that is not short of money, the stage supervisor director of worldly person, can pull out 50,000, just suited the Chen Guang intention well. 幸好这是个不差钱的剧组,还有个人精的场务主任,能一把掏出五万块,刚刚好合了陈光的心意。 How this may feel all right...... oh.” Smalltalk that Chen Guang smiles. “这可怎么好意思呢……哎哟哟。”陈光笑眯眯的客套着。 Lao Ma/Nag thinks that he really must reject, was planning that money toward Chen Guang bosom stopper, eyelid in a flash, Chen Guang actually already 50,000 in lining that forces in the shining armor stomach. 老马以为他真要拒绝,正打算把钱往陈光怀里塞,眼皮一晃,陈光却已经把五万块塞进金闪闪甲胃的内衬里去了。 The mother egg, this was by the good youth who the broad and profound Chinese crafty culture tormented, on the mouth is also said deeply did not want, the body was simply honest is like Pinocchio. 妈蛋,这又是个深受博大精深的中华厚黑文化荼毒的好青年,嘴上说着不要,身体简直诚实得和匹诺曹一样。 But you must know, on you value of this item clothing, was more expensive than these 50,000! 可你要知道,你身上这件道具服装的价值,就比这五万块贵多了! Brother Ma, that was all right I first to flash, my car(riage) is still stopping that side the lake, the time grew me to fear the condition, I first walked, the see you later.” Chen Guang said that must sneak off, Lao Ma/Nag thinks the former capital without enough time. “马哥,那没事我先闪了哈,我车还在湖那边停着,时间长了我怕出状况,我先走了哈,回头见。”陈光说完就要开溜,老马想留都来不及。 Here Chen Guang is planning to run out of the gate of cafe, actually waited in the entrance to the full beard director, naturally, director Sir as the boss of dramatic team, must at this time comforts the dramatic team member, properly wounded person who while arranges some minor wounds, but must consult with the scenic area staff, meanwhile must investigate the responsibility of gorgeous boat hiring unit, enough bustles about. 这边陈光正打算冲出茶餐厅的门,却在门口给大胡子导演候了个正着,当然,导演大人作为剧组的头儿,这时候还得一边安慰剧组成员,一边妥善安排部分轻伤的伤员,还得和景区工作人员协商,同时还要追究画舫出租单位的责任,也是够忙乎的。 Even so, the full beard director abandons matter on hand, holding on Chen Guang that is planning to sneak off. 即便如此,大胡子导演还是撇下手头的事情,一把拉住的正打算开溜的陈光 „, The little elder brother puts on the effect of this costume really to be good! Makes a chignon the head again, really looked like the military commander in our Pianzili. I thought that your physique is sturdy and healthy, saved others a moment ago time roars my two, suffices to be aggressive, what kind of, has the thoughts to come in my movie to flee a small role not?” Full beard director cheerful saying, took inventory again, determined today the dramatic team members are injured heavily is only sprains the leg and damages the waist, said that is survived to have the happiness in old age, mood of full beard is quite good. “哦哟,小哥穿着这身戏服的效果还真挺不错嘛!再把头上弄个发髻,就真像极了咱片子里的武将。我看你身板儿硬实,刚才救人的时候吼我那两下,也够霸气,怎么样,有心思来我电影里窜个小角色不?”大胡子导演乐呵呵的说道,再是清点了一番,确定今天剧组成员受伤最重的都只是个扭伤腿和撞伤腰,都说大难不死必有后福,大胡子的心情那是相当的好。 Cracks a joke, then the big accident, finally the personnel damage is almost zero, simply is miracle in the shipwreck history, little elder brother who all depends on this heroic life-saving, otherwise the Left and Right Hands two young little darlings hang selected the words, matter immediately big strip 10,000 times. 开玩笑呢,那么大的事故,最后人员损伤几乎为零,简直就是沉船事故史上的奇迹,全赖这位英勇救人的小哥,不然左右手两位小乖乖挂点了的话,事情立马大条一万倍。 Now he wants to haul in the dramatic team Chen Guang, that is really wants to lead by the hand him, was the report friend's great kindness, in addition, his contour was indeed good, the skill did not need to be worried, fled an unimportant small role in this play, gave him at most two lines, was just appropriate. 现在他想把陈光拉进自己剧组,那是真想提携他,也算是报这老兄的大恩大德了,除此之外,他的外形的确不错,身手更是不用担心,在这部剧里窜一个不重要的小角色,顶多给他两句台词,刚好合适。 By doing so, can logical gives him again some rewards, can try to haul in this circle him while convenient. 这样做,又能顺理成章的再给他些报酬,顺便还能试着是不是把他拉进这个圈子来。 Will not act in a play, without studying, is unimportant, in any case not to your face feature article, again oh no, multi- NG how many times, can cause type to come, I counsel personally, but can also pat motionless? 不会演戏,没学过,不重要嘛,反正又不会给你面部特写,再糟糕,多NG个几次,也能弄出个样儿来,又我亲自辅导,还能拍不动么? In addition, before were shouted to drink by this little elder brother, but also nearly gives to deceive the pants, making him come to be a utility, while this opportunity, makes this boy taste to the opportunity that I shouted shout out to drink, otherwise good to find avenging a grievance rarely warrant! 除此之外,之前自己被这小哥呼来喝去,还险些给骗掉裤子,让他来手下当个小演员,就趁着这个机会,也让这小子尝尝给我呼呼喝喝的机会,不然好难得找到“报仇雪恨”的正当理由啊! Chen Guang is not silly, meaning that in the full beard words that matter leads by the hand, is obvious, the Chen Guang heart is quite affected, oneself misunderstood to the people of entertainment world before is too deep, has the temper that the graciousness repays a debt of gratitude by this friend, absolutely is big good person one! 陈光也不傻,大胡子话语里那层提携的意思,再明显不过,陈光心头不由颇为感动,自己以前对娱乐圈的人都误解太深了啊,以这老兄有恩报恩的性子,绝对是大好人一个! But he should not this matter, regarding acting in a play anxiously this challenge, he is lacking self-confidence from the start, the full beard director he looks familiar very much, should see on the television frequently, was supposing is a name leads, we cannot others signboard rice bowls smashing. 但他并没急着应下来这事,对于演戏这种挑战,他是压根的没底,大胡子导演他很是眼熟,应该常常在电视上看到,估摸着是个名导,咱不能把人家的招牌饭碗给砸了。 „, Is a guest performer richly? Many?” “呃,客串有钱吗?多吗?” WTF! My moral integrity? 卧槽!我的节操呢? I obviously what think rejects him, but why on my mouth said this words unexpectedly! 明明我心里想的是拒绝他,可为什么我嘴上居然说出这种话来! The full beard smiles, compares the thumb to Chen Guang, young fellow is good, on said. Is a guest performer naturally richly, but also are many, the budget of dramatic team is very sufficient, so long as you can support 30 seconds of lens, I give you to prepare 100,000, what kind of? Our invests over a hundred million big manufactures, big piece!” 大胡子一笑,冲着陈光比出个大拇指,“小伙子不错,上道。客串当然有钱,还不少,剧组的预算还很是充足,只要你能撑过三十秒的镜头,我就给你准备十万,怎么样?咱这可是投资上亿的大制作,大片儿!” Yo! My uncle, this matter decided! My this goes to resettle my car(riage), then looks for you, will wait to pat?” Chen Guang grins, was happy. “哟!我的叔呐,这事就这么定了啊!我这去把我的车挪个窝,回头就来找你,等会拍吗?”陈光一咧嘴,乐了。 30 seconds, the old man has supported 20 years of expert level characters in Instant Sea! 三十秒,老夫可是在须臾海里撑过二十年的大拿级人物啊! Doesn't shoot a movie? Not 30 seconds! 不就拍个片吗?不就三十秒吗! 100,000! 十万啊! Today cannot pat shortly, everyone must settle well, like this we in the Wujing also 78 lens, must keep one month probably, you give a telephone, I pass for two days to look that the time similar hit to you. You first go back, my here is busy, but my Deng Xiaogang is the person of meaning what he says, but you also found, I am also a busy person, then idles I to chat slowly with you. Right, when your costume on don't Ji, you will also be coming the screen test today in any case several days later I give on this role that you arrange, was just appropriate, you first put on two days of adaptation.” Saw with own eyes that decided this matter, Deng full beard heart also steadfast. “今天眼看是拍不了了,大家都要好好安顿一下,这样我们在五京还有七八个镜头,大概还得留一个月,你留个电话,我过两天看时间差不多了打给你。你先回去吧,我这儿正忙呢,不过我邓小刚是说话算话的人,但你也瞧见了,我也是个大忙人,回头闲下来我慢慢和你唠嗑哈。对了,你这身戏服今天就甭急着还了,反正过几天你来试镜时我给你安排的就这角色,刚合适,你先穿两天适应适应。”眼见把这事定下来了,邓大胡子心头也踏实了下来。 Chen Guang smiles, did not disturb the full beard, gave the telephone to turn around walks toward outside. 陈光一笑,也不打搅大胡子了,留了电话掉头就往外面走去。 Also really let alone, in the pocket holds 50,000, is thinking several days later can also mix 100,000, even if on big summer wear armor stomach is somewhat stuffy, but at heart is actually the refreshing comfort. 还真别说,兜里揣着五万,想着过几天还能混十万,哪怕大夏天的穿着这甲胃身上有些闷,但心里头却是神清气爽的舒坦。 Turns head to look at the picture lake, he wants to say silently: When comes a dramatic team again, a reprecipitation time?” 扭头一望画湖,他默默想道:“啥时候再来个剧组,再沉一次啊?” Here Chen Guang just walked, Jin Shiyue and Jiang Yage did not have the rest to support the body to go out of between the special-purpose rests well, to seek Chen Guang. 这边陈光刚走,靳诗月江雅歌还没休息好就撑着身子走出了专用的休息间,就是为了寻陈光 The result asked Deng full beard, others had walked, that was quite disappointed. 结果一问邓大胡子,人家已经走了,那是相当的失望。 Jiang Yage panting in indignation stamping the feet, is stepping in the full beard instep, you how bleeding off?” 江雅歌气呼呼的一跺脚,正踩在大胡子脚背上,“你怎么就把人给放走了啊?” Jin Shiyue is very unhappy, but the temperament does not have the Jiang Yage that violent, is only somewhat helpless saying: We want to thank his one well, I made Sister Zhou prepare some cash a moment ago, oh. What to do this may.” 靳诗月也很是不开心,但脾气却没江雅歌那么暴,只是有些无奈的说道:“我们本想好好感谢他一下的,我刚才都让周姐准备了些现金,唉。这可怎么办。” Deng full beard was happy, two Eldest Miss , I will no rush make him come the dramatic team screen test several days later, having words saying when the time comes again is not late, the opportunity are many.” 邓大胡子乐了,“两位大小姐,别着急,过几天我让他来剧组试镜了,有话到时候再说也不迟,机会还多呢。” By the life story of Deng full beard, was not ugly to come out Jiang Yage this young girl star to seem like the different kind thoughts, was happy is worried actually secretly for that young fellow. 以邓大胡子的人生阅历,不难看出来江雅歌这位少女明星似乎是动了别样的心思,倒是暗自替那小伙子又是开心又是担心起来。 If really because of this matter achievement predestined match, pouring is also a charming story. 如果真因为这种事情成就一番良缘,倒也不失为一番佳话。 But the young fellow is seeing through, his current economic condition seems ordinary, the words that did not remember incorrectly, behind that small elder brother underpants as if have the small finger big small(this little one) crack! 但那小伙子看穿着,他的经济条件似乎很一般,没记错的话,那小哥内裤后面似乎有个小指头大小的破洞! Although Jiang Yage on outwardly is a star, but the background is very astonishing, Jin Shiyue also similar meaning. 江雅歌虽然明面上是个明星,但背景却很是惊人,靳诗月也差不多意思。 This matter, to that little elder brother, really has not perhaps been a good deed. 这种事情,对那小哥来说,或许还真算不上个好事。 Ok, the world of young people, we do not go to estimate, does not have the big star to marry the poor boy? 算了,年轻人的世界,咱也别去揣摩了,不也有大明星嫁给穷小子的么? My this old bones, do not mix in such high-end rich and powerful family story, the water is slightly deep, does not drip. 我这一把老骨头,还是别搀和到这么高端的豪门故事里去,水略深,淌不得啊。 Welcome the general book friends to visit reading, latest, quickest and hottest serial publication performs in the mobile phone user welcome to reading. 欢迎广大书友光临阅读,最新、最快、最火的连载作品尽在手机用户请到阅读。
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