The heart that being able choose the exact way because of flurryChen Guang, even/includingthinksdieshad, launchingtime, hehas not thoughtcompletelyfinallywill evolvethisresult, mother egg, if we had knownIdid not take off the trousers! Buthealsoknows, at that time the emergence of situation, ifoneselftrousersnot escaping, after thisextremely fatpantsimmersion, becomesespeciallyheavy, will seriously affectoneselfsurelyswims and speed of diving, thatwas not necessarily abletwo peoplerescuesJin ShiyueandJiang Yage.
慌不择路的陈光,连想死的心都有了,下水的时候,他完全没想到最后会演变成这个结局,妈蛋,早知道我就不脱长裤了!但他也知道,以当时情况的危急,如果自己不把长裤给脱了,这臃肿的裤子浸水后会变得格外沉重,必定会严重影响到自己游泳和潜水的速度,那就未必能把靳诗月和江雅歌两人救下来了。Lucky, does not know how to do, hegaveandruns up tothat sidefull bearddirectorand the othersunexpectedly.
万幸,也不知道怎么搞的,他居然给又跑到大胡子导演等人那边了。Jin ShiyueandJiang Yage after simplerescuing, had restoredat this timemuch, evencansupport the coming to a stopbodyreluctantly, is proceedingto moveundersupporting by the arm of femalemanagerslowly.靳诗月与江雅歌在经过简单的救护之后,此时已经恢复了不少,甚至能自己勉强支撑着站稳身子,正在女经纪人的搀扶下慢慢往前挪着。Being drownedwasthis, only if were really the oxygen deficittimeis too long, the physiologicalfunctionpresented the seriousdegeneration, otherwisewantedafter the prompttreatment, restoredalsoquickly, pourswill not havewhatsequela.
溺水就是这样了,除非真是缺氧时间太长,生理机能出现严重退化,不然的话只要经过及时的救治,恢复起来也很快,倒也不会有什么后遗症。Dramatic teamafter the groupdoctorsJin ShiyueandJiang Yagetwo peoplehave inspectedoneslightly, eventhought that two peopledo not needto ride the ambulanceto go to the hospital.
剧组的跟组医生给靳诗月和江雅歌两人稍微检查过一番之后,甚至觉得两人都没有必要坐救护车去医院。These twoare not willingto make a fuss over a trifling matter, expressed that does not needto go to the hospital.
这两人也不愿意小题大做,表示不需要去医院。That side the hospitalcoordinates, alsotoleteveryonefeels at ease, then the equipment on ambulancemoving, preparedto arrange the dramatic teampeopleto settlein the goodcafeto giveeveryoneto make an electrocardiogramby the picturelake.
医院那边十分配合,同时也是为了让大家安心,便把救护车上的设备给搬了下来,准备安排剧组众人就在画湖旁边早就安顿好的茶餐厅里给大家做个心电图。Thereupon, is leadingonegroup of peopleenormously and powerful the full beard that shiftstoward the lakesidecafe, caught the eyeseesonlyto put onChen Guang of briefsto run over.
于是乎,正带着一群人浩浩荡荡往湖边茶餐厅转移的大胡子,抬眼就看见只穿了三角裤的陈光跑过来。Determined that everyoneturns danger into safety the laterfull beard, the full beardmood is also excellent, looks atChen Guanglike this, before when the brainrememberscomes ashore, thisgoodsto tryto cheatpantsoneagain, cannot beargrinto laugh.
确定所有人化险为夷之后的大胡子,大胡子心情也是大好,一看陈光这样子,脑子里再想起上岸前这货试图骗走自己裤子时的一幕,忍不住咧嘴大笑起来。Following the vision of full beard, Jin ShiyueandJiang Yagealsoturn headto looktoward that side, as a result of the Chen Guangupfronthere, whenheruns, certainunnecessarytissuestructureinevitableemergencerock, matcheson the slightlyloosetriangleunderpantsagain, a stereoscopic effectintensepictureheads on.
The giganticmanqualificationswayingly, looks likehangsis ordinaryin the wind chimes of top, against the windhowevermoves, bringingacousto-opticseffect.
硕大的男人本钱晃晃悠悠,就像是挂在墙头的风铃一般,迎风而动,自带声光效果。Ok, reallycannotsay,drawsbeautifulnot to looksimply.
好了,真是不能多说,简直画美不看。Jin ShiyueandJiang Yagetwo peoplemanagerSister Zhouhurriesto keep offin front oftwo women/girls, wantsto helptheyblock fromthis„indecently”side.靳诗月和江雅歌两人的经纪人周姐赶紧挡在两女前面,想帮她们遮住这“不堪入目”的一面。„Littleelder brother! Here! Here!” A full bearddirectorungratefulperson, thismy dear friendfallstoso the pitiful conditionactually not, is notbecauseheput togetherfull powerrescuing, hurriedto shoutloudly, at the same timeshouted,healsowaved, whilealsoasked the stage supervisordirectorLao Ma/Nagto hurryto aid.
“小哥!这里!这里啊!”大胡子导演倒不是个忘恩负义的人,这位仁兄落到如此惨状,不就是因为他拼了全力把人给救出了吗,赶紧大声喊道,一边大喊,他还一边挥手,又一边还叫场务主任老马赶紧去把人接应过来。Otherssituationis awkward, goes all outto escape, is notbecausedoesn't wantonlyto be put on the appearance of underpantsto be givento patbyoneself?
The dramatic teamowed that bigfavor, but also„seeing somebody in danger and doing nothing”, were really excessive.
剧组这边欠了那么大人情,还“见死不救”,就着实过分了。Chen Guangonehear of thisslightlyfamiliarsounds, look up, is findingfull bearddirectorthatto have the symbolicbigfaceextremely, wants is too manywithout enough time, hurriesto followLao Ma/Nag that comesto aidto mix, the dramatic teamhas the police and security personnelstops, naturallycannotagainotherto approach, the leader in thatpicturelake districtalsoknowsownherepeoplecreatedto puzzleto the bighero, but also is helping the comfortingpeoplein turn, Chen Guangmaybeis out of dangersmoothly.陈光一听这略微熟悉的声音,抬头一看,正瞧见大胡子导演那极有标志性的大脸,来不及想太多,赶紧跟着前来接应的老马混了进去,剧组这边有警察和安保人员阻拦,自然不会再让其他人靠近,那位画湖区的领导也知道自己这边的群众给大英雄造成困扰了,还反过来帮着安抚群众,陈光可算是顺利脱险。„Mybig brother, youmayharmmemiserably!”Side the Chen Guanggatheringfull bearddirector, put on a long face, lived20 years old, this was really his firstsituation is so awkward, was actually lucky, had not definitely been patted the face, thanked heaven and earth.
The full bearddirectorheheis smiling, is very excitedis patting the Chen Guangshoulder that andwindsripe: Great idea that „ yourboyhasactually! Howto sayagainI was also a person of age, Ipossiblylike your smallyoung, onlywore the underpantsto runon the street?, Youryoung fellowstaturewas also good, is a material that is the actor, has a lookalsono.
大胡子导演嘿嘿笑着,十分激动与熟络的拍着陈光肩膀:“你小子倒是打的好主意啊!再怎么说我也是一把年纪的人了,我怎么可能像你这个小年轻一样,只穿着底裤在街上跑嘛?再说了,你小伙子身材挺不错,是块当演员的料,给人看看也没什么的。Do not care aboutthesedetails. Youmustknow,is the artist, thisis the potluck, many actors'revealon the screenmaybe more serious than your. ” The full beardusuallyabsolutelyis notsuchaffable, person who is easy to do, especiallyascelebrity in circle, when hetreats the strangerattitudeissuitableis unfriendly, withChen Guangsuchoriginallyripe, purelyisbecauseChen Guangrescuedhishalflife, in addition the Chen Guangthisunreasonabletemper, insteadwas calledhimto feelkind.
你就别在意这些细节了。你得知道,做艺人的,这都是家常便饭,不少男演员在荧幕上露得可比你这严重多了。”大胡子平时绝对不是这么和蔼可亲,容易打交道的人,尤其身为圈内的腕儿,他对待陌生人时的态度可谓是相当的不友善,和陈光这么自来熟,纯粹就是因为陈光救了他半条命,再加上陈光这不讲道理的性子,反而叫他觉得亲切。„Imayreally bethank you. Youtreatyoursaviors?”
“我可真是谢谢你了。你就这么对待你们的救命恩人的么?”„Where can this, my not aidyou? Lao Ma/Nag, hurryingleadshimto go, looks forclothesto the little brotherfirst, makingin the restauranthurryto prepare the ginger soup, although the presentis the bigsummer, butnow cold now hotis easyto fall ill, everyoneeats the bowlginger soupto make up. Thislittle brother, isourobligationpeople, littleLiuyourfour, the twobigprecious flowers of ourdramatic team, maybeherescue! Lao Ma/Nagyouonmanycareful, oncareful. Ourdramatic team, maybe the graciousness of water drop, when the bubbling springreported.” The full bearddirector has blinking of profound meaningtostage supervisorLao Ma/Nag.
“这哪能,我这不接应你了吗?老马,赶紧带他进去吧,给小兄弟找件衣服先,让餐厅里赶紧准备姜汤,虽然现在是大夏天的,但一冷一热还是容易生病,大家都喝碗姜汤补补。这位小兄弟啊,可是咱们的大恩人,小刘你们四个,还有咱们剧组的两大名花,可都是他救回来的!老马你多上上心,记着啊,上上心。咱们剧组,可都是滴水之恩,当涌泉相报的。”大胡子导演对场务老马颇有深意的眨眨眼。Lao Ma/Nagresulted in the command, understands, whenfirstbringsChen Guangto runtowardinside.老马得了令,心领神会,当先带着陈光就往里面跑去。Chen Guangis showing the whites of the eyes, is disinclined to never reverewiththiswhatdirectorink marks, onlythink that a braindrillstoward the crowdinas soon as possible, hurriesfirstto make the clothes that the bodyconceals, thenreturns to the car(riage)to come up.陈光翻着白眼,也懒得和这个为老不尊的什么导演墨迹了,只想一脑子尽快往人群里钻,赶紧先弄身遮羞的衣服,然后回自己车上去。Just nowplace that hestopsinroadside, whatwithout a doubtis the parking violation, hasanytimeis towedto the possibility that the traffic police teamgoes, in additionownclothespants, the car(riage)keyinthatvenerablehand, hisheartis not steadfastpreviously!
方才他停车的地方就在路边,毫无疑问的是违章停车,随时都有被拖到交警队去的可能,再加上自己的衣服裤子,连带着车钥匙都在先前那老先生手里,他心头不踏实啊!Chen Guanghas not noticedactually, in the crowd, the bashfulbigeye, is taking a look atquietlyfrom top to bottom, particularlyin his triangleunderpantsupwardeye saluteswayingly.陈光倒是没注意到,在人群之中,正有一双羞答答的大眼睛,悄悄打量着自己浑身上下,尤其是在他那晃晃悠悠的三角内裤上行注目礼。Right, thisperson of Jiang Yage!
没错,这人正是江雅歌!Jin Shiyueis blurry, does not knowhowoneself are rescued, after coming ashoreto comesoberly, Chen Guanghas actually jumped down the ship, latercrowded aroundto arriveby the assistant and managerhere, sheis blurry.靳诗月迷迷糊糊的,都不知道自己是被怎样救上来的,上岸清醒过来之后,陈光却已经跳下了船,随后就被助理和经纪人簇拥着走到了这边来,她还迷糊着呢。Until nowlistens to the full beard saying that Jin Shiyueknows that thisonlyputs on the littleelder brother of underpantsis the savior.
直到现在听大胡子说了,靳诗月才知道这位只穿着内裤的小哥就是救命恩人。Jiang Yageis different, Chen Guangclose, sheiscompletelysober for the first time in the water, herfeelingsare most profound.江雅歌却不一样,在水里陈光第一次靠近时,她是完全清醒的,她的感触最为深刻。At this timesheis peeping the body of Chen Guang, whileis recalling the thought in that timeheartin the brain, onfacecannot help butruddy, probablythoroughly ripe the apple is the same.
此时她一边偷看着陈光的身子,一边在脑子里回忆着那时候自己心中的念头,脸上不由得红扑扑的,像是熟透了的苹果一样。Thenshe, reallythinksoneselfandJin Shiyuedied.
当时的她,真的以为自己和靳诗月都死定了。At that timesheis first thinking, ifin this case, but alsosomepeoplecansave itself, oneselfpledged yourself.
当时她先是想着,如果在这种情况下,还有人能救下自己的话,自己就以身相许。No matterhisbigage, appearancehow, whatstatus, so long asheis a man, so long ashewants, thenIpledge yourself!
不管他多大年龄,长相如何,什么身份,只要他是个男人,只要他愿意,那么我就以身相许!Naturallyafterwardwas blurry, whensherealizedoneselfandJin Shiyue can only live, sheactuallywantedto leaveJin Shiyuethis.
当然后来迷迷糊糊间,在她意识到自己和靳诗月只能活一个的时候,她却把这希望留给了靳诗月。Pouring to afterward, whensheopens the eye, cannotbelieveoneselfare also living, onlyremembers that indistinctlyseemswhenmost desperate, most painful, soontotallygives up the thought that a warmcrook of the elbowfishedoneself, laterwasawakesto turn around the latersituation.
倒得后来,当她睁开眼睛时,都不敢相信自己还活着,只隐约记得好似在最绝望,最痛苦,就快要彻底放弃意念时,一个温暖的臂弯把自己捞住了,随后就是醒转过来之后的情形。Nowsees the matter that againthissavedownlittleelder brother, at the point of death before Jiang Yageremembered, in the brainthinksagain, suddenly the heartthump thumpjumped, particularlysized up the stature of opposite partysecretly, thatscoundrelswayingly, called the person of surfaceloyaltyto be hot.
Is that thing of man, sobig?
男人的那玩意,都这么大吗?Heard that can also becomegreatly?
Do't thatcansupport?
那不得撑死了?Aiya! Jiang YageJiang Yage! In your brainis indulging in flights of fancyanything!
The evildoer/monstrous talent, were aboutto receiveDivine Ability!
妖孽,快收了神通!„Yage, did hesavewetwopeople?”NearbyJin Shiyuehas not noticed the Jiang Yageconditionto be not rightactually, isstares the bigeyeto look at the Chen Guangback, lookverycomplexappearance.
“雅歌,他就是救了我们两个的人吗?”一旁的靳诗月倒是没注意到江雅歌的状态不怎么对劲,也是瞪大眼睛看着陈光的背影,神色很是复杂的模样。Jiang Yageun, thissomewhatlongingtransfers the eye.江雅歌嗯了一声,这才有些恋恋不舍的把眼睛转回来。„A whilewelook forhim, at leastneedswithhimto saypersonallythanksis good.”Jin Shiyuesaid.
“等会儿我们去找他吧,至少要亲口和他说一声谢谢才行。”靳诗月说道。Jiang Yageonehear, thought that Jin Shiyuethis is really a goodidea, can thisspeaktwowordswiththispersonfrankly and uprightly?江雅歌一听,觉得靳诗月这真是个好点子,这样就能光明正大和这人说两句话了吧?„Un!”Jiang Yagenodslayer on layer/heavily, had not actually discovered,on the face of Jin Shiyuealsoonewipesnottoonormalblushing.
“嗯!”江雅歌重重点头,却没发现,靳诗月的脸上也有一抹不太正常的红晕。„Thismattermademegoto be good, your two peoplewere just out of danger, mustrestwell!”NearbySister Zhouactuallycannot comprehend the two women/girlstruethoughtscompletely, inopportunesaying.
“这种事情让我去就好了,你们两人刚刚才脱险,要好好休息一下啊!”一旁的周姐却完全领会不到两女真正的心思,不合时宜的说道。Jin ShiyueandJiang Yagesimultaneous/uniformsimultaneous/uniformshakes the head.靳诗月和江雅歌齐齐摇头。Jin Shiyueknits the brows saying: „Thisis not good, othersafter allareoursaviors, wego, cannotbe rash, perhapsotherwiseby the mediawill be saidwedo not understand the formality.”靳诗月皱眉说道:“这样不好,人家毕竟是我们的救命恩人,还是我们自己去吧,不能轻率了,不然恐怕会被媒体说我们不懂礼节。”Jiang Yagewantsto sayanything, butJin Shiyue the wordsspeaking ofthisshare, shenaturallydoes not needto continueto speak.江雅歌本想说些什么,不过靳诗月都把话说到这个份上,她自然没有必要继续说话。Does not know that thislittleelder brother'spersonalityis good?
就是不知道这位小哥的性格好不好呢?Howhisstatusto my starto see?
他对我这明星的身份是怎么看的呢?Definitelyfrom the beginningsomecuriosities, maybe togetherfor a long time, does hewillthink that the pressurewas too big?
肯定一开始还是会有些新鲜感的吧,可相处久了,他会不会觉得压力太大了呢?What to do can this?
这可怎么办啊?InJiang Yagebrainsomewhatblurryis thinking, hasthreepoints of disturbanceunexpectedly, sevenpoints of shyness.江雅歌脑子里有些迷迷糊糊的想着,竟有三分忐忑,七分羞涩。Welcome the generalbookfriendsto visitreading, latest, quickest and hottestserial publicationperformsin the mobile phone userwelcometoreading.
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