CGA :: Volume #1

#18: Old man I illustrious name

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When the breath of two girls become more and more fierce, even after Jiang Yage starts itself to make an effort the body supports, Chen Guang both hands received. Is raised the head again has a look everywhere, determined after everyone was safe, Chen Guang is tying tight the nerve relaxes all of a sudden. 当两个女孩子的呼吸变得越来越剧烈,甚至江雅歌都开始自己用力将身子撑起来之后,陈光就把双手收了回来。再是抬头四处看看,确定所有人都安全了之后,陈光紧绷着的神经一下子放松下来。 No deceased person is not good. 唔,没死人就好。 Coughs!” “咳咳咳咳咳!” At this time Jiang Yage and Jin Shiyue two people simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform sat straight the body, is coughing desperately. 这时候江雅歌靳诗月两人齐齐坐直了身子,正拼命的咳嗽着。 Chen Guang turns the head to look, the chest front that is finding with two people coughs the movement that shivers unceasingly to be plentiful. 陈光转头看去,正瞧见随着两人咳嗽的动作而不断颤抖的胸前丰满。 Because the clothing is completely wet, two people clothes paste firmly on each one, the shape highlights, the peaks and ridges fluctuate, tiny particle complete(ly) present, looks at the Chen Guang saliva to swallow, capricious. 因为衣衫尽湿,两人衣服都牢牢贴在各自身上,形状凸显,峰峦起伏,纤毫毕现,看得陈光口水直吞,心猿意马。 Jin Shiyue Jiang Yage is bigger, but the Jiang Yage scale is also big, what is most commendable, two younger sisters' chests are very tall and straight, the elasticity is extremely good, this definitely is they always practices to dance to exercise? 靳诗月的比江雅歌的大一些,但江雅歌的规模也不小,最难能可贵的是,两位妹子的胸部都很挺拔,弹性极佳,这肯定是她们经常练习舞蹈锻炼出来的吧? ...... 呃…… The Chen Guang whole body quickly grasps the meaning of something, mother egg, I am the hero save the brilliance character in beautiful, how can exude such dirty thought in the brain! 陈光浑身一激灵,妈蛋,我可是英雄救美的光辉人物,怎么能在脑子里泛起这么肮脏的念头! However, thinks carefully that feel is really the stick ...... 不过,仔细想,那手感真是棒棒哒…… I! 我呸! Chen Guang hurries to fling the brain, attempt is calmed down by oneself. 陈光赶紧甩甩脑子,试图让自己冷静下来。 I scratch the kind! 我擦类! The matter is not right! My pants crotch is quite cool! 事儿不对啊!我的裤裆好凉爽! Chen Guang lowers the head looked, awakens suddenly, the old man launches stripped off the clothes pants, now from top to bottom on not elegant triangle underpants! 陈光低头一看,猛然醒悟,老夫下水的时候把衣服裤子都脱光了,现在浑身上下就一条不怎么雅观的三角内裤啊! It is not good! Old man the strength of great antiquity soon lost control! 不好!老夫的洪荒之力快要失控了! The tent wanted to get up! 帐篷要支起来了! Originally this triangle underpants are not a big help, the strength of great antiquity lost control of the words, only feared that must leave smelly, Chen Guang is awkward suddenly, hurries to ship out a casting down one's eyes nose view heart, the appearance of sitting in contemplation sits cross-legged to sit down, probably is resting and building up strength to be the same. 本来这三角内裤就不怎么顶事,洪荒之力失控了的话,只怕就要出糗,陈光一时间尴尬至极,赶紧装出一副眼观鼻鼻观心,老僧入定的样子盘膝坐下,好像是在休养生息一样。 Actually the girl who feels sorry for two descendants of the imperial family, just lived reluctantly from the condition of drowning, unexpectedly a supporting by the arm person does not have. 倒是可怜两位金枝玉叶的女孩儿,才刚刚从溺水的状态下勉强活过来,居然连个搀扶的人都没有。 Does not have the permission of Chen Guang, the full beard directors and another two lifeguards does not dare to depend, because in the Chen Guang brain relaxes to start rarely capriciously. 没有陈光的许可,大胡子导演和另外两名救生员都不敢靠过来,陈光自己脑子里又因为难得放松而开始心猿意马。 No one has thought, the first flash is awe-inspiring equally and Sun is glorious dazzling Chen Guang, at this time already, because cannot control these at sixes and sevens ideas in brain, but the incarnation became an awkward little elder brother. 谁也没想到,前一瞬间还正气凛然得和太阳一样光辉耀眼的陈光,这时候已经因为控制不住脑子里的那些乱七八糟的想法而化身成了一个尴尬小哥。 Really without means that two young and good-looking big stars in he left and right, suddenly because also the unceasing cough and shivers to bump into on Chen Guang once for a while, something has been done deliberately he is basically equal to that now light body, where was bumped into is the flesh close contact. 实在没办法啊,两位青春靓丽的大明星就在他左右两边,一时间还因为不断的咳嗽和颤抖而时不时碰到陈光身上,偏生他现在就基本等于光着身子,哪里被碰到都是实打实的肌肤亲密接触。 Must say him in Instant Sea, has to bump the woman, but this situation may be different now! 要说他在须臾海里,也不是没碰过女人,但现在这处境可不一样啊! The shore gathers round so many people! 岸边围着那么多人! The heroic image of old man, cannot be destroyed in a moment absolutely! 老夫的英雄形象,绝对不能毁于一旦! The old men cannot be discovered absolutely pants crotch the tent, is referring to some uncertain shore also people taking the cell phone to photograph, if passes to online goes, played the egg! 老夫绝对不能被人发现裤裆支着帐篷,指不定岸边还有人拿着手机在拍照,要是给人传到网上去,就玩儿蛋了! I said the full beard director, you come to help lend a hand actually! 我说大胡子导演,你们倒是过来帮着搭把手啊! What meaning your three do stare on helplessly in that side is? 你们三个在那边干瞪眼是什么个意思? Is this your jobs is obviously good? 这明明是你们的分内事好吧? The lifeboat is getting more and more near from the shore, many people uncontrolled have closed up toward the shore, even to other rescued person, or swam the drowning person who came ashore to create the difficulty. 救生艇距离岸边越来越近,已经有不少人不受控制的往岸边靠拢过来,甚至给其他被救的人,或者自己游上岸的落水者造成了困扰。 Draws the lake authority to go into action urgently, nearby police authorities and police station sending out personnel, have rushed over in abundance now, is assisting to control the scene, the crowds that avoids coming in swarms create the difficulty to the rescue work. 画湖这边的管委会已经紧急行动起来,附近的警局和派出所纷纷出动人员,现在已经陆陆续续赶到,正在协助控制现场,避免蜂拥而来的围观群众给救援工作造成困扰。 The crowd was driven back gradually, sets aside the position to the person from underwater saves as far as possible, but from the shore is very near. 人群渐渐被逼退,尽量给从水下救上来的人腾出位置来,但距离岸边还是很近。 Most worries about the will of the people, is Jin Shiyue and Jiang Yage two people, on the one hand is these two fame is quite big, what is more important when is the gorgeous boat sinks, 最牵挂人心的,就是靳诗月江雅歌两人,一方面是这两人名气比较大,更重要的是画舫下沉时, These two situations are most dangerous. Sees to think of the two women/girls lifeboat gradually to approach, the crowd bursts with joy again, but the good and evil can also control the mood, not crazy comes toward front crowded, but responded much the quick people have pulled out the respective cell phone, photographs to the lifeboat. 这两人的处境最危险。见装着两女的救生艇逐渐靠近,人群再度沸腾起来,不过好歹还能控制住情绪,没有再疯狂的往前面拥挤过来,但不少反应快的人都已经掏出各自的手机,对着救生艇拍摄起来。 ancient Qun who this, two females wear after all although passed the water, but has not turned translucent, the full beard director and other two is only busy approaching shore the lifeboat, has not managed so many. 这也就罢了,毕竟两位女性穿着的古裙虽然透了水,但也没有变成半透明,大胡子导演和另外两人只忙着将救生艇靠岸,也没管那么多。 Must pat on the racket, has nothing at the worst. 要拍就拍吧,也没什么大不了的。 Only puts on Chen Guang of briefs only, fixes the eyes on looks, my mother! 唯独只穿着一条三角裤的陈光,定睛一看,我的妈呀! Looking into the distance, that pitch-dark is the innumerable cell phones, innumerable cameras, if were patted clearly passing to my face by these people online went, how I also see the person! 放眼望去,那黑洞洞的都是无数个手机,无数个摄像头,要是被这些人把我的脸拍了个清楚给传到了网上去,我还怎么见人啊! Can put down the cell phone to speak well? 能放下手机好好说话吗? Naturally cannot! 当然不能! Aii yeah! That full beard, right, is you, full beard!” Chen Guang got a sudden inspiration, opens mouth shouted one to the full beard director. “哎哎哎!那个大胡子,没错,就是你,大胡子!”陈光灵机一动,张嘴就冲着大胡子导演喊了一句。 Perhaps before is , the Chen Guang vigorous and resolute life-saving, made the too profound impression on this director, celebrity of this film and television circle, had not responded completely and spoke was actually small young, one hear of his expressions worried, thought and has the condition, hurried then to ask: What matter does this mister have?” 也许是之前陈光雷厉风行的救人,给这位导演留下了太深刻的印象,这位影视圈的大腕儿,完全没反应过来和自己说话的其实是个小年轻,一听他语气这么着急,以为又有状况,赶紧回头问道:“这位先生有什么事?” „Can you give me your pants?” Right, Chen Guang has this successful director the idea of pants, although looked very large, but the good and evil can obstruct to shame. “你能把你的裤子给我吗?”没错,陈光就是打起了这位大导演的裤子的主意,虽然看起来很肥大,但好歹能遮个羞啊。 What!” The full beard stares, thinks that this is the follow-up movement of Chen Guang life-saving, possibly was Jin Shiyue and Jiang Yage is injured needs to wrap up and so on, then prepared the solution leather belt immediately. “什么!”大胡子一愣,以为这是陈光救人的后续动作,可能是靳诗月江雅歌受伤了需要包扎之类的,便立马准备解皮带。 Well? Isn't right? 咦?不对? Even must wrap up, will still want my white shirt, rather than my pants? 就算是要包扎,也该要我的白衬衣,而不是我的裤子啊? He is also a worldly person, calms down, to look slightly Chen Guang only wears the triangle underpants, anticipates and awkward appearance very much, immediately understands clearly, cold sweat, nearly say/way, my elderly man good and evil age, your young fellow a little pit! 他也是人精,稍稍冷静下来,一看陈光只穿着三角内裤,很是期待与尴尬的样子,顿时了然,一头冷汗,险些就着了道,我老人家好歹一把年纪了,你小伙子有点坑啊! The leather belt solution to half, the full beard gave to tie up, only swung the rattle-drum to be the same the head, like young wife of being wronged. 皮带解到一半,大胡子又给拴上了,只把脑袋摇得拨浪鼓一样,像极了受委屈的小媳妇。 Chen Guang face one black, knows own plot cannot work, big brother! I saved so many human lives, you cannot the pit I! The good and evil gives me your shirt, making me obstruct!” 陈光脸一黑,知道自己阴谋没能得逞,“大哥啊!我可是救了这么多人命啊,你不能坑我啊!好歹把你衬衣给我,让我遮一下啊!” Did to the full beard to have the vigilance to him, no matter he said anything no matter used, what was more excessive, this occupational disease quite serious successful director took advantage of opportunity to size up Chen Guang physique to come unexpectedly, hey, but also really let alone, this young fellow a wee bit excrescences did not have from top to bottom, that physique quite perfect, coordinated on this again, although was not graceful, but also very worth looking at face, actually good seedling that performed in the play of military history! 奈何大胡子已经对他起了戒心,甭管他说什么都不管用,更过分的是,这位职业病相当严重的大导演居然顺势打量起陈光的身板儿来,嘿,还真别说,这小伙子浑身上下丁点赘肉都没有,那身板儿是相当的完美,再配合上这副虽然不怎么帅,但还挺耐看的脸,倒是个演武戏的好苗子! As in the full beard brain indulges in flights of fancy, the lifeboat distance shore is getting more and more near. 随着大胡子脑子里胡思乱想,救生艇距离岸边却越来越近。 Chen Guang smells there is something wrong, obstructs the face, gives scolding, ungrateful! Fickleness of human relationships! I first removed!” 陈光见势不妙,把脸一遮,痛骂一声,“忘恩负义!世态炎凉!我先撤了!” Scolded this, he fierce fled since the lifeboat, toward underwater jumped, drills to dive toward nearby lakeshore in the water, first was at least separated to be good from the people field of vision by oneself this underpants male. 骂完这一句,他就猛的从救生艇上窜起,往水下一跳,钻在水里往旁边的湖岸边潜去,至少先让自己这个内裤男从群众视野里脱离出去才行。 Really is not his Learning from Lei Fei, does good does not leave a good name, he really does not have that high consciousness, only wore the triangle underpants purely, without the method takes a good photo. 真不是他学雷锋,做好事不留名,他真没那么高的觉悟,纯粹是只穿了条三角内裤,没法子上镜。 Dives ability thanks to him, to escape to become underpants superman destiny, he in underwater snuck dozens meters forcefully, comes ashore from another quietly. 多亏得他潜水能力强,为了摆脱成为内裤超人的命运,他硬生生在水下潜行了数十米,才悄悄从另一头上了岸。 Although his life-saving hero launches suddenly, making the crowds somewhat surprised, but everyone's attention on two female stars, pours eventually does not have to care. 虽然他这位救人英雄突然下水,让围观群众有些吃惊,但大家的注意力终究都在两位女明星身上,倒也没太在意。 Chen Guang braves from the water the head, sees two females goes toward the shore line under the respective supporting by the arm of manager and assistant, the roadside also has the ambulance to stand by waiting for orders, others also on onshore settled one after another, did not determine that anything matter, this felt relieved completely. 陈光把脑袋从水里冒出来,看见两名女子在各自经纪人和助理的搀扶下往岸边行去,路边又已经有救护车整装待命,其他人也陆陆续续都在岸上安顿了下来,确定没自己什么事了,这才完全放心。 His cautious climbing up shore, plans to slip away quietly, does not want unable to push the past people to give the discovery by that side. 他小心翼翼的爬上岸,打算悄悄溜掉,不曾想还是被那边没能挤过去的群众给发现了。 No matter what, he is a hero, some people collected one after another. 甭管怎么说,他好歹是英雄,陆陆续续就有人凑了上来。 Young fellow is good, behaves righteously, great!” A mature middle-aged man collects to pat the shoulder of Chen Guang, expressed extremely the appreciation to him. “小伙子不错啊,见义勇为,好样的!”一个成熟的中年男子凑上来拍着陈光的肩膀,对他表示万分赞赏。 Big Brother is quite fierce! Thanked the Big Brother to save two little elder sisters, I most liked listening to their songs!” This is a moe moe youngest sister both hands holds the fist in the other hand, a face worship looks up him. “大哥哥好厉害啊!谢谢大哥哥救了两个小姐姐,我最喜欢听她们的歌了!”这是一个萌萌哒的小妹妹正双手抱拳,一脸崇拜的抬头看着他。 Young fellow is great! Our Wujing city is proud for you!” This seems like what leader, that side settles, turns the head to encourage behaving righteously immediately, is really a benevolent official, knows the business! “小伙子好样的!我们五京市为你感到骄傲!”这似乎是个什么领导,那边安顿下来,立马转头来鼓励见义勇为者,真是父母官啊,懂行! With these person very warm actions, the person who the Chen Guang nearby encircles are getting more and more. 随着这些人十分热情的举动,陈光附近围过来的人越来越多。 Facing those images and scenes, Chen Guang only wants to speak a few words, you make me go the pants to put on! 面对此情此景,陈光只想说一句话,你们好歹让我去把裤子穿上啊! When he noticed some people to start to pull out the cell phone face to give to frighten white. 当他注意到已经有人开始掏手机脸都给吓白了。 Really heavenly protection, is a venerable who brings the visor straw hat collected, is planning to praise his one, young fellow......” 真是老天保佑,又是一位带着遮阳草帽的老先生凑了上来,正打算夸他一句,“小伙……” Old gentleman did not do right by! Uses taking advantage of your straw hat!” Chen Guang screamed one, could not attend to so many, grasped from the old gentleman the straw hat, covered in own on, pulled down the hat brim, shrank the neck to clash toward the crowd outside. “老爷子对不住了!借你草帽一用!”陈光尖叫一声,顾不得那么多了,一把将草帽从老爷子头上抓了过来,盖在自己头上,压低帽檐,缩着脖子就往人群外面冲出去。 My mother! Quite fearful! I do not think, when underpants male! Help! I want to go home!” Chen Guang is so whooshing at heart. “我的妈呀!好可怕啊!我不想当内裤男!救命呐!我想回家!”陈光心里如此嘶吼着。 No one thinks that this big hero gave unexpectedly entire collapsed, suddenly poured no one to block him, flushed to him. 没人想到这位大英雄居然给整崩溃了,一时间倒没人拦住他,给他冲了出去。 Runs out of the crowd, Chen Guang is pressing the hat brim, is pulling the underpants single-handedly, the innermost feelings even the life and death when Royal Annie Ship slaughter him flurriedly is more abundant. 冲出人群,陈光一手压着帽檐,一手扯着内裤,内心慌乱甚至比他在皇家安妮号上生死厮杀之际更盛。 Behind enthusiasm people completely do not let off his meaning, the leader by that picture lake district takes the lead, unexpectedly turned around to pursue in abundance. 偏偏后面热情至极的群众完全没有要放过他的意思,以那位画湖区的领导带头,居然纷纷掉头追了过来。 In Huanhu Road then presented a marvelous sight, one wears the big straw hat actually only to wear the triangle underpants streaking male steps the white and shiny big long leg to run in front, behind the buttocks actually follows one crowd of passionate people, the mouth was shouting words that what hero please hold your steps and so on. 环湖路上便出现了一个奇观,一个戴着大草帽却只穿了条三角内裤的“裸奔男”迈着白花花的大长腿跑在前面,屁股后面却跟着一群热情洋溢的群众,嘴里喊着什么英雄请留步之类的话。 Just here arrived did the people that in addition did not know the circumstances of the matter look are bewildered, do not hold that indecent streaking lunatic who they should say? 刚到这边尚且不知情的群众看得是一脸茫然,难道他们该说的不是抓住那个有伤风化的裸奔疯子吗? Feels the warm summer wind to blow the feeling on fart fart by the slit of underpants, at this moment, in the Chen Guang brain only remembers a few words. 感受着温暖的夏风透过内裤的缝隙吹到屁屁上的感觉,此时此刻,陈光脑子里只想起一句话。 We really worthily are Instant Sea two! My profession regretless, I remember that afternoon the streaking under setting sun, that is the youth that I hang! 咱真不愧是须臾海的二副!我的生涯一片无悔,我想起那天下午在夕阳下的裸奔,那是我挂掉的青春啊! Welcome the general book friends to visit reading, latest, quickest and hottest serial publication performs in the mobile phone user welcome to reading. 欢迎广大书友光临阅读,最新、最快、最火的连载作品尽在手机用户请到阅读。
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