Althoughdoes not have the meansto delimit the waterwithtwohands, butby the Chen Guangriver character, even ifonlyuses the leg, the speed is extremely still fast. Healsosuppressed very longair/Qi, the high-intensity actionin the water, oneself is also continually exhausted, butboth handsare fishingtwofemalesare getting more and more dangerous, hecannotrest.
虽然没办法用两只手划水,但以陈光的水性,即便只用腿,速度也极快。他自己也憋了很久的气,在水里连番高强度动作,自身也疲惫至极,但双手捞着的两名女子却越来越危险,他不能休息。Especiallynear the Chen Guangright handthat the faintpastfemale, the situationis not most wonderful.
尤其是陈光右手边那个早就昏厥过去的女子,处境最为不妙。Arm of Chen Guangafterthispersoncircles, is clampingherwith the crook of the elbow, the palmis actually pressingaboveherchest, the heartbeat of thiswomanalreadyextremelyweak, as if the nextflashmuststop.陈光的手臂从这人身后绕过去,用臂弯将她夹着,手掌却是正正按在她的胸膛之上,这女人的心跳已经极其微弱,似乎下一瞬间就要停止。Moreover the situation of thatwomanis slightly good, butalsoverygoestothere.
另外那个女人的情况稍微好一点,但也好不到那里去。WhenChen Guangbringstwo peoplecrash-bangoneare running out of the water surfacefinally, draws the people who the lakesidesurroundsto send outto cheer.
The person of being sharp-eyedhas recognizedbyChen Guangis huggingJin Shiyue and Jin Shiyue liangs star, the frontnot far awaylifeguardis also approachingone after another, to a forefrontlifeboat, the full bearddirectoris lyingby the lifeboatactually, anxiousis looking aroundeverywhere.
眼尖的人已经认出来被陈光搂着的正是靳诗月位女星了,前方不远处救生员也陆陆续续正在靠近,冲在最前面的倒是一艘救生艇,大胡子导演正趴在救生艇旁边,焦急的四处张望着。Heknows when the gorgeous boatreversestwostarsstilltie up, onlyfeared that thistimewasmore unfortunate than fortunate, ifinfilming the process of movie, thistwo women/girlsdied, perhapsowndirectorprofessionarrived atthisto end.
他知道画舫翻倒下去时两位女星依然绑在威亚上,只怕这次是凶多吉少了,如果在拍摄自己电影的过程中,这两女死掉的话,恐怕自己的导演生涯就到此结束了。This is also only the minor matter, these twobackgrounds, the known somethingfull beardwill rememberwill be absolutely terrified, ownfatemaynot onlybeloses the career is so simple.
这还只是小事,这两人的背景,略知一二的大胡子一想起就会毛骨悚然,自己的下场可不仅仅是失去职业生涯那么简单。Whensaw when Chen Guanghugstwo peopleare surfacing, the full bearddirectorhardlycanbelieveowneye.
当看到陈光搂着两人浮出水面时,大胡子导演几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛。Reallyhas a dreamnot to expectalsosome people ableto rescueunexpectedlythem, is really heavenly protection.
真是做梦也没料到居然还有人能将她们救出来,真是老天保佑。Buttrulymost surprised is also not the full beard, butisChen Guanglaunches the crowds near thatposition, thesepeoplelookinhelplesslythiswave the unofficial receiptlaunches, heis away from the place that the gorgeous boatsinksto be farther, launchingis also later, the lifeguard who theseonesteplaunchesearlyjustpeople who floatedfrom the watercaught several other, thismainalsotied uptwopeople to giveto rescueunexpectedlyto come out!
但真正最吃惊的还不是大胡子,而是陈光下水那位置附近的围观群众,这些人可是眼睁睁看着这位浪里白条下水的,他距离画舫沉下去的地方更远,下水也更迟,那些早一步下水的救生员才刚刚将另外几个从水里浮起来的人接住,这位主居然就把还绑在威亚上的两个人给救出来了!Thisgoodsfrom the startare not a person, from the startis the fishperson?
这货压根就不是人,压根就是鱼人吧?„Day! Quickly! Quickin the past! Meetsthem!” The full beardbreaks open the throatrendinglyis shouting, almostwishes one couldsnatchinginown the steering wheel of lifeboat.
“天呐!快!快过去!把他们接上来!”大胡子破开嗓子撕心裂肺的喊着,几乎恨不得将救生艇的方向盘给抢到自己手里来。Chen Guangsomewhatis also exhaustedat this time, sees the lifeboatto approachfast, firstisturns headto size upeverywhere, determinedsidefourpeople who previouslydeliveredhad the lifeguard, the heartwas then steadfast.陈光此时也有些精疲力尽,见救生艇快速靠近,先是扭头四处打量一番,确定先前自己送上来的四个人身边都有救生员了,心头这才踏实下来。Immediatelyhethencontinuesto stretch the legs, a personfishedtwoto depend on the pasttoward the lifeboaton.
当即他便继续蹬腿,一个人捞着两个往救生艇上靠过去。Has saying that is not everyone canlikeChen Guang, onebowl of watercarryevenlyin the heart, has the lifeguardto tryto abandonperson in the handunexpectedly, wantsto runto helpChen Guangshareone.
不得不说,不是每个人都能像陈光一样,一碗水在心头端得平,居然有救生员试图扔下自己手里的人,想跑来帮陈光分担一个。Chen Guangsaw with own eyes,immediatelyis infuriated, treadwaterwhilecursed angrilymakes noise: „Youdoanything! Favors the person in yourhand! Whodamn isn't the life the life?”陈光眼见,顿时火冒三丈,一边蹬水一边怒骂出声:“你搞什么!看好你手里的人!谁他妈的命不是命?”Althoughhisboth handspressfrom beginning to endplentifullyin the fronts of twostarsabove, buthereallydoes not give uptofuon hand.
虽然他双手从始至终都压在两位明星的胸前丰满之上,但他真不是舍不得手头的这点豆腐。Byownriver character, can definitely a persondeliver to the lifeboatto come upthese two, othersstrugglewith great difficulty, youabandonto runhereto do the meaninglessmatter, do you have the qualificationsto be a lifeguard?
以自己的水性,完全可以一个人把这两人都送到救生艇上去,别人好不容易才挣扎上来,你把人扔下跑我这里来做毫无意义的事,你还有资格当个救生员吗?Only ifwereIcould not support, thatalsoalmost!
除非是我撑不住了,那还差不多!Thislifeguardwas scoldedbyChen Guang, knowsownthisactionis somewhat excessive, hurriesthento completeownmatter.
这救生员被陈光一骂,也知道自己这举动有些过分,赶紧回头把自己的事情做好。Whenhethenlooksagainin the Chen Guangdirection, is actually the pupilshrinks, is quite quick! Fishingtwopeople is so quick! Who youare! Olympic championyou?
等他再回头往陈光的方向望去,却是瞳孔一缩,好快!捞着两个人还这么快!你到底是什么人啊!奥运冠军吗你?Originallyalso the time of sucha blink, Chen Guangfleesunexpectedly56meterstowardfront, had approached the lifeboat.
The full bearddirectorwas planning that puts out a handto meet the person, Chen Guang is actually the both legssteps on the water surfaceruthlessly, the whole personfleesupwardhalfmeter, the left handthrows,
大胡子导演正打算伸手来接人,陈光却是双腿狠狠在水面一踩,整个人往上窜出去半米,左手一抛,Firstthrows intoon the conditiongoodthatwoman the ship, thisis the lifeboat of air cushion, does not needto fearactuallybreaking. Chen Guangandanotherwomansankslightlydownward a point, buthisleft handdigs upto drawruthlesslynearby the lifeboat, the mouthshouts: „Yougotoanother side, Imustembark!”
The people on full beardsandanothertwolifeboatsknow that Chen Guangmustcatch up, hurriesto be sideways, in the meantime, the Chen Guangleft handcatches upruthlessly, leads and woman in right handrises with a spring, fleeslikecarpfish diveDragon Gateto the lifeboaton.
The space not biglifeboat, all of a suddenwere manythreepeople, becomessomewhatcrowds.
空间原本就不大的救生艇,一下子多了三个人,就变得有些拥挤起来。Chen Guangsitbytwo women/girlsactually, the place that the full bearddirector and other twostops overwas aboutnot to have.陈光自己倒是一屁股坐在两女旁边,大胡子导演和另外两人就连落脚的地方都快没有了。„Make waymake way! Givesme the make way! Thesetwopeopleare dying! Maintains the aircirculation! Are you a director? Looked that yourappearancelooks like the director! Does no onesinkin the water? Is a servanta bit faster uneven! Hurry up! The timeis tight!”Chen Guanghas entered the conditioncompletely, in the brainis only thinkinggivesto savethesepeople, the attitudeis very bad.
“闪开闪开!都给我闪开!这两个人要死了!保持空气流通!你是导演吧?看你的样子就像是导演!还有没人沉在水里?快点一下人齐不齐!快点!时间紧张!”陈光已经完全进入了状态,脑子里只想着把这些人都给救下来,态度十分恶劣。Whomanaging you are, managing you are any successfuldirector, the fatherisRoyal Annie Shiptwo, father in a world that does not have the landlived for 20years, the fatheris specialized!
The fathermustsave others!
The ordinarydrowningaccident, theselifeguards can definitely deal, Chen Guangfearsalsosomepeoplein the gorgeous boat, divinglife-saving under thisurgentsituation, could not count onothers, can only Chen Guang.
普通的溺水事故,那些救生员完全能应对,陈光就怕还有人在画舫里面,这种紧急态势下的潜水救人,也指望不了别人,只能陈光自己来。Even ifheknows that at this timelaunchedto be perhaps lateagain, butdead or alive, hewas anxious!
哪怕他知道此时再下水恐怕已经迟了,但活要见人死要见尸,他急啊!Smallshouted angrilybyChen Guangoneyoung, the full bearddirectorcomplexionfirststagnates, subconsciousignition, butseesinthisanxiousexpressionto the square features, knows that othersaregoodto think the life-saving, hurriesto recover, turns headto size upon the water surfaceeverywhere, lies the stage supervisordirectorto bellowto that side'ssecondlifeboaton: „Lao Ma/Nag! Did the peoplerescue? Peoplesimultaneous/uniform?”
被陈光一个小年轻怒喝,大胡子导演面色先是一滞,正要下意识的发火,但见对方脸上这焦躁的表情,也知道人家是好心想救人,赶紧回过神来,扭头在水面上四处打量,冲着那边第二艘救生艇上趴着的场务主任大吼:“老马!人都救出来了吗?人齐了没?”Lao Ma/Naguses the harshthroatto be howling: „In! MissedJin ShiyueandJiang Yage!”老马用破锣嗓子嚎着:“都在呢都在呢!就差靳诗月和江雅歌了!”„Personsimultaneous/uniform.” The full bearddirectorheartrelaxesslightly, butturns headto look atJin Shiyue and Jiang Yageunconsciousappearanceagain, the heartclutched, „their two peoplesink the timeinwaterto be longest, most dangerouswasthey. Approaches shorequickly! The doctors of dramatic teaminshore!”
“人齐了齐了。”大胡子导演心头略微放松,但扭头再看靳诗月和江雅歌人事不省的模样,心头又揪了起来,“她们两人沉在水里的时间最长,最危险的就是她们了。快靠岸!剧组的医生在岸边!”Said that thisfull beardwantsto collecttowardhere, Chen Guangactuallyopens outhim, the left handgraspsonthatgirlchest, the mouthurgentlysaid: „Came upwell, yougo away! Herheartbeathas stopped! Do not keep offmeto save others! Makes way!”
The Chen Guangmouthsaidfirstfaintsthatfemale, at this timeherconditionbad, the heartbeatstops, means that shewill soon die.陈光嘴里说的就是先晕过去那女子,此时她的状况已然糟糕至极,心跳一停,就意味着她即将死亡。At this timeChen GuangrecognizesherisJin Shiyue, in the Left and Right Handscombinationthattempergentlegirl.
此时陈光才认出来她是靳诗月,左右手组合里面那个性子温婉的女孩儿。Onehear of Chen Guangsaid that the Jin Shiyueheartbeatstopped, the full beardonlyfeels the whole bodyto become tender, almostmustfaint.
The lifeboatis quick, mustapproach shoreat leastalso for dozensseconds, late! Ended!
救生艇再快,要靠岸至少也得几十秒时间,晚了啊!完了啊!No matter the full beardat this timeis to collapse, that sideChen Guanghas actually held upJin Shiyue, turns overherbody, oneselfpartlyare kneeling, the kneewithstands the Jin Shiyueabdomen, both handsbearsruthlessly a pressureinher, a water currentfirstfromhermouthpressing.
甭管大胡子这时候是不是要崩溃,那边陈光却已经一把举起靳诗月,将她身子翻转过来,自己半跪着,膝盖顶住靳诗月腹部,双手在她背上狠狠一压,一股水流就先从她嘴里给压了出来。Meanwhile, the Chen Guangright handtouchedtoher conducts the back, found the bradarkbuckle, did not have the timeto fish the clothesto go to the solution, butwasboth handscatches up, neatbradarkbucklepulling apart.
于此同时,陈光右手摸到她背上,找到胸罩暗扣,也没时间捞开衣服去解了,而是双手发力,干脆利落的将胸罩暗扣给扯断。At onceChen Guangthenlies lowto put downJin Shiyue, the bending downbody, gathersin front ofJin Shiyue the mouth, both handspressonher, the left handin the chest, the right handin the abdomen, the right handfirstcatches up, the left handfollowsslantingto pushupward, comes outwaterfromhermouthwhirlwind.
旋即陈光便将靳诗月平躺放下,俯下身躯,把嘴巴凑到靳诗月面前,双手都按在她身上,左手在胸,右手在腹,右手先是发力,左手跟着斜斜往上一推,又是从她嘴里飚出一股水来。Onthesetwoseemingly simplemovements, Chen Guangactually the water in thiswomanabdominal cavitypushing7788.
The Chen Guangmovementresults inadeptlydoes not make sense, the full bearddirectorseespossible , can only the completehopepin, inChen Guangthislooked on very specializedexpert.陈光的动作娴熟得不像话,大胡子导演见有戏,也只能把全部的希望寄托在陈光这位一看就很是专业的大拿身上了。Although the heartfeltsecretly, thisfriendsaves others, thissmall advantageoccupying, reallydoes not ask for moneyto be the same.
虽然心头暗自觉得,这老兄救人的时候,这便宜给占得,真是不要钱一样。Movement that is practicing fraudtootherssolemnstar, is really a littlethatanything, the Chen Guanglook is also limpid, does not havea wee bitunnecessaryflavors, the full beardis not goodto interruptcarelessly, so long asthesetwocanlive, even iftheymustinvestigate that afterwardwas profited the matter that flirts, oneself must helpthisfriendshouldertroublesome, explainedwithtwostarswell.
那对着人家堂堂明星上下其手的动作,真是有点那啥,偏偏陈光的眼神又清澈至极,不带丁点多余的味道,大胡子也不好胡乱插嘴,只要这两位能活下来,哪怕事后她们要追究被人占了便宜吃了豆腐的事情,自己也得帮这位老兄把麻烦扛下来,与两位女星好好解释解释。AnotherChen Guangboth handssimultaneous/uniformQiyain the Jin Shiyuechest, intermittentcatching up, had bent downto press firmly between the fingers the noseto make the artificial respirationonce for a whileagain.
另一头陈光已经将双手齐齐压在了靳诗月胸口,一阵阵的发力,时不时再俯下身去捏住鼻子做做人工呼吸。Finally, with a violentcough, Jin Shiyuehad the sound!
终于,随着一声猛烈的咳嗽,靳诗月有动静了!Being drownedisthis, so long asfirstslow, basic, ifdid not haveto obstructgreatly.
溺水就是这样,只要第一时间缓了过来,就基本等若是没大碍了。Is a long story, butactuallyalsoontenseconds of things, canturn bad luck into good, depends on the Chen Guangmovementto be quickenough, the life-savingmethodis specializedenough.
说来话长,但其实也就十来秒钟的事情而已,能逢凶化吉,都赖陈光动作够快,救人手段够专业。RevivedJin Shiyue, Chen Guangre-focusedinJiang Yageimmediately.
救活了靳诗月,陈光又马上把注意力转到江雅歌身上。Consciousness of Jiang Yageinwatermaintainsare quite more than Jin Shiyue, the water that absorbsdoes not haveso many , after loses the consciousnessfinally, attractedwent, whenfloated the heartbeathas not stopped, but the physiologicalfunctionbecameveryweak.江雅歌在水中的意识保持得比靳诗月好不少,吸进去的水也没那么多,也就最后失去意识后,吸了进去一些,但浮上来时心跳还没停止,只是生理机能变得十分微弱而已。First the water in herbellypressing, uselesslymakes the artificial respirationtohertoChen Guang, sheis spooky the awakingrevolutions, the crazyvomitcoughs.
先将她肚子里的水给压出来,都没用到陈光给她做人工呼吸,她就幽幽醒转,自行疯狂的呕吐咳嗽起来。Naturally, solvesbramatter to do.
当然,解胸罩这种事情还是得做的。At once, Chen Guangplacesontwo people the lifeboattogetherflush, oneselfsit cross-leggedto sitin the middle, pressesboth handsintwo peoplelower abdomens, pushesagainrapidlyupward, pushedtwo, the flood in these twobellycleanness.
旋即,陈光又将两人齐齐平放在救生艇上,自己盘膝坐在中间,将双手压在两人小腹,再迅速往上推去,推了两下,把这两人肚子里的水推了个干干净净。Then, hemaygrows the tone, lived.
这下,他可算是长出口气,都活过来了。Whereheknows,is shrinkinginlifeboatfrom beginning to endboth sidesfull bearddirectors and lifeguards, looks atthatawfullyis the eyeblushes, envies.
他哪里知道,正缩在救生艇头尾两端的大胡子导演和救生员,看得那是眼睛发红,嫉妒得要命。Originally, Chen Guangthesetwo a movement that pushes the water, thatpalmnaturallycannot run awayin the chests of twoyoung girlsstrokes gently, because ofbrabysolutiondrop, twopeople of putting onis the looseancient costumelong skirt, evenclearlycanlook, two peopletwin peakswith the Chen Guangpalmhas delimited, butdistortsonce for a while.
原来,陈光这两下推水的动作,那手掌自然跑不掉在两名少女的胸膛摩挲而过,因为胸罩被解掉,两人身上穿着的又是宽松的古装长裙,甚至分明能看得出来,两人的双峰随着陈光手掌的划过而时不时变形。Thisfellow, simply......
这家伙,简直了……Alsoat the same timeistwo!
还同时是两个!However, alldepends onthisdayto fall the liberator, heavenly protection, the good and evilhas not killed, thisgood fortune in romance, shouldbeheenjoys.
The full bearddirectorheartis so thinking.
大胡子导演心头如此想着。Welcome the generalbookfriendsto visitreading, latest, quickest and hottestserial publicationperformsin the mobile phone userwelcometoreading.
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