CGA :: Volume #1

#17: Being saved from death

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Although does not have the means to delimit the water with two hands, but by the Chen Guang river character, even if only uses the leg, the speed is extremely still fast. He also suppressed very long air/Qi, the high-intensity action in the water, oneself is also continually exhausted, but both hands are fishing two females are getting more and more dangerous, he cannot rest. 虽然没办法用两只手划水,但以陈光的水性,即便只用腿,速度也极快。他自己也憋了很久的气,在水里连番高强度动作,自身也疲惫至极,但双手捞着的两名女子却越来越危险,他不能休息。 Especially near the Chen Guang right hand that the faint past female, the situation is not most wonderful. 尤其是陈光右手边那个早就昏厥过去的女子,处境最为不妙。 Arm of Chen Guang after this person circles, is clamping her with the crook of the elbow, the palm is actually pressing above her chest, the heartbeat of this woman already extremely weak, as if the next flash must stop. 陈光的手臂从这人身后绕过去,用臂弯将她夹着,手掌却是正正按在她的胸膛之上,这女人的心跳已经极其微弱,似乎下一瞬间就要停止。 Moreover the situation of that woman is slightly good, but also very goes to there. 另外那个女人的情况稍微好一点,但也好不到那里去。 When Chen Guang brings two people crash-bang one are running out of the water surface finally, draws the people who the lakeside surrounds to send out to cheer. 陈光带着两人终于哗啦一下冲出水面时,画湖边围观的众人不禁纷纷发出欢呼。 The person of being sharp-eyed has recognized by Chen Guang is hugging Jin Shiyue and Jin Shiyue liangs star, the front not far away lifeguard is also approaching one after another, to a forefront lifeboat, the full beard director is lying by the lifeboat actually, anxious is looking around everywhere. 眼尖的人已经认出来被陈光搂着的正是靳诗月位女星了,前方不远处救生员也陆陆续续正在靠近,冲在最前面的倒是一艘救生艇,大胡子导演正趴在救生艇旁边,焦急的四处张望着。 He knows when the gorgeous boat reverses two stars still tie up, only feared that this time was more unfortunate than fortunate, if in filming the process of movie, this two women/girls died, perhaps own director profession arrived at this to end. 他知道画舫翻倒下去时两位女星依然绑在威亚上,只怕这次是凶多吉少了,如果在拍摄自己电影的过程中,这两女死掉的话,恐怕自己的导演生涯就到此结束了。 This is also only the minor matter, these two backgrounds, the known something full beard will remember will be absolutely terrified, own fate may not only be loses the career is so simple. 这还只是小事,这两人的背景,略知一二的大胡子一想起就会毛骨悚然,自己的下场可不仅仅是失去职业生涯那么简单。 When saw when Chen Guang hugs two people are surfacing, the full beard director hardly can believe own eye. 当看到陈光搂着两人浮出水面时,大胡子导演几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛。 Really has a dream not to expect also some people able to rescue unexpectedly them, is really heavenly protection. 真是做梦也没料到居然还有人能将她们救出来,真是老天保佑。 But truly most surprised is also not the full beard, but is Chen Guang launches the crowds near that position, these people look in helplessly this wave the unofficial receipt launches, he is away from the place that the gorgeous boat sinks to be farther, launching is also later, the lifeguard who these one step launches early just people who floated from the water caught several other, this main also tied up two people to give to rescue unexpectedly to come out! 但真正最吃惊的还不是大胡子,而是陈光下水那位置附近的围观群众,这些人可是眼睁睁看着这位浪里白条下水的,他距离画舫沉下去的地方更远,下水也更迟,那些早一步下水的救生员才刚刚将另外几个从水里浮起来的人接住,这位主居然就把还绑在威亚上的两个人给救出来了! This goods from the start are not a person, from the start is the fish person? 这货压根就不是人,压根就是鱼人吧? Day! Quickly! Quick in the past! Meets them!” The full beard breaks open the throat rendingly is shouting, almost wishes one could snatching in own the steering wheel of lifeboat. “天呐!快!快过去!把他们接上来!”大胡子破开嗓子撕心裂肺的喊着,几乎恨不得将救生艇的方向盘给抢到自己手里来。 Chen Guang somewhat is also exhausted at this time, sees the lifeboat to approach fast, first is turns head to size up everywhere, determined side four people who previously delivered had the lifeguard, the heart was then steadfast. 陈光此时也有些精疲力尽,见救生艇快速靠近,先是扭头四处打量一番,确定先前自己送上来的四个人身边都有救生员了,心头这才踏实下来。 Immediately he then continues to stretch the legs, a person fished two to depend on the past toward the lifeboat on. 当即他便继续蹬腿,一个人捞着两个往救生艇上靠过去。 Has saying that is not everyone can like Chen Guang, one bowl of water carry evenly in the heart, has the lifeguard to try to abandon person in the hand unexpectedly, wants to run to help Chen Guang share one. 不得不说,不是每个人都能像陈光一样,一碗水在心头端得平,居然有救生员试图扔下自己手里的人,想跑来帮陈光分担一个。 Chen Guang saw with own eyes, immediately is infuriated, tread water while cursed angrily makes noise: You do anything! Favors the person in your hand! Who damn isn't the life the life?” 陈光眼见,顿时火冒三丈,一边蹬水一边怒骂出声:“你搞什么!看好你手里的人!谁他妈的命不是命?” Although his both hands press from beginning to end plentifully in the fronts of two stars above, but he really does not give up tofu on hand. 虽然他双手从始至终都压在两位明星的胸前丰满之上,但他真不是舍不得手头的这点豆腐。 By own river character, can definitely a person deliver to the lifeboat to come up these two, others struggle with great difficulty, you abandon to run here to do the meaningless matter, do you have the qualifications to be a lifeguard? 以自己的水性,完全可以一个人把这两人都送到救生艇上去,别人好不容易才挣扎上来,你把人扔下跑我这里来做毫无意义的事,你还有资格当个救生员吗? Only if were I could not support, that also almost! 除非是我撑不住了,那还差不多! This lifeguard was scolded by Chen Guang, knows own this action is somewhat excessive, hurries then to complete own matter. 这救生员被陈光一骂,也知道自己这举动有些过分,赶紧回头把自己的事情做好。 When he then looks again in the Chen Guang direction, is actually the pupil shrinks, is quite quick! Fishing two people is so quick! Who you are! Olympic champion you? 等他再回头往陈光的方向望去,却是瞳孔一缩,好快!捞着两个人还这么快!你到底是什么人啊!奥运冠军吗你? Originally also the time of such a blink, Chen Guang flees unexpectedly 56 meters toward front, had approached the lifeboat. 原来也就这么一眨眼的功夫,陈光居然就往前面窜出去五六米,已经靠近了救生艇。 The full beard director was planning that puts out a hand to meet the person, Chen Guang is actually the both legs steps on the water surface ruthlessly, the whole person flees upward half meter, the left hand throws, 大胡子导演正打算伸手来接人,陈光却是双腿狠狠在水面一踩,整个人往上窜出去半米,左手一抛, First throws into on the condition good that woman the ship, this is the lifeboat of air cushion, does not need to fear actually breaking. Chen Guang and another woman sank slightly downward a point, but his left hand digs up to draw ruthlessly nearby the lifeboat, the mouth shouts: You go to another side, I must embark!” 先是将状况好一些的那女人抛到船上,这是个气垫的救生艇,倒是不用怕把人给摔伤。陈光自己和另一个女人稍微往下沉了一点,但他左手狠狠扒拉在救生艇一旁,嘴里喊道:“你们都到另一边去,我要上船了!” The people on full beards and another two lifeboats know that Chen Guang must catch up, hurries to be sideways, in the meantime, the Chen Guang left hand catches up ruthlessly, leads and woman in right hand rises with a spring, flees like carp fish dive Dragon Gate to the lifeboat on. 大胡子和另外两个救生艇上的人知道陈光要发力,赶紧侧身,就在此时,陈光左手狠狠发力,带着自己和右手里的女人一跃而起,像鲤鱼跃龙门一样窜到救生艇上。 The space not big lifeboat, all of a sudden were many three people, becomes somewhat crowds. 空间原本就不大的救生艇,一下子多了三个人,就变得有些拥挤起来。 Chen Guang sit by two women/girls actually, the place that the full beard director and other two stops over was about not to have. 陈光自己倒是一屁股坐在两女旁边,大胡子导演和另外两人就连落脚的地方都快没有了。 Make way make way! Gives me the make way! These two people are dying! Maintains the air circulation! Are you a director? Looked that your appearance looks like the director! Does no one sink in the water? Is a servant a bit faster uneven! Hurry up! The time is tight!” Chen Guang has entered the condition completely, in the brain is only thinking gives to save these people, the attitude is very bad. “闪开闪开!都给我闪开!这两个人要死了!保持空气流通!你是导演吧?看你的样子就像是导演!还有没人沉在水里?快点一下人齐不齐!快点!时间紧张!”陈光已经完全进入了状态,脑子里只想着把这些人都给救下来,态度十分恶劣。 Who managing you are, managing you are any successful director, the father is Royal Annie Ship two, father in a world that does not have the land lived for 20 years, the father is specialized! 管你是谁,管你是什么大导演,老子是皇家安妮号的二副,老子在一个没有陆地的世界里活了二十年,老子是专业的! The father must save others! 老子要救人! The ordinary drowning accident, these lifeguards can definitely deal, Chen Guang fears also some people in the gorgeous boat, diving life-saving under this urgent situation, could not count on others, can only Chen Guang. 普通的溺水事故,那些救生员完全能应对,陈光就怕还有人在画舫里面,这种紧急态势下的潜水救人,也指望不了别人,只能陈光自己来。 Even if he knows that at this time launched to be perhaps late again, but dead or alive, he was anxious! 哪怕他知道此时再下水恐怕已经迟了,但活要见人死要见尸,他急啊! Small shouted angrily by Chen Guang one young, the full beard director complexion first stagnates, subconscious ignition, but sees in this anxious expression to the square features, knows that others are good to think the life-saving, hurries to recover, turns head to size up on the water surface everywhere, lies the stage supervisor director to bellow to that side's second lifeboat on: Lao Ma/Nag! Did the people rescue? People simultaneous/uniform?” 陈光一个小年轻怒喝,大胡子导演面色先是一滞,正要下意识的发火,但见对方脸上这焦躁的表情,也知道人家是好心想救人,赶紧回过神来,扭头在水面上四处打量,冲着那边第二艘救生艇上趴着的场务主任大吼:“老马!人都救出来了吗?人齐了没?” Lao Ma/Nag uses the harsh throat to be howling: „In! Missed Jin Shiyue and Jiang Yage!” 老马用破锣嗓子嚎着:“都在呢都在呢!就差靳诗月江雅歌了!” Person simultaneous/uniform.” The full beard director heart relaxes slightly, but turns head to look at Jin Shiyue and Jiang Yage unconscious appearance again, the heart clutched, their two people sink the time in water to be longest, most dangerous was they. Approaches shore quickly! The doctors of dramatic team in shore!” “人齐了齐了。”大胡子导演心头略微放松,但扭头再看靳诗月江雅歌人事不省的模样,心头又揪了起来,“她们两人沉在水里的时间最长,最危险的就是她们了。快靠岸!剧组的医生在岸边!” Said that this full beard wants to collect toward here, Chen Guang actually opens out him, the left hand grasps on that girl chest, the mouth urgently said: Came up well, you go away! Her heartbeat has stopped! Do not keep off me to save others! Makes way!” 说完这位大胡子又想往这边凑,陈光却将他一把拨开,左手抓在那女孩儿胸脯上,嘴里急道:“都上来了就好,你滚开!她心跳已经停了!别挡着我救人!让开!” The Chen Guang mouth said first faints that female, at this time her condition bad, the heartbeat stops, means that she will soon die. 陈光嘴里说的就是先晕过去那女子,此时她的状况已然糟糕至极,心跳一停,就意味着她即将死亡。 At this time Chen Guang recognizes her is Jin Shiyue, in the Left and Right Hands combination that temper gentle girl. 此时陈光才认出来她是靳诗月,左右手组合里面那个性子温婉的女孩儿。 One hear of Chen Guang said that the Jin Shiyue heartbeat stopped, the full beard only feels the whole body to become tender, almost must faint. 一听陈光靳诗月心跳都停了,大胡子只觉得浑身发软,几乎就要昏倒过去。 The lifeboat is quick, must approach shore at least also for dozens seconds, late! Ended! 救生艇再快,要靠岸至少也得几十秒时间,晚了啊!完了啊! No matter the full beard at this time is to collapse, that side Chen Guang has actually held up Jin Shiyue, turns over her body, oneself partly are kneeling, the knee withstands the Jin Shiyue abdomen, both hands bears ruthlessly a pressure in her, a water current first from her mouth pressing. 甭管大胡子这时候是不是要崩溃,那边陈光却已经一把举起靳诗月,将她身子翻转过来,自己半跪着,膝盖顶住靳诗月腹部,双手在她背上狠狠一压,一股水流就先从她嘴里给压了出来。 Meanwhile, the Chen Guang right hand touched to her conducts the back, found the bra dark buckle, did not have the time to fish the clothes to go to the solution, but was both hands catches up, neat bra dark buckle pulling apart. 于此同时,陈光右手摸到她背上,找到胸罩暗扣,也没时间捞开衣服去解了,而是双手发力,干脆利落的将胸罩暗扣给扯断。 At once Chen Guang then lies low to put down Jin Shiyue, the bending down body, gathers in front of Jin Shiyue the mouth, both hands press on her, the left hand in the chest, the right hand in the abdomen, the right hand first catches up, the left hand follows slanting to push upward, comes out water from her mouth whirlwind. 旋即陈光便将靳诗月平躺放下,俯下身躯,把嘴巴凑到靳诗月面前,双手都按在她身上,左手在胸,右手在腹,右手先是发力,左手跟着斜斜往上一推,又是从她嘴里飚出一股水来。 On these two seemingly simple movements, Chen Guang actually the water in this woman abdominal cavity pushing 7788. 就这两下看似简单的动作,陈光却已经将这女人腹腔里的水给挤了个七七八八。 The Chen Guang movement results in adeptly does not make sense, the full beard director sees possible , can only the complete hope pin, in Chen Guang this looked on very specialized expert. 陈光的动作娴熟得不像话,大胡子导演见有戏,也只能把全部的希望寄托在陈光这位一看就很是专业的大拿身上了。 Although the heart felt secretly, this friend saves others, this small advantage occupying, really does not ask for money to be the same. 虽然心头暗自觉得,这老兄救人的时候,这便宜给占得,真是不要钱一样。 Movement that is practicing fraud to others solemn star, is really a little that anything, the Chen Guang look is also limpid, does not have a wee bit unnecessary flavors, the full beard is not good to interrupt carelessly, so long as these two can live, even if they must investigate that afterward was profited the matter that flirts, oneself must help this friend shoulder troublesome, explained with two stars well. 那对着人家堂堂明星上下其手的动作,真是有点那啥,偏偏陈光的眼神又清澈至极,不带丁点多余的味道,大胡子也不好胡乱插嘴,只要这两位能活下来,哪怕事后她们要追究被人占了便宜吃了豆腐的事情,自己也得帮这位老兄把麻烦扛下来,与两位女星好好解释解释。 Another Chen Guang both hands simultaneous/uniform Qiya in the Jin Shiyue chest, intermittent catching up, had bent down to press firmly between the fingers the nose to make the artificial respiration once for a while again. 另一头陈光已经将双手齐齐压在了靳诗月胸口,一阵阵的发力,时不时再俯下身去捏住鼻子做做人工呼吸。 Finally, with a violent cough, Jin Shiyue had the sound! 终于,随着一声猛烈的咳嗽,靳诗月有动静了! Being drowned is this, so long as first slow, basic, if did not have to obstruct greatly. 溺水就是这样,只要第一时间缓了过来,就基本等若是没大碍了。 Is a long story, but actually also on ten seconds of things, can turn bad luck into good, depends on the Chen Guang movement to be quick enough, the life-saving method is specialized enough. 说来话长,但其实也就十来秒钟的事情而已,能逢凶化吉,都赖陈光动作够快,救人手段够专业。 Revived Jin Shiyue, Chen Guang re-focused in Jiang Yage immediately. 救活了靳诗月,陈光又马上把注意力转到江雅歌身上。 Consciousness of Jiang Yage in water maintains are quite more than Jin Shiyue, the water that absorbs does not have so many , after loses the consciousness finally, attracted went, when floated the heartbeat has not stopped, but the physiological function became very weak. 江雅歌在水中的意识保持得比靳诗月好不少,吸进去的水也没那么多,也就最后失去意识后,吸了进去一些,但浮上来时心跳还没停止,只是生理机能变得十分微弱而已。 First the water in her belly pressing, uselessly makes the artificial respiration to her to Chen Guang, she is spooky the awaking revolutions, the crazy vomit coughs. 先将她肚子里的水给压出来,都没用到陈光给她做人工呼吸,她就幽幽醒转,自行疯狂的呕吐咳嗽起来。 Naturally, solves bra matter to do. 当然,解胸罩这种事情还是得做的。 At once, Chen Guang places on two people the lifeboat together flush, oneself sit cross-legged to sit in the middle, presses both hands in two people lower abdomens, pushes again rapidly upward, pushed two, the flood in these two belly cleanness. 旋即,陈光又将两人齐齐平放在救生艇上,自己盘膝坐在中间,将双手压在两人小腹,再迅速往上推去,推了两下,把这两人肚子里的水推了个干干净净。 Then, he may grows the tone, lived. 这下,他可算是长出口气,都活过来了。 Where he knows, is shrinking in lifeboat from beginning to end both sides full beard directors and lifeguards, looks at that awfully is the eye blushes, envies. 他哪里知道,正缩在救生艇头尾两端的大胡子导演和救生员,看得那是眼睛发红,嫉妒得要命。 Originally, Chen Guang these two a movement that pushes the water, that palm naturally cannot run away in the chests of two young girls strokes gently, because of bra by solution drop, two people of putting on is the loose ancient costume long skirt, even clearly can look, two people twin peaks with the Chen Guang palm has delimited, but distorts once for a while. 原来,陈光这两下推水的动作,那手掌自然跑不掉在两名少女的胸膛摩挲而过,因为胸罩被解掉,两人身上穿着的又是宽松的古装长裙,甚至分明能看得出来,两人的双峰随着陈光手掌的划过而时不时变形。 This fellow, simply...... 这家伙,简直了…… Also at the same time is two! 还同时是两个! However, all depends on this day to fall the liberator, heavenly protection, the good and evil has not killed, this good fortune in romance, should be he enjoys. 不过,全赖这位天降救星,老天保佑,好歹是没出人命,这种艳福,也该是他享的。 The full beard director heart is so thinking. 大胡子导演心头如此想着。 Welcome the general book friends to visit reading, latest, quickest and hottest serial publication performs in the mobile phone user welcome to reading. 欢迎广大书友光临阅读,最新、最快、最火的连载作品尽在手机用户请到阅读。
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