CGA :: Volume #1

#16: Divine intervention

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Chen Guang throws into the water, although this is big in the summer, but the water temperature is actually very icy cold. Both legs fierce catching up, Chen Guang dives all of a sudden downward a big truncation, at this time gorgeous boat also in process of unceasing submersion, ten after roughly seconds, Chen Guang rushed to the gorgeous boat toward below broad side near, is having the dramatic team staff very difficultly struggles from the broad side. 陈光一头扎进水里,虽然这是大夏天,但水温却还是十分冰凉。双腿猛的发力,陈光一下子往下潜出去一大截,这时候画舫还在不断下沉的过程中,约莫十来秒之后,陈光就冲到了画舫朝下的船舷边,正有个剧组工作人员十分艰难的从船舷旁边挣扎出来。 He is nudging in the water carelessly, bumps into the body of Chen Guang, this person is also flurried, catches up to pull Chen Guang unexpectedly desperately. 他在水中胡乱拨拉着,碰到陈光的身子,这人也是慌乱至极,竟死命发力拉扯陈光 The Chen Guang river character is extremely luckily good now, the strength is also enough big, this person of trigging, one pushes toward the above him again ruthlessly, was about helps him find the direction, remaining must flee toward the water surface on by he himself. 幸好如今陈光水性极佳,力气也是够大,一把将这人制住,再将他狠狠往上方一推,大约是帮他找到了方向,剩下的恐怕就得靠他自己朝着水面上窜了。 Difficult opening eyes of Chen Guang in water, narrows the look to size up everywhere, the current situation will watch, the heart has made the decision. 陈光在水中艰难的睁眼,眯缝着眼神四处打量一番,将目前的局势看在眼里,心头已经做出决定。 Arrived underwater, even if now the big afternoon time, the visibility also is very low, Chen Guang is only indistinct sees clearly has three people to struggle under the gorgeous boat deck, these people perhaps by gorgeous boat of unceasing submersion bulldozing, might be construction of clothing or the pants on by gorgeous boat is fluttered, or in the process that the gorgeous boat fell, neat was patted the wound, worked loose does not come out. 到了水下,哪怕现在正是大下午的时间,可见度也很低,陈光只隐约间看得清楚有三个人正在画舫甲板下挣扎,这些人或许是被不断下沉的画舫给推压住了,也有可能是身上的衣物或者裤子被画舫上的构筑物勾住了,或者就是在画舫倾倒的过程中,干脆利落的被拍伤了,挣脱不出来。 In addition two, under some positions, were Jin Shiyue and Jiang Yage. 另外还有两人,在更下方一些的位置,想必就是靳诗月江雅歌了。 Before sinking launching, these two tight hugging when the same place, but as if launching pats in the water surface that vibrates extremely fiercely, these two were patted the powder. 在沉下水之前,这两人都紧紧的抱在一起,不过似乎下水时拍在水面的那一下震动太过剧烈,这两人被拍散了。 Looks indistinctly, two people do not seem to lose the consciousness, still in strenuous is struggling. 隐约看去,两人似乎没有失去意识,依然在费力的挣扎着。 Chen Guang has not chosen first saves these two, although they are the national idols, but in the Chen Guang eye, the life of average person, is the life of so-called star, and who no one is high to lower. 陈光并没有选择先去救这两人,虽然她们是国民偶像,但在陈光眼里,不论是普通人的性命,还是所谓明星的性命,并没有谁高谁低。 He decided that first saves another three dramatic team members, the reason is very simple, that two stars still tie up, wants to save is not easy these two. 他决定先去救另外三个剧组成员,原因很简单,那两个明星依然绑在威亚上,想将这两人救下来并不容易。 Is the lives of person, must rescue starts certainly with the easy and then does the difficult, can save a person is a person. 都是人的性命,要救当然是先易后难,能多救一个人是一个人。 What as for can live finally is, can die is, Chen Guang does not have the means to care, after all is stranded in the underwater these five people, his is not ripe. 至于最后能活下来的是谁,会死掉的又是谁,陈光并没有办法去在意,毕竟困在水下的这五个人,他一个都不熟。 He is not a sage, if changes into is several brothers in Wen Wen or bedroom, will be as for the classmate, Chen Guang first will certainly rescue with relates nearer person. 他也不是圣人,如果换成是文雯或是寝室里的几个兄弟,乃至于同班同学,陈光当然会先救和自己关系更近的人。 Rescues the front three people not to spend many times, in addition is also about 30 seconds, he drew three people, just like previously that person, pushed toward the water surface in the line. 救前面三人并没有花费多少功夫,前后加起来也不过是三十秒左右的时间,他就将三人拉了出来,和先前那人一样,往水面上一推就行了。 At this time thought these lifeguards also almost to close to here, Chen Guang when pushed out them, began to help them adjust the sense of direction, the sense of direction that so long as they almost gave following Chen Guang has dug on the line upward. 这时候想必那些救生员也差不多要靠近这边了,陈光在将他们推出去的时候,动手帮他们调整好了方向感,他们差不多只要顺着陈光给的方向感一直往上刨就行了。 Some person who is drowned the experience understands, does not understand the river character person to sink completely in the water, will fall into the incomparably scared condition rapidly, will lose the sense of direction very much easily. 有过溺水经验的人就明白,完全不懂水性的人沉在水中,会迅速陷入无比恐慌的状态,很容易就会丧失方向感。 In addition, the person will always have intensely desire that must breathe, but sinks in the water, in the brain a blank, the intense seeking livehood desire is burning. 除此之外,人总是会有强烈的要呼吸的欲望,但沉在水里,脑子里一片空白,只有强烈的求生欲望在燃烧着。 But is this seeking livehood desire wants the misdemeanor, more wants to go on living, more struggles, is going all out wants to inspire, goes all out to open mouth, goes all out to inspire, actually can only make the water current enter in the belly from the nostril mouth. 可偏偏就是这求生欲望要坏事,越是想活下去,就越是挣扎,就越是拼命的想吸气,拼命张嘴,拼命吸气,却只能让水流从鼻孔嘴巴窜进肚子里去而已。 If no one manages, then may let the direction that the person struggles instead is more and more downward. 如果没人管,便有可能让人挣扎的方向反而是越来越往下。 Chen Guang helps these people stand firm the figure, looked for direction upward, gave breaking surface thrust force again, in addition some many specialized lifeguards approached unceasingly, they should be almost out of danger. 陈光帮这些人稳住身形,找准了往上的方向,再给了一把上浮的推力,再加上正有不少专业的救生员不断靠近,他们应该是差不多脱险了。 Then, should save the situation most dangerous that two artists. 接下来,就该去救处境最危险的那两位艺人了。 At this time, the gorgeous boat has about sunk the depth of underwater ten meter/rice, a black piece, is almost pitch-dark, but luckily in the Chen Guang brain approximately Jin Shiyue and Jiang Yage two people tied up the position in at heart, 此时,画舫已经大约下沉到了水下十来米的深度,黑黢黢的一片,几乎伸手不见五指,但幸好陈光脑子里大约将靳诗月江雅歌两人被绑在威亚上的位置记在了心里, Following the reverse side of deck, touched little. Arrived at this time, Chen Guang dives the time of feeling suffocated to be close for one minute, the two are achieve for one minute/share 20 seconds, the life had been in degree in imminent danger. 就顺着甲板的反面,一点点摸了过去。到得此时,陈光自己下潜憋气的时间已经接近一分钟,那两人更是达到一分二十秒,生命已经到了岌岌可危的程度。 In the darkness Chen Guang touches to these two side, is heavenly protection, they gathered unexpectedly. 在黑暗中陈光摸到这两人身边时,也是老天保佑,她们居然又凑到了一起。 And seemed to have lost the consciousness completely, another person can also move but actually reluctantly, who in the darkness Chen Guang does not see clearly this is, the person but who this can move is holding another somewhat weak, both hands searches in her behind, as to help another person untie. 其中一个似乎已经彻底丧失了知觉,另外一个人倒还勉强能动弹,黑暗中陈光也看不清楚这是谁,但这能动弹的人正抱着另一个,双手有些无力的在她身后探来探去,似乎想帮另一人解开身上的威亚。 Sudden nearness of Chen Guang, making is also sobering that person be wild with joy, does not know how she actually thinks, fierce was hugged by her in the bosom female pushes toward the Chen Guang bosom. 陈光的突然靠近,让还清醒着的那人欣喜若狂,也不知道她到底是怎么想的,猛的就把被她抱在怀里的女子往陈光怀里一推。 This woman! 这女人! She wants to make me rescue another unexpectedly, no matter she! 她居然想让我救另外一个,就不管她自己了! My God! 我的天! Chen Guang bragged has seen the good person unprincipled person was not infrequent, but he has never thought that in this world really has this person to exist unexpectedly. 陈光自诩见过的好人坏人不在少数了,但他从未想过,这世上竟真有这种人存在。 When facing life and death crisis, unexpectedly some really people are willing to choose to sacrifice itself, gives another hope of going on living! 在面对生死危机之时,居然真有人愿意选择牺牲自己,把活下去的希望送给另外一个! Her as if radically ponder, does not have a wee bit hesitant, neat did that! 她似乎根本就没有思考,也没有丁点犹豫,干脆利落的这么做了! If before then, Jin Shiyue and Jiang Yage are only two sing in his eyes sing the good female star, this, actually stabbed ruthlessly his soft rib. 如果说在此之前,靳诗月江雅歌在他眼里只是两个唱歌唱得挺不错的女明星的话,就这一下,却狠狠的刺中了他心里的软肋。 Had heard that these two almost grew up together, although was not blood sisters, but the sentiment was deeper than the family member, now looks like, even the true family member, was still not necessarily able to achieve this point! 早就听说这两人几乎一起长大,虽然并非亲姐妹,但感情却比亲人还要深,现在看来,就算是真正的亲人,也未必能做到这一点啊! However swam here, two people in side, Chen Guang naturally were impossible only to save a person. 不过都游到了这里,两人都在旁边,陈光自然不可能只救一个人。 Studied the movement of that female, Chen Guang had previously been trying to find out in stupor person everywhere, he was not the professional, does not know how string fixed, wants to come certainly to have what specially-made switch, is not the simple knot. 学着先前那女子的动作,陈光在已经昏迷这人身上四处摸索着,他不是专业人士,也不知道威亚的绳子到底是怎么固定在人身上的,想来一定会有个什么特制的开关,不会是简单的绳结。 The time press, he also has no men and women to give to give and receive not own thoughts not to have a wee bit evil thoughts, was away from the light ancient costume long skirt to try to find out in the female from top to bottom, following the fixed bandage, the crotch section has not leaked, after all this was in the water, sometimes a darkness, Chen Guang do not know touched where was. 时间紧迫,他也没什么男女授授受不亲的心思更没丁点邪念,隔着薄薄的古装长裙在女子浑身上下摸索了个遍,顺着威亚的固定绑带,就连裆部也没漏过,毕竟这是在水里,一片漆黑,有时候陈光自己都不知道摸到的到底是哪里。 Finally, gave him to find a dark buckle in the lower abdomen place of this woman, as if buckled somewhat solid, he has not operated this thing, has to put out the brute force to come pulling of doom, forcefully to switchroom. 终于,给他在这女人的小腹处找到一个暗扣,似乎扣得有些结实,他也没操作过这东西,也是只好拿出蛮力来死命的扳,硬生生给扳开了。 After this person extricates, Chen Guang is drawing her, another delimits the water toward to flutter to about 2-3 meters that woman side rules out. 将这人解脱出来之后,陈光一手拉着她,另一手划水往已经飘到2-3米开外的那女人身边划去。 At this time passed for ten seconds, the woman has not fainted unexpectedly thoroughly, both hands are still groping the position of lower abdomen in the unconsciousness. 此时又是过去了十来秒,那女人居然还没有彻底昏死过去,双手还在无意识间掏摸着自己小腹的位置。 But her movement has become extremely slow, even touched for quite a while not to find the place. 但她的动作已经变得极其缓慢,甚至摸了半天也没找到地方。 With nearness of Chen Guang, she as if returns to consciousness just before dying was all of a sudden more sober, the body seems like eight claw fish to twine toward Chen Guang on equally. 随着陈光的靠近,她似乎又回光返照的一下子清醒了些,身子像是八爪鱼一样往陈光身上缠绕而来。 What a pity has not enclasped with enough time, she is the whole body one stiff, the neck raises suddenly, the nape of the neck turned toward the rear area, was the thorough faint. 可惜还没来得及抱紧,她又是浑身一僵,脖子猛然昂起,脖颈往后方翻了过去,这下是彻底的昏厥了。 This posture facilitated Chen Guang actually, first grips another woman with the foot, then finds out both hands to touch to this woman waist abdomen place, old trick heavy, extricates from her. 这个姿势倒是方便了陈光,先用脚将另一个女人夹住,再探出双手摸到这女人腰腹处,故技重施,将她也从威亚上解脱下来。 At once, Chen Guang both hands are drawing one at the same time, steps in a prop, fierce stretching the legs, jumps out from the gorgeous boat broad side, starts to flush away toward the water surface. 旋即,陈光双手一边拉着一个,踩在威亚支撑柱上,猛的一蹬腿,从画舫船舷边窜出,开始往水面冲去。 Arrived at this time, Chen Guang launches to the present already over one -and-a-half points, two women/girls is drowned to be close for two minutes, can they live, really must look at the divine intervention. 到得此时,陈光下水到现在已经超过一分半,两女溺水接近两分钟,她们到底能不能活下来,真要看天意了。 Welcome the general book friends to visit reading, latest, quickest and hottest serial publication performs in the mobile phone user welcome to reading. 欢迎广大书友光临阅读,最新、最快、最火的连载作品尽在手机用户请到阅读。
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